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XIV. Work in pairs, groups. Interview each other on the problems mentioned in the previous exercise. Write down your interviews.


(Conditional Sentences)





Verb forms

Часові форми





Головне речення

Principal clause

Підрядне речення

Subordinate clause


Реальна умова стосовно теперішнього, майбутнього або минулого часів

Present Simple

Past Simple

Present Simple

Present Simple

Past Simple

Future Simple

If I have time, I go to the theatre.

If I had time, I went to the theatre.

If I have time, I shall go to the theatre.

Якщо у мене є час, я йду в театр.

Якщо у мене був час, я ходила в театр.

Якщо у мене буде час, я піду в театр.


Малоймовірна, напівреальна умова стосовно теперішнього та майбутнього часів


Simple-in-the Past

Past Simple

NB: to be = were

If I had time, I would go to the theatre.

If I were at home, I would help you.

Якби у мене був час, я б ходила в театр.

Якби я була вдома, я б допомогла тобі.


Нереальна умова стосовно минулого часу

Future Perfect-in-the Past

Past Perfect

If I had had time yesterday, I would have gone to the theatre.

Якби у мене був час вчора, я б пішла в театр.

Примітка: Підрядні умовні речення з’єднуються з головним за допомогою сполучників if, in case, provided, suppose, unless та ін.


  1. If she comes at seven, she will find me at my place.

  2. In case I don’t find her at home, I shall leave her a note.

  3. The students will finish their work in time provided you help them.

  4. Suppose she wrote to you, would you answer?

  5. Tom will come at 7 p.m. unless he is detained at the conference.


І. Look at these half sentences and match a first half from column A with a second half from column B. Determine the type of each sentence.


  1. If I had consulted my own interest,

  2. If it were not for your help,

  3. If it hadn’t been for me,

  4. If you hate sick people,

  5. If you had told me you loved me,

  6. If Mike stop smoking,

  7. If we’d booked our theatre tickets in advance,

  8. If I hadn’t lost my passport,


    1. I’d be on the plane to Lon- don.

    2. we would never have split up.

    3. we wouldn’t have had to queue outside.

    4. I should never have come here.

    5. I should not be able to finish my work in time.

    6. he will not have such a terrible cough.

    7. his own brother would have shut him up for life.

8. you will not be a good doctor.

ІІ. Complete these sentences with your own ideas.

1. If you’d done as I told you,…

2. If she were my sister, …

3. If you’d been more careful doing the washing up, …

4. If you had taken medicine yesterday, …

5. If I’d put the correct stamp on the letter, …

6. If the weather had been better last weekend, …

7. If Mary were not so absent-minded, …

8. If my brother hadn’t lent me some money, …

ІІІ. Use the prompts to write complete sentences in these situations.

1. Your friend needs some bread. You are going out and offer to buy it.

Buy it/ if / want

I’ll buy it if you want.

2. It’s raining cats and dogs and your friend wants to drive home. How do you advise him?

I / not / drive in this weather / if / I / be / you.

3. A friend invites you to eat in a new café. What do you say?

That / be / great.

4. Your car’s broken down and a friend offers to take you home. What does he say?

I / give / you / lift / if / you / like.