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Міністерство освіти і науки України Криворізький державний педагогічний університет Кафедра іноземних мов

Навчальний посібник з англійської мови

Кривий Ріг 2008

Навчальний посібник обговорено і схвалено на засіданні кафедри іноземних мов.

1 Іротокол № від 2008 р.

Затверджено Вченою радою Криворізького державного педагогічного університету як навчальний посібник по дисципліні "Іноземна мова". І Іротокол № від " 2008 р.

Склав: завідувач кафедрою іноземних мов Криворізького державного педагогічного університету, к.п.н., доцент Малихін О.В.


  • доцент кафедри англійської мови та літератури з методикою викладання іноземних мов Криворізького державного педагогічного університету, канд. філолог, наук Ігнатюк Н.А.

  • доцент кафедри української та іноземних мов Криворізького економічного університету Київського національного економічного університету, канд. філолог, наук Мірошниченко Е.В.


Україна: Навчальний посібник з англійської мови II Укладач Малихін О.В.- Кривий Ріг: КДПУ, 2008. - 72 с.


М Національній доктрині розвитку освіти України у XXI столітті м»|іп-іісно принципові напрямки щодо підготовки майбутнього педагога, іі«|іс'Л()нчсно поступовий перехід від репродуктивної, авторитарної освіти до •нпии інноваційного, гуманістичного типу. Важливою умовою модернізації

  1. иі і н < підготовка педагогічних і науково-педагогічних кадрів, їхнє професійне вдосконалення. Стратегія мовної освіти передбачає активне вніі'ісішя іноземних мов.

Демократичні зміни в нашій країні, які відбулися й відбуваються ііг піннім часом, поглиблення й розширення міжнародного співробітництва (шмигають від випускника вищої школи практичного володіння іноземною міикіїо. Особливої актуальності визначене положення набуває, коли йдеться про нипускника вищої педагогічної школи, педагога-фахівця. Певний рівень іншодіїїня іноземною мовою дозволяє реалізувати сучасному педагогу такі .ч нгкти професійної діяльності, як своєчасне ознайомлення з інноваційними мс голами й прогресивними формами викладання окремих дисциплін, останніми ткяїнсннями педагогічної думки, з новими технологіями, відкриттями і ІГНДСНЦІЯМИ розвитку науки і техніки.

Мета навчального посібника - активізувати і закріпити знання лексико- і рпмитичного матеріалу до теми Україна!

Окрім основної мети навчальний посібник ставить іншу - навчати і іудситів розуміти без словника і переказувати на іноземній мові незнайомі ісксти, побудовані на знайомому лексичному і граматичному матеріалі.

  1. шмііість текстів, вміщених в посібнику, взято з новітніх періодичних видань шіпіійською мовою.

Пропонований навчальний посібник складається з тематичних текстів, коментарів до них, усних та письмових завдань, які охоплюють майже весь іісксичний матеріал до теми "Україна" та текстів для додаткового читання.

Післятекстові завдання допоможуть студентам підготуватися до заключного етапу - переказу, розвиваючи навички усного мовлення.

До посібника додається аудіоматеріал, який допоможе студентам в самостійній роботі над автентичними текстами педагогічної спрямованості.


A new state Ukraine appeared on the world political map in 1991. Ukraine coyers about 603,700 sq. km being larger than any country in Western Europe. It is a rich farming industrial and mining region in south-eastern Europe with a population of about 52 mln people. The capital of Ukraine is Kyiv. The territory of Ukraine extends for 900 kilometres from North to South and 1,316 kilometres from East to West. It borders with Belarus and Russia in the North and in the East. In the South the country is washed by the Black Sea and the Sea of Asov. In the West Ukraine is bounded by Moldova, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia and Poland. The total length of the frontiers equals about 6,500 km, including 1,050 km of the sea frontiers.

Ukraine's geographical position is ideal for the development of its resources, lying between 44 and 52 latitude north, on the same latitude as the USA, Britain, China and Japan. In the north of Ukraine there are forests, in the West - the Carpathian mountains, in the Eastern and Central Ukraine - black-soil steppelands.

fthe climate is mild and warm, with a long summer and a short winter? Combined with its fertile black soil, this makes it perfect for cultivating different crops and vegetables, i.e. the development of intensive agriculture. The climate of Ukraine is determined by its geographical location. Ukraine's territory, lies in the temperate belt. In general the country's climate is temperately continental, being subtropical only on the southern coast of the Crimea (the Crimea is a peninsula located in the south of Ukraine). The differences in climate are caused by many factors: the latitude, relief, altitude, and proximity to seas and oceans. A feature of Ukraine's climate is the considerable fluctuation in weather conditions from year to year. Alongside very wet years there can be droughts, whose effect increases to the south and east. There are frequent oscillations in weather in the regions of the Crimean and Carpathian mountains.

Ukraine is very rich in mineral resources. It contains iron and manganese, ores, natural gas, salt, sulphur, graphite, limestone. Ukraine also lias* deposits of oil, bauxite, ilmenite, as well as black coal. Mineral resources can be classified into 3 main groups: fuels, metals and nonmetals.

The flora and fauna of Ukraine are extremely rich. Typical representatives of the Ukrainian fauna are hare, fox, squirrel, bear, wolf, goat. Among the trees growing in the Ukrainian territory are birch, pine, oak, fir-tree.

Ukraine can be divided into 3 economic areas: Southwestern, Donets-Dnieper and Southern. The Southwestern Economic Area has a high population density, a dense network of roads and railways. This places the area in a favourable position with supplies of metal and fuel for its machine-building plants and the shipping of products to consumers. The largest reserves of minerals are used in the chemical, gas, mining, timber, paper and porcelain industries.

Test instruments, machine-tools and electrical-engineering equipment arc produced by the engineering industry of this area. Buses, river craft, trams, motorcycles, radio instrumentation, television sets and cameras are also produced here.

In the Carpathian zone the timber, furniture and paper industries have developed substantially.

The Donets-Dnieper Economic Area has rich mineral deposits. It has major industrial base with bias towards heavy industry. A large industrial output is yielded by the mining, ferrofy§ metallurgy, chemical and machine-building industries. The Donets Basin contains a cluster of plants producing zinc, mercury, fertilizers, plastics, soda, acids and dyes.

Alongside with the high level of industrialization, the area is one of the main food suppliers for the country. ^

The proximity of the Southern Economic Area to the sea is reflected in its industry, with shipbuilding its key sector. Local factories produce machinery for the power industry, tractors and harvester^Fishing and canning industries in the sea-side cities are developing. The food industry is allied with the cultivation of grapes, fruit and vegetables. The area, especially the Crimea, is a holiday playground.

Two interrelated processes are characteristic of Ukraine's economy today, namely its assertion as that of an independent state and its transformation from planned-centralized to market-controlled. These processes are rather complicated, but there are all prerequisites for their effective accomplishment.

Present-day independent Ukraine has a considerable potential to quickly develop its economy - and this is explained not only by the favorable natural conditions, but also by the convenient geographical position in terms of international trade exchanges.

Nowadays Ukraine is a democratic state, ruled by the law and created as an implementation of the people's sovereign right to self-determination.

The Ukrainian political system has a popularly elected President, a 450-person single-chamber national Parliament - the Verkhovna Radq,

^Ukraine is divided into 24 regions and the Aulof?&mous Republic Crimea? each of which has elected council, whose Chairman, elected at large, also serves as head of the executive branch.

Ukraine not only strives to live in peace with the rest of the world community, but also to cooperate with other countries and participate in the European and world structures.

Ex.1 Listen and learn to pronounce the following words.

toextend - простиратися (простягатися);

to be bounded with (to bound) -

межувати; frontier - кордон; latitude - широта; fertile - родючий;

the temperate belt - помірний пояс; peninsula - полуострів (півострів); altitude - висота (над рівнем моря); proximity - близкість; considerable - значний; fluctuation - нестійкість; alongside - поряд;

drought - посуха;

oscillation - коливання;

manganese - марганець;

sulphu£- сірка;

graphite - графіт;

limestone - вапняк;

bauxite - боксит;

ilmenite - ільменіт;

density - густота;

supplies - запаси;

to supply - постачати;

shipping - перевезення;

consumer - споживач;

timber - лісоматеріал;

porcelain - фарфор;

bias with bias towards - на користь;

to yield - виробляти;

cluster - група;

mercury - ртуть;

fertilizer - добриво;

dye - фарба, барвник;

canning - консервний;

to be allied (to, with) - бути тісно

пов'язаним (з);

assertion - становлення;

prerequisite - передумова;

accomplishment - виконання;

to implement - запроваджувати;

executive - виконавчий;

to strive (strove, striven) -


Ex. 2. Listen and learn to pronounce the following proper names.











China; Japan;

the Carpathian; the Crimea;

the Crimean mountains; the Southwestern Economic Area; the Donets-Dnieper Economic Area; the Southern Economic Area; the Autonomous Republic Crimea;

Ex. 3. Repeat after the announcer the following word-combinations to be ready to clarify their meanings before reading the text:

to appear on the world political map;

being larger than;

the total length of the frontiers;

to be ideal for the development of;

lying between;

black-soil steppelands;

fertile black soil;

to make smth. perfect for doing smth.; the development of intensive agriculture; to be determined by;

to be caused by many factors;

the considerable fluctuation in weather conditions;

frequent oscillations;

to be extremely rich;

a high population density;

a dense network;

the shipping of products to consumers; electrical-engineering equipment; to be yielded by; a cluster of plants; interrelated processes; to be rather complicated; the favourable natural conditions; in terms of international trade exchanges; an implementation of the people's sovereign right; a popularly elected President; to be elected at large; to serve as head of the executive branch.

subtropical; factor; relief; ocean;

effect, effective;














to produce;



Ex. 4. Listen to the pronunciation of the following international words and try to guess their meanings:

political; farming;

industrial, industry, industrialization;


















zone; base;

metallurgy; plastics;





Ex. 5. Listen to the text "Ukraine".

Ex. 6. Translate the following words and word combinations into Ukrainian:

in Western Europe; the capital of Ukraine; industrial region; from North to South; in the West; in the East; the total length; for the development; on the same latitude; in the Eastern and Central Ukraine; black-soil steppelands; mild and warm; different crops and vegetables; geographical location; in the temperate belt; on the southern coast of the Crimea; the differences in climate; proximity to sea and oceans; considerable fluctuation; weather conditions; very wet years; droughts; frequent oscillations; very rich in mineral resources; deposits of oil; mineral resources can be classified; the flora and fauna; typical representatives; a high population density; supplies of metal and fuel; the shipping of products to consumers; the valuable wood; timber industry; electrical-engineering equipment; substantially; with bias towards heavy industry; industrial output; a cluster of plants; alongside with the high level of industrialization; one of the main food suppliers; local factories; canning industry; the sea-side cities; the food industry is allied with; the cultivation of fruit and vegetables; interrelated processes; assertion as an independent state; complicated processes; prerequisites for effective accomplishment; a considerable potential; the favourable natural conditions; international trade exchanges; a popularly elected President; a single-chamber national Parliament; elected at large; the executive branch; the world community; to cooperate with other countries.

Ex. 7. Give the English equivalents to the following words and word combinations:

з'явитись на світовій політичній карті; більше ніж будь-яка країна; столиця України; межувати; загальна довжина кордонів дорівнює; чорноземні степи; довге літо і коротка зима; родючий чорнозем; взагалі; півострів; спричиняти; значна нестійкість; від року до року; коливання в погоді, залізо й марганець; сірка; вапняк; ільменіт; природний газ; флора і фауна;

занадто багатий; білка; вовк; заєць; ведмідь; береза; дуб; економічний район; густа сітка авто й залізничних доріг; сприятлива позиція; машинобудівні заводи; перевезення продукції споживачам; виробництво фарфору; промислова база; на користь важкої промисловості; ртуть; добриво; барвники; близькість до моря; харчова промисловість тісно ііон'иіана з вирощуванням винограду; досить складний; всі передумови; ефективне виконання; сьогоденна незалежна Україна; значний потенціал; цс пояснюється; демократична держава; самовизначення; обраний більшістю; намагатися жити в мирі; співпрацювати з іншими державами.

Ех. 8. Look through the list of the international words given in ex.4. Write them down in your exercise-books with the transcription of each word and translate into Ukrainian to be sure with their meanings, spelling and pronunciation.

Ex. 9. Search the text for the English equivalents of the following sentences in Ukrainian.

  1. На півночі України знаходяться ліси, на заході - Карпатські гори, у східній і центральній Україні - чорноземні степи.

  2. Клімат України визначається її географічним розташуванням.

  3. Взагалі клімат країни помірно-континентальний, будучи субтропічним лише на південному узбережжі Криму.

  4. Неоднаковість клімату України спричиняється багатьма факторами: широта, рельєф, висота (над рівнем моря), близькість до морів і океанів.

  5. Поряд з дуже вологими роками можуть бути засухи.

  6. Нова держава з'явилася на політичній карті світу в 1991 році.

  7. На півдні Україна омивається Чорним та Азовським морями.

  8. Мінеральні ресурси можна поділити на 3 головні групи.

  9. Україну можна поділити на 3 економічні райони.

  10. У Донецькому басейні знаходиться група заводів, які виробляють цинк, ртуть, добрива, пластикові матеріали, соду, кислоти та барвники.

11 .Поряд з високим рівнем індустріалізації, цей район є одним з головних постачальників харчових продуктів для країни.

    1. Два взаємопов'язаних процеси є характеристикою української економіки сьогодні.

    2. Сьогоденна Україна має значний потенціал, щоб швидко розвивати свою економіку.

    3. Українська політична система має всенародно обраного президента.

    4. Україна поділена на 24 області й Автономну Республіку Крим.

Ex. 10. For each numbered beginning give the letter of the ending that completes the meaning of the sentence according to the text.

      1. Ukraine can be devided ....

      2. The proximity of the Southern Economic Area ....

      3. Two interrelated processes ....

      4. The Donets-Dnieper Economic Area has ... .

      5. Ukraine is a democratic state ....

      6. The Southwestern Economic Area has ....

      7. The largest reserves of minerals and the valuable wood of the Carpathian forests ....

      8. A feature of Ukraine's climate ....

      9. Ukraine's geographical position .... 10.In the South of the country ....

        1. ... is ideal for the development of its resources.

        2. ... rich mineral deposits.

        3. ... a high population density, a dense network of roads and railways.

        4. ... is washed by the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov.

        5. ... into 3 economic areas: Southwestern, Donets-Dnieper and Southern.

        6. ... is the considerable fluctuation in weather conditions from year to year.

        7. ... are used in the chemical, gas, mining, timber, paper and porcelain industries,

        8. ... are characteristic of Ukraine's economy today.

        9. ... ruled by the law and created as an implementation of the people's sovereign right to self-determination.

j. .. .is reflected in its industry, with shipbuilding its key sector.

Ex. 11. In each sentence one word does not fit the meaning. From the given list choose the right word. Don't look through the text.

          1. The territory of Ukraine extends for 900 miles from North to South.

          2. Combined with its fertile black coal, this makes it perfect for cultivating different crops and vegetables.

          3. The proximity of the Southern Economic Area to the ocean is reflected in its industry.

          4. Timber and canning industries in the sea-side cities are developing.

          5. The heavy industry is allied with the cultivation of grapes, fruit and vegetables.

          6. Ukraine appeared on the world geographical map in 1991.

          7. Ukraine's geographical position is ideal for the development of its resources, lying between 44 and 52 altitude North.

          8. The climate of Ukraine is determined by its geographical map.

          9. Present-day independent Ukraine has a' considerable potential to quickly develop its agriculture.

          10. The flora and fauna of Ukraine are extremely poor.

// political, rich, latitude, location, kilometres, soil, sea, industry, food, fishing //

Ex. 12. Disagree with the following statements and correct them as in the model.

Model: Ukraine borders on Belarus and Russia in the West. No, it doesn't Ukraine really borders on Belarus and Russia, but in the North and in the East, not in the West.

            1. A new state, Ukraine appeared on the world political map in 1993.

            2. The territory of Ukraine extends for 900 kilometres from East to West.

            3. In the North of Ukraine there are black-soil steppelands.

            4. The climate is mild and dry in Ukraine.

            5. The country's climate is temperately subtropical.

            6. There are frequent oscillations in weather in the North-Eastern regions.

            7. The largest reserves of minerals and the valuable wood can be found in:the South of our country.

            8. Test instruments, machine-tools and electrical-engineering equipment are produced by the engineering industry of the Donets-Dnieper Economic Area.

            9. The Donets-Dnieper Economic Area is famous as a holiday playground.

            10. The proximity of the Southwestern Economic Area to the sea is reflected in its industry, with shipbuilding its key sector.

            11. Two independent processes are characteristic of Ukraine's economy today, namely its assertion as that of an independent state and its transformation from market-controlled to planned-centralized.

            12. The Ukrainian political system has a popularly elected head of the state, the Prime-Minister.

Ex. 13. Give detailed answers to the following questions.

              1. What can you say about the geographical location of Ukraine?

              2. Why is Ukraine's geographical' position ideal for the development of its resources?

              3. What could you say in general about the climate in Ukraine?

              4. What is the climate of Ukraine determined by?

              5. Which climate belts does Ukraine's territory lie in?

              6. What do you know about the Crimea?

              7. What factors are the differences in Ukraine's climate caused by?

              8. What is a feature of Ukraine's climate?

              9. Which regions of Ukraine are there frequent oscillations in weather?

              10. What kind of mineral resources is Ukraine very rich in?

              11. What could you say about the flora and fauna of Ukraine?

              12. How many economic areas is Ukraine generally divided into? What are they?

              13. What are the main features of the Southwestern Economic Area?

              14. What is traditionally produced by the engineering industry of the Southwestern Economic Area?

              15. What other consumer goods are also produced in this area?

              16. What industries have developed substantially in the Carpathian zone?

              17. Which economic area in Ukraine is one of the main food suppliers for the country?

              18. Which economic area in Ukraine has major industrial base with bias towards heavy industry?

              19. Where is a cluster of plants producing zinc, mercury, fertilizers and others located in?

              20. What are the main features of the Donets-Dnieper Economic Area?

21 .What industries is a large industrial output of the Donets-Dnieper Economic Area yielded by?

                1. Which factor influences greatly on the development of the Southern Economic;-Area?

                2. What industries are developing in the sea-side cities of the Southern Economic Area?

                3. What two interrelated processes are the feature characteristic of Ukraine's economy today?

                4. What are the main reasons (factors) to quickly develop economy of the present-day independent Ukraine?

                5. What is Ukraine ruled by nowadays?

                6. How many chambers does Ukrainian Parliament consist of?

                7. What could you say in general about the political system of Ukraine?

                8. What do you know about the political subdivision of Ukraine?

                9. What does Ukraine strive to as a member of international community?

Ex. 14. Prove the statements given below.

                  1. Ukraine's geographical position is good for developing of its industry.

                  2. Ukrainian climate is perfect for cultivating different crops and vegetables.

                  3. Ukraine is rich in mineral resources.

                  4. Ukraine can be divided into 3 economic areas.

                  5. Present-day independent Ukraine has a considerable potential to quickly develop its economy.

Ex. 15. Find the main themes in the contents of the text. Express them orally or in written form.

Ex. 16. Summarize the chief facts you've found out from the text to get ready to give some brief information on the topic "Ukraine".

Ex. 17. Look through the text and give a title to each logically arranged part.

Ex. 18. Make up the plan of the text. Ex. 19. Retell the text.

Additional Exercises

Ex. 1. Read the text and insert prepositions or post-verbal adverbs where necessary.


Ukraine can be divided ... three economic areas: Southwestern, Donets- Dnieper and Southern. . .

The Southwestern Economic Area has a high population density, a dense network ... roads and railways. This places the area ... a,favourable position ... supplies ... metals and fuel ... its machine-building plants and the shipping ... products ... consumers. The largest reserves ... minerals and the valuable wood ... the Carpathian forests are used ... the chemical, gas, mining, timber, paper and porcelain industries.

Local agriculture forms the basis ... the food industry. The top position is held ...the sugar industry. The area is widely known ... its grain-milling industry and produces vast amounts ... butter, cheese, meat, fruit and vegetables. A high degree ... development has been achieved ... the meat and dairy industry.

The engineering industry produces test instruments, machine tools and electrical engineering equipment. Buses turned out... the Lviv plant have won great popularity. The area also produces river craft, trams, motorcycles, radio instrumentation, television sets and cameras.

... the Carpathian zone the timber, furniture and paper industries have developed substantially.

The Donets-Dnieper Economic Area has rich mineral deposits. It has major industrial base ... bias ... heavy industry. A large industrial output is yielded ... the mining, ferrous metallurgy, chemical and machine-building industries. The Donets Basin contains a cluster ... plants producing zinc, mercury, fertilizers, plastics, soda, acids and dyes. The development... the coke and chemical industry is closely allied ... the metallurgical and coal industry. The area has the greatest concentration ... thermal and hydroelectric power stations in Ukraine.

Alongside ... the high level of industrialization, the area is one ... the main food suppliers ... the country. The Donbas produces vegetable oil, meat and milk products, sugar and butter.

The proximity ... the Southern Economic Area ... the sea is reflected ... its industry, ... shipbuilding its key sector. Local factories produce machinery for the power industry, tractors and harvesters.

The chemical industry is related ... the sea, ... its abundance of algae and saline deposits ... lagoons and lakes. Fishing and canning industries ... the seaside cities are developing. The food industry is allied ... the cultivation ... grapes, fruit and vegetables. Southern Ukraine is a large producer ... grape wines, canned fruit and vegetables. The area, especially the Crimea, is a holiday playground.

Ex. 2. Read the text and insert articles where necessary.


... Ukraine has ... very favourable conditions for ... development of... agricultural production: ... fertile soils, ... temperately warm climate, ... well- developed industry processing ... agricultural raw materials.

All ... principle areas of plant cultivation are: ... grain and industrial crops, ... meadow culture, ... fruit and vegetable raising. Almost half ... cropping area is occupied by ... cereals such as ... winter wheat, .. .maize and ... legumes,... oats,... barley. ... principal grain crop,... winter wheat, is sown mainly in ...Steppe and Forest-Steppe zones. ... Maize is grown mostly in ... Transcarpathia and Steppe zones. ... Buckwheat, ...millet, ...rice play ... important role.

Among ... industrial crops such as ... sugar, ...beet,... sunflower,... flax ... leading position is occupied by ... sugar beet.

Ex. 3. Make up special questions to the italicized words.


The greatest role in movement of freight and passengers is played by rail transport. The railway network has some 22,000 km of track. Railways crossing Ukraine ensure communication with many countries of Europe. The largest railway junctions are Kyiv, Kharkiv, Lviv, Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhia.

Road transport is important over short distances. Buses are one of the principal forms of passenger transport within the provinces.

Sea transport plays an important part in Ukraine's economy. The Black Sea and Azov fleets consist of large-draught freight vessels. Odesa is the main Black Sea port. Mykolayiv, Kherson, Mariupol are also large ports of Ukraine. The ports of Ukraine ensure trade contacts with over 80 countries.

River transport works closely with rail and sea transport. The overall length of navigable rivers in Ukraine is close to 5,000 km.

Air transport has become one of the principal means of passenger and mail conveyance. Ukraine has many airports, the largest being in Kyiv, Lviv, Simferopol, Donetsk, Kharkiv.

Topic 2 kyiv

Kyiv is the capital and largest city of Ukraine. It is one of the oldest citics of Europe and therefore there are many historical places in it. It was the capital of ancient Rus, cradle of three fraternal peoples - the Russian, the Ukrainian and the Byelorussian.

Kyiv's beginnings go back to the Stone Age. There is a legend about founding of Kyiv. Once there were three brothers Kyi, Shchek and Khoriv and they had a young sister Lybed. They founded a city on the hills and called it Kyiv after the eldest brother. It is believed that Kyi did exist - that he was a Prince of the Poliane tribe and lived in the 7th centuiy.

The city was founded by Slavic people, possibly as early as the A.D. 400's. In 882 Prince Oleg of Novgorod, having seized Kyiv, was known to have said: "This will be the mother of all Russian towns!" The Novgorod principality united with that of Kyiv, and the town was made the capital of a unified Russian state. Kyiv prospered as a trading centre and, during the late 800's became famous as the capital of the first East Slavic State, called Kyivan Rus. By the 1000's, Kyiv was one of Europe's greatest centres of commerce and culture and known as the rival of Constantinople.

Kyiv remained the capital for nearly three centuries.

In December 1240 the Mongol - Tatar forces led by Khan Batu besieged Kyiv. Mongol invaders destroyed much of the city in 1240. It was only by a miracle that the Cathedral of St. Sophia, St. Michael's Monastery ana the Golden Gate survived the invasion half-ruined. The Mongol-Tatars ruled Kyiv more than a century.

Kyiv was rebuilt in the 1300's. It came under Lithuanian rule in 1362 and under Polish rule in 1569. Russia regained control of Kyiv in 1654 after the Pereyaslav Rada (Council) adopted a decision on the reunification of Ukraine and Russia.

In 1793 the two parts of Ukraine united within the Russian State and in 1797 Kyiv became the capital of the Kyiv, Volhynia and Podillia Provinces. In 1632 the Kyiv Mohyla Academy was founded. The great Russian scientist Mykhailo Lomonosov, the outstanding Ukrainian philosopher Grygory Skovoroda, and the historian Dmytro Bantysh-Kamensky were all students of the Kyiv Academy.

In the 19th century Kyiv became the chief centre of the economic, political and cultural life of Ukraine. In 1805 the first theatre was opened. Kyiv University was inaugurated in 1834. In January 1846 the "Cyril and Methodius" Society was founded in Kyiv. Taras Shevchenko, the outstanding Ukrainian poet, was the leader of its wing.

After the fall of tsarismin 1917-1918 the Provisional Government and the Central Rada under M.S.Grushevsky (1866-1934) established in Kyiv.

In 1934 Kyiv became the capital of the Ukrainian Republic and the Government was transferred from Kharkiv. From 1941 to 1943 during World War II, the city was occupied by the German army and was badly damaged. It was rebuilt after the war and has grown rapidly.; In 1991 the-UkrainiaELtepubJic declared itself an independent nation and Kyiv became the capital of independent and sovereign Ukraine.

* * *

Nowadays Kyiv is a large political, industrial, scientific and cultural centre of Ukraine, lying in north-central Ukraine on the Dnieper (Dnipro) river, in a nch agricultural and industrial region. Its population equals nearly 3 million people. It is the seat of the Supreme Rada and the Cabinet of Ministers. Kyiv is situated on the picturesque banks of the Dnieper River (hilly right bank and low left bank). One half of its territory is occupied by parks and gardens.

Kyiv is famous not only for its history, but for its beauty, for the abundance of places of historic interest in it. It is one of the most beautiful cities of Europe.

Landmarks of Kyiv include St. Sophia's Cathedral and the Golden Gate of Yaroslav the Wise. St. Sophia's Cathedral is a state architectural and historical preserve. It was founded in 1037 during the reign of Yaroslav the Wise. The Monastery of the Caves (Kyiv - Pechersky Monastery), which has a network of catacombs, also dates from the Middle Ages. It stands on the green hill above the Dnieper and its sparkling gold cupolas can be seen from outside the capital.

The Marinsky Palace and the Church of St. Andrew, both built during the mid - 1700's, are important examples of the architecture of that period. Shevchenko Memorial, Vydubetsky Monastery, Askold's Grave are really worth sightseeing too.

Kyiv is famous for its monuments. The monument to Prince Volodymyr in the picturesque park on the Dnipro hills has become a symbol of the ancient city. Many monuments have been erected in Kyiv's squares, parks and other public places.

The main street in Kyiv is Khreshatyk Street which looks like a park lane: it is a river of green and gold trees from early spring till late autumn.

Kyiv is a major manufacturing and transportation centre. Its chief products include chemicals, clothing, footwear, instruments and machinery.

The city is an important highway and railroad junction, an air transportation hub, and a busy river port.

As it has already been mentioned, Kyiv is a cultural and academic centre of Ukraine. Many research institutes and higher educational establishments are to be found here. The National Academy of Sciences, the National Scientific

Library, the Central Botanical Garden, and the Main Astronomical Obscrvaioi y are also located there.

Kyiv's cultural life is rich and varied. There are a lot of museums in our capital: the Historical Museum, the Museum of Ukrainian Art, the Museum of Russian Art, the Museum of Western and Oriental Art, Shevchenko Museum, Lesya Ukrainka Memorial Museum and others. The performances staged at Taras' Shevchenko Opera and Ballet Theatre, Musical Comedy Theatre, Puppet Theatre are always of great demand. Kyiv's Conservatoire and Philarmonics, the Concert Hall "Ukraine" are well known not only in this country.

The picturesque green banks and hills, plentiful flowerbeds with millions of different flowers, wonderful beaches of the Dnieper, Kreshchatic, of the widest and most beautiful streets in the country - all this adds up to the beauty of the Ukrainian capital.

Kyiv, the old and ever young city, is the pride and glory of the Ukrainian people.

Ex. 1. Listen and learn to pronounce the following words.

ancient - стародавній, античний;

cradle - колиска;

fraternal - братній (братський);

to believe - вірити;

to exist - існувати, знаходитись,


a tribe - плем'я;

a century - століття;

to seize - захопити, захоплювати;

principality - князівство;

to unite - об'єднувати;

unify - об'єднувати, уніфікувати;

to prosper - процвітати, досягати


commerce - торгівля, комерція;

rival - суперник, конкурент;

to remain - залишатися;

to lead (led, led) - вести, керувати,


to besiege - облягати, оточити;

invader - загарбник;

to destroy - руйнувати, знищувати;

miracle - чудо, дивовижна річ;

to survive - залишатися в живих,


invasion - вторгнення;

to regain - отримати знов,


to adopt - приймати;

outstanding - видатний, відомий;

to inaugurate - починати, урочисто

вводити на посаду;

to establish -засновувати;

to declare - об'являти,


independent - незалежний, самостійний;

nowadays - наш час, тепер;

to equal - дорівнювати;

picturesque - мальовничий;

abundance - достаток;

landmark - орієнтир;

preserve -місце, що оберігається;

reign - влада, царювання;

sparkling -блискучий;

to erect - споруджувати, зводити;

junction - місце пересічення,

залізничний вузол;

hub - центр уваги, інтересу,


to mention - згадувати, посилатися (на);

establishment - установа, заклад; varied - різний, різноманітний;

plentiful - багатий, розкішний;

a flowerbed - клумба;

glory - слава, тріумф.

Ex. 2. Listen and repeat after the announcer the following proper names.




the Russian;

the Ukrainian;

the Byelorussian;

the Stone Age;







Russian State;

Kyivan Rus;


the Mongol - Tatar forces;

Khan Batu;

the Cathedral of St.Sophia;

St.Michael Monastery;

the Golden Gate;

the Mongol - Tatars;



Pereyaslav Rada;

the Kyiv, Volhynia and Podillia Provinces;

the Kyiv Mohyla Academy; Mykhailo Lomonosov; GrygOTy Skovoroda; Dmytro Bantysh-Kamensky; "Cyril and Methodius" Society; Taras Shevchenko; Mykhailo Grushevsky; the Ukrainian Republic;



the Dniepre

the Supreme Rada;

the Cabinet of Ministers;

yaroslav the Wise;

the Monastery. of the Caves (Kyiv-

Pechersky Monastery);

the Middle Ages;

the Marinsky Palace;

the Church of St. Andrew;

Shevchenko Memorial;

Vydubetsky Monastery;

Askold's Grave;

Prince Volodymyr;

Khreshchatyk Street;

the National Academy of Sciences;

the National Scientific Library;

the Central Botanical Garden;

the Main Astronomical Observatory;

the Historical Museum;

the Museum of Ukrainian Art;

the Museum of Russian Art;

the Museum of Western and Oriental


Shevchenko Museum; Lesya Ukrainka Memorial Museum; Taras' Shevchenko Opera and Ballet Theatre;

Musical Comedy Theatre; Puppet Theatre;

Kyiv's Conservatoire and Philarmonics;

the Concert Hall "Ukraine".

the cradle of three fraternal peoples;

to go back to;

to be founded by;

the mother of all Russian towns;

to prosper as a trading centre;

to become famous as;

the first East Slavic State;

to call smth.;

to be called;

one of Europe's greatest centres of commerce;

the rival of Constantinople;

for nearly three centuries;

by a miracle;

to survive the invasion;

to be rebuilt;

to come under smb's rule;

to regain control of smth.;

to adopt a decision on the


to unite within;

the chief centre;

the outstanding Ukrainian poet;

the leader of its wing;

after the fall of tsarism;

to be occupied by;

to be badly damaged;

lying in north-central Ukraine;

on the picturesque banks of the


to be famous for;

the abundance of places of historic interest;

to be . a state architectural and

historical preserve;

during the reign of smb.;

to date from;

to be worth Sightseeing;

to look like a park lane;

from early spring till late autumn;

an important highway and railroad


Ex. 3. Repeat after the announcer the following word - combinations to be ready to clarify their meanings before reading the text:

an air transportation hub; to be of great demand; not only in this country; to add up to smth.

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