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Programming: Summary

A computer program is a set of detailed directions to the computer. The computer can only do one baby step at a time. There are many computer languages to use to write a program. The computer itself uses machine language, which is all 1's and 0's. Assembly language uses abbreviations for machine language code. High-level languages use words and expressions that look like algebra, which must be compiled or interpreted before the computer actually can use the program. 4th generation languages are used for database queries and are results oriented. Natural languages would sound like regular speech. We don't have that yet.

FORTRAN is a computer language that is especially good for scientific work. It makes writing equations easy.

COBOL has been used for a long time for business programs and main frame programs. It has a structure that is similar to English, which makes it easier for non-technical people.

C and C++ are languages that are widely used for programs.

BASIC started as a language used to learn how to program but proved to be useful for actual programs, too. There are many versions of BASIC for working with specific software, like Word Visual Basic for writing macros for Microsoft Word.

Java is a language that is used for large programs and small web applets. It is not the same as Javascript, which is used in web pages.

The process of creating a computer program should start with the end user. If there is no one who wants your program, why bother? A systems analyst can design the structure of the program once the goals are laid out. A programmer turns that design into actual commands. The language she uses will depend in part on how complicated the tasks are that the program must do. Then the end user tests the program out to see if it does the job and if it is easy to work with. If it's not right yet, there is another round of design, programming, and testing. Round and round they go until everyone is satisfied. At least that's the way it should happen.

During program development, it is important to document what you did and why. It is easy to forget the reasoning behind your choices. A flow chart can help make it clear what the paths are through the program.

Programming: Quiz

For each question, click on the radio button beside your answer. You will be notified immediately whether your choice is correct or not. Double clicking may work better.

Top of Form

1. When creating a computer program, the _____ designs the structure of the program.

end user

systems analyst


all of the above

none of the above

2. Checking a computer program for errors is called _____.





3. The computer itself uses _____ language.





none of the above

4. The language which is best for mathematical models is _____.






5. The term BASIC is an acronym for _____.

Balanced Assembly System Integrated Code

Basic All System Internal Code

Beginner's Assembly Syntax Instruction Code

Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code

6. A programming language which looks like normal English is a(n) _____ language.





7. The process of writing the computer instructions is called _____.





8. The most widely used language for business programs is _____.






9. The _____ must decide what a new program is to accomplish.

end user

systems analyst



10. Documentation of computer programs is important so that _____.

a. users can learn how to use the program

b. other programmers can know how to maintain the program

c. the programmer can see why the code is written that way while hunting for sources of error

d. all of the above

e. a and b only

What You See: Intro

If you've gone through the previous lessons, you know a lot about computers. But are you ready to be a Computer User now?

What do you really need to know to operate and manage a computer?

[If you are taking this course at a school, what your teacher will talk about here is the specifics of how to use the classroom's computers. You need to know the special characteristics of the hardware, the network, and the software. You need to know how to get to the software used in the hands-on part of the course and how to print and save your work. ]

Each of you reading this has a different hardware setup and different software. There is no way for me to give you instructions specific to what you have. So this lesson will have to stick to common characteristics and general principles. Actually, this may be even better since over time you will no doubt have to deal with different systems. You'll need to know more than just what works for one particular setup. Plus, most systems are updated rather frequently. So, all in all, you may learn more about the actual operating of computer systems in this lesson than some students do in a live class! Congratulations. We'll start looking now at the practical matters:

What You See -   

How the computer's parts all hook together.

Hands On! -        

Working with files and networks

On Your Own -   

Buying and managing your own computer

Along the way you'll get some pointers, both of the "Tips and Tricks" variety and the "Watch Out!" type.   Indicates a user tip, something that may be useful to know.   Indicates a warning about potential hazards.

Connectors: Connectors for devices and cables come in two types: male and female. A male connector has pins while a female connector has holes. Most cables have one of each, except for extension cables.



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