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  1. Philosophy of the Middle Ages characterized as "school philosophy" was called:

  • Scholastics

  1. One of the main philosophy books of St. Thomas Aquinas is:

  • Summa Theologica

  1. The founder of phenomenology is…

  • E.Husserl

  1. Philosophy is…

  • One of the types of outlooks about world, human being and the place of human in world

  1. Outlook is ...:

  • System of norms, values and stereotypes in a cultural-historical epoch.

  1. The founder of deconstructivism:

  • J. Derrida.

  1. Phenomenological reduction is a continuation of the determination of consciousness as a transcendental subject, which begins in philosophy of...:

  • R.Descartes.

  1. Which direction is the 20th century was engaged in philosophy of language?

  • Analitical philosophy.

  1. What book did Descartes count as a main instruction for development human mind?

  • “Discourse on the Method”.

  1. Lack of Judgement (“Critique of Power of Judgment”) is the stupidity of the mind. This is the words of...

  • I.Kant.

  1. The founder of pragmatism is...

  • Charles Sanders Peirce.

  1. The author of “The Phenomenology of Spirit”:

  • G.Hegel

  1. The translation of the word “axiology”:

  • Doctrine of significance and values.

  1. The word “Epochè” in the philosophy of Husserl is translated from Greek as:

  • Suspension, abstinence

  1. Transcendental unity of apperception” is one of the important categories in philosophy of…?

  • I.Kant

  1. Who was teacher of E.Husserl who used the term of intentionality?

  • F.Brentano.

  1. How can we describe Hume’s doctrine?

  • Agnosticism

  1. General organization of humans is…

  • Society.

  1. Who was the teacher of Aristotle?

  • Plato

  1. Theory of knowledge:

  • Epistemology

  1. The object of philosophy is:

  • World in whole and the place of man in this world.

  1. The main parts of philosophy:

  • Ontology, epistemology, ethics, aesthetic

  1. The meaning of the notion of EPISTEME in Greek philosophy:

  • Knowledge

  1. One of the most representatives of Hedinostic school was…

  • Epicure

  1. Vedanta is an Indian school of …:

  • Orthodox direction

  1. Epistemology is:

  • A study of nature, origin and limits of human knowledge.

  1. Ethic is:

  • A philosophical study of principles, moral and human behavior.

  1. Aesthetics is:

  • A philosophical study that researches the sphere of artistic activity and its principles

  1. Who first introduce the word “philosophy”?

  • Pythagoras

  1. Thales postulated that the primary substance is:

  • Moisture, water

  1. Anaximander defined the primary substance as:

  • Apeiron

  1. Anaximenes found the primary substance in:

  • Air

  1. Who defined the beginning of the world (ARCHE) as fire:

  • Heraclitus of Ephesus

  1. Who is the author of this statement: “It’s impossible to enter the same river twice”?

  • Heraclitus of Ephesus

  1. Who said that: “Good and evil are the same”?

  • Heraclitus of Ephesus

  1. Who is the author of this statement: “Nature loves to conceal herself”?

  • Heraclitus of Ephesus

  1. What Greek school saw the beginning of the world (ARCHE) in number and numerical relations?

  • Pythagorean

  1. Who is the founder of Eleatic school?

  • Parmenides

  1. The author of famous paradoxes (apories) is…

  • Zeno of Elea

  1. Zeno of Elea developed paradoxes (apories) against

  • Motion and plurality

  1. Who introduce a separate, immaterial, creating principle in Greek philosophy?

  • Anaxagoras

  1. What did Sophists teach?

  • How to get ahead other people

  1. Who said that: “ Man is a measure of all things”?

  • Protagoras

  1. Socrates’s main interest in philosophy was

  • Ethics

  1. The Socratic main value was formulated as

  • Virtue is knowledge

  1. The famous representative of patristic studies, author of the books “The City of God”, “Confessions”

  • St.Augustin

  1. Characteristics of das Man are, according to Heidegger

  • Curiosity and idle talk.

  1. Heidegger considers man as

  • Da-Sein (being here).

  1. The main work of Heidegger:

  • Being and time

  1. According to Existentialism, existence is always

  • Individual being in absurdity.

  1. According to Kierkegaard, the third existential sphere is

  • Religious sphere

  1. According to Camus, what is the only truly serious philosophical problem?

  • Is life worth or not worth living?

  1. The main topic of “The Myth of Sisyphus”:

  • Sense of absurdity, nonsense

  1. One of the famous Camus’s work:

  • The myth of Sisyphus

  1. One of the principal French existentialist:

  • Albert Camus

  1. Why did Zarathustra leave the mountains?

  • Because he is weary of his wisdom, like the bee that has gathered too much honey; he needs hands outstretched to take it

  1. The greatest and most famous Nietzsche’s work is

  • Thus Spoke Zarathustra

  1. One of the main Nietzsche’s concept was called

  • Will to power

  1. The famous Nietzsche’s phrase “God is dead” means the triumph of

  • Nihilism/meaningless

  1. Hegel’s greatest works are

  • “The Phenomenology of Spirit”

  1. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel belongs to

  • German classical philosophy

  1. In his “Critique of Practical Reason” Kant formulated the Categorical imperative:

  • Act only on that maxim through which you can at the same time will that become a universal law

  1. In his “Critique of Practical Reason” Kant considered the ideas of

  • God, freedom and immortality

  1. In metaphysics, Kant claimed, the situation is reverse. Reason, in its attempt to reach absolute truth, comes to

  • Antinomies

  1. The basic problem arises, according to Kant, in three fields:

  • Math, physics, metaphysics

  1. The basic problem, as Kant formulated it in his “Critique of Pure Reason”, is to determine:

  • How is a priory synthetic judgment possible?

  1. A posteriori means

  • After experience

  1. A priori means

  • Before experience

  1. Immanuel Kant was born in

  • 1724

  1. The first Kant’s greatest work is

  • “The Critique of Pure Reason”

  1. The second Kant’s greatest work is

  • “Critique of practical reason”

  1. The third Kant’s greatest work is

  • “The Critique of Judgment”

  1. Immanuel Kant belongs to the

  • German classical philosophy

  1. Leibniz’s main philosophical work.

  • Monadology

  1. Descartes divides the world into a metaphysical dualism of two finite substances:

  • Extended and thinking

  1. The famous Descartes’s formula “Cogito, ergo sum” is translated from Latin as

  • I think, therefore, I am

  1. Which method Descartes used to start his philosophy?

  • Deduction

  1. Who is the author of “Discourse on Method”?

  • Descartes.

  1. According to Plato, everything can be divided in:

  • Thing and idea

  1. The method that comes from common to local knowledge is…

  • Deduction

  1. Causa Sui, according to Spinoza, is

  • Cause of itself

  1. Tabula rasa is

  • Pure table

  1. The author of “Summa Theologica”

  • Thomas Aquinas

  1. Natura naturans, by Spinoza, means

  • Creating nature

  1. Spinoza divided substance into two aspects:

  • Natura naturans and natura naturata

  1. One of the main philosophic works of Baruch Spinoza:

  • “Ethics”

  1. The title of the Great Baconian utopia is

  • “New Atlantis”

  1. The first Baconian idol of mind is

  • Tribe

  1. The second Baconian idol of mind is

  • Cave

  1. The third Baconian idol of mind is

  • Marketplace

  1. The fourth Baconian idol of mind is

  • Theatre

  1. The principal Baconian work is

  • “Novum Organum, New Instrument”

  1. What European notion corresponds to the concept of Tao?

  • God

  1. The most famous of the cynics is:

  • Diogenus

  1. An important tradition borrowed by Al-Farabi from ancient philosophy is called:

  • Peripateticism

  1. The founder of medieval Islamic philosophy:

  • Al-Kindi.

  1. According to Locke, a substance is determined by its level of:

  • Ontological independence.

  1. What was the central problem of the Greek school of Philosophy of the early period:

  • Cosmos and its origin.

  1. What did Descartes learn in his travels abroad?

  • Different people have different customs.

  1. What of the schools in ancient India developed logic explanation of the world?

  • Yoga

  1. The famous representative of patristic studies, author of the books “The City of God”, “Confessions”:

  • St. Augustine.

  1. Statement «Man is the measure of all things» belongs to:

  • Protagoras

  1. The translation of the word “philosophy”:

  • Love wisdom.

  1. The word “Sophist” is translated from Greek as:

  • Wise man

  1. Why do people behave badly according to Socrates?

  • They are ignorant

  1. The most prominent student of Plato’s Academy:

  • Aristotle

  1. Plato founded the school of Philosophy called:

  • Academy

  1. What kind of philosophy, according to Aristotle, studied the activity of the man, organization of the state:

  • Practical

  1. He was called «the first teacher»:

  • Aristotle

  1. The teacher of Alexander the Great was:

  • Aristotle

  1. According to Aristotle, the best form of state is:

  • Aristocracy

  1. Which of the following is always an end in itself, according to Aristotle?

  • Happiness

  1. How do we learn virtue in Aristotle’s view?

  • By habit.

  1. Miletus school was named after:

  • Name of the city

  1. Teachings of Aristotle called

  • Peripatetism

  1. «Emanation» means:

  • Universe comes from the beyond a single principle.

  1. Philosophy of the Middle Ages characterized as “school philosophy” was called:

  • Scholastics

  1. Basics of Being, the problem of knowledge, the destiny of man and his position in the world is studying:

  • Philosophy

  1. The author of “The Tractates of the views of the citizens of a Virtuous City” is called “the second teacher”:

  • Al-Farabi.

  1. The author of the book «Kutadgu Bilik»:

  • Balassaguni

  1. Under the Renaissance man was considered to be as

  • Man - creator, artist.

  1. He founded the Philosophy of policy in the epoch of formation of the early bourgeois relations…

  • Machiavelli

  1. Primordial substance of the nature according to Heraclitus is:

  • Fire

  1. Expression «You can’t enter the same water twice» belongs to:

  • Heraclitus

  1. Outstanding philosopher and doctor of the Arab medieval world, author of «Canon of medical science»:

  • Ibn Sina.

  1. One of the representatives of the stoics was

  • Seneca

  1. Who was considered to be the first philosopher of Greece?

  • Thales

  1. «Emanation» means:

  • Universe comes from the beyond a single principle.

  1. He was a student at the Sophists school first, and then became their opponent:

  • Socrates

  1. One of the prominent representatives of the older sophists was:

  • Protagoras

  1. One of the main philosophy books of St. Thomas Aquinas is:

  • Summa Theologica.

  1. According to Aristotle, what is the best form of friendship based upon?

  • Goodness

  1. How is justice different from virtue, according to Aristotle?

  • Justice deals with our relations to others, while virtue is a state of being.

  1. What kind of idea does Locke consider our idea of the infinite?

  • Simple

  1. Which of the following subjects did Descartes most admire as a student?

  • Mathematics

  1. A thinker who formulated 5 proofs of existence of God:

  • Thomas Aquinas.