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Soft Skills

  • Case Study

  • Business Relationships

  • Team Building

Reading and Speaking (1)

  1. What do soft skills include?

  2. What is a purpose of case study?

Soft Skills – desirable qualities for certain forms of employment. They include common sense, the ability to deal with people, and a positive flexible attitude.

Case Study

A case study is a detailed account of a company, industry, person, or project over a given amount of time. The content within a case study may include information about company objectives, strategies, challenges, results, recommendations, and more.

Purpose: The case method is a surrogate for personal experience in learning about complex business situations. By studying, analysing, and solving a number of case studies you will:

  • Gain experience in problem solving and business decision-making.

  • Improve your skills in diagnosing complex business problems.

  • Integrate what you have learned from all your previous business courses and apply that knowledge to your situations.

  • Develop logical analysis skills.

  • Learn to present information and recommendations in a clear and concise manner.

A case study analysis should include:

  • Basic information about the company (industry, person, or project) featured in the case study.

  • An analysis of the company’s/ person’s history and growth.

  • A summary of the company’s/ person’s strengths and weaknesses.

  • Results of the company’s/ person’s current business strategy and recommendations for future strategies.


  1. Explain the following.

  1. a case study research

  2. to gain experience

  3. business decision-making

  4. to present information

  5. concise manner

  1. Read the passage below and conduct the case study research dealing with: a) your faculty; b) the organisation where you work. The problem is -- how to make the place more attractive

A case study is a story about something unique, special, or interesting – stories can be about individuals, organisations, processes, programs, institutions, and even events. The case study gives the story behind the result by capturing what happened to bring it about, and can be a good opportunity to highlight a project’s success, or to bring attention to a particular challenge or difficulty in a project.

The process for conducting case study research follows the same general process as is followed for other research: plan, collect data, analyze data, and disseminate findings.

There are three basic steps in case writing: research, analysis, and the

actual writing. In a case, you can start by raising a question. You can, for example, quote someone you interviewed. For example, suppose you interviewed a tourist official and she told you she thought more people should be interested in visiting the town, and she can’t understand why they don’t come.

Then you could write something like this:

The historic town X is located in the mountains of the country X. The town tourism supervisor, Mrs. Joan Smith, said that she thought "many more people should visit here, but they just don’t come. I don’t know why – maybe we don't have the right kinds of places for them to eat or sleep and it's too far to travel in one day from the nearest big city."

The case writers wondered what would have to happen in order to make the town more attractive to tourists.

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