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23  Gastroesophageal Refux: Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis and Lung Transplantation







































Initial diagnosis









































































Antifibrotic, anti-acid










therapy, and lifestyle
















changes implemented





















































Time (months)






Fig. 23.7  Change in forced vital capacity (FVC) and diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide (DLCO) over time from initial diagnosis of idiopathic pulmonary brosis. After a signi cant drop in lung function

at 18 months after diagnosis, Nissen fundoplication was performed with stabilization of lung function and ongoing non-surgical interventions

Suggested Approach

Below we have outlined a suggested approach to the diagnosis and management of GER in patients with an established diagnosis of IPF (Fig. 23.8).


C. Scallan and G. Raghu



Patients with ascertained diagnosis of IPF

(Baselione objectve assessment of GER; PFTs, HRCT)


Standard of care including antifibrotic medications

Non-pharmacologic reflux interventions

Proton pump inhibitor

Research trials

Gastroesophageal Reflux Studies

24hr pH monitor

Esophageal manometry


Follow-up q3-4 months with PFTs,

6-minute walk test, HRCT chest noncontrast (12 months)

If significant deterioration*

and persistent GER (with repeat GERstudies) despite PPI and non pharmacologic interventions


Standard of care including antifibrotic medications

Reasearch trials

Consider lung transplant and fundoplication

Laparoscopic fundoplication**

(in centers with experience and expertise in management of ILD and fundoplication surgery)

*Significant deterioration as defined in ATS/ERS/JRS/ALAT 2011 guidelines by one of : progressive dyspnea; progressive sustained decrease from baseline in absolute change in FVC of 10% and/or DLCO (corrected to hemoglobin) of 15%; progression of fibrosis from baseline on HRCT; acute exacerbation and new need for oxygen supplementation or increased oxygen requirements

**Contraindications for laparosopic fundoplication include any of the following : Body mass index > 35; Severe pulmonary hypertension (mPAP>35mmHg); FVC< 50% predicted; 6MWD <50 meters; significant hypoxic respiratory failure

Fig. 23.8  Suggested management of GER in patients diagnosed with IPF Approach followed at the Center for ILD, University of Washington Medical Center based on evolved knowledge with evidence and experience : Patients with con rmed diagnosis of IPF [87] and willing to undergo a formal and thorough evaluation for the detection of abnormal GER are subjected to esophageal manometry and barium esophagogram immediately following 24 h pH monitoring at baseline. Those patients with abnormal testing are offered treatment with a combination of proton pump inhibitors and non-pharmacologic interventions

(described in detail in chapter text). Patients are followed up at regular intervals to monitor lung functional status with pulmonary function testing, 6-min walk test at 3–4-month intervals and chest imaging (every 12 months). Patients with signi cant deterioration* and previously documented abnormal refux are re-evaluated for the persistence of abnormal GER and if present are considered for laparoscopic anti-­ refux surgery in the absence of contraindications**. Such patients if considered for lung transplantation are also considered for anti-refux surgery in discussion with the lung transplant team

Summary and Future Directions

A close relationship between the pulmonary and gastrointestinal system exists beginning from the early stages of embryogenesis. This relationship is particularly important in individuals diagnosed with IPF because of the impact of gastroesophageal refux and microaspiration on disease pathogenesis and behavior. We have outlined the key mechanisms involved in the impact of gastric contents on the respiratory epithelium and their contributions to the development of pulmonary brosis. Several testing modalities are available to evaluate patients with IPF for clinically signi cant refux and should be implemented in a systematic, stepwise fashion. Several treatment options are available including anti-refux surgery which has been shown to be a safe intervention in carefully selected patients.

Further research is needed to better clarify the role of GER and microaspiration in the pathogenesis and progression of IPF. Changes in esophageal physiology have been

associated with increased age including decreased UES and LES pressures and impaired esophageal motility [86]. While many older individuals have signi cant refux, not all develop IPF. Are GER and microaspiration a contributing factor to brosis development in genetically predisposed individuals? Additionally, the impact of microaspiration on the lung microbiome and its effect on disease pathogenesis is an area needing further exploration. As identi ed in one of the previous sections there remains a need for carefully designed, prospective, randomized controlled trials that examine the effects of PPI use in patients with IPF. A large, multicenter clinical trial –TIPAL (ISRCTN13526307; the EudraCT number 2020–000041-14) is underway in the UK examining the therapeutic potential of omeperazole (PPI0 in patients with IPF).

As the understanding of IPF and its pathomechanisms continues to expand, the role of refux and microaspiration will be further clari ed allowing for individualized approaches to disease management.

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23  Gastroesophageal Refux: Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis and Lung Transplantation





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23  Gastroesophageal Refux: Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis and Lung Transplantation




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Part V

Genetic Rare Lung Diseases

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Genetic and Familial Pulmonary


Fibrosis Related to Monogenic Diseases

Raphael Borie, Caroline Kannengiesser,

and Bruno Crestani

Clinical Vignette (CV)

A 53-year-old man was evaluated for lung brosis. He was a past smoker. His medical history revealed asymptomatic thrombocytopenia (between 50,000 and 100,000/mm3), red cell macrocytosis (103 μm3) without anemia, liver cirrhosis, and a premature graying of his hair at the age of 25. He also had a familial history of lung brosis (in red, Fig. 24.1) and premature appearance of white hair (in blue, Fig. 24.1a). The CT scan showed a de nite usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP) pattern (Fig. 24.1b). The pulmonary function tests showed reduced forced vital capacity (FVC) at 61% and diffusing lung capacity for CO (DLCO) at 46% of the predicted values.

A diagnosis of idiopathic pulmonary brosis was made and the patient received pirfenidone for 3 months but developed a skin rash.

He refused to take nintedanib and subsequently presented with an increase in shortness of breath. The pulmonary function tests showed a rapid decline of FVC at 43% and DLCO at 41% of the predicted values, 1 year after initial diagnosis. The CT scan showed a progression of the lung brosis without evidence of an acute exacerbation.

Genetic analysis revealed a pathogenic RTEL1 mutation (c.2869C > T. p.Arg957Trp). Following discussion in multidisciplinary team, recommendations were made to offer genetic counseling to the family, and to discuss lung transplantation with the patient. The patient opted for lung transplantation evaluation and is currently on the waiting list.

R. Borie (*) · B. Crestani

Service de Pneumologie A, Hopital Bichat, APHP, Paris, France

INSERM U1152, Paris, France

e-mail: raphael.borie@aphp.fr; bruno.crestani@aphp.fr

C. Kannengiesser

INSERM U1152, Paris, France

Département de génétique, Hôpital Bichat, APHP, Paris, France e-mail: caroline.kannengiesser@aphp.fr

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023


V. Cottin et al. (eds.), Orphan Lung Diseases, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-12950-6_24