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7.Why do travel writers receive lavish treatment?

8.What is the range of activities of the tour operator?

9.What are the advantages in becoming a travel agent?

10.What are the functions of official or semi-official tourist bureaus?

11.What part do consultants play in the tourist industry?

12.What is the difference between a tour guide and a conductor?

13.What does the sightseeing guide have to do in his job?

14.What qualities does the conductor need?

15.What does the job of social director involve? Why is this job important?

16.What kinds of instructors are needed in tourism? Why?

17.What should the final result of any job in tourism be?

2. Sum up what you’ve learned from the text about:

a)the wide range of jobs in tourism;

b)the common feature of all jobs in tourism;

c)the ways to acquire necessary skills and experience in tourism;

d)the travel agents and tour operators;

e)the sightseeing guides and conductors;

f)consulting firms and social directors;

g)the main aim of any job in tourism.

3. Read the sentences, define whether they are true or false, speak on them.

1.The proportion of people employed in tourism is low compared to the number of people served.

2.All jobs in tourism require either no skill or just a very low degree of skill.


Very few people employed in the tourist industry





have any direct contact with members of the public.


Language skills are extremely important for all





employees working in tourism.


Women are employed in a wide variety of





positions in the tourist industry.


Travel agents can always get help with problems such




as pricing fares or government regulations, so there is no need for them to keep up with such matters.

10.7. A few people are able to make a living by writing on a free-lance basis about travel and tourism.

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Tour operators run their businesses in the same





manner as retail travel agents.


Official and semi-official tourist bureaus employ




very few people, and most of the people they do employ handle complaints


from the public.




Consultants are often hired for research, planning,


and development in tourism.




A sightseeing guide will never have any difficult





or unexpected problems to deal with.


A guide who conducts a group throughout its





entire trip must deal not only with the tourists, but also all sorts of other people


who work in tourism.



A person who does not like fun and games would





be an excellent choice for a social director at a resort hotel or on a cruise ship.


The airlines and other tourist industry companies





often have special training programs for candidates in some job categories.


There are no courses at the universities level that


are concerned with tourism.


Language focus

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1. Look through the text and match the definitions given below with the words and phrases from the text.

1. a writer or other trained worker who earns

a. travel agents

money without being in the regular employment


of any particular organization


2. the person who accompanies a sightseeing trip

b. tour operators

3. a person who offers his experience and

c. labour-intensive industry

knowledge in a particular field to individual


customers on a fee basis


4. hotel personnel who work at the registration,

d. guide

information and cashier’s desks


5. the person who make travel arrangements

e. statistician

6. a person at a resort hotel or on a cruise ship

f. free-lancer

who is in charge of the activities that are designed


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не полужирный



to amuse and entertain the customers


7. industry that employs a high propotion of

g. consultant

people in comparison to the number that it serves


8. a person who works with statistics

h. front-desk employees

9. people who sell packages to general public

i. social director

10. people who put together tours

j. conductor

2. Insert prepositions.








irritations of travel can bring …





qualities in some people.







One of the most important aspects of the job of a








travel agent is keeping informed … the highly complex pricing policies.



Some of the jobs are related … promotion, others







are involved … research, still others are concerned … planning and



development of new tourist facilities.




In tourism, consultants are called … to give advice









to government bureaus or private developers.




One of the guide’s jobs concerns easing the









tourists … government formalities.





travel agent must keep …










developments in the industry – new resorts, changing travel regulations, new services, and so on.

7.Anyone who has chosen a career … tourism should enjoy working … people and be tolerant … their failings.

8.The guide is … charge … local sightseeing.

9.Many hotels give training courses … people who will fill … both skilled and semi-skilled positions.

3. Translate the sentences. A.

1.Опыт – необходимое условие для успешной деятельности турагентства.

2.Существует много различных путей приобретения необходимого опыта.

3.Общим для всех должностей в туризме является контакт с публикой.

4.Открыто выраженное негодование туристов может вызвать спад в туриндустрии в некоторых курортных районах.

5.Человек, выбравший карьеру в туризме, должен получать удовольствие от работы с людьми и быть терпимым к их недостаткам.

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английский (США)

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6.Раздражение от путешествия может выявить самые плохие качества в некоторых людях.

8.7. Туристические бюро нанимают много людей,

которые выполняют различные виды работ, например: реклама, сбор статистических данных, планирование и строительства новых туристических сооружений и т. д.

9.8. Реклама чрезвычайно важна для всей индустрии туризма.

10.9. Консультационные фирмы играют важную

роль в индустрии туризма. Они предлагают экспертизу, выполняют рыночные исследования, анализируют статистические данные, помогают в планировании строительства новых курортов.

11.10. Гид должен иметь качества дипломата, так как

он имеет дело не только с туристами, но и со многими официальными лицами, носильщиками багажа, гостиничными клерками и многими другими людьми.

12.11. У застройщиков ушло много времени на то,

чтобы пробиться сквозь (cut through) все административные «рогатки» и начать строительство отеля.

13.12. Компанией руководят профессионалы, которые точно знают, что они делают.

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Туризм относится к тем сферам деятельности, где соотношение клиентов и обслуживающего персонала очень высоко. Диапазон профессий, нужных в индустрии туризма, тоже очень велик. Однако, основной чертой всех, кто работает в сфере туризма, является постоянное общение с людьми, со всеми его положительными и отрицательными аспектами. Поэтому тот, кто хочет работать в сфере туризма, должен обладать такими качествами, как терпение, общительность, доброжелательность, терпимость, выносливость и многими другими. Во многих профессиях, связанных с туризмом, необходимо знание иностранных языков. Уровень владения иностранными языками может варьироваться в зависимости от профессии и местонахождения работы, но то, что языковые навыки являются неотъемлемой частью любой работы в туризме, не вызывает сомнений. В туризме работает много женщин, которые приобрели необходимый опыт, начиная работать в качестве агентов туристических фирм.

Существуют консультанты, которые на платной основе дают необходимые рекомендации по развитию туристического бизнеса. Очень трудна, но интересна

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русский, уплотненный на 0,5 пт

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работа гидов, которые должны хорошо знать; не только историю страны, но и все достопримечательности и уметь интересно о них рассказать.

Сопровождающий группу тоже сталкивается с массой проблем. Он должен быть готов к любым проблемам, возникающим во время путешествия, и уметь хорошо и быстро с ними справляться.

Таковы некоторые аспекты профессий в туризме. Но на самом деле, туризм создает огромное количество рабочих мест, особенно во время сезона. Он считается одним из самых прибыльных и эффективных путей развития национальной экономики.


1. Explain why you have chosen a career in tourism. Include what you consider to be the special aptitudes that qualify you for this career. State what you think the future of the field itself will be.

2. Think and answer:

1.Do many people want to work in tourism? Why (not)?

2.What are the job requirements for those who want to work in tourism in Russia?

3.What tourism jobs are considered highly in Russian tourism?

4.What jobs do not seem very attractive to you? Why?

5.How are jobs in tourism paid in Russia?

6.What tourism-related jobs require high qualifications?

7.What kind of job would you like to take up?

8.What are the advantages and disadvantages of the job?

9.Can you compare the development of tourism in Russia with other countries and parts of the world?

10.What are the latest trends in tourism development?

Part two

Listening 1

Listen to six people talking about their jobs

1. Match the people to their job titles.


a) Product Manager

d) Travel Consultant

b)Trainee hotel Manager

e) Cabin Attendant

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полужирный, курсив

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не курсив

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полужирный, курсив

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f)c)Conference Coordinator

f) Business travel Consultant

Note the following words from the interviews:

1. it's a pretty competitive market – это рынок с довольно сильной конкуренцией

2. a company is going through a bad patch – компания переживает трудные времена

3. the first thing that gets cut – первое, что «урезают», т. е. на чем экономят средства 4. an incentive – побуждение, стимул; зд. привлекательные условия контракта

5. incentive travel – мотивационный туризм

6. profit margins – маржа прибыли: показатель прибыли (чистого дохода) в процентах к объему реализованной продукции (услуг)

7. accountancy – бухучет

8. safety procedures – меры безопасности

9. to combine the job with social life – сочетать работу и личную (светскую) жизнь

10. a checklist of points – список дел для самоконтроля; контрольный список того, что нужно сделать

11. a badge – нагрудный знак; табличка с именем

12. information folder – папка с необходимой информацией

13. we're having a big do – мы проводим большое мероприятие

14. a basic salary – основной оклад/ базовая заработная плата

15. a performance related bonus – премия, зависящая от качества выполненной работы

16. I don't do too badly. – зд. Я неплохо зарабатываю.

17. to plan ahead – заниматься перспективным планированием

18. to contract with hoteliers – заключать контракты с владельцами гостиниц

19. service providers – фирмы, специализирующиеся в сфере оказания различных услуг

20. to negotiate terms and conditions – вести переговоры по условиям контракта

2. Listen to the tape again and answer the questions:

1.How long has the business travel consultant been working for the travel agency?

2.What is her main job task?

3.Why is this market highly competitive?

4.Why do they have to cut their own profit margins?

5.What kind of training programme is there for hotel managers? 6.What is he doing at the moment?

7.What job does he hope to get in future?

8.What are the main job duties of a cabin attendant?

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9.What qualities does she need for her job?

10.What are the disadvantages of the job?

11.What does she enjoy about her job?

12.What is the conference coordinator responsible for?

13.How does she manage to arrange everything? 18.14.What does the job of a travel consultant involve? 19.15.What kind of job is that? Is it well-paid? 20.16.What does he want to specialize in?

21.17.What does the job of a product manager involve? 22.18.What kind of matters does he deal with? 23.19.What are his plans at the moment?

3. Summarize the job descriptions.

Language focus

1.Who would carry out the activities below?

1.direct a plane at take-off and landing

2.keep the ship’s accounts and look after passengers’ rooms and general comfort

5.deal with people arriving at a hotel

6.give information and make arrangements at a hotel concerning local attractions and events

7.look after a museum

8.fly a plane

9.look after the passengers on a plane

10.take suitcases and bags on and off planes 11.help hotel guides with their suitcases and bags

12.give advice on how to promote a region or sector of tourism 13.check suitcases and bags for illegal items on arrival in a country 14.help arrange concerts, dances, and other social events on board a ship 15.look after a game park

16.be in charge of arrangements for a group of tourists traveling together 17.clean the rooms in a hotel

18.look after the passengers on a train

2. Match the qualities with these definitions:


4) diplomatic

7) optimistic




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5) considerate

8) dynamic


6) computer-literate

9) accurate



10) energetic




a)is able to use information technology;

b)thinks of other people's feelings;

c)is discreet and tactful m delicate situations;

d)shows a lot of enthusiasm and energy;

e)is good with figures;

f)can speak fluently;

g)is precise, pays attention to detail;

h)feels confident about the future.

Make a list of qualities you think are most important for anybody working in tourism. Mark the qualities you think you have, make a list of your good points.

3. Match the words in the box with the definitions.

a) salary; b) overtime; c) perks; d) fee; e) wages; f) commission; g) bonus; h) tip

1.the extra things, such as luncheon vouchers or free medical insurance, over and above the basic salary;

1.a small sum of money given to reward the services of people like waiters or taxi drivers;

2.money paid every month, but referred to as annual earnings paid to professional and managerial staff;

3.money paid to a professional person, e.g. doctor or lawyer for advice given;

4.money paid to a manual worker, usually calculated hourly and paid weekly;

5.money added to pay , usually as a reward for good work;

6.money that is paid for extra hours of work;

7.money earned as a proportion of the goods or services sold by an individual.

4.Fill in the gaps with a word from the box in exercise 3.

1.She left school without any qualifications then got a factory job, but the

_________ weren’t very good.

2.The basic remuneration isn’t high but she earns 15% _________ on every tour she sells.

3.The salary is not exceptional but the _________ include the use of a car and subsidized accommodation.

4.The consultants charged us a _________ of $ 200 for an hour’s work.

5.The starting _________ is $ 35000 per annum rising to $ 40000 after two years.

6.We gave the guide a good ________ because she made the visit so interesting.

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полужирный, курсив


7.The company paid each employee a $ 259 Christmas _______ as profits had never been so high.

8.If they work on Sunday they get ________ which is double their usual rate of pay.

5.Job advertisement. Find words or phrases in the advertisements below which mean the following.

1. only for important people


2. an applicant’s list of qualifications and experience


3. equipped


4. minimum of


5. looking for


6. not newly started

…. …………………..

7. chances of promotion


8. extras to wages/salaries


9. applicants


10. able to develop new ideas


11. at the start


12. salary/wages higher than at other hotels




This exclusive hotel in the heart of the city is seeking candidates who are enthusiastic and innovative. We offer excellent benefits, great prospects and competitive pay. Candidates must have at least two years’ experience.

Please call Linda Bolam on 0192 13579


Enthusiastic and energetic chef required to initially work with chef/proprietor and later take over established restaurant. The kitchens are fitted out to the highest standard. We are locally known for our fish specialities.

Own flat available.

Write enclosing C.V. to John Bloggs, The Woodlands, Wayside Road, Oakton MN 13 9EJ

6. Fill in the crossword. Each answer is to do with employment.


1. A person who is in employment.

4. This type of job is only for a few hours a week. (4, 4)

7.The extra money left by guests.

8.If you work extra hours you get paid this.


10. People who are happy at work have job …

12.The manager appointed him to the … of head waiter.

13.The more jobs you do and the longer you work, the more of this you get.

15.The extra money that workers get from the management as a special thank you.

16.The meeting when you discuss a possible new job.

18. If you decide to leave the job, you have to … .

20.A hotel which is very busy in the summer will need … workers.

21.To get the best results from workers, the personnel manager must … them.

23.Before you go to discuss a new job you make an …

25.This money is paid to people who have reached the official age to stop working.

26.Someone who has written to ask for a job.


1.The person or company who employs you.

2.To find suitable people and employ them is to …

3.This is a percentage of what you can earn which you pay to the State. (6, 3)

5.When people reach the official age to stop working they …

6.People have these if they have studied and passed professional exams.

7.Another way of saying ‘to employ’. (4, 2)

9.When the manager has found a new chef, he will … him to the position.

10.The housekeeper has to … the work of the cleaning staff.

11.People who are paid weekly are paid …

14.When you move up to a more senior position, you get …

17.The time that you start work is the time you come … (2, 4)

19.A word for all the people who work in the hotel or restaurant.

22.Write a letter and … for the job if you are interested.

24.When you work, you … money.

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