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means to tether viable myocyte fascicles and thereby forms a substrate to resist deformation from the intracavitary stresses generated during the cardiac cycle. Failure of ECM support has been associated with LV wall thinning and slippage of myocyte fascicles. This adverse remodeling process has been termed “infarct expansion” and occurs in the absence of additional myocyte injury or alterations in LV loading conditions. It has been postulated that an acceleration of ECM degradation occurs within the myocardium surrounding the MI (border zone) and facilitates the infarct expansion process in this later phase of post-MI remodeling [14]. This post-MI remodeling process is a clinically significant problem in that it can lead to LV dilation, systolic and diastolic dysfunction, and the progression to heart failure [15, 23, 24, 25]. Indeed, this process, which includes changes in ECM structure and composition, is an independent predictor of morbidity and mortality [26, 27].


Birth defects are the number one cause of death in infants in the US, and heart-related defects are the most common fatal birth defects [28]. Structural myocardial defects are diagnosed in approximately 1% of all newborns, with a risk of sudden cardiac death 25 to 100 times that of young patients in the general population [29]. In many cases, major heart defects (discussed below) are associated with other types of birth defects, cardiac or non-cardiac.

Over the past 20 to 30 years, major advances have been made in the diagnosis and treatment of congenital heart disease in children. As a result, many children with this disease now survive to adulthood. In the US alone, the population of adults with congenital heart disease, either surgically corrected or uncorrected, is estimated to be increasing at a rate of about 5% per year [30].

Congenital heart disease is often divided into two types. The first type is cyanotic condition, where patients have arterial oxygen desaturation resulting from the shunting of systemic venous blood to the arterial circulation. The magnitude of shunting determines the severity of desaturation. Most children with cyanotic heart disease do not survive to adulthood without surgical intervention. Tetralogy of Fallot, the most common cyanotic congenital heart defect after infancy, is characterized by a large ventricular septal defect, an aorta that overrides the left and right ventricles, obstruction of the right ventricular outflow tract, and right ventricular hypertrophy. Most patients with tetralogy of Fallot have substantial right-to-left blood shunting and therefore have cyanosis (oxygen desaturation). Without surgical intervention, most patients die in childhood: the rate of survival is 66% at 1 year of age, and it declines to 11% at 20 years and 3% and 40 years [31].

The second type of congenital heart disease results from acyanotic conditions, where no significant oxygen desaturation occurs. The most common heart malformations here are ventricular or atrial septal defects. Ventricular septal defect is the most common congenital cardiac abnormality in infants and children. Ninety percent of the defects are eventually closed spontaneously by the time the child is 10 years old. As a result of the defect, there is a left-to-right blood shunting. Large defects usually lead to left ventricular failure or pulmonary hypertension with associated right ventricular failure [30]. Atrial septal defect accounts for about one third of the cases of congenital heart disease detected in adults. As a result of incomplete septal wall closure, the blood is shunted


from one atrium to the other; the direction and magnitude of shunting are determined by the size of the defect and relative compliance of the ventricles. A sizable defect (more than 2 cm in diameter) may be associated with large shunt, with substantial hemodynamic consequences, that could lead to right ventricular dilation and failure over the years [30].


For several decades, it has been assumed that the heart consists of only terminally differentiated cells and is incapable of intrinsically regenerating itself. However, recent data have challenged this view, and provide convincing evidence that new cardiomyocytes can be formed in the adult heart. Up-to-date, two main studies evaluated the degree of myocyte renewal in the adult human heart. Bergmann et al performed a virtual pulse-chase experiment by measuring the incorporation of carbon-14, which was released during an above-ground nuclear-bombs tests, into genomic DNA of human cardiomyocytes to calculate rates of turnover in these cells. The researchers found that at the age of 25 years, approximately 1% of cardiomyocytes turn over annually, and the turn-over rate decreases to 0.45% at the age of 75 years [32]. Kajstura et al utilized another approach, where they examined the incorporation of iododeoxyuridine in postmortem samples obtained from cancer patients who received this thymidine analog for therapeutic purposes.The authors report the average of 22% turnover of cardiomyocytes per year [33]. Despite the conflicting results, both reports point to the intrinsic regeneration ability of the adult human heart. Endogenous regeneration of the myocardium after the injury, such as MI or pressure overload, was reported in mice, where only 5-15% of remuscularization was detected [34]. The extremely low regeneration rates can explain the lack of significant restoration of cardiac muscle after severe ischemic injury, the formation of a fibrotic scar at the infarct, and progressive deterioration in cardiac function, that eventually lead to CHF.

Two major mechanisms could account for the endogenous regeneration of the myocardium [35]. By the first mechanism, adult cardiomyocytes may re-enter the cell cycle and divide. This type of myocyte regeneration represents an ancient regenerative program observed in the hearts of amphibians and fish. For instance, cardiomyocyte dedifferentiation and subsequent proliferation is the major mechanism of heart regeneration in zebrafish, rather than regeneration by progenitor or stem cells [36]. Importantly, cell cycle control in adult cardiomyocytes could be altered or reprogrammed in order to induce cell proliferation, either by genetic manipulation or by applying various bioactive molecules [37, 38, 39, 40, 41].The second mechanism of endogenous regeneration is driven by resident populations of cardiac progenitor (CPC) or stem (CSC) cells. Numerous CSC/CPC pools within the adult heart have been characterized on the basis of stem cell marker expression and cardiomyogenic potential [42]. Nevertheless, despite the apparent existence of those subpopulations, the recruitment and/or activation of resident CSC/CPCs for cardiac repair is insufficient to significantly affect and prevent the deterioration in cardiac performance and adverse remodeling after a major ischemic event, due to the physical separation of CSC/CPC niches from the site of injury, the formation of fibrotic scar tissue, or the lack of appropriate signaling.



In order to compensate for the low and insufficient intrinsic regeneration ability of the adult heart, the strategies for therapeutic regeneration aim to induce myocardial regeneration, improve tissue salvage, facilitate self-repair, reverse or attenuate adverse remodeling, and ultimately achieve longterm functional stabilization and improvement in heart function. Five major processes associated with MI are targeted at present by various experimental regeneration strategies [43]:

Cardioprotection – the prevention of progressive cardiomyocyte loss following MI by applying various apoptosis-inhibiting reagents or by inducing pro-survival signaling [44, 45].

Inflammation – time-adjusted modulation of the post-MI pro/anti-inflammatory cytokine/chemokine profile or cellular responses (e.g., granulation tissue formation and macrophage infiltration) in an attempt to induce effective tissue healing and repair and to avoid negative inflammatory effects (e.g., cell death, fibrosis, etc.) [46, 47, 48].

ECM remodeling and cardiac fibrosis – time-adjusted positive modulation of the fibrotic response (i.e., ECM remodeling and scar formation), utilizing recent knowledge on pro-fibrotic signaling, matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) inhibition, or modification of the MMP : tissue inhibitors of MMPs (TIMPs) ratio, which may lead to successful anti-fibrotic therapy [49, 50].

Angiogenesis – an effective tissue healing by increasing the blood supply to ischemic regions is an extensively used approach employed with a variety of strategies, proteins, genes, or cells, aimed at inducing the formation of new vasculature at the infarct site [51, 52].

Cardiomyogenesis – myocyte regeneration by activation and/or migration of distinct cell populations with stemor progenitor-like properties in the adult myocardium which can contribute to de novo myocardium formation after MI. In addition, another novel mechanism for endogenous myocyte regeneration could be the induction of cardiomyocyte cell cycle re-entry by reprogramming of differentiated cardiomyocytes toward proliferation.

All these targets and goals can be translated into various therapy strategies aimed at inducing myocardial regeneration (Fig. 2.5).
































Figure 2.5: Targets and goals of therapeutic myocardial regeneration (see text for details).


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