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  1. 1. The main purpose of occupational health and safety of life is:

  • to protect people from the adverse effects of human, technological and natural origin and ensure comfortable living conditions

  • qualitative and quantitative indicators, sample conditions, productivity and labor process

  • safety system of health and safety in the workplace, which includes legal, social, economic, organizational, technical, sanitary and epidemiological, medical and preventive treatment, rehabilitation and other activities and facilities

  • human activity aimed at creating material and other values ​​required for life

  • 1 и 2.

  1. Definition of overlaps safety:

  • the state of security of workers, to ensure comprehensive measures that exclude the impact of harmful and hazardous factors on workers in the course of employment

  • harmful and hazardous industrial factors;

  • human activity aimed at creating material and other values ​​required for life

  • 1 и 4

  • safety system of health and safety in the workplace, which includes legal, social, economic, organizational, technical, sanitary and epidemiological, medical and preventive treatment, rehabilitation and other activities and facilities

  1. Labour (main work) it is:

  • human activity aimed at creating material and other values ​​required for life and meet the needs of individuals and society

  • safety system of health and safety in the workplace, which includes legal, social, economic, organizational, technical, sanitary and epidemiological, medical and preventive treatment, rehabilitation and other activities and facilities

  • the state of security of workers, to ensure comprehensive measures that exclude the impact of harmful and hazardous factors on workers in the course of employment

  • 1 и 3;

  • 1 и 2.

  1. The sphere of human activity is:

  • single;

  • same;

  • diverse;

  • 1 и 2;

  • 1 и 3.

  1. What does include safety system health and safety in the workplace?

  • ergonomic activities

  • legal, social, economic, organizational, technical, sanitary and epidemiological, medical and preventive treatment, rehabilitation and other activities and facilities

  • economic activities

  • sanitary and epidemiological activities

  • social activities

  1. Learning objects of OHS and FSLA:

  • a person in the process of life, nature and the working environment and conditions, , as well as emergency

  • the relationship of person with the environment, industrial equipment and technological processes

  • the organization of labor and production ,организация труда и производства;

  • rescue and other emergency operations

  • all of the answers are correct

  1. The subject of OHS and FSLA as a science is:

  • the study of working conditions and emergencies aimed at ensuring not only safe working, but also to create favorable conditions for raising them and life

  • the study of working conditions for raising life

  • the study of emergencies for raising life

  • to create favorable conditions

  • all of the answers are wrong

  1. A set of measures aimed at safe human interaction with the environment and its protection, sustainability of facilities management in emergency situations, prevention and elimination of consequences of natural man-made disasters, as well as the use of modern weapons of destruction:

  • Safety of life activity

  • system of safety

  • main purpose of life activities safety

  • all of the answers are correct

  • all of the answers are wrong

  1. Economic objects is:

  • buildings, and other structures used in the interest of one person

  • buildings, and other structures used in the interest of two person

  • buildings, and other structures used in the interest of industrial, agricultural and other sectors of society

  • all of the answers are correct

  • all of the answers are wrong

  1. A group of people together implement the program or purpose and acting on the basis of certain rules and regulations:

  • district

  • team

  • state

  • organization

  • all of the answers are wrong

  1. What may be as a result of accident (несчастный случай) at the production:

  • industrial injury

  • suddenly deterioration in health worker or poisoning leading to temporary or permanent disability of employee

  • occupational disease

  • death

  • all of the answers are correct

  1. The probability of harm as a result of a natural or legal person's life activity on life or humans health, the environment, the property interests of the state according to the gravity of its implications:

  • Danger

  • Risk

  • occupational disease

  • working conditions

  • all of the answers are wrong

  1. A negative phenomenon due to the energy state of the environment by human activities, which can, under certain conditions, cause damage to anything in the environment:

  • Risk

  • working conditions

  • occupational disease

  • danger

  • all of the answers are correct

  1. The sources of risks in specific activities:

  • The person himself as a complex system of "body-person"

  • Elements of the environment

  • The processes of interaction between person and the elements of the environment

  • 1, 2 и 3

  • 1 и 3

  1. The human environment due to present a set of factors (physical, chemical, biological, and social) that could have a direct or indirect, immediate or remote effects on human performance, health and breed:

  • habitat

  • working conditions

  • occupational disease

  • 1 и 3

  • 2 и 3

  1. The area of ​​distribution of life on Earth, including the lowest layer of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and the top layer of the lithosphere has not experienced industrial impact:

  • Technosphere

  • Stratosphere

  • Antroposphere

  • Biosphere

  • all of the answers are wrong

  1. The region of the biosphere in the past, the converted people by direct or indirect effects of technical means in order to best suit their material and socio-economic needs:

  • Technosphere

  • Stratosphere

  • Antroposphere

  • Biosphere

  • all of the answers are wrong

  1. An area with common characteristics of the biosphere or the technosphere:

  • District

  • Local area

  • Region

  • State

  • all of the answers are wrong

  1. A space in which the labor is performed by human activities:

  • Job

  • Place

  • Region

  • Technosphere

  • Working environment

  1. Transition from the biosphere to the technosphere contributed to:

  • higher rate of population growth in the world and urbanization

  • consumption growth and the concentration of energy resources

  • intensive development of industrial and agricultural production

  • the massive using of transport, rising costs for military purposes, and a number of other processes

  • all of the answers are correct

  1. The situation in a particular area, resulting from accident, disaster, which resulted or may result in loss of humans life, damage to their health, the environment and facilities management, significant financial loss and breach of living conditions of the population:

  • Natural emergencies

  • Technogenic emergencies

  • Emergency situations

  • Emergency situations of global origin

  • all of the answers are correct

  1. The main types of emergency situations, which depend on origin:

  • Emergency situations of natural and technogenic origin

  • Emergency situations of technogenic and global origin

  • Emergency situations of natural, technogenic and global origin

  • all of the answers are wrong

  • all of the answers are correct

  1. On the extent and scope of damage emergencies of natural and man-made disasters are divided at the:

  • facility, local, regional

  • facility, local, and global

  • facility, local, regional and global

  • facility, regional and global

  • local, regional and global

  1. A devastating event that caused the emergency:

  • Disaster

  • Accident

  • Natural disaster

  • Catastrophe

  • 1 и 3

  1. Process malfunction, damage to machinery, equipment and structures:

  • Disaster

  • Accident

  • Natural disaster

  • Catastrophe

  • 1 и 3

  1. A natural phenomenon that occurs is usually sudden and leads to a dramatic disruption of normal life of the population, the loss of life and livestock, damage and destruction of property:

  • Disaster

  • Accident

  • Natural disaster

  • Catastrophe

  • 1 и 3

  1. A devastating event that caused the emergency situation of regional or global scale:

  • Disaster

  • Accident

  • Natural disaster

  • Catastrophe

  • 1 и 3

  1. A set of activities carried out in advance and aimed at the greatest possible reduction in the risk of emergencies, maintaining the health and life of humans, reducing the damage and material losses:

  • Emergency response

  • Prevention of emergency situations and emergency response

  • to keep material sources

  • to stay in one level of development

  • Prevention of emergency situations

  1. Rescue, emergency recovery and other urgent works carried out in an emergency and life-saving and preserving health, reducing the damage and material losses, as well as the location of the zones of emergency situations:

  • Emergency response

  • Prevention of emergency situations and emergency response

  • to keep material sources

  • to stay in one level of development

  • Prevention of emergency situations

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