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Fusion cooking

Fusion cooking is cooking which combines one or more elements from different cooking traditions, either techniques or ingredients., also called cross-cultural cooking, or cooking without barriers. Fusion ingredients usually come from Asia, Central America or South America.

Cuisine is changing. Nowadays people want food that has more flavour, there are other reasons for the spreading of fusion cooking. They are free communication revolution (a chef can fax a recipe in seconds) as well as the improved quality and speed of overseas food transportation.


There was a man in Calcutta Who had a terrible stutter

And he said: "If you please, Will you p-p-p-a-ss m-e t-he ch-ee-se And t-he bu-tt-er

There was an old Man of the East Who gave all his children a feast. But they all ate so much

And their conduct was such

That it killed that old Man of the East.


1Neither fish nor flesh.

2To fall off the frying pan into the fire.

3You cannot eat your cake and have it.

4A watched pot never boils.

Текст С.f Russian Cuisine

Russian cuisine is very rich and varied. There is a big choice of appetizers, soups, hot and dessert dishes. Soup makes an important part of a Russian meal. The traditional Russian soups are shchee (fresh cabbage shchee, sauerkraut shchee, shchee Petrovsskie cooked from pike and fresh cabbage), borshch, rassolnik (kidney and salted cucumber soup), ukha, mushroom soup and soup in season — okroshka.

Many ways of cutting and cooking meat came from France, that is why they have French terms: antrekot, eskalop, file. Roast suckling pig is a classic festive dish


on the Russian table.

The traditional method was to roast the pig on a baking tray in the oven. It was cooked with the head left on, basted frequently with oil or butter and served with buckwheat and sometimes with a hot sauce. Alexander Grigoryevich Stroganoff gave his name at the end of the 19th century to a dish—beef Stroganoff.

Pelmeni is another specialty of Russian cookery, which has its history. Under the Mongol yoke pelmeni became established in Siberia and the Urals and gradually spread on all the territory of Russia. Nowadays there is a great number of recipes and varieties of them. There is a local tradition in Siberia that the families gather at the table once or twice a month in winter and spend the whole afternoon making a vast batch of pelmeni. The women make the dough and chop the meat, the men do the folding. Then the pelmeni are deep frozen and kept in sacks, bags or buckets in cold place.

Russian cooking makes greater use of mushrooms than any other cuisine in the world. They are eaten raw, dressed with herbs, cooked into soups and pies, baked with cream.

The English word "porridge" is no good for translating kasha, which covers almost all ways of cooking all grains in water, milk and cream. There is a large variety of consistencies from dry (like rice) to a thick puree. The simplest and traditional way to serve Russian kasha is with plenty of good butter. As the saying goes: "You can't spoil kasha with butter".

As for drinks, Russian cuisine offers you its orignal beverages: kvas, and zbiten, and a lot of different fruit and berry beverages. Kvas is beverage made from rye bread and water fermented by yeast. Zbiten is an old Russian beverage made from kvas, cognac or vodka, honey, tea and spices.

Russian people are very hospitable and generous at the table. They invite everyone who enters their house to eat with them. Bread and salt are the symbolic offering at welcome. The guest is welcome to share the food even if the house has not more to offer than bread and salt. Hospitality is a typical trait of character of a Russian.

Tasks to the text

Ex. 1. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words and word-combinations from the text:

1. Жареный молочный поросёнок — традиционное праздничное блюдо русского стола. 2. В деревнях Сибири существует целая церемония приготовления пельменей. 3. Женщины делают тесто и рубят мясо, мужчины


лепят пельмени. 4. Русское слово «каша» обозначает все способы приготовления круп. 5. Как говорится в пословице, «кашу маслом не испортишь». 6. Сметана — универсальная приправа в русской кухне. 7. Русская кухня знаменита различными пирожками. 8. Русские люди очень гостеприимны; они приглашают к столу каждого, кто входит в дом. 9. Гостеприимство — типичная черта русского характера. 15. Сбитень — это старинный русский напиток, который готовят из кваса, водки, меда, чая, специй.

Ex. 2.Answer the following questions:

1.What is the name of the popular Russian dish made of meat cut into strips and cooked in sour-cream sauce?

2.What is the name of the highly seasoned soup made of beet root and cabbage and served with sour cream?

3.What are the names of the most popular Russian yoghourt-type beverages of fermented cow's milk?

4.What is the name of the Russian national dish made of cooked grain?

5.What is the name of a many-layed Russian pie?

6.What is the name of the Russian Easter cake?

7.What is the Russian counterpart (двойник) of Italian ravioli?

8.What is the name of the Russian cottage cheese?

9.What is the most typical trait of the Russian character?

Ex. 3. Produce communicative situations, using the following expressions:

Russian beverages, Russian pies, Russian porridge.

Ex. 4 Do a mind map, concerning Russian cuisine.

Read and translate the text

Teкст D. Specialties of Russian Cuisine

According to Russian style, a meal begins with the appetizers, for example a variety of salted and pickled cucumbers, cabbage and mushrooms, also soaked apples and cowberry.

The special feature of any Russian feast is the Olivier salad. It consists of potatoes, green peas and cold chicken and dressed with mayonnaise.

Vinaigrette, another Russian-style salad, is based on boiled beetroot . To this are added boiled carrots and potatoes, salted cucumbers, chopped onions and sauerkraut. The salad is dressed with sunflower oil.

Studens. Studen is the name of a Russian dish made of veal, beef or pork boiled to a soft and state. The resulting thick broth is mixed with finely chopped meat


and cooled until it jellies. The dish is eaten with horseradish.

Pancakes. Pancakes (bliny) is a popular hot dish in Russia. They are made of wheat, buckwheat or millet and served with black and red caviar,, lightly-salted fish and sour cream. Pancakes come not only as appetizers but also as desserts with strawberries, jams or honey.

Traditional Russian Desserts. Many Russian desserts are prepared with fruits and berries, for example, baked apples with apples baked with honey. Also popular are forest berries , homemade curds with berries, fruits, honey and whipped cream; cranberry kissel with ice cream and raspberry liqueur.

Tasks to the text

Ex. 1.Translate the foolowing sentences into English, using the words and word-combinations from the text:

1. Еда начинается с закуски 2. Блины - традиционное русское блюдо 3. Студень - старинное русское блюдо. 4. Многие русские десерты готовятся с добавлением фруктов 5. Винегрет готовится из свеклы, моркови, соленых огурцов, квашеной капусты. 6. Салат «Оливье» - непременное блюдо новогоднего стола.

Ex. 2. Answer the following questions:

1. What are the traditional Russian appetizers? 2. Which dish do you prefer, pancakes or studen. Why? 3. How is studen prepared? 4.What are bliny served with? 5.What are traditional Russian Desserts? 6. Do you like kissel? 7. Do you like pancakes with kissel?

Ex. 3. Produce communicative situations, using the following expressions:

Russian salads, traditional Russian desserts, Russian pancakes.

Ex. 4. Make the mind map, concerning traditional Russian salads



Read and translate the text 1.


Individuals in our economy are involved in masses of voluntary trades. They trade their labour services (time and skills) to their employer for money. They then trade this money with a multitude of merchants for goods (like petrol and groceries) and services (like plumbing and hair styling). The employer trades the goods it produces for money and trades this money for labour services. Even your savings account can be viewed as a trade: you give the bank 100 today in exchange for the bank's promise to give you 105 at the end of the year (your original deposit plus 5 percent interest).

Why is it that people engage in this complex set of economic relations with others? The answer is that people are better off as a result of trading just as individuals within a country find advantageous to trade with one another, so too do countries find trade advantageous. Just as it is impossible for any individual to be self-sufficient, it is impossible for a country to be self-reliant without sacrificing its standard of living.

Commercial policy. Countries that have no barriers to trade are said to practice free trade, but most countries engage in some form of protectionism; that is, in one way or another they restrict the importation of goods. Policies directed at affecting either imports or exports are referred to as commercial policies.

There are four major categories.of trade barriers - tariffs, quotas, voluntary export restraints and other non-tariff barriers, and a set of laws called "fair trade laws" that actually serve to impede trade rather than promote fair trade.

Tariffs. Tariffs are simply a tax on imports. Tariffs put the foreign goods at a disadvantage. They discourage imports. In the absence of a tariff the domestic price is equal to the international price. With a tariff, the price consumers have to pay is increased. Domestic production is increased-pfoducefs are better off as a result. But consumers are worse off. The consumption is" reduced. Since production is increased and consumption reduced imports aibe reduced the domestic industry has been protected against foreign ihipbrts.

Quotas. Rather than setting tariffs, many'countries impose quotas-limits on the amount of foreign goods that can be imported. With limitations on the quantity imported the domestic price increases above the international price. With quotas, domestic producers know precisely the magnitude of the foreign supply. If foreigners become more efficient or if exchange rates change in favour of foreigners, they still cannot sell any more. In that sense, quotas provide domestic producers with greater certainty than do tariffs, insulating them from the worst threats of competition.


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