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Контрольная работа № 3

Для того чтобы выполнить эту работу, вам необходимо повторить следующие разделы грамматики:

  1. Правила образования причастия настоящего времени от глагола (smoke – smoking).

  2. Настоящее продолженное время (The Present Continuous Tense).

  3. Притяжательные местоимения в абсолютной форме (mine, hers, yours, … etc.).

  4. Употребление выражения “to be going to”.

  5. Инфинитив в функции цели.

  6. Образование наречий от прилагательных с помощью суффикса “-ly”. Место наречия в предложении. Исключения: hard, well, fast.

  7. The Present Perfect Tense.

  8. Употребление глаголов “say” и “tell”.

  9. Инфинитив / герундий после некоторых глаголов и прилагательных.


Exercise 1 Present Continuous: -ing form

Write the correct –ing form.

Example walk walking

smoke smoking

  1. drive __________

  2. stop __________

  3. work __________

  4. use __________

  5. look __________

  6. get __________

  7. buy __________

  8. think __________

  9. swim __________

  10. cry __________

Exercise 2 Present Continuous

Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Continuous

Example Julie is wearing earrings. (wear)

  1. I __________ on holiday tomorrow. (not go)

  2. ‘Why __________ you __________?’ (smile)

‘Because Mr Black didn’t give us any homework.’

  1. ‘Who is Richard?’

‘He __________ next to Jane.’ (stand)

  1. Tom __________ at his desk. (not sit)

  2. ‘What __________ Sue __________?’ (eat)

‘A tuna sandwich.’

f ‘What __________ you __________.’ (do)

‘I __________ my shoes/ (clean)

g I can’t phone my wife. The telephone __________. (not work)

Exercise 3 Present Simple and Present Continuous

Put the verb into the correct tense: the Present Simple or the Present Continuous

Example ‘Be quiet! I’m watching (watch) this film!’

  1. We usually __________ (take) the bus to town, but today we __________ (go) by car.

  2. ‘Where __________ you usually __________ (go) on Friday evenings?’

‘To a disco.’

  1. ‘It’s 11.30. Why __________ you __________ (work) so late?’

‘Because I __________ (have) a lot of homework.’

  1. ‘Where __________ your parents __________?’ (live)

‘In a small village near Oxford.’

‘__________ they __________ (like) living in the country?’

‘Yes, they do.’

  1. ‘What __________ you usually __________ (have) for breakfast?’

‘Toast. But today I __________ (have) some fruit because there isn’t any bread.’

  1. ‘The telephone __________ (ring). Can you answer it?’


Exercise 4 Possessive pronouns Write the sentences using a possessive pronoun. Example It’s my pen. It’s mine.

They’re her socks. They’re hers.

It’s your newspaper.

They’re his books.

It’s her T-shirt.

They’re our videos.

This is their house.

Exercise 5 going to

Make positive sentences, negative sentences, and questions using going to.

Examples: she / pilot → She’s going to be a pilot.

he / not / bus driver → He isn’t going to be a bus driver.

you / hairdresser? → Are you going to be a hairdresser?

They / architects

He / not / ballet dancer

You / pilot?

I / not / policeman

We / athletes

She / not / chef

He / vet?

I / actress

He / not / travel agent

You / English teacher?