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Chapter 6. International etiquette. Australia.

New words and their definitions:

  1. safari suit - a lightweight suit consisting of a safari jacket with matching trousers, shorts, or skirt . A safari suit is a casual suit made from a light-colored material such as linen or cotton. Safari suits are usually worn in hot weather. [sə'fɑːrɪsjuːt] костюм "сафари" (женский или мужской; хлопчатобумажный, состоит из длинного жакета с короткими рукавами и накладными карманами, брюк или шортов)

  2. permissible [pə(r)mɪ̱səb(ə)l] - If something is permissible, it is considered to be acceptable because it does not break any laws or rules. Permitted; allowed. Origin: late Middle English: from medieval Latin permissibilis, from permiss- ‘allowed’, from the verb permittere

  3. to commit / make a faux pas — совершить проступок, оступиться Syn: mistake. French [fo pa] (same) an embarrassing or tactless act or remark in a social situation. Origin: French, literally ‘false step’

  4. hold against - If you hold something against someone, you let their actions in the past influence your present attitude towards them and cause you to deal severely or unfairly with them.

  5. to bluff one's way out of smth.- уклониться от чего-л., выкрутиться из чего-л., какой-л. ситуации ≈ всеми правдами и неправдами отвертеться от чего-л. bluffing- блеф, введение в заблуждение

  6. Murray River- river of Australia, which rises in the Great Dividing Range in New South Wales and flows 2,590 km (1,610 miles) generally north-westwards, forming part of the border between the states of Victoria and New South Wales, before turning southwards in South Australia to empty into the Indian Ocean south-east of Adelaide

  7. Victoria -[vɪk'tɔːrɪə] a state of SE Australia; pop. 4,822,663 (2001); capital, Melbourne. Originally a district of New South Wales, it became a separate colony in 1851,was federated with the other states of Australia in 1901

  8. Queensland a state comprising the NE part of Australia; pop. 3,635,121 (2001); capital, Brisbane. Originally established in 1824 as a penal settlement, Queensland was constituted a separate colony in 1859, having previously formed part of New South Wales, and was federated with the other states of Australia in 1901

  9. Tasmania [taz'mānēə; -'mānyə] Tas·ma·ni·a a state in Australia that consists of the mountainous island of Tasmania itself and several smaller islands; separated from the southeast coast of mainland Australia by the Bass Strait; pop. 458,000; capital, Hobart. It was known as Van Diemen's Land until 1855

  10. swamp - an area of low-lying, uncultivated ground where water collects; a bog (an area of wet muddy ground that is too soft to support a heavy body) or marsh (an area of low-lying land that is flooded in wet seasons or at high tide, and typically remains waterlogged at all times) ■ an area of waterlogged (заболоченный)ground

  11. kookaburra кукабара, гигантский зимородок ['ko͝okəˌbərə] - a very large Australasian kingfisher that feeds on terrestrial prey (добыча, предмет охоты) such as reptiles and birds. ● Genus Dacelo, family Alcedinidae: two species, the laughing kookaburra (D. gigas or D. novaeguineae), which has a loud cackling call, and the blue-winged kookaburra (D. leachii) Origin: late 19th cent.: from Wiradhuri gugubarra

  12. duckbill ['dʌkbɪl] ; утконос Syn: platypus - an animal with jaws resembling a duck's bill, e.g. a duck-billed dinosaur

  13. resemble - have a similar appearance to or qualities in common with (someone or something); look or seem like

  14. budgerigar ['bʌʤərɪgɑː] волнистый попугайчик –a small gregarious (fond of company; sociable) Australian parakeet which is green with a yellow head in the wild. It is popular as a cage bird and has been bred in a variety of colours

  15. frilled lizard плащеносная ящерица (Chlamydosaurus) (also frill-necked lizard) a large north Australian lizard with a membrane round the neck which can be erected to form a ruff for defensive display. When disturbed it runs away on its hind legs

  16. bowerbird - шалашник; беседковые птицыa- strong-billed Australasian bird, noted for the male's habit of constructing an elaborate run or bower adorned with feathers, shells to attract the female for courtship

  17. cuscus ['kʌskʌs] кускус, лазящие сумчатые (Phalangeridae) a tree-dwelling marsupial with a rounded head and prehensile tail, native to New Guinea and northern Australia ■ Four genera in the family Phalangeridae: several species, including the spotted cuscus (Spilocuscus maculatus) and the grey cuscus (Phalanger orientalis). Origin: mid 17th cent.: via French and Dutch from a local name in the Molucca Islands

  18. lyrebird ['laɪəbɜːd] ; лирохвост ,a large Australian songbird, the male of which has a long lyre-shaped tail and is noted for its remarkable song and display

  19. cockatoo [kɒkə'tuː] a parrot with an erectile crest (гребешок, хохолок), found in Australia, eastern Indonesia, and neighbouring islands

  20. Tasmanian devil сумчатый тасманийский дьявол (Sarcophilus harrisi) a heavily built marsupial (сумчатое животное) with a large head, powerful jaws, and mainly black fur, found only in Tasmania. It is slow-moving and aggressive, feeding mainly on carrion(падаль; мертвечина, гнилое, испорченное мясо)

  21. buffalo - a heavily built wild ox with backward-curving horns, found mainly in the Old World tropics

  22. rabbit -a gregarious burrowing(роющее норы) plant-eating mammal, with long ears, long hind [haɪnd](задние) legs, and a short tail

Text 1:

According to Neil Allison, Australian airlines sales manager for the Eastern United states and Canada, business dress is basically the same in Australia as it is here – suits and ties for men, suits or dresses for women. In warmer climates, such as Cairns, more informal attire, such a safari suit or dress shorts without a jacket or tie, is permissible.

Everyone in Australia speaks English. An employee would introduce himself or herself by providing a full name and then shaking hands.

Business meals are eaten at restaurants rather than private homes.

Exchanging gifts is not the norm. However for international business meetings it would be appropriate to give a small present that represents the area that you are from, perhaps a tie, baseball cap or pin.

Australians are informal and friendly, and the most common faux pas an American makes when doing business with an Australian is perhaps “not listening enough”. There is no necessity to be frightened to admit if you do not know something. Australians will not hold it against you. In fact, the reaction would most likely be one of increased trust for not bluffing your way through.

Text 2. Read the text and say what new things about Australia you have learned from it.

Even in medieval times there were stories about a large continent in the Southern hemisphere. Europeans wondered what it was like and whether it was inhabited. They called this land “Terra australis incognita” or “the unknown southern land”. Nowadays, when people speak of Australia they can mean three things:1.) Australia as a continent, 2.) Australia as an island, and 3.)Australia as an independent country. Australia is the world largest island and its smallest continent. Asia is the continent nearest to Australia in the north. The icy shores of Antarctica lie to the south. New Zealand is to the East. To the west of Australia stretches the vast Indian Ocean. In the East the continent is washed by the Pacific Ocean.

Australia is a land of striking differences. In the centre and in the west more than 50% of the land is desert, dry and uninhabited: the Great Sandy Desert, the Great Victoria desert, and the Gibson Desert between them. Most of people live on narrow coasts of the east and south-east among tall office buildings, automobile plants and busy factories. In the north east tropical forests cover the coast. In the mountains of the south-east the snow lies for seven months of the year.

Australia is divided into six states and two territories.

New South Wales is Australia’s leading industrial state. Most people live in Sidney, the largest city in Australia.

In Victoria people live in the south. Melbourne is the capital of Victoria State. Sheep and wheat are the main products. Citrous fruit, grapes, peaches and apricots are grown along the Murray River

Queensland is a second largest state with long beautiful sandy beaches appealing to holidaymakers. The climate along the eats coast is hot and humid. It is the tropical corner of Australia. Some unproductive desert lands occupy the bigger part of the state.

The state of Western Australia is dry and inhospitable except the south-western corner. Nearly all of the state’s farms, sheep stations and fruit gardens are situated there. The rest of the state is dry desert land with very few towns or lonely cattle stations.

South Australia is the third largest state with Adelaide as the capital. Farming here very much depends on irrigation and underground water. Wheat, apricots, pears, peaches, nectarines and grapes are grown along the lower part of Murray River.

Tasmania – the island state - the apple isle because it produces most of Australia’s apples. Tasmania is one of the few places in Australia that have enough rain all year round. Tasmania is a leading producer of pears and berries of different kinds. Potatoes are also grown in some areas.

Northern Territory – is the least populated and the least developed part of Australia. Crocodiles still live in some of the swamps along the coast. Darwin is its capital and the only large settlement in the north. Alice Springs, generally called Alice is the only town in the south.

The capital of Australia is Canberra. The city does not belong to any state. It is situated on the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) which occupies an area of 2,432 square kilometers.

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