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5.What sights of London would you visit if you were to stay there for a few days and why?

London is famous for more than its magnificent ancient buildings, the Palace of Westminster, Trafalgar Square, Tower of London, London Eye, Art Galleries, and Big Ben. As the capital city of the United Kingdom, London is well known for influencing other cities of the world since the Middle Ages.

When you walk around London, you see many things from the early history of the world that evokes both curiosity and excitement. You also see a warren of narrow streets, old boats on the river Thames, old tunnels, to name but a few. Some people stand, stare, and start dreaming because London is known as the city of dreams that arouses emotions and joy.

As I adore London so much, and I desire to get to know this city better, I have a huge list of places to see there.

First of all, I would like to visit London Dungeon as it is one of the most entertaining ways to go through the past 1000 years of history of London. Visitors walk through the dungeons from one show to another and get a sense of historical events in an interactive live-action manner. Accompanied by a guided tour of actors, one gets to visit the dark hisrtott and famous characters like Sweeny Todd on the way.

Speaking about the most necessary things to see in London, I can`t miss mentioning Piccadilly Circus and Trafalgar Square. They are one of the best tourist places in London and luckily are located very near to each other. Trafalgar Square was built to commemorate Lord Horatio Nelson’s victory over the French and has a 56-meter granite monument, Nelson’s Column overlooking the square’s fountains.

Picadilly Circus, on the other hand, marks the intersection of several London’s busy streets – Piccadilly, Regent, Haymarket, and Shaftsbury Avenue and overlooking this busy traffic stands London’s most famous sculpture – the winged Eros delicately balanced on one foot. One can learn very many interesting things exploring these commemorative places.

Moreover, I would definitely visit St. Paul’s Cathedral. It has seen prime ministers buried, princes and princesses married, and even survived nightly bombing raids during the Blitz of World War II. It’s an architectural marvel that has been a core part of the identity of London and England itself for centuries now. The Cathedral is very spacious inside and offers something for everybody, from art for art lovers to spectacular structures for the inquisitive engineer.

Finally, I would like to say that it is rather difficult to choose places to visit in London, if you stay there for only a few days. There are so many fascinating, magnificent buildings, historical monuments, architectural masterpieces and so on, that there may simply not be enough time to visit all the interesting places worth seeing.

6.Do you agree that a guided tour of London is the best way to see the city?

There are basically two ways of traveling: traveling in a group led by a tour guide, or traveling independently. There are advantages and disadvantages of the both.

By traveling in a group, you will enjoy the companionship, comfort and safety of group travel, and learn more information about the place from a tour guide; while traveling independently, you can maintain the freedom, flexibility and individualism.

On one hand, a guided tour of London can offer valuable insights and information about the city's rich history and culture. Tour guides can show you the top landmarks and attractions, providing historical and cultural context that you might miss otherwise. Additionally, guided tours can also help you to navigate the city more easily, ensuring that you don't get lost or miss out on anything important. With a tour guide to provide insight and commentary on the city's attractions, you can make sure you get the most out of your visit with the ease of knowing that you're seeing the best of the best. From the iconic Big Ben to the smaller, hidden gems of the city, the guided tour allows you to discover the past and present of London on your own terms.

On the other hand, a guided tour may not be the best way to see everything that London has to offer. Many of the city's most interesting and unique attractions are off the beaten path and may not be included in a typical tour route. Additionally, being part of a large group may limit your ability to explore the city at your own pace or deviate from the tour itinerary.

Some people may prefer to explore London on their own. They may enjoy the freedom to choose their own itinerary and pace. Self-guided tours allow for more flexibility and the opportunity to discover hidden gems and authentic experiences that may not be included in a guided tour package. Self-guided tours can also be more affordable, as you can avoid paying for a professional guide and choose to use free resources like maps and guidebooks. You can take in the historic buildings and monuments, the world-class museums and galleries, and the eclectic restaurants and shops. Stroll along the Thames, wander through the city’s parks, and enjoy the vibrant nightlife. London is full of surprises and unexpected delights, so having the freedom to explore without a guide means that you’ll be able to discover the unique elements that make London so special. Plus, you’ll be able to find the best deals, as well as avoiding any tourist traps.

Ultimately, the decision whether or not to take a guided tour of London depends on your individual preferences and priorities. For those who want to see the city's most famous landmarks and learn more about its history and culture, a guided tour may be the perfect option. However, I think that going on your own may be a better choice.

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