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претворять план в жизнь (осуществлять);

распределять ресурсы;

на этой


принимать решение по;

определять смежные обязанности;

набор персонала;

повседневное руководство и контроль за;


консультировать (направлять);

поддерживать интерес к работе;


реализовывать скрытые способности;


в то же время;


завершить оценку;

давать задания;

выполнять задания;



структура управления;


выполнять управленческие функции

достаточно хорошо и эффективно;


навыки межличностного общения;

управленческие обязанности.






2. Match the verbs and word partnerships used in the text with their synonyms.

1) to be composed of

a) to carry out responsibilities

2) to have charge of

b) to be in agreement with

3) to include

c) to create goals

4) to meet objectives

d) to be formed from

5) to perform duties

e) to realize a plan; to implement

6) to evaluate a plan

f) to finish or end something

7) to fit into the objectives

g) to achieve or attain goals

8) to establish objectives

h) to distribute or give something out

9) to revise goals

i) to consult someone on something

10) to put the plan into action

j) to employ people

11) to allocate resources

k) to involve

12) to staff

l) to have a responsibility for

13) to guide someone

m) to assess a plan

14) to complete a task

n) to go over the goals once again

3.Complete the sentences with the noun / verb / adjective / adverb forms provided in the proper form. Translate the sentences.

1)manage / manager / managerial / management

a)He will be … a staff of about 1,500 people.

b) She lacked … experience and didn’t get the job.

c)In a large organization, many of the tasks of junior … are routine and boring.

d)He was promoted to a branch … of the bank


2) evaluate / evaluation

a) According to his performance …., his work was always satisfactory.

b)We need to … the success of our last marketing campaign.

3)alter / alternatively / alternative

a)This shirt will have to be … ; it’s too large.

b)There are several … ways of doing this job.

c)We had to fight; there was no other …. for us to choose.

d)You are welcome to come with us now in our car. …. you could go later with


4)complete (х2) / incomplete / completion / completely

a)I need one more stamp to … my collection. Without this stamp my collection is …

b)The … date for the stadium is August 13th.

c)His resignation came as a … surprise to his staff.

d) The operation was … successful.

5)assign / assignment

a)I’ve been … the job of looking after the new students.

b)She is going to India on a special … for her company.

6)direct (х3) / directive / directly / director / direction

a)A police woman stood in the middle of the road, …. the traffic.

b)Please … your complaints to the manager.

c)Which is the most … route to London?

d)The investigation was carried out under the … of a senior police officer.

e)The management has issued a new … about the use of company cars.

f)She has been in the Board of … for many years.

g)We live … opposite the church.

7.adequate / adequately / adequacy (for)

a)I hope very much he will prove … to the job.

b)He doubts your … for the job.

c)The witness was afraid that he wasn’t … secured.


4. Translate the following sentences into English.

1.В любом деле управление играет жизненно важную роль.

2.Обязанности руководителей разнообразны: от постановки целей до оценки работы персонала.

3.Как правило, руководители выполняют четыре основные функции ─ планирование , организация, руководство и контроль.

4.Руководители определяют общие цели компании, оценивают альтернативные пути их достижения и выбирают наилучший план действий.

5.Вторая функция управления означает процесс претворения плана в жизнь.

6.Распределения ресурсов, в первую очередь людских ресурсов, набор персонала и умение сделать правильный кадровый выбор это часть организаторской функции.

7.При выполнении третьей функции, руководители осуществляют ежедневное руководство и контроль, консультируют, обучают и мотивируют персонал с целью выполнения планов компании.

8.Контролируя работу персонала, руководители оценивают, насколько успешно достигнуты цели компании.

9.Если цели компании не достигаются, руководителям приходится производить изменения, как в организационной структуре предприятия, так и в структуре управления.

10.Чтобы достаточно успешно и эффективно выполнять свои управленческие функции, руководителям необходимо обладать техническими, организационными и навыками межличностного общения.

Extra reading: Management skills

Read the text and do the exercises below.

Efficiency of a manager’s activity depends on certain important skills. These skills can be divided into seven different categories: conceptual, decision-making, analytic, administrative, communicational, interpersonal and technical.

1.A conceptual skill is the ability of a manager to see the “general picture” of an organization. It’s very important for managers to understand how their responsibilities and the responsibilities of other people in the company fit together to plan their activity in a proper way and get good results.

2.A decision-making skill is the ability of a manager to choose the best course of actions of two or more alternatives. A manager should decide the following:


a)What objectives must be reached?

b)What strategy must be put into practice?

c)What resources must be used and how they must be allocated?

d)What kind of control is needed?

In short, managers are responsible for the most important decisions which help them carry out organizational activity and can affect the future of the company.

3.An analytical skill is the ability to examine and determine the most important problems, to identify the cause of each problem and be able to find out the ways of solving the problem.

4.An administrative skill is the ability of a manager to follow the organization rules established for the production process, within a limited budget, and coordinate the flow of information and paper work in the company.

5.A communicational skill is the ability of a manager to share his opinions and ideas with other people both orally and in writing. This skill is a decisive factor of a manager’s success. The research shows that top managers and middle managers spend approximately 80% of their work time in communicating with people. A communication skill enables managers to hold meetings, write clear letters, internal and external messages, explanatory notes, make reports, etc.

6.An interpersonal skill or psychological skill is the ability to deal effectively with other people inside and outside the organization. It is the ability to understand the needs and motives of other people. This skill is very important for creating good psychological climate for successful activity.

7.A technical skill is a specific competence or specific knowledge to complete a task. First-line managers who are closely connected with the production process need high technical skills to provide technical guidance for the workers. Top-level managers don’t need these skills as much as first-level managers but technical knowledge is useful for them too.

1.Agree or disagree with the following statements. Use the following phrases.

I agree.

I don’t agree.


That’s not quite to the point.

I couldn’t agree more.

But according to the text …

According to the text…

That’s wrong.

1. Efficiency of a manager’s activity depends on five different categories.


2.A conceptual skill is the ability of a manager to choose the best course of actions of two or more alternatives.

3.A conceptual skill is very important for managers because it provides them with the image of their company’s future.

4.A communication skill is the ability to understand the needs and motives of other people.

5.An interpersonal skill is the ability to deal effectively with other people.

6.A technical skill is a specific competence to do some job, to accomplish or complete the task.

7.Top managers need technical skills more than first level managers.

Part 2 Management and Human Resources Development

Words to remember

human resources development (HRD) (n) – the work of improving human resources in an organization through training

to utilize (v) – to use something effectively utilization (n) – an effective use of something

to reveal (v) – to show or allow something previously hidden to be seen to relate to (v) – to have a connection with

context (n) – the surrounding conditions in which something takes place to refer to (v) – to concern

stimulus (li) (n) – something that causes activity

to be aware of (v) – to have knowledge or understanding of something fundamental (adj.) – of the greatest importance

to survive (v) – to continue to live or exist

job security (n) – being confident that you are unlikely to lose your job to result in (v) – to have as a result; to cause something

morale (n) – level of confidence and positive feelings among a group of people who work together

to maintain (v) – to continue to do; to keep up

self realization (n) – developing oneself to maximum potential; self actualization to respond (to) (v) – to react to

to recognize (v) – to accept as legal, true and having value consequently (adv) – as a result; therefore

innovative (adj.) – newly invented or introduced


to appeal (to) (v) – (here) to please

to enrich (v) – to improve the quality of to enlarge (v) – to grow larger or wider to adopt (n) – (here) to accept

authority (n) – the position that gives someone the ability, power or right to control and command

to assume (v) – (here) to take; to begin to have or use to schedule (v) – to plan for a certain future time

to rotate (v) – to do the jobs for a fixed period of time, one after another to attempt (v) – to make an effort at; to try to do something

Tasks to perform

1. Give English equivalents of the words and word partnerships used in the text.

Повышение квалификации персонала путём обучения;


использование людей;

исследование показывает;

быть тесно связанным с;

поддерживать заинтересованность у работников;

в деловом контексте;

относиться к;

направлять поведение работников к;

понимать нужды;

удовлетворять основные потребности;



хорошая заработная


гарантия занятости;

отсутствие факторов;

приводить к;

обеспечивать первичную мотивацию;




происходить (иметь место);

удовлетворять потребности в


личный рост;


реагировать на (откликаться на);


продвижение по службе;

менять условия;

и как результат;


удовлетворить как ….так и;

подходы инновационного менеджмента;

предоставление работникам большего права принимать собственные решения; предоставление работникам возможности выполнять различные работы

(задания); давать право;

принимать решения относительно (имеющие

отношение к); брать на себя ответственность за;

планировать рабочую

нагрузку; контролировать качество выполненной работы;


выполнение работы в срок;

выполнять задания;

передавать должности

(перемещаться по должностям).




2. Match the words and word partnerships used in the text with their synonyms.

1) to be related to

a) as a result

2) proper utilization

b) staying alive

3) essential component

c) with nothing left out; complete

4) in a business context

d) lack of

5) survival

e) connected in some way

6) absence

f) important part

7) poor (moral)

g) probably

8) likely

h) effective use

9) consequently

i) speaking about business

10) entire system

j) less than is needed or expected

3. Match the verbs used in the text with their synonyms.

1) to develop (human resources)

a) to try to do something

2) to reveal (facts)

b) to please

3) to keep (up)(motivation)

c) to change

4) to direct (behavior)

d) to improve skills through training

5) to motivate (workers)

e) to perform work in time

6) be aware of

f) to plan

7) to result in

g) to guide

8) to occur

h) to increase the number of jobs performed

9) to respond to ( needs)

i) to understand

10) to alter (conditions)

j) to react to

11) to appeal to

k) to maintain

12) to enrich (job)

l) to take place; to happen

13) to enlarge (job)

m) to lead to

14) to schedule (work)

n) to show something hidden

15) to meet (deadlines)

o) to stimulate

16) to attempt

p) to have an authority to make own


decisions while planning or doing a job

Extra reading: What does our job satisfaction depend on?

The text below is about helping young people to find out what a good job means. The text gives some factors which should be considered when choosing a job.


Job satisfaction depends on many factors. First we should be confident and competent in what we are doing. In other words, we should be aware that what we are doing is needed by the society, contributes to the improvement of our life, raises our living standard. We enjoy doing our work professionally and efficiently.

However, we may not enjoy doing one and the same thing every day, if we do not have any opportunities or challenges to grow and develop ourselves professionally. Boring is not for people who want to enrich their minds and learn. Lots of people are very sensitive to the status of their job, and the value the society attributes to this or that profession.

Payment or pay is recognized to be another significant factor in job satisfaction. Salary is a major way to support a family; it is also viewed by many people as a reflection of the value attributed to their work by the society and the company. Nowadays workers are provided with different benefits which begin to be recognized as a very substantial part of the incentives.

For example, employees can get such fringe benefits as health insurance, free training, family vacations, gym membership, flexible hours, subsidized childcare from their companies, which in their turn can greatly affect job satisfaction.

Promotion opportunities may be high on the priority list for many people. Career move or advancement means that you make progress in your career, that you are valued and recognized by people working with you.

Working conditions may also have an effect on our job satisfaction. If the working conditions are good and we work in attractive, clean surroundings, we find it easier to carry out our jobs. On the other hand, if the working conditions are poor, we find it more difficult to do things. Not all the companies provide their employees with recreation facilities or even a place to have lunch. In Russia where office space is often a problem we can suffer from being crowded and having no personal space. If you live far from your place of work, you might also suffer from endless commuting or spending hours in public transport or traffic jams.

Most of the people view supervision or management as an important part of their jobs that may increase or decrease their job satisfaction. People feel more important and satisfied if the management is employee-centered, a supervisor takes a personal interest in his workers’ life and welfare, provides workers with advice and assistance. Moreover, getting feedback from their managers is very important for most workers. In many cases people feel happier when they can participate in making decisions that affect their own jobs. Besides, lots of people are committed to their organizations because they like and respect the people who work there.

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