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Конспект уроку з англійської мови

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Конспект уроку з англійської мови (9 клас)

Тема: Take care of our nature


  • навчальна: формувати навички монологічного мовлення за темою на рівні мікровисловлень з опорою на ключові слова.

  • освітня: поглибити знання учнів про навколишнє середовище.

  • розвиваюча: розвивати культуру інтелектуальної праці.

  • виховна: виховувати необхідність у збереженні світу навколо нас.

Обладнання: підручник, вислови видатних людей з теми, проектні роботи учнів, текст для аудіювання, підстановчі вправи.

Епіграф уроку:

The world is a fine place and worth fighting for.

Ernest Hemingway


I. Greeting

T: Good morning, boys and girls. Nice to see you. I hope you are in a good mood. I think it’s a good idea to inspire each other and say pleasant words to your friends. So make compliments.

P1: You look beautiful

P2: You have a nice smile

P3: You are smart.

T: I’m sure that after such words you’ll work much harder to prove it.

IІ. Introduction

T: Let’s try to guess what will be the topic of our lesson today? Answer my questions and write the answers in the column with the capital letter on the blackboard.

1) What is the name of our planet?                                  Earth

2) What is the coldest part of the world?                         North

3) What planet is the second from the sun?                     Venus

4) What is a part of land surrounded by water?                Island

5) What is the symbol of England?                                   Rose

6) What is the biggest bird?                                              Ostrich

7) What is a bird’s house?                                                 Nest

8) What is the Earth’s satellite?                                        Moon

9) What is the largest animal on the land?                        Elephant

10) What is the last planet from the sun?                          Neptune

11) What animal has black and red stripes?                      Tiger

T: Today we’ll speak about environment, ecological problems and ways to protect the environment. The topic of our lesson is “Take care of our nature ”

Slide 1.

III. Warm-up Activity

T. Are you romantic persons?

Have you got imagination?

(Listen to music and enjoy!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Bem2R_c_HQ

T. Where were you several minutes ago?

(in the forest, near the sea...)

T. Read the poem by W.H. Davies.

Slide 2.

T. What is our life without nature?

2 Many prominent people wrote about our planet and it’s protection.

The world is a fine place and worth fighting for. (Ernest Hemingway).

The words by Hemingway will be the motto of our lessons.

Slide 3.

IV. The Main Part of the lesson


T: When we speak about the environment, what words do you associate with this topic. Let’s use the associative bush.

Slide 4.

Step. 1. Match the following verbs with their Ukrainian equivalent

1. to conquer а) розвиватися

2. to conserve b) заносити до списку

3. to protect с) зносити

4. to participate d) страждати

5. to develop e) підтримувати

6. to list f) завойовувати

7. to demolish g) захищати

8. to support h) зберігати

9. to suffer i) брати участь

Step 2. Fill in the sentences that are given bellow with one suitable verb from step 1.

1. Do you know any people who __________ the Green Party of Ukraine and _____ in its work?

2. Could you possibly _________ all the people who have come to __________ this candidate?

3. I don’t quite understand how we can _________ the nature heritage. By restoring forests, cleaning rivers and so on.

4. In this attempt to _________ Nature, man killed many rare animals and birds.

5. In the 1930s on Stalin’s order many beautiful cathedrals and churches were ____________________ .

7. Put on these gloves when you wash up, they will… your hands from the washing liquid.

8. Kharkiv started to… even more rapidly after a railway was built there.

7. Put on these gloves when you wash up, they will… your hands from the washing liquid.

8. Kharkiv started to… even more rapidly after a railway was built there.

T: Well done. Let’s analyze environmental situation. It must be said that pollution is great today and environmental protection is now task number one.

T: Now we are going to listen the speech of Greta Thumberg. It is a famous tree hugger.


Writing. Work in groups

T: What can be done to protect nature? Are there any ways of solving these problems?

P1: We can plant the trees.

P2: We shouldn’t pollute the air, water and land.

P3: We can collect and recycle newspapers.

T. As you see, now our “home” – our planet is in danger.

Slide 5.

Slide 6.

Slide 7.

Slide 8.

Slide 9.

Slide 10.

Slide 11.

Slide 12.

Slide 13.

T. We know that people like to spend their free time fishing, gathering berries, having picnics and lighting barbecues. Unfortunately, they leave a lot of different litter in their campsites.

(Photos of the countryside)

P 1, 2, 3... 1) The water is polluted.

2) Dogs are not under control.

3) The trees are cut.

4) Fires are burnt.

5) Litter is left.

6) Bottles, cans, tines are left everywhere.

7) Papers and plastic packets are thrown out.

T. And what about you? Do you behave yourselves in the countryside the same way?

P 1, 2, 3... – We never break trees when we go to the forest.

– We always take litter home after a picnic.

– We never throw rubbish into the water.

– I never out wild flowers.

– We always leave the place clean when we hike.

– We save energy and water at home.

– We reuse plastic containers.

T. Now, pupils, let’s make up the Code of Ecological Rules for all pupils of our school.

Write down them on the board.

Code of Ecological Rules

- Don’t break trees.

- Don’t leave litter.

- Keep dogs under control.

- Put litter away.

- Keep your place tidy.

- Grow trees and flowers.

- Don’t cut wild flowers.

- Don’t burn fires.

V. Summing-up

T: Our lesson is coming to an end. In conclusion we’ll sing the song “Imagine”. An outstanding English writer John Galsworthy said: “If you don’t think about the future, you will not have it”. Let’s think about the future. Let’s keep our planet tidy and make it better place to live in. Let’s save the Earth for ourselves and for the next generations.

VI. Homework

T: Write the essay on the theme “ The world is a fine place and worth fighting for.” (up to 15 sentences)

T: Thank you for your work and wish you good luck in the matter of solving the ecological problems in the nearest future. Together we can save our planet.