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Ex. 16 Define the functions of infiitives and translate into Russian. Find complexes.

  1. You are just the man to do it.

  2. He asked for the papers to be brought.

  3. Chelyuskin was the first to determine the position of this northern cape.

  4. We entered the University to be taught different subject. He asked me to wait a little.

  5. Our intention was to help you.

  6. The struggle for peace is reported to be developing throughout the world.

  7. These experiments are said to have been completed successfully.

  8. The book was considered to have been written by one of our greatest authorities.

  9. Kazan University library reading-room can be attended by all the students.

  10. We know her to be living here for two years.

  11. You seem to have read a lot before entering the University.

  12. Many tourist are known to have come to the Caucasus in July and August.

  13. This invention is considered to be one of the greatest in book printing .

  14. The conference is likely to be held in Moscow.

  15. The party was sent to that region to explore its coal reserves.

  16. Platinum is an element to be widely used in the nearest future.

  17. The best thing for you to do is to fulfil this task.

Ex. 17 Define the functions and the forms of the Infinitive, find Complexes and translate into Russian.

  1. He had a comfortable house for his sister to live in.

  2. He has a little boy to look after.

  3. To learn is to acquire necessary knowledge.

  4. Our task is to prevent a new war.

  5. He is to be sent to the Arctic.

  6. We are happy to have taken part in the great work for our homeland.

  7. The plan of our work will be discussed at the meeting to be held on May 25.

  8. My friend is expected to help us in the work.

  9. We plant forests to stop dry winds.

  1. I have often heard her sing English songs.

  2. We know Alexander Popov to be the first inventor of the radio.

  3. He is believed to be a good inventor.

  4. He is known to have been a good skater before he was wounded in the leg.

  5. We are certain to pass the examinations well.

  6. I saw him cross the street.

  7. He proved to be a good specialist in this field.

  8. She wanted for this article to be translated.

  9. It was necessary for him to attend Moscow University laboratories of physical experiments.

Ex. 18 Translate into Russian.

  1. There is no chance to get tickets for the concert.

  2. The students to take part in this expedition have come.

  3. The article to be discussed is written by our professor. 4. He showed us the article to be translated into Russian.

  1. This is the book to be found in any shop now.

  2. The only sound to be heard was the ticking of the clock.

  3. Petrov is the man to be relied upon.

  4. Here is the article to be referred to.

  5. I have a good book to read during the journey.

  6. They have a good garden to play in.

  7. He will be the first to answer at the examination.

  8. He is always the first to answer at the examination.

  9. Don't be late. Our question will be the first to be discussed.

  10. I know her to be a good student.

  11. He believes him to finish this work tomorrow.

  12. He believed him to be finishing this work now.

  13. He believed him to have finished this work already.

  14. He knew him to be right.

  15. I didn't know them to have taken part in that expedition.

  16. Do you consider him to be the best student?

  17. He was reported to arrive by the evening.

  18. She was seen to be crossing the main street.

  19. My friend appeared to have been there.

  20. They seem to be well-trained for such a work.

  21. He is sure to have already come.

  22. This may be considered to be the result of overheating.

  23. He doesn't seem to have returned.

  24. This work may prove to be difficult for him.

  25. This discovery is known to have been made in Russia.

  26. There are said to be many flowers in this garden.

  27. There seem to have been many mistakes in this work.

  28. There is likely to be a meeting at our office next week.

  29. It is necessary for my brother to go there today.

  30. Here is the article for you to translate into Russian.

  31. This article is too difficult for us to translate.

  32. He waited for the director to finish his conversation.

  33. The only thing for you to do is to work systematically.

  34. I took a taxi for her not to walk.

  35. For a system of forces to be in equilibrium, each force must be...

Ex. 19 Translate the text. Find sentences with the Infinitive and Infinitive Constructions.

If a battery is connected across the crystal in the direction shown in Fig. 31, holes are repelled from the positive end of the crystal and are caused to drift towards the junction; and electrons are repelled from the negative end of the crystal and also drift towards the junction. This drift of holes and electrons towards the junction reduces both the width of the depletion layer and the height of the potential barrier, and the junction is said to be forward biased. The reduction in the height of the potential barrier allows majority charge carriers of lower energy to cross the junction and since the minority charge carrier current remains constant, there is a net majority charge carrier current across the junction from the P-type region to the N-type region. This current increases very rapidly with increase in the forward bias voltage.

The holes drifting through the P-type region towards the P-N junction may be considered to have been injected by the positive terminal of the battery. Some of these holes may recombine with electrons diffusing across the junction in the other direction and so the hole current across the junction is slightly less than the injected hole current. After they have passed across the junction the holes recombine with the excess electrons in the N-type region and the electrons that have not recombined cross the junction. The total cur­rent is the sum of the electron and hole currents and is con­stant throughout the crystal. The current enters the P-type region as a hole current and leaves the N-type region as an electron current.


depletion layer

обедненный (истощенный) слой

to be biased

быть смещенным

potential barrier

потенциальный барьер

to drift


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