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Vocabulary 'Sports and Games'

Sport – спорт

amateur / recreational ~ - любительский

professional ~ - профессиональный спорт

spectator ~ - a sport that attracts many spectators: football, basketball, baseball etc.

spectacular ~ - thrilling, dramatic, making a very fine display or show

sports equipment / shop / club / field – спортивное оборудование /магазин / клуб / поле

sportsmanship – 1. спортивное мастерство, 2. увлечение спортом, 3. честность прямота

sports writer – журналист, пишущий о спорте

Kinds of tournaments. – Виды соревнований

Olympic Games - Олимпийские игры

winter ~

summer ~

International Olympic Committee – Международный Олимпийский Комитет

National Olympic Committee – Национальный Олимпийский Комитет

World championship – чемпионат мира

Inter-College Cup – межвузовский кубок

college sports – спортивная жизнь в вузах

athletics – 1. занятия спортом, 2. спортивная подготовка, тренированность

championship / contest / competition / game / match / meet / tournament

championship – чемпионат (any of various contests held to determine a champion in a particular sport)

contest – соревнование, состязание ( a formal game or match in which two or more people, teams etc. compete and attempt to win

competition – соревнование

  1. a contest in which a winner is selected from among two or more entrants (f.e. Are you thinking of entering the fishing competition?)

  2. a series of games, sports, events etc.

(f.e. a qualification competition)

game (AmE) / match (BrE) – игра, матч

  1. a contest with rules (f.e. Today's baseball game is very important.)

  2. a single period of play in a contest, sport, etc.

  3. a single contest in a series, match (f.e. cup / final / semi-final match)

  4. (pl.; often capitalized) an event consisting of various sporting contests, esp. in athletics (f.e. Olympic Games, Highland Games)

(sport) event – соревнование в отдельном виде спортивной программы (f.e. event in high jumps – соревнование по прыжкам в высоту)

any contest in a program of sporting or other contests

(f.e. The high jump is his event)

Bout/ half / innings / period / round / set

bout [baut] – a boxing or wrestling or sumo contest – схватка, встреча

half – (in soccer) either of two equal periods of time into which a sports game is divided – половина игры

(f.e. No goals were scored in the first half.)

innings – – подача, очередь подачи мяча (в бейсболе, в крикете)

  1. (in cricket) a time during which a team or a single player is batting (f.e. England made 25 runs in their first innings.)

  2. (in baseball) a time during which one team is batting (f.e. After four innings the score remains 1:1)

period – период, раунд (in boxing) – a definite, times part of a game

round – раунд (in golf, boxing) – a stage in a contest, competition

(f.e. a qualified round, to play a round of golf; The fight lasted only five rounds. Norwich were knocked out in the third round of the Cup

run – очко – a point scored in cricket or baseball

(f.e. He was in for twenty minutes before scoring his first run. Out team won by 87 runs.)

set – сет – (in a tennis match) a group of six or more games forming part of a match

(f.e. She won the first set easily. A five-set match.)

Participation – участие

Athlete – спортсмен, атлет, физкультурник

rated ~ - спортсмен-разрядник

Sportsman - спортсмен (one who takes part in sports, but esp. in hunting, fishing, shooting, horse-racing etc.)

fan / supporter / sport watcher – болельщик, зритель

opponent / rival – противник, соперник

sportslover – любитель спорта

team – команда

national ~ - сборная страны

junior ~ - юниорская команда

Olympic ~ - олимпийская команда

dream-team – команда-мечта

teammate – товарищ по команде

team spirit – командный дух

home team – хозяева поля

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