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Формы инфинитива




to V1

to help

to be V3

He is glad to be helped. Он рад, что ему помогают.


to be Ving

to be helping


to have V3

to have helped.

to have been V3

to have been helped.

Особенности перевода сложных форм инфинитива

1) Инфинитив в простых формах (to V1, to be V3) обозначает действие, происходящее одновременно с действием сказуемого предложения:

He is glad to help you. Он рад тебе помочь.

He is glad to be helped. Он рад, что ему помогают.

2) Инфинитив в продолженных формах (to be Ving) обозначает длящееся действие, происходящее одновременно с действием сказуемого предложения.

He is glad to be helping you. Он рад тебе помогать.

3) Инфинитив в перфектных формах (to have V3, to have been V3) обозначает действие, предшествующее действию сказуемого.

He is glad to have helped you. Он рад, что помог тебе.

He is glad to have been helped. Он рад, что ему помогли.

4) Инфинитив в активных формах (to V1, to be Ving, to have V3) обозначает действие, субъектом которого является то же лицо, что и подлежащее предложения:

He is glad to help you. Он рад тебе помочь. (Кто рад? Он. Кто помогает? Он.)

He is glad to have helped you. Он рад, что помог тебе. (Кто рад? Он. Кто помогал? Он.)

5) Инфинитив в пассивных формах (to be V3, to have been V3) обозначает действие, объектом которого является подлежащее предложения.

He is glad to be helped. Он рад, что ему помогают. (Кто рад? Он. Кто помогает? Неизвестно = Не он. Кому помогают? Ему.)

He is glad to have been helped. Он рад, что ему помогли. (Кто рад? Он. Кто помог? Неизвестно = Не он. Кому помогли? Ему.)

Сложные формы инфинитива используются преимущественно в письменной речи и переводятся придаточными предложениями.

Некоторые устойчивые выражения с инфинитивом как вводным словом (выражением)

to begin with прежде всего

to judge by судя по

to cut the long story short короче говоря

to put it another way иначе говоря

needless to say нет надобности говорить

to say nothing of не говоря уже о

to be exact точнее говоря

to say the least мягко выражаясь

to sum up подводя итог

to quote a single example если привести один пример

to tell the truth по правде говоря

to illustrate для иллюстрации, например

to take an example например

to generalize обобщая, в общем

Инфинитивный оборот For … to v1

Инфинитивный оборот For … to V (For … to V1 construction) состоит из:

1) предлога for и существительного или местоимения в объектном падеже (me, him, her, us, you, them), обозначающего субъект действия инфинитива.

2) инфинитива с частицей to, обозначающего действие.

Инфинитивный оборот For … to V1 переводится придаточным предложением с союзом чтобы (что), подлежащее которого определяется субъектом действия инфинитива, а сказуемое – инфинитивом.

(1) (2)

For this method to be valuable it must be improved.

(1) (2)

Чтобы этот метод был полезным, его надо усовершенствовать.

В некоторых случаях возможен перевод без придаточного предложения, неопределенной формой глагола.

There is a possibility for him to attend the conference.

У него есть возможность присутствовать на конференции.

Part A

Task A1. Translate the sentences with the infinitive as a subject.

1. To understand is to forgive.

2. To err is human.

3. To explain this simple fact is not very easy.

4. Whether to leave or not has not been decided yet.

5. Where to hang a picture must be decided right now.

6. Which advice to follow is your own business.

7. To give a true picture of the surrounding matter is the task of natural science.

Task A2. Translate the sentences with the infinitive as a part of the predicate.

1. To read a lot is to know a lot.

2. The aim was to discuss the impact of scientific activity on technology.

3. To choose time is to save time.

4. His intention is to get into parliament.

5. Perhaps the greatest problem at present is to get some understanding of the remarkable phenomenon of memory.

6. The original idea was to take advantage of the high temperature of the process.

7. His primary task is to provide conditions for our experiments.

Task A3. Translate the sentences with the infinitive as an object.

1. She learned to dance at school.

2. He found it impossible to raise the question at the meeting.

3. I don’t know whether to apply for a job or not.

4. The experimental results are not easy to interpret.

5. The latest paper by Peter is rather difficult to understand.

6. He is happy to have passed all the exams successfully.

7. Jane is ready to give an interview.

8. Do you want to go to the lecture?

9. She likes to sing English songs.

Task A4. Translate the sentences with the infinitive as an attribute.

1. We shall study minerals to be obtained in this mountain.

2. The first scientist to discover this phenomenon was Lavoisier.

3. There are many examples to illustrate the rule.

4. The procedure to be followed depends upon the substance.

5. Here are some more figures to be referred to later.

6. There was only one signal to be detected.

7. There is nothing to be surprised at.

8. Here are the papers to be signed.

9. There was nobody to speak to.

Task A5. Translate the sentences with the infinitive as an adverbial modifier.

1. To enter an institute you have to take entrance exams.

2. You are too young to understand it.

3. To understand the importance of the event you should know all the facts.

4. He was clever enough to answer any question.

5. To master English you should work hard.

6. Laws were not made to be broken; laws were made to stay within.

7. She put on her coat so as not to be cold.

8. I was too busy to see anyone.

9. He was so weak as to be unable to work.

Task A6. Translate the sentences with the infinitive as a parenthesis.

1. To begin with, one can say that an electric current is the result of a flow of electric charges.

2. To be sure, a great progress in chemistry has been made in the last few decades.

3. To sum up the chapter, gas theory enables us to determine some of the properties of molecular exterior.

4. To illustrate, Figure 2 gives the energy level diagram of potassium.

5. To anticipate a little, the evidence supports the view that the cathode rays consist of swiftly moving, negative electrons.

6. To begin with, he has been working for this company for 30 years.

7. To tell the truth, he can’t be relied upon.

Task A7. Translate the sentences with the Infinitive in the For …to V1 construction.

1. It was impossible for me to solve this problem myself.

2. She was waiting for somebody to come.

3. The lady was speaking too fast for me to get her.

4. He asked for the papers to be brought.

5. I am anxious (мне очень хочется) for Mr. Smith to succeed in all he undertakes.

6. The best thing for you to do is to meet him.

7. She was impatient for him to be gone.

8. There was really nothing for him to do there.

9. For a force to exist there must be two objects involved.

10. The temperature was too low for the substance to decompose.

Task A8. Translate into Russian.

1. We were sorry to find out that most of the museums were closed that day.

2. This is a man to be relied upon.

3. This is an interesting fact to be mentioned in the report.

4. To take an example, let us go back to the chapter which has been described earlier.

5. You would rather go to class tomorrow than today.

6. There is nothing to be afraid of.

7. His name is difficult to pronounce.

8. Sally was the first to offer her help.

9. The terms to be insisted on are as follows.

10. The tendency was for the gas to become ionized.

11. To understand the phenomenon the laws of motion should be considered.

12. The motion took place long enough for the bodies to become heated.

Task A9. Insert to where necessary. Translate into Russian.

1. I think you ought ... apologize.

2. Can you help me ... move this table?

3. I must ... see him now. It’s urgent.

4. It can’t ... be done now.

5. She asked me ... read the letter carefully and ... write an answer.

6. The man told me not ... walk on the grass.

7. Let me ... help you with your work.

8. She ought ... take care of her health.

9. We had better ... stop to rest a little.

10. I don’t know what ... do.

11. I can’t ... go there now, I have ... do my homework.

12. He is not sure that it can .... be done, but he is willing ...try.

13. She looked for the book everywhere but could not ... find it.

14. He said that she might ... come soon.

Part B

Task B1. Translate into Russian.

1. To avoid making mistake is always very difficult, because to err is human.

2. To appreciate the accuracy of the data, refer to Table 1 on page 57.

3. The system should be designed to meet information requirements.

4. A common objective is to maximize the excess of value over cost.

5. Some of the immediate benefits to be obtained from a bargain are the following.

6. What we try to do is to foretell a general tendency rather than a particular development.

7. The aim of the book is to present the case for an extensive study of this complicated phenomenon.

8. To conclude, a definite science politics is needed if the development of science is to favour the best interests of the country.

Task B2. Choose the correct infinitive form and translate into Russian.

1. The article must (translate / be translated) into Russian.

2. Ann did very well at the exam. She must (be studying / have studied) very hard.

3. George has (to call / to be called) his insurance agent today.

4. It is too cold (to bathe / to have bathed) today.

5. I hope (to send / to be sent) to the conference.

6. The budget committee decided (to postpone / to be postponed) the meeting.

7. The weather seems (to be improving / to have improved) now.

8. I am glad (to have seen / to have been seen) you.

9. The letter may (have been sent / have sent) to the wrong address.

10. I am looking for Helen. Do you know where she is? She may (watch / be watching) TV in her room.

Task B3. Find the infinitive and refer the number of each sentence with one of the columns. The first one is done for you. Then translate the sentences into Russian.

Infinitive as a Subject

Infinitive as an Adverbial Modifier


1. To solve this problem is extremely important.

2. To solve this problem you have to make a great many experiments.

3. To drive a car in a big city is very difficult.

4. To drive a car in a big city one must be an experienced driver.

5. To calculate the age of our planet one must have much knowledge in different branches of science.

6. To calculate the age of our planet requires much knowledge in diffеrent branches of science.

7. To get the new magazine I had to go to the library.

8. To run modern machines workers must be educated.

9. To avoid an accident the cars had to move slowly.

10. To get to the earth the rays of the sun have to travel during 8 minutes.

11. To find the mass of the electron numerous experiments had to be made.

12. To convert chemical energy into electrical energy we must use an electrical cell.

13. To prevent corrosion metal must be covered with paint.

14. To give advice is easier than to follow it.

15. To prove it will be very difficult.

Task B4. Choose the correct English equivalent.

1. Макс хочет обучать вас испанскому языку.

A) Max wants to teach you Spanish.

B) Max wants to be taught Spanish.

2. Ребенок любит, чтобы ему читали.

A) The child likes to read.

B) The child likes to be read to.

3. Я хочу, чтобы меня проинформировали об ее приезде.

A) I want to be informed of her arrival.

B) I want to inform him of her arrival.

4. Грейс рада, что ее пригласили на вечер.

A) Grace is happy to have invited us to the party.

B) Grace is happy to have been invited to the party.

5. Мне не нравится, когда Вы меня беспокоите.

A) I don’t like to be disturbed by you.

B) I don’t like to disturb you.

6. Я сделал вид, что читаю газету.

A) I pretended to be reading the newspaper.

B) I pretended to have read the newspaper.

7. Я рад, что выбрал правильный ответ.

A) I am glad to have chosen the proper answer.

B) I am glad to be chosen the proper answer.

8. Ты мог бы попрощаться со мной.

A) You could say goodbye to me.

B) You could be said goodbye to me.

Task B5. Change the sentences according to the model.

Model 1: I am sorry I don’t believe you. > I am sorry not to believe you.

1. I am sorry I don’t speak French.

2. I am lucky I study at the University.

3. Не is glad he has acquired а good knowledge of English.

4. We are happy we have a good time here.

Model 2: I am glad I am asked to help you. > I am glad to be asked to help you.

5. He is sorry he is compared to a man like that.

6. She is lucky she is given much attention.

7. They were unlucky they weren’t given much attention.

8. Не is glad he is supported.

Task B6. Change the sentences according to the model.

Model: She compared these substances. It was not easy. > It was not easy for her to compare these substances.

1. He provided broad answers to their questions. It was important.

2. She treated the subject thoroughly. It was difficult.

3. They touched on a variety of more general topics. It was useful.

4. The author considered all these questions. It was not difficult.

5. They participated in the meeting. It was necessary.

6. He proved the validity of his conclusions. It was not easy.

7. They obtained the substance in extremely pure form. It was necessary.

Task B7. Change the sentences according to the model.

Model: I have brought the book so that you may read it. > I have brought the book for you to read.

1. He suggested an article so that they should discuss it.

2. We have assembled a new device so that they may use it in their experiment.

3. I can provide some new information so that you may use it in your future work.

4. I have simplified the sentence so that you may translate it.

5. He began to speak louder so that everybody might hear him well.

6. He suggested an interesting problem so that you might consider it.

7. He has described the new scheme in detail so that you may make use of it.

Task B8. Correct the mistakes if any.

1. I can check all these calculations once more.

2. You should to consult the doctor.

3. This food must keep at -20º.

4. It is possible for the reaction occur.

5. Is it reasonable to upgrade the device?

6. I’d like to be made an appointment.

7. The President is to have visited Vienna next year.

8. It was late, so we decided to take a taxi home.

9. Do you understand what to do?

10. I promised not be late.

11. Could I to use your phone?

12. I’d better to go now.

Part C

Task C1. Respond according to the model.

Model: To study English is not important. > Just the opposite. It’s important to study English.

1. To work with mercury is not dangerous.

2. To detect second sound in such materials is not difficult.

3. To investigate the properties of this substance is not important.

4. To draw decisive conclusions on the problem is not possible.

5. To read through the history of physics is not interesting.

6. To discuss methods for studying such phenomena is not necessary.

7. To explain the difference between these processes is not reasonable.

8. To obtain this kind of information is not easy.

Task C2. Change the sentences according to the model.

Model 1: This device is primitive. It cannot be used in our experiment. > This device is too primitive to be used in experiment.

1. The ideas are old. They will not be discussed now.

2. The question is serious. It cannot be answered at once.

3. The method is complicated. It should not be used by the students.

4. The book is difficult. It cannot be adapted for our students.

5. The explanation is too theoretical. It should not be given to students.

6. This description is too elementary. It should not be used for our purpose.

Model 2: He considered that it was important to provide answers to their questions. > He considered it important to provide answers to their questions.

7. He thought that it was necessary to simplify the procedure.

8. He thought that it was useful to touch on a variety of more general topics.

9. He found that it was impossible to consider all these problems in one article.

10. He didn’t consider that it was easy to compare these substances.

11. He found that it was impossible to adapt his plans to suit new circumstances.

12. They thought that it was necessary to take particular care over doing that task.

Task C3. Translate from Russian into English using infinitives.

1. Я рад, что приобрел достаточные знания.

2. Вы рады, что вам предложили это исследование?

3. Инженеры сообщили, что достигли хороших результатов при последних испытаниях новой модели.

4. Он первым выбрал правильное решение.

5. Ваша задача заключается в том, чтобы наблюдать за экспериментом.

6. Чтобы повысить цену, мы должны улучшить качество товаров.

7. Решить эту проблему очень важно.

8. Лучший способ решить эту проблему – много работать.

9. Он должен был решить эту проблему немедленно.

10. Эта проблема должна быть решена в ближайшем будущем.

11. Они хотели решить эту проблему.

12. Они слишком устали, чтобы решать эту проблему сейчас.

Task C4. Translate into English using For…to V construction.

1. Язык специалистов трудно понять обычному человеку.

2. Двух часов достаточно, чтобы произошла реакция.

3. Математикам потребовалось долгое время, чтобы осознать сложность задачи.

4. Чтобы запрограммировать компьютер, задача должна быть сведена к серии очень простых шагов.

5. Ученому необходимо внедрить свое изобретение.

6. Трех лет недостаточно, чтобы этот проект был завершен.