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18.У меня болит голова. – Я дам тебе аспирин. Когда ты выйдешь из дома, она перестанет болеть.

19.Когда ты вернёшься, они всё ещё будут жить в своём старом доме.

20.Я прав, не так ли? Как ты думаешь, почему я прав? Потому что у меня есть доказательства.

Passive structures

I. Form and use.

a) We form passive verbs with the different tenses of “be + past participle”




simple present

am/are/is + past participle

English is spoken here.

present progressive

am/are/is being + pp

Excuse the mess: the house is



being painted.

simple past

was/were + pp

I wasn’t invited, but I went.

past progressive

was/were being + pp

I felt I was being watched.

present perfect

have/has been + pp

Has Mary been told?

past perfect

had been + pp

I knew I had been forgotten.

“will” future

will be + pp

You’ll be told soon.

future perfect

will have been + pp

Everything will have been



done by Tuesday.

“going to” future

am/are/is going to be + pp

Who’s going to be invited?


1)Perfect Continuous passives are very uncommon. Perfect Passives or Perfect Continuous Active are used instead, e.g.

Our class has been taught by this teacher for five years. This teacher has been teaching our class for five years.

2)Future Continuous/Progressive Passives are unusual, Future Continuous Active is used instead, e.g.

When you come here in summer they will be repairing our house.

Когда ты приедешь к нам летом, наш дом будет ремонтироваться.

Ex.1. Find the passive verbs in this text. What tenses are they? Find some articles about incidents or accidents in your local newspapers and retell them in English using passives.

IN DENMARK, 24 people were left hanging upside down when a roller coaster car made an unscheduled stop.

The passengers were stranded 60 ft in the air for 20 minutes before firemen arrived with ladders.

An official for the fairground, at Aalborg in Western Denmark, said the riders had been firmly locked in and had not been in danger.

“They were given their money back”, the official said.


b) The subject of a passive verb corresponds to the object of an active verb.

Ex.2. Write passive sentences.

1.Chinese (speak) in Singapore.

2.The Taj Mahal (build) around 1640.

3.The new hospital (open) next year.

4.She (interview) now.

5.I realized I (follow).

6.(you invite) to Andy’s party?

7.He found that all his money (steal).

8.These computers (make) in Korea.

9.Passengers (ask) not to speak to the driver.

10.Sorry about the noise – the road (mend).

11.The village church (burn down) last year.

12.A Roman pavement (just find) under Oxford Street.

c) With a passive, we can use “by + noun” if we need to say who does the action. This house was built in 1486 by Sir John Latton.

Ex.3. Make the sentences passive. Use by … only if it is necessary to say who does/did the action.

1.Shakespeare wrote “Hamlet”.

2.They have arrested her for shoplifting.

3.They are repairing your car now.

4.People in Chile speak Spanish.

5.Has anybody asked Peter?

6.My mother made this ring.

7.Electricity drives this car.

8.Somebody will tell you where to go.

9.A drunken motorist knocked her down.

10.Liverpool beat Manchester 3-0 yesterday.

11.The Chinese invented paper.

12.You need hops to make beer.

13.They don’t sell stamps in bookshops.

14.The directors are still considering your application.

d) Passives: verbs with two objects

Verbs with two objects have two possible passive structures.



They gave the winner a prize.

The winner was given a prize.

They gave a prize to the winner.

A prize was given to the winner.

We choose the structure which fits best with what comes before and after. The structure with the person as subject is probably more common.


Ex.4. Change the structure.

1.Nothing was sent to me. I was sent nothing.

2.Papers were brought to us to sign.

3.A clock was given to Henry when he retired.

4.Stories were read to the children.

5.£5,000 is owed to me.

6.A new job has been offered to me.

7.French is taught to us by Mrs Lee.

8.A car has been lent to me for the week.

9.A full explanation was promised to us.

10.A lot of lies were told to me by the secretary.

Ex.5. Complete the text with expressions from the box.


had been given

had been told



had never been taught



was given (twice)

was offered

was promised

was sent



was shown

wasn’t being paid






I’ll never forget my first day at that office. I


1 to arrive at 8.30, but when I got









there the whole place seemed to be empty. I didn’t know what to do, because I 2 no information about the building or where I was going to work, so I just waited

around until some of the secretaries began to turn up. Finally I

3 a dirty little office













on the fifth floor, where I

4 a desk in a corner. Nothing happened for an hour; then

















some letters to type on a computer by one of the senior secretaries. This wasn’t

very successful, because I

6 how to use a computer. (In the letter I 7 when


















the job, I 9 computer training, but they’d obviously forgotten about this).








By lunchtime things hadn’t got any better, and I decided that I

10 enough to put up

with this nonsense, so I walked out and didn’t go back.






e) The passive with “by” and “with”

“by” – действующее лицо или действующая сила

“with” – предмет (материал), с помощью которого осуществляется действие

Compare: The fire was put out by the firemen (by the rain) The fire was put out with water.

Mind: to be surrounded by.

Ex.6. Complete the sentences with “by” or “with”

1. My desk was covered … papers. 2. These photos were taken … a very cheap camera. 3. These photos were taken … my sister. 4. I was hit … an old lady. 5. The room was filled … smoke. 6. Irish coffee is made … whiskey. 7. The cake was made … my aunt. 8. The cake was made … dried fruit. 9. The garage was painted … a friend of mine. 10. The garage was painted … a new kind of paint. 11. The café was blown open … the robbers. 12. The café was blown open … dynamite. 13. Radium is discovered … Pierre and Marie Curie. 14. The child was covered … a blanket … his mother. 15. A lot of damage was done … the storm.


Ex.7. Translate using “by” or “with”.

1. Небо покрыто тучами. 2. Записка написана карандашом, я не могу прочитать её. 3. Дверь была открыта этим ключом. 4. Книга написана тремя авторами.

5. Трамваи и троллейбусы приводятся в действие электричеством. 6. Собака была сбита автомобилем. 7. Собака была убита камнем. 8. Новое здание школы было окружено садом. 9. Кем был построен этот дворец? 10. Бумаги были разбросаны ветром по полу. 11. Комната обогревается печкой. 12. Несколько деревьев сломались от сильного ветра. 13. Москва была основана Юрием Долгоруким. 14. Ворота были открыты одной из девочек. 15. Новость была объявлена дирекцией компании. 16. Крепость была окружена высокой стеной.

Ex.8. Answer the quiz questions using the passive and “by + agent”.

Example: Who invented radio?

Bell, Edison or Marconi?

It was invented by Marconi.

1.Who wrote stories about a French detective called Maigret? Agatha Christie, Ellery Queen or George Simenon?

2.Who killed John Kennedy?

John Wilkes Booth, Lee Harvey Oswald or James Eearl Ray? 3. Who invented television?

John Logie Baird, Alexander Graham Bell or Thomas Edison? 4. Who built the pyramids?

The Egyptians, the Greeks or the Romans?

5.Who spoke the words “To be or not to be”?

Alexander, Hamlet or Julius Caesar?

6.Who played James Bond in the first Bond film? Sean Connery, George Lazenby or Roger Moore?

7.Who painted the picture “Demon”?

Vrubel, Aivazovsky or Repin?

8. Who sang “Let it be”?

“Pink Floyd”, “Rolling Stones” or “Beetles”? 9. Who directed the film “Jurassic Park”?

Charlie Chaplin, Steven Spilberg or Hitchcock?

10. Who wrote “The Old Man and the Sea”?

Mark Twain, Ernest Hemingway or Jerome K. Jerome?

Ex.9. Write the newspaper headlines as sentences using the present perfect. Some sentences are active and some are passive.

Example: COST OF LIVING GOES UP – The cost of living has gone up.

GOODS DAMAGED IN FIRE – Some goods have been damaged in a fire.












Activity Think of some items of news, or find them in a newspaper. Write five or six sentences about things that have happened recently. Use present perfect active and passive sentences.

Ex.10. Passive: progressive, perfect etc.

Further practice on some passive verb forms.

1. Present progressive passive. Imagine you are in a busy hotel at midday. Make sentences to say what is being done, using words from the two boxes and the present progressive passive. Example:

Beds are being made.


bills coffee







new guests
















bring down



















2. Present perfect passive. Imagine that, rich and famous, you return to your old home town after fifty years. A lot of things are different. Make sentences, using words from the boxes and the present perfect passive. Example:

The Café Royal has been turned into a casino.

Café Royal


new car park

new schools

opera house

old fire station

ring road



town centre

statue of you

Super Cinema

your house









put up in park




turn into casino / floating restaurants / museum / supermarket / theatre / pedestrian precinct

3. Infinitives and –ing forms. Make some sentences beginning I (don’t) like …ing or I (don’t) want to …, using verbs from the box. Examples:

I like being talked to.

I don’t want to be forgotten.








give present


invite out

laugh at


listen to

look at



shout at


take seriously


talk about

talk to










Ex.11. Change sentences into Passive. Mind prepositions.

Example: We sent for the doctor.

The doctor was sent for.

1. They listen to him attentively. 2. They will laugh at you. 3. We often speak about her. 4. I did away with my old life. 5. The neighbour asked for the telegram.

6. Readers think well of the novel. 7. They greatly disapprove of his behaviour. 8. The young mothers looked after their babies with great care. 9. After a long discussion they arrived at the agreement. 10. His jokes are so dull, nobody laughs at them. 11. I think people will rely on your proof. 12. Teachers think well of these boys. 13. They often referred to his books. 14. They cared much for the children. 15. Are you sure they are speaking about you?

Ex.12. Translate into English.

1. На его высказывания часто ссылаются. 2. За пациентом будут хорошо ухаживать. 3. На ваши вопросы ответят после лекции. 4. О вашем ребёнке позаботятся. 5. Об этом человеке много говорят. 6. За вами последуют. 7. Над бедным ребёнком часто смеются. 8. Я почувствовал, что на меня смотрят. 9. Профессора внимательно слушали. 10. Передайте секретарю, чтобы немедленно послали за бухгалтером. 11. Мы надеемся, что будет достигнуто (to arrive at) соглашение. 12. На этого человека можно положиться. 13. На этих условиях настаивали. 14. На неё смотрели с удивлением. 15. Платёж наличными предусмотрен (provide for) договором. 16. Наконец пароход скрылся из виду (to lose sight of). 17. Об условиях договорились (to agree upon). 18. Этого вопроса касаются (to allude to) в этой статье. 19. Это событие комментируется в сегодняшних газетах. 20. Товары не могли быть реализованы в короткий срок (to dispose of). 21. Позднее прибытие парохода объясняется (to account for) штормом на море. 22. Эта тема будет рассмотрена (to deal with) в следующей главе.

Ex.13. Give two passive constructions of the following sentences.

Example: They have read an interesting story.

a)An interesting story has been read to her.

b)She has been read an interesting story.

1.The teacher gave each pupil a small map of England. 2. I have written a letter to my pen – friend. 3. The hostess has made me some coffee. 4. The chief offered him a new job. 5. I shall send her some beautiful flowers. 6. The guide is showing a new exposition to the tourists. 7. They promised the children many new toys. 8. The librarian offered me a new novel. 9. I have already sent a telegram to my grandmother.

10.He wrote many letters to his wife. 11. They will give her a part in a new play.

12.My sister taught me cooking and housekeeping. 13. The guide showed us many beautiful monuments. 14. Dick will give us some apples. 15. Mother has brought me many presents.


Ex.14. Translate the sentences into English. Give two passive constructions where possible.

1. Делегатам показали несколько новых фильмов. 2. Мне только что предложили командировку в Сибирь. 3. Приглашения были посланы всем бывшим студентам нашего факультета. 4. Детям рассказывают вечернюю сказку. 5. Мальчиков учат водить трактор, а девочек выращивать овощи. 6. Всем участникам конференции были вручены копии этой декларации. 7. Ему обещали интересную работу.

8. Мне не объяснили всей сложности данной ситуации. 9. Нам разрешили взять все книги домой. 10. Ей пока не дали определённого ответа. 11. Его долги были уплачены его родными. 12. Дом был продан какому-то иностранцу. 13. Этот драгоценный камень был подарен ему арабским шейхом. 14. Она рассказала мне целую историю об этом камне. 15. Тому обещали найти его машину.

Ex.15. Practise the following according to the models.

Model 1: A. In my family mother sweeps the rooms. B. Our rooms are swept by my elder sister.

(stress on “our”)

In my family my mother …

1. washes the coffee cups. 2. empties the ash-trays. 3. makes the beds. 4. puts the books back on the shelves. 5. shakes the mats. 6. takes the dog for a walk. 7. winds the clock.

Model 2: A. They are widening our road.

B. Oh, our road is being widened too. (stress on “our”)

C.What did Bill say about the road?

D.He said it was being widened.

They are …

1.repairing our bridge. 2. repairing our road. 3. widening our pavements. 4. changing our house numbers. 5. cleaning our statues. 6. replacing our street lights. 7. extending our no-traffic area. 8. making our street one-way.

Model 3: a) A. Shall I buy the bread?

B.It’s just been bought, actually.

b)A. Did you buy the bread?

B. No, when I arrived it had just been bought.

a)Shall I …

1.lay the table? 2. make the mayonnaise? 3. grind the coffee? 4. fry the sausages? 5. whip the cream? 6. slice the cucumber? 7. boil the eggs? 8. squeeze the lemons? 9. grill the steak?

b)Did you …

1. lay the table? etc

Model 4: A. About this parcel – do we have to tie it up? B. Oh, yes, it must be tied up.

About … - do we have to …

1. these books … take them back? 2. these old newspapers … throw them away? 3. this broken glass … sweep it up? 4. this wallet we’ve found … hand it in? 5. these old


curtains … take them down? 6. the carpet … roll it up? 7. the instructions … write them down? 8. these forms … fill them up? 9. his orders … carry them out? 10. the meeting … postpone it?

Ex.16. a) Open the brackets using the correct tense form in passive.

An airy house (can/see) in Moscow street. Durov’s animals live there. They (take) care of by animal doctors. Rounds (make) by them daily.

It is a bad sign if an animal is off his food: then the patient (watch) the whole day and only then a diagnosis (make) by the doctor. We saw the bear who was seriously ill and breathed with difficulty. “Pneumonia (diagnose) today”, said the doctor, “and now penicillin injections (must/prescribe), but in what way the unjections (do)?” I asked. The doctor answered that a way out of the difficulty (find) by the trainer and in some minutes I (invite) to watch it. “Look here”, she said. “The rope (tie) to his hind leg and the leg (draw) to the bars. In a moment the injection (give) to him. And this procedure

(repeat) morning and evening for several days”. “I am on bad terms with all the animals”, joked the doctor. “I (not/want) here, though I like them very much!”

b) Read this letter from Maurice, who is on holiday in Britain, to his sister Sally in New Zealand. Put the verbs in a suitable tense, active or passive.

Dear Sally,

How are you? We’ve been having a lovely time. We’re being very well looked after by our hosts. We (1) (take) sightseeing and we (2) (introduce) to some of their friends, who (3) (make) us feel very welcome. Last night we (4) (show) round a castle, by the owner! Most of the land in this area (5) (belong) to his family for about five hundred years. Apparently, the land (6) leave to them after one of his ancestors (7) (kill) while trying to save the king’s life. Quite romantic, isn’t?

The castle itself was a little bit disappointing, to be absolutely honest. The owner told us that it (8) (suffer) serious damage during a fire about thirty years ago. When it

(9) (restore) they (10) (add) central heating and things like that. So once you’re inside it (11) (not feel) much different to any other large, old house. But the owner is a real character. He told us lots of stories about things that (12) (happen) to him when he was young. He (13) (send) abroad to work in a bank, but he hated it, so he (14) behave very badly in order to (15) (sack). He kept us laughing for hours. I hope he (16) (invite) here before we leave.

I’ll have lots more to tell you when we get back. Take care. Yours affectionately,


Ex.17. Translate into English.

a) 1. Его просят прийти пораньше. 2. Об этой картине много говорят. 3. Её будут слушать с интересом. 4. Их поблагодарят за подарок. 5. Выставка может открыться завтра. 6. Аудиторию надо проверить во время перерыва. 7. Им надо дать возможность закончить работу. 8. Вам могут задать несколько вопросов по-


английски. 9. Работу надо переделать. 10. Его могут пригласить принять участие в конференции. 11. Докладчика было хорошо слышно. 12. Нас разъединили. 13. Нам было сказано ждать. 14. На статью часто ссылаются. 15. Ей предложили чашечку чая. 16. Ему показали дорогу на вокзал. 17. Ему была присуждена высокая награда. 18. Когда за ним пошлют? 19. Вам разрешили взять эти журналы домой? 20. Каждый год строят новые больницы. 21. Полиция сообщила, что убийца арестован. 22. Когда я вернулся в этот город, здание больницы ещё строилось. 23. Нас попросили прийти как можно раньше. 24. Нам посоветовали быть осторожнее. 25. Мне заплатили наличными. 26. За ним следовало два полицейских. 27. Товар не был доставлен вовремя. 28. Ваша статья будет опубликована в завтрашнем номере? 29. Деревня находится в горах? 30. Это письмо должно было быть написано сегодня. 31. Счёт следует оплатить до конца месяца. 32. По-английски говорят во всём мире. 33. Мэра поддержало большинство избирателей. 34. Вас предупредили. 35. Она знала, что сестра придёт поздно. Её пригласили на день рождения. 36. Туристы хотели знать, кем был построен этот дворец. 37. Когда мы вошли в дом, его предложения всё ещё обсуждались. 38. Разве ты не понимаешь правило, которое нам только что объяснили? 39. Она хотела знать, ждут ли её ещё. 40. Девушка спросила, говорю ли я по-французски, так как хотела знать, где продают билеты. 41. Новый материал был создан в лаборатории нашего института. Его используют во многих отраслях промышленности. 42. Новые книги просматриваются сразу же, как только они поступают в библиотеку. 43. Ему запретили выходить из комнаты, получать и отправлять письма. 44. На улице зажигались огни, была слышна музыка и весёлый смех. 45. В том обществе, куда он хочет попасть, будут смеяться над его одеждой, акцентом, манерами. 46. Он оглянулся и понял, что за ним следят.

b) 1. Вчера мне сказали, что приехал мой старый друг. Меня просили встретить его на вокзале. Ему посоветовали приехать в наш город, чтобы отдохнуть и осмотреть наш город. Боюсь, ему запретят ходить слишком много и велят больше отдыхать. Он много работал в этом году, а за работой должен следовать хороший отдых. Может быть, его пошлют в санаторий. В санатории о нём будут хорошо заботиться.

2. Маленький английский город Сгратфорд-на-Эйвоне посещается людьми со всего света. Здесь в 1564 году родился, а в 1616 году умер Вильям Шекспир. Посетителям показывают дом, где родился великий драматург. Здесь на берегу реки Эйвон построен Королевский Шекспировский театр, где ставят пьесы Шекспира.

Have something done.

A) Study this example situation:

The roof of Jill’s house was damaged in a storm, so she arranged for somebody to repair it. Yesterday a workman came and did the job.

Jill had the roof repaired yesterday.


This means: Jill arranged for somebody else to repair the roof. She didn’t repair it herself.

We use have something done to say that we arrange for somebody else to do something for us.


Jill repaired the roof. (=she repaired it herself)

Jill had the roof repaired. (=she arranged for somebody else to repair it) Study these sentences:

Did Ann make the dress herself or did she have it made?

“Are you going to repair the car yourself?” “No, I’m going to have it repaired.”

Be careful with word order. The past participle (repaired/cut etc.) is after the object (the roof/your hair etc.)






past participle




the roof






did you have


your hair





Your hair looks nice

have you had









has just had


central heating




in her house


are having


the house




at the moment

How often

do you have


your car





I think you should



that coat





I don’t like



my photograph














B) You can also say “get something done” instead of “have something done”

(mainly in informal spoken English):

When are you going to get the roof repaired? (=have the roof repaired) I think you should get your hair cut.

C) Sometimes have something done has a different meaning. For example:

Jill and Eric had all their money stolen while they were on holiday.

Of course this does not mean that they arranged for somebody to steal their money.

“They had all their money stolen” means only: “All their money was stolen from them.”

With this meaning, we use have something done to say that something happens to somebody or their belongings. Usually what happens is not nice:

George had his nose broken in a fight. Have you ever had your passport stolen?

Ex.1. a) Why did you do these things? Answer using “have something done”. Use one of these verbs:

clean cut repair service

1. Why did you take your car to the garage? To have it serviced

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