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Тема 1. 11. Научно-технический прогресс

Тема 1. 12. 1. Развитие речевой компетенции по теме «Развитие науки и техники» (2 часа)


  • К концу занятия обучающиеся смогут употреблять лексические единицы в устной и письменной форме;

  • К концу урока узнают грамматические особенности употребления страдательного залога в английском языке.

  1. Языковой материал. Семантизация ле по теме. Первичная отработка.


[ 'enʤin ]



[ fɔ:ls ]

made to look like sth real

to conduct

[ tu: kən'dʌkt ]



[ ə'wɔ:d ]

a prize given to sb who has achieved sth


[ 'ækjurit ]


to occur

[ tu: ə'kə: ]



[ ri'wɔ:d ]



[ ,esti'meiʃən ]

приблизительная оценка; почтение, уважение

to estimate

[ tu: n'estimit ]

оценивать; давать оценку,полагать


[ ,ɑ:ti'fiʃl ]

not real or natural, but made by people

to invent

[ tu: in'vent ]



[ 'prəugrəs ]

the process of developing

to take place

[ tu: teik pleis ]

to happen

a method

[ ə 'meθəd ]

a way of doing sth(метод, прием)

an aim

[ æn eim ]


a cause

[ ə kɔ:z ]

причина,что способствует происходящему


[ 'estimeitə ]


to hold / have in estimation

[ tu: həuld / hæv in ,esti'meiʃən ]


a research

[ ə ri'sə:ʧ]

detailed study of sth in order to discover new facts (исследование)

a development

[ ə di'veləpmənt ]

change,growth or improvement over a period of time

to pay a reward

[ tu: pei ə ri'wɔ:d ]

давать награду, награждать

to offer / post a reward

[ tu: 'ɔfə / pəust ə ri'wɔ:d ]

представлять к награде

well-deserved reward

[ wel-di'zə:vd ri'wɔ:d ]

заслуженная награда

by reason of

[ bai ri:zn əv ]

по причине

a convincing reason

[ ə kən'vinsiŋ ri:zn ]

убедительная причина

in reward for sth

[ in ri'wɔ:d fɔ: sð ]

в награду за что-то

a false beard

[ ə fɔ:ls biəd ]

фальшивая борода

artificial light

[ ,ɑ:ti'fiʃl lait ]

искусственное освещение

accurate description

[ 'ækjurit dis'kripʃən ]

точное описание

a reason

[ ə ri:zn ]

Причина,повод,основание,что объясняет происшедшее


Look through the following words, pronounce them correctly after the teacher, give the right variant of translation:


косм. корабль








спускаться; снижаться


шлем, каска





Тест «Science and technology quiz» Что вы знаете о науке и технике? Проверьте свои знания с помощью теста.  1. Who discovered the law of gravity when an apple fell on his head?  a) Isaac Newton  a) Michael Faraday  b) Archimedes  2. How many chromosomes are there in a human cell?  a) 4  b) 46  c) 406  3 Who discovered radium and later died from the effects of experiments with X-rays?  a) Marie Curie  b) Albert Einstein  c) James Maxwell  4. What travels at 2,997,924,580 metres per second?  a) sound  b) light  c) Concorde  5. The name of the first cloned sheep was  a) Dolly  b) Molly  c) Billy  6. Who created the periodic table of the elements?  a) Michael Lomonosov  b) Dmitri Medeleyev  c) Konstantin Tsiolkovsky  7. Who made a great diccovery while having a bath?  a) Archimendes  b) Hippocrates  c) Democritus  8. When was the first nuclear-powered icebreaker built?  a) in Germany  b) in the USA  c) in Rassia  9. What is Johann Gutenberg’s famous invention?  a) computer  b) television  c) printing machine  10. Who discovered penicillin?  a) Alexander Fleming  b) Louis Pasteur  c) Dmitri Mendeleyev  11. What substance has the chemical formula H2O?  a) oxygen  b) helium  c) water  12. Where do veins bring blood?  a) to the heart  b) from the heart  c) to and from the heart  13. Who invented the telephone?  a) Bell  b) Baird  c) Babbage  14. What is Alfred Nobel’s famous invention?  a) steam engine  b) telegraph  c) dynamite  Проверьте правильность своих ответов и обратите внимание на пробелы в знаниях.  Key: 1.a); 2.b); 3.a); 4.b); 5.a); 6.b); 7.a); 8.c); 9.c); 10.a); 11.c); 12.a); 13.a); 14.c) 

2. ОБУЧЕНИЕ ОЗНАКОМИТЕЛЬНОМУ ЧТЕНИЮ  Текст «Technico-scientific revolution»  Throughout history, there have always been links between technology and industry as well as between science and technology.  In the past, the effects of the revolutionary achievements of the natural sciences on the progress of technology were only very partial, being slow and delayed. Thus, the discoveries of Newtonian universal gravitation and of non-Euclidean geometries exercised no visible influence on the technology of their respective times. In contrast, the revolution in phisics, started at the end of the last century, has rapidly had consequences in technology and, therefore in industry. X-rays, radioactivity, the structure of the atom, the discontinuity of electromagnetic radiations, relativity, all have successively strongly influenced current concepts in other fields of science.  It must be stressed that a characteristic aspect of the present time is that science is exercising a decisive influence on technology, creating new problems for it, guiding its development and conditioning its progress. Scientific theories penetrate technological processes, eliminating empiricism and substituting precise foundations, consciously inspired by science.  In its turn, the development of science is strongly influenced by the astounding progress of modern technology: apparatus of high precision and of tremendous power, such as particle accelerators, nuclear reactors, electronic computers, and so on. The improvement of industrial technology makes possible the realization of high intensity phenomena such as pressure, temperature, very high tension or nearly ideal conditions of vacuum or of sterilization, often indispensable to accurate rimental results.  При ознакомительном чтении учащиеся выполняют серию упражнений, способствующих совершенствованию техники чтения, расширению их лексического запаса и развитию языковой догадки, пониманию связующих средств текста, формированию навыков прогнозирования содержания текста.  1) Прочитайте предложения и выберите подходящее слово или словосочетание из списка данных ниже.Throughout history, there have always been linrs between technology and indusry …1… between science and technology. …2…, the discoveries of Newtonian universal gravitation and of non-Euclidean geometries exercised no visible influence on the technology of their respective times. …3…, the revolution in physics, started at the end of the last century, has rapidly had consequences in technology and, therefore in industry.  1) A/ the only result; B/ as well as; C/ as a matter of fact; D/ however;  2) A/ Thus; B/ However; C/ In this way; D/ In addition;  3) A/ Unless; B/ On the condition if; C/ In contrast; D/ As a result.  (Key; 1) B; 2) A; 3) C.)  2) Прочитайте текст и  а) подчеркните предложение, в котором лучше всего отражена главная мысль текста;  б) найдите слова, о значении которых можно догадаться;  в) найдите незнакомые слова и определите их значение по словарю.3) О чем говорится в тексте? Определите верные утверждения.  The text tells us :  A. – about X – rays, radioactivity, the structure of the atom and the electromagnetic radiations;  B. – about the relationship between sciece and technology;  C. – about the discovery of Newtonian universal gravitation;  D. – that the development of science is strongly influenced by the progress of modern technology;  E. – that the main characteristic of the present time is the ever increasing part played by science in social progress.  ( Key; B; D; E.)