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CUSTOMER: Yes, I'll take this one / these. (= Yes, I want to buy this one / these)

CUSTOMER: No, I'll leave it, thanks. (= No, I don't want to buy it/them) CUSTOMER: Excuse me. Where do I pay for these?

ASSISTANT: Over there at the cash desk. CUSTOMER: And can I pay by cheque / credit card? ASSISTANT: Yes, of course.

4. Listen and complete this shopping dialogue using the words from 3.


Can I help you?


Yes, I'm ... a blouse like this, but in blue.


I see. And what ... are you looking for?


Uh, 14 usually.


Ok, I'll just go and see if we've got any.


Thank you.


Here we are. The last one in stock.


Great. Can I try it on?


Yes of course. The … is just over there.


How was it?


Fine. I'll ... .


Right. Would you like to pay over there at the ... .

5.Work in pairs. One of you plays an assistant. The other one is a customer. Change some of the details in 4 and act out the conversation.

6.Work in pairs and discuss the following questions.

1)What items of food and drink do you usually buy every week?

2)Where do you buy most of your food?

3)Who does the shopping in your family?


4)How many times do you go shopping every week?

5)What do you like /dislike about shopping?

6)How often do you shop online?

7)Does it help you save time and money?

8)What are advantages and disadvantages of shopping via the Internet?

9)Do you agree that shopping online is the future of shopping?

Section II. Reading Comprehension

Text A. “Home Safety”

1. Read and translate the text.

Home Safety

Most accidents occur at home and many of them are preventable, so it is important that your home is as safe as possible. Here are some helpful tips from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission on making your home a safer place for everyone.

Purchase a smoke detector if you do not have one. They provide an early warning which is critical because the longer the delay, the deadlier the consequences. At a minimum, detectors should be located near bedrooms and one on every floor. Never disconnect a detector.

Arrange furniture so that outlets are available for lamps and appliances without the use of extension cords. If you must use an extension cord, place it on the floor against a wall where people cannot trip over it. Remove cords from under furniture or carpeting. Replace damaged or frayed cords.

Telephone numbers for the Police, Fire Department, and local Poison Control Center, along with a neighbor's number, should be readily available. Write the numbers in large print and tape them to the phone, or place them near the phone where they can be seen easily.


Unusually warm or hot outlets or switches may indicate that an unsafe wiring condition exists. Unplug cords from outlets and do not use the switches. Have an electrician check the wiring as soon as possible.

Lead-based paint is a major source of lead poisoning for children and can also affect adults. In children, lead poisoning can cause irreversible brain damage and can impair mental functioning. In adults, it can cause irritability, poor muscle coordination, and nerve damage to the sense organs and nerves controlling the body. If you have lead-based paint, you should take steps to reduce your exposure to lead.

Operate portable electric heaters away from combustible materials. Do not place heaters where towels or the like could fall on the appliance and trigger a fire. Avoid using extension cords unless absolutely necessary. If you must use an extension cord with your electric heater, make sure it is marked with a power rating at least as high as that of the heater itself. Do not permit the cord to become buried under carpeting or rugs. Do not place anything on top of the cord. Never place heaters on cabinets, tables, furniture or the like.

2.Based on the information from the text, decide if the sentences below are true (T) or false (F).

1) Smoke detectors should be located in every room of the house. ______

2) On no occasion must you use an extension cord. _____

3) You should always have your neighbour’s telephone number handy. ______

4) Lead paint is a source of nerve damage both to children and adults. ______

5) You may place electric heaters at any place of your home. ______

3.Complete the definitions (1-6) below with the italicized words in the text.

1) ________________ materials are materials that are able to burn easily.

2) ________________ is the network of wires that form the electrical system in a building, vehicle, or piece of equipment.

3) When something is __________, it is damaged.


4)If an illness or bad physical condition is ________________, it will continue to exist and cannot be cured.

5)A ________ is a helpful piece of advice.

6)When something that happens as a result of a particular action or set of conditions, it is called a ________________________.

4. Read the warnings below (1-8) and match the sentences with the signs (a-j).

1)Don’t smoke here.

2)This material is explosive.

3)This material is flammable.

4)This material is corrosive.

5)Don’t drink the water.

6)This material is radioactive.

7)Don’t touch.

8)Be careful.









5. In pairs, choose on of the following places and think of at least five safety rules for that. Present your findings to the rest of the class.

-a computer classroom,

-a children playground,

-a garden,

-an engineering workshop,

-a chemical lab.


Text B. “What is RSI?”

1. Read and translate the text. Find the Russian equivalent to the term “RSI”.

What is RSI?

As more and more work, education and recreation involves computers, everyone needs to be aware of the hazard of Repetitive Strain Injury to the hands and arms resulting from the use of computer keyboards and mice. This can be a serious and very painful condition that is far easier to prevent than to cure once contracted, and can occur even in young physically fit individuals. It is not uncommon for people to have to leave computer-dependent careers as a result, or even to be disabled and unable to perform tasks such as driving or dressing themselves.

Repetitive Strain Injuries occur from repeated physical movements doing damage to tendons, nerves, muscles, and other soft body tissues. The rise of computer use and flat, light-touch keyboards that permit high speed typing have resulted in an epidemic of injuries of hands, arms, and shoulders. Use of pointing devices like mice and trackballs are as much a cause. Lack of adequate rest and breaks and using excessive force almost guarantee trouble.

The symptoms of RSI include: tightness, discomfort, soreness or burning in the hands, wrists, fingers, forearms, or elbows; tingling, coldness, or numbness in the hands; clumsiness or loss of strength and coordination in the hands; pain in the upper back, shoulders, or neck associated with using the computer.

Fortunately, there are some easy rules to reduce the risk of developing RSI.

1)TAKE BREAKS when using your computer. Every hour or so, get up and walk around, get a drink of water, stretch whatever muscles are tight, and look out the window at a far off object (to rest your eyes).

2)Use good posture.

3)Use an ergonomically optimized workstation to reduce strain on your body.

4)Exercise regularly. Include strengthening, stretching, and aerobic exercises.


5)Only use the computer as much as you have to. Think before you type to avoid unnecessary editing.

6)Let your hands float above the keyboard when you type, and move your entire arm when moving your mouse or typing hard-to-reach keys, keeping the wrist joint straight at all times.

7)Use two hands to type combination key strokes, such as those involving the SHIFT and CONTROL keys.

8)When writing, avoid gripping the writing utensil tightly.

9)Realize that you are not invincible. RSI can happen to you. Don't be afraid to ask forhelp.

2. Match the italicized words from the text with their translations.

to be aware


to contract


a hazard


to occur

рабочее место

to prevent

письменная принадлежность



to be disabled


excessive force

приводить к

a tendon

случаться, происходить



to result in

поза, осанка




подхватывать (болезнь)

a posture

чрезмерное усилие

a workstation


a writing utensil



быть нетрудоспособным, инвалидом




3.Answer the following questions on the text.

1) What are the main causes of RSI?

2) What can the RSI syndrome result in?

3) What body organs are damaged as a result of RSI? 4) What are the symptoms of RSI?

5) How can RSI be prevented?

4.Translate from Russian into English using the vocabulary from the text.

1) Неправильная осанка приводит к болезненности в спине.

2) Люди должны осознать угрозу экологической катастрофы и попытаться

предотвратить ее.

3)Не существует неуязвимых людей. Любой может подхватить какуюнибудь болезнь.

4)Письменные принадлежности всегда должны лежать на рабочем месте.

5)Иногда случается, что даже обычное заболевание может сделать чело-

века нетрудоспособным.

5. In pairs, discuss the risks and sensible safety precautions for one of the following activities. Make a safety information leaflet on the chosen topic. Then present your ideas (you can use pictures or diagrams) to the rest of the class.

-using a motor cultivator,

-using an electric saw,

-using a mobile phone,

-using a home air-conditioner,

-using a home air humidifier.


Text C. “Home Gadgets”

1. Look at pictures 1-4. Try to guess what the things are. Then read the descriptions (A-D) and match them with the pictures. Discuss how useful these gadgets are.

1 2



A. Truncheon Task Light

This Truncheon Task Light puts truncheons to a whole new use. It’s also finding itself with a far less violent use. Normally when the lamp is within its stand it just looks like your usual lamp, but once popped out of the stand it reveals what it was modeled after. That also means that should you want to hold the light closer to something you’re reading, it’s easy to do just that.

B. Black & Decker Energy Efficient Vacuum Cleaner

If you are looking for a new energy efficient vacuum cleaner, then check out the cordless 2-speed handheld vacuum cleaner from Black & Decker. What makes this vacuum cleaner special is that it is Energy Star-approved. What’s more, the vacuum also features a 10-position pivoting nozzle, 3-stage filtration,


the usual brush to clean up upholstery, a crevice tool and a wall-mountable charging base.

C. Automatic Pill Grinder could help the older folks out

Some of us absolutely hate swallowing pills, simply because our gag reflex will kick into action whether we like it or not. This would mean grinding down the pill into powder. Enter the Automatic Pill Grinder which is capable of grinding down the hardest of pills automatically into a fine powder, letting you combine it with food or drink for easier consumption. Capable of crushing a couple of pills simultaneously with its grinder, all powder will be deposited into a collection tray. Being roughly the size of a TV remote, you can store the Automatic Pill Grinder in a purse or toiletry kit. Of course, so that you don’t mix and match your drugs unwittingly, the grinding gear cartridge can be removed and washed in a dishwasher.

D. Nobili Spa Sun Lamp Faucet

This Nobili Spa Sun Lamp isn’t just another cheap faucet packed full of LED lights that indicate when the water is piping hot. Instead it’s a kitchen sink that’ll make washing dishes and food a whole lot easier. With this you’ll never have to wonder if you’ve missed a spot on one of your pots or pans. Equipped with 30 LED lights, the Sun kitchen faucet is the first lamp-mixer, made to illuminate an often-overlooked workspace – the kitchen sink. This contemporary style faucet features slim, elegant lines complemented by a chromed finish. The pull-out faucet makes washing and rinsing a breeze and at the end of the line… cool, contemporary light. Water and light are on separate switches, so you only use when you need it.

2. Read the texts again and match the characteristics below with the gadgets.

1)This is small enough to be stored in a purse.

2)It was modeled after a police weapon.

3)It can be charged from a wall mountable charging base.


4) It is equipped with many light emitting diodes.

3. Decide if the sentences below are true (T) or false (F).

1)The Automatic Pill Grinder can grind up to 5 pills simultaneously. _____

2)You can switch water or light separately using the Sun Lamp Faucet. _____

3)Black & Decker Vacuum Cleaner is a rather energy-consuming device.


4)The Truncheon Task Light looks like a usual lamp. _____

5)The Automatic Pill Grinder grinding cartridge can be washed in a dishwasher together with the device itself.

6)The Sun Lamp Faucet provides perfect illumination of the kitchen sink.


4.Match the italicized words from the text with the meanings (1-10) below.

1) Provided with the things that are needed for work,

2) in a way that shows you do not know or realize something, 3) a short thick stick that police officers carry as a weapon, 4) not connected to the power supply by wires,

5) to not notice something,

6) to show something as a special or important part of something, 7) to break something into small pieces or powder,

8) able to be fixed on a wall so that it can be viewed or used, 9) using little electricity, gas, etc.,

10) to show something that was previously hidden.

5.Think of a gadget you use in your home. Describe it (without naming it) to the class using the following plan:

- What is it used for? - Why is it useful?

- What is it made from? - Who uses it?

Can your classmates guess the gadget and find the English word for it?


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