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The first tour in the modern sense was put together by Thomas Cook in 1841. Cook was soon offering tours all over the world, and the idea gained acceptance very quickly

not only in England, but also in other European countries and in the United States.

The firm of Thomas Cook and Sons has remained a major force in the travel industry, despite the number of changes in ownership. Its principal rival for many years has been the American Express Company, which grew out of the Wells Fargo freight forwarding business. Both Cook and American Express operate as tour packagers as well as retail travel agents; that is, they sell the tours which they package directly to the public through their own travel offices and through other agents.

Among the major tour operators or packagers on the scene today are the airlines themselves. As we observed, several of them have gone into the hotel business as well

as transportation. This puts them in an advantageous position, since they can set aside blocks both of airline seats and hotel rooms for their own tours. Shipping companies are also tour operators. Cruises are a form of tour, with the ship taking the place of a hotel for purpose of accommodations.

The great increase in tourism that took place in 1960’s, especially in Europe, was in part the result of the emergence of a number of firms whose chief business was packaging and operating tours. Some of them took advantage of the ITX fares on the scheduled airlines. Others began to specialize in chartering entire planes, which permitted them to offer still lower prices. Chartering in many cases was encouraged by governments that wanted a greater air transportation capacity than could be offered by the scheduled lines.

The typical package that the European tour operators put together consisted of the least expensive two-week holiday tour. It was primarily intended for northern Europeans who wanted a Mediterranean vacation. As the competition among the operators brought prices down, many people who had never traveled before were encouraged to try a trip abroad. Both tourism in general and the tour operating companies themselves expanded very rapidly.

The rapid expansion, however, has also resulted in many changes in management and methods of operation for the firms in the business. A sounder financial base become necessary, since tour groups were sometimes left stranded because tour operators did not have sufficient cash to pay the price of the aircraft charter. Some of

the tour operators have now been absorbed by conglomerates, the huge modern corporations that engage in many different kinds of business. Others have close ties with particular charter airlines or hotel chains. A few have become involved in resort development. A good deal of experimentation has taken place in what is still basically a new business. In Germany, for example, mail order firms have marketed tours through their catalogues.

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Tours are also arranged for employees and their spouses by corporations. The corporations typically offer these vacation trips as a reward for superior sales effort or

as an incentive to improve performance. This type of tour is of course not open to the general public, but it is welcomed by the airlines and by the hotel operators in the established resorts that frequently attract business of this kind.

It is possible to distinguish between two general types of tours. One is the holiday package that has a resort hotel as its destination. While local sightseeing or entertainment may be included in the package, the tours are generally of the “no frills” variety – in other words, without expensive extras. The major attractions usually include sun, sea, and activities such as golf or tennis that are offered by the resort itself. Local color is not even an important consideration. Many of the vacationers are hardly aware of what country their hotel is in.

The second is the guided tour that features sightseeing or some other special attraction. These tours are accompanied by a guide who is in charge of travel arrangements and activities. The activity offered by the tour is its principal attraction.

The tour may combine travel with education. Most of these tours include several different destinations and a good deal of travel within one region. Thus, they require careful arrangement and coordination of accommodations, local transportation, baggage handling, and all the other details that accompany any kind of travel.

The person who leads such tours is the tour guide. He is multilingual, he relates well to other people, and he deals with variety of problems that arise not only in making travel arrangements, but also in carrying them out. He deals with the problems of lost baggage and unsatisfactory hotel accommodations, with rainy days and fatigue, with sudden illness, and with the interpersonal problems that arise among the members of

the group. He is, in other words, almost as much of a psychologist as a travel expert.

There are many advantages in the packaged tours, the most obvious being the price. When airplane seats and hotel rooms are reserved in blocks by the tour operators, considerable savings are passed on to the customers. These savings have been reflected in the last few years by the great increase in tourism. Many people would never travel at all without the price inducement offered by packaged tours.

A second advantage is the opportunity for the tourist to make all his travel arrangements in one place at one time. The independent traveler – one who does not travel as a member of a group – often has to go to considerable trouble to put the different pieces of his trip together. Airline seats may not be available when he wants them, or he may not be able to secure the hotel accommodations that he wants. Even when a travel agent makes the arrangements, these difficulties still exist, but with the

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packaged tour they are eliminated for the consumer. The tour, in other words, offers convenience as one of its inducements.

A third advantage can be summed up in the term accessibility. Tours make it possible for people to visit many remote or rugged areas that would otherwise be too difficult for them to try to see on their own. Tour operators have made these and countless other places throughout the world accessible to the general public.


1.Answer the questions.

1.Why are tour operators considered to be wholesalers of the tourist industry?

2.What do packaged tours offer?

3.When was the first packaged tour put together?

4. How did the emergence of a great number of tourist firms influence tourism in general?

5.What was the result of the competition among the tour operators?

6.What did the rapid expansion of tourism lead to?

7.What types of tour does the text mention?

8.What is the difference between a holiday package and a guided tour?

9.What qualities does a tour guide need? Why?

10.What are the advantages of a packaged tour?

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2.Sum up what you’ve learned from the text about:

a)the services offered by packaged tours;

b)the history of development of this kind of tourism;

c)different types of packaged tours;

d)the job of a tour guide;

e)the advantages of packaged tours.

3. Read the statement, define whether they are true or false, speak on them.

1.All packaged tours are put together and also sold to the public by retail travel agents.

2.Tours on chartered aircraft can usually be offered at lower prices than those on the scheduled airlines.

3.Cook and American Express operate both as packagers and retailers.

4.The scheduled airlines never offer any kind of special fares for tours and never

package tours themselves.

5. Chartering has been discouraged by all governments throughout the world.

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6.The typical tour offered by European tour operators is a two-week holiday at a Отформатировано: Шрифт: 13 пт Mediterranean resort.

7.Tourists have never been left stranded as a result of financial problems encountered by tour operators.

8.The practice of selling tours by means of mail order catalogues is widespread throughout the world.

10. Corporations sometimes reward their employees with holiday tours. 11.11. The holiday tour with a resort hotel as its destination usually does not offer a

lot of expensive extras.

12.12. A tour guide is only responsible for sightseeing, never for travel arrangements such as local transportation, hotel accommodations, or baggage handling.

13.13. A tour guide does not have any special skills.

14.14. One big advantage to the general public of packaged tours is the lower price for travel.

15.15. A person who buys a packaged tour must make all arrangements himself, just like an independent traveler.

16.16. Tour destinations are always resort areas that are easy to get to.

Language focus

1. Look through the text and match the definitions given below with the words and phrases from the text.

1. people who package or put together tours

a. conglomerate

2.a tour, often for sightseeing purpose,

b. ITX fares

that is accompanied by a guide


3. transportation to and from airports,

c. independent traveller

including baggage handling


4. a corporation that engages in many different

d. mail order firm

kinds of business, often on an international scale


5. tour-basing fares offered by the scheduled airlines

e. rival

6.a company that sells merchandise by mail, sending

f. guided tour

out a catalogue from which customers can order


merchandise that is delivered by mail


7. a person, a group, or organisation with whom

g. accessibility

one competes


8. the condition of being easy to reach, enter or obtain

h. packaged tour

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уплотненный на 0,4 пт

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9. a traveller or tourist who is travelling on his own

i. tour operators

rather than as a member of a group


10. renting an aircraft , usually from nonscheduled airline

j. transfer

11. the tour that offers transportation, accommodation,

j. chartering

meals, and sometimes entertainments


2. Insert prepositions

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1.The tourist pays a lower price … the package than if he were trying to make all arrangements … his own.

2.The American Express Company grew … … the Wells Fargo freight Отформатировано: Шрифт: 13 пт forwarding business.

5.3. Cruises are a form of tour, … the ship taking the place of a hotel … purposes of accommodations.

6.4. As the competition among the operators brought prices … , many people were encouraged to try a trip abroad.

7.5. Some mail order firms have marketed tours … their catalogues.

9.6. Guided tours are accompanied by a guide who is … charge … travel arrangements and activities.

10.7. The tour guide deals … the variety of problems that arise not only … making travel arrangements, but also … carrying them … .

11.8. Considerable savings are passed … … the customers when airplane seats and hotel rooms are reserved … blocks by the tour operators.

12.9. The rapid expansion of tour operating companies has resulted … many changes … management and methods of operation … the firms … the business.

3. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.


1. В магазинах этот товар стоит 50 долларов, а его оптовая цена – 35 долларов. 2. Горячая ванна в этом отеле – дополнительная услуга.

3. Между этими компаниями жестокая конкуренция, чтобы получить контракт. Корпорация постепенно поглощала своих мелких конкурентов. Развитие туризма привело к появлению большого количества фирм,

занимающихся организацией турпакетов.

8.6. Туристические группы иногда оказываются в стеснённых обстоятельствах, потому что у туроператоров нет достаточного количества денег, чтобы заплатить цену чартера самолёта.

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9.7. Когда места в самолёте и места в гостинице заказываются полностью туропероторами, клиенты получают значительную экономию.

10.8. Идея снижения цен на турпакеты получила одобрение турагентов. 11.9. Различные компании и банки предоставляют такую услугу, как

турчек и кредитные карточки, которые делают наличные деньги доступными в любое время.

12.10. У компании было много конкурентов, но благодаря быстрому расширению и хорошему качеству товаров, она заняла лидирующее место на рынке.

13.11. Повышение деловой активности привело к образованию новых турфирм, которые предлагают туры во все уголки мира.

B. Туроператоры – это фирмы, которые занимаются организацией туров, включая транспорт, проживание, программы развлечений и отдыха туристов.

Они являются «оптовыми» продавцами туристического бизнеса, в то время как турагенты продают создаваемые ими услуги.

Развитие туристического бизнеса привело к тому, что фирмы-операторы вынуждены были совершенствовать методы управления и ведения дел. Им приходится иметь дело с огромным диапазоном потребностей туристов и оказывать широкий спектр услуг.

Преимущества пакетных туров стали очевидны с момента их возникновения. Туризм стал массовым именно потому, что подобные туры позволяли туристам экономить, и тем самым сделали отдых доступным широким слоям населения. Удобно заказывать поездку со всеми удобствами в одном месте и по сходной цене. Туристы доверяют все хлопоты, связанные с организацией отдыха, туристическим фирмам. Поэтому на туристические фирмы ложится огромная ответственность оправдания надежд их клиентов и обеспечения им здорового, безопасного и увлекательного отдыха.


1. Think and answer.

1. What do you think are the advantages of packaged tours?

2. Why are tours less expensive than individual / independent travelling?

3.How are packaged tours developed in Russia?

4.What do you know about the services offered by packaged tours in Russia?

5.Are customers satisfied with the quality of tourist service? Why (not)?

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6.Is there a tough competition among tour operators in Russia?

7.If so, what is the result of such competition?

8.What is the best known tour operator in Russia?

2. Describe the packaged tours for which your country or region is the destination.

Indicate the kind of transportation, the accommodations, and the extras that are usually included. If possible, find out what the price advantage would be to the tourist

If there are few or no tours to your region, indicate what kind of tours you think could be developed and what difficulties would have to be overcome in order to get them organized.

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Part two


What is the difference between a travel agent and tour operator?

1.Look at the different functions in the left-hand column and match the underlined Отформатировано: Шрифт: 13 пт words with the definitions in the right-hand column.

2.Decide which function is performed by a travel agent and which is performed by a Отформатировано: Шрифт: 13 пт

tour operator.









sell air tickets and other transport tickets


hire for a special purpose


design a brochure




agreement to pay money as


give advice on resorts, carriers, and


compensation for loss or accident


travel facilities





person or company, such as hotel or an


order stocks of brochures for rack display


airline, which is represented by an agent




principals for



take someone on as an employee


purchase of airline seats, hotel rooms, etc.


equipment (in a shop) to hold things


record and confirm reservations, send


such as brochures


invoices to customers



6) legal agreements between two companies


issue tickets and vouchers




paper or ticket which is given instead


charter aircraft





of money


send flight manifest to airline



buying large amounts of goods or


send rooming list to hotels



services in order to get a lower price


provide travel insurance




tour including travel, accommodation,


sign contracts with hotels, airlines, etc.


and meals (like a package)

m) plan itineraries for customers


10)relating to a business or company


arrange corporate travel



11)planned method of work


investigate and research new markets

12)company which transports passengers


plan advertising and promotion strategy


(such as an airline)







13)list of passengers on a ship or plane


representatives and guides


14)list of guests in a hotel, with their


arrange car hire





room number

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organize inclusive tour


15) lists of places to be visited on a journey


sell inclusive tours


16)publicity booklet giving details of




holidays, etc.

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3. Listen to the interview with Gordon Wright of Supertravel explaining the difference between a travel agent and a tour operator. As you listen, check to see if

you matched the functions to the correct jobs.

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3.In pairs, use your notes to explain the roles of tour operators and travel agents to Отформатировано: Шрифт: 13 пт each other. What is the difference between a travel agent and a tour operator?

4.Look again at the list of things which tour operator do. Put them in the order in

which a tour operator would need to do them.

Vocabulary practice.

1.Look through the following extracts from the letters, memos, e-mails, and faxes. Decide whether they were written by a travel agent or tour operator.

1.As I mentioned to you on the phone, we are confident that there will be more firm bookings for you soon. In the meantime, could you send us another 500 Summer Sun brochures, as we are running low on stock?

2.Enclosed in the rooming list for the group arriving on 18 August. Please note that there have been some last minute cancellations, and we now require thirtyfive double rooms.

3.Dear Mr Smith,

I enclose your tickets to Los Angeles for 11 May and am also sending two vouchers to cover the cost of accommodation at the Holiday Inn. I hope you have a pleasant trip. Yours sincerely,

Jean Hayward

4.We will be discussing the discount you have offered for bulk purchase of seats during our next managerial meeting, and I hope to get back to you with our response by Friday at the latest.

5.As yet we have not drawn up a contract for the bulk purchase of rooms from Orion Hotel Group for next year. Please arrange a meeting with Mr Killick so that I can discuss the matter with him.

6.One of the matters that I will raise at the meeting is the organization of racks, as there have been several complaints from customers that these are confusing.


7.As a result of the fire, two of the units in the Elina Apartments have been damaged and will almost certainly not be available. I am currently negotiating with the owner of a similar property nearby, and will contact you as soon as I have any firm information.

8.Further to the flight manifest I faxed to this morning, I enclose details of passengers who have requested vegetarian meals.

2. Fill in the missing words in the sentences below. All the words have appeared in the extracts you have just read. The first one has been done for you.

1.A contract is a legal agreement between two people or companies. (8)

2.A flight _______ contains the names of passengers who are on a particular flight. (8)

3.In most travel agencies, leaflets and other travel information is displayed on

________. (5)

4.A _______ list gives details of all the people who have been booked into a hotel. (7)

5.A _______ is a reduction in price that is usually given for bulk purchase. (8)

6._______ is the process of discussing terms and conditions and trying to come to an agreement. (11)

7.A _______ is a piece of paper that can be exchanged for something like food or accommodation. (7)

8._______ are publicity booklets produced by tour operator which give details of the holidays they offer. (9)

Grammar practice Two-part verbs

1. Join these verbs and prepositions and make phrasal verbs to replace the words printed in italics in the following sentences.

Call (2), cut (2), make, miss, hang (2), pick, put (2), set, look, sort, work. Around, down, off (4), out (4), up (5), on (2).

1.I’ll write the bill for you.

2.That hotel needs to reduce the number of staff it employs.

3.She calculated the answer.

4.The Italian group leaves for London at 9.15 today.

5.Pierre lost the chance of working on Concorde.

6.Due to bad weather they cancelled the boat trip.

7.They postponed their trip to Seychelles when John became redundant.

8.Their train was late and so they had to wait at the station for two hours.


9.The hotel manager promised to collect Sonia at the airport when she arrived to start her new job.

10.One of the nice things about being an air steward is that you can visit your friends unexpectedly.

11.Students often rely on friends and relatives to give them accommodation when they travel.

12.When Sandra finished the phone call, she remembered that she had not told her boss about the new guest.

13.When you need to read a file on the computer, you must access the file.

14.She tidied and organized her papers.

15.The telephone company disconnected their phone.

2.Use two-part verbs, either from exercise 1 or some others, to fill the gaps in this text.

When Susan was in the High Street she (a) ……… the travel agency to book her ticket to the States. Before she left home she had (b) ……… where she wanted to go. As she didn’t want to (c) ……… seeing Niagara falls, she had decided to (d) ……… her expenses by asking her uncle to (e) ……… her ……… while she was in New York. She was also going to (f) ……… some old friends she hadn’t seen for a long time when she was in San Francisco.

The travel consultant (g) ……… the information about flights on the computer screen. Susan was (h) ……… from London on 1st September. The travel consultant tried to persuade Susan to book the shuttle service to the centre of New York but Susan said she did not need transport as her uncle would be (i) ……… her ……… . Hopefully the plane would not be delayed and he would not have to (j) ……… the airport too long!

When the travel consultant had all the details she promised to (k) ……… the itinerary and to ring Susan as soon as it was ready.

That night Susan (l) ……… all her papers and holiday brochures before she rang her uncle to tell him when she would be arriving in the States. They were (m) ………

twice, but thankfully they were eventually able to speak. At the end of the call when she (n) ……… knew that he was (o) ……… to seeing her.

3.Put the verbs in italics in to the correct order.

1.it’s easy around to New York get on the subway.

2.the chance at jumped she to work as a tour guide.

3.down bus the broke in the middle of the high street.

4.the bill the cashier worked out.

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