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4. Do you think that most people are happy when winter is over and warm weather comes?

To my mind, almost all people are excited when cold weather of winter is over and warm weather of spring or summer comes. To begin with, winter is often severe and a lot of snowfalls and blizzards are not really pleasant for us. We should stay at home, wrapped in a warm blanket or wearing a jumper and drinking hot tea. We can’t go out and do some fun activities, and moreover, there’s always a risk of catching a cold in this time of year. It`s freezing and everyone is chilled to the bone. It is the season of snowstorms, ice, frozen rivers and ponds, and of slippery streets. Nights are very long, dark, and cold, and days are really short. Someone even says that winter is the most depressing season.

Moreover, winter can mean trouble for people who suffer from asthma. Cold temperatures tend to keep people indoors, which means more exposure to air pollutants such as dust, that can trigger asthma attacks.

And when winter is over, warm and blooming spring comes. It's all in bloom. It blooms in the cities and in the suburbs. Delicate pink cherry blossoms and white apple blossoms are everywhere. The weather in spring is generally mild, but sometimes the days are really fresh. Spring is the season when nature awakes from its long winter sleep: the temperature grows, the sky becomes blue, and the sun becomes warmer. Everything is full of new life again. The days grow longer and warmer; the ground gets covered with green grass.

And people can stop wearing their big coats and sweaters. They finally can go out and enjoy the warmth of the sun. As nature awakes, people start thinking more positive and even romantic. Snow is melting, and it’s not slippery in places any more. Birds come back from the other countries and start singing their merry birdsongs. The first flowers show up, and we can’t take our eyes of them.

Once the sun stays out later, you feel like there’s more time in the day to enjoy nature. It also gives people the opportunity to play outside after dinner with their children or take relaxing evening walks in the park.

No one wants to be in when the sun is shining. Group picnics in the park, trip to the beach, who wouldn’t want to be involved? Spending time with friends and family is good for the soul and lifts your mood.

After staying dormant all winter and conserving energy underground, many fruit and vegetables ripe in spring. There is nothing more pleasant than eating a peach right off a tree. Colourful flowers bloom in the spring and science has proven that looking at buttercups can make you happy.

You can take a long walk, go for a run, or play your favourite outdoor sport — whichever you choose, you’ll love doing it outside, where you can enjoy nature and get some fresh air and sunshine.

So I do think that people are happy when warm weather sets in after a long spell of cold weather. The nature awakes, and people awake. We enjoy looking at flowers, green foliage, trees, and clear blue skies. Grey, cold and even severe winter has gone and everyone has something like a second born – they are full of new beginnings and are looking forward to summer. There are so many reasons why people are happy when winter is over.

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