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funded pupillage – оплаченный курс ученичества

shadow – непрестанно следовать за, непрерывно наблюдать right of audience – право выступать в суде

Full Qualification Certificate – диплом об окончании полного курса обучения в учебном заведении

tenancy – членство chambers – контора адвоката

brief – краткое письменное изложение дела с привлечением фактов и документов, с которым сторона выступает в суде

correspond – соответствовать; согласовываться, соотноситься plead a case – представлять (чьи-либо) интересы по делу

2.1.2. Найдите в тексте ответы на следующие вопросы:

1.Are the skills acquired by solicitors and barristers the same?

2.How long is a full-time LPC in England?

3.How many years does an LLB course last?

4.May graduates in non-law subjects enter a law school?

5.What are the two parts of pupillage for intending barristers?

6.What stages of education and training must a candidate undergo in order to become a barrister?

7.What three stages is it necessary to complete in order to become a solicitor?

2.2. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Training and Licensing of Attorneys in the USA

1. In the United States attorneys must generally have a four-year college degree and a degree from a law school accredited by the American Bar Association (ABA) or approved by a state supreme court. Law schools do not require that applicants take an undergraduate law degree or to have completed specific courses. However, there are certain skills and areas of knowledge that the law school candidate should seek to develop. Necessary skills include critical thinking, problem solving, analytical reading, oral and written communication and general research skills.

attorney – адвокат (дипломированный юрист в США)

American Bar Association – Американская ассоциация адвокатов critical thinking – критическое мышление

problem solving – способность решать проблему analytical reading – способность анализировать тексты research skills – навыки поиска информации


2.Prospective law school candidates should also seek to gain a basic understanding in certain subjects. These areas include American history, political theory and the American political system, ethics and theories of justice, basic mathematics and accounting skills, economics, human behaviour and social interaction (found in psychology and sociology courses) and an awareness of international issues.

3.During law school all students take a variety of required courses covering a broad range of legal subjects. The first year is quite structured with compulsory courses such as civil procedure, constitu-

tional law, contracts, criminal law and procedure, property law and torts. The first year may also include moot court exercises in which students argue cases against one another.

4.In addition, depending on a particular law school’s requirements, 30 to 60 percent of a student’s courses may be electives. Many students use their elective choices to begin preparing for a career specializing in a particular field of law.

5.For the majority of American law students, the JD (Juris Doc-

tor) is the final degree; however, some go on to do an LLM, or Master of Laws, degree, which is usually a one-year program in a specialized subject such as taxation or intellectual property. There are also LLM programs specially designed for foreign students who would like to study a year abroad in an American university.

6.States require that law school graduates pass a bar examination and undergo a background check before becoming licensed attorneys. Each state has its own bar examination. Generally, state bar examiners require evidence of three qualities in exam candidates: sufficient general education at the undergraduate level; sufficient US legal education; and sufficient knowledge of local bar requirements. Many states give a standard six-hour multiple-choice examination on general subjects, and each state requires of examinees that they answer questions focused on the laws of the particular state. In addition to the state bar exam, almost all states also require the Multistate Bar Exam (MBE). The MBE covers general legal knowledge in areas such as contracts, torts, constitutional law, criminal law, evidence and real property.

7.Upon passing the bar examination, law school graduates become licensed attorneys who are permitted to handle various legal matters, from writing a simple will to conducting a jury trial in defense of a criminal defendant.

8.As far as the bar examination covers a lot of subjects, few students become specialists in particular areas of law while in law school. Instead, the jobs obtained by new attorneys largely determine


what types of attorneys they will be. For example, if they are hired by a law firm that specializes in family law, they may become divorce lawyers.

9. The American lawyer, unlike the lawyers of the British and civil law systems, is qualified for all the professions in law. This means that the American lawyers may choose between many different careers. Some will work for corporations or businesses as salaried employees called corporate counsel, known informally as in-house counsel. Others will work for the government and in particular as public prosecutors in criminal matters. In private practice they work either as sole practitioners or in a law firm and are known as ‘attorneys at law’ or simply attorneys. Judges are usually chosen from members of the legal profession having several years of experience, as there is no school for judicial training. Lawyers may also become law professors or work in a legal aid society.

human behaviour – поведение и общение человека social interaction – социальное взаимодействие

awareness of international issues – понимание международных проблем subjects – дисциплины, учебные предметы

be quite structured with – почти полностью состоять из

electives – выбираемые студентом факультативные программы

Juris Doctor – доктор права (степень, присвоенная выпускнику юридического факультета высшего учебного заведения в США; является второй степенью и может служить аналогом LLM)

bar examination – экзамен при поступлении в коллегию адвокатов undergo – подвергнуться

background check – проверка анкетных данных, проверка биографических данных

examiner – экзаменатор, эксперт

multiple-choice examination – письменный экзамен, в котором учащийся из нескольких ответов выбирает правильный

examinee – кандидат, проходящий испытание

multistate – общий для определенного количества штатов will – завещание

obtained – получаемый

civil law system – система континентального (цивильного) права salaried employee – наёмный работник, служащий на окладе corporate counsel – юрисконсульт в штате компании

public prosecutor – прокурор, государственный обвинитель

legal aid society – объединение юристов для оказания помощи неимущим


2.2.2.Найдите в тексте ответы на следующие вопросы:

1.How many years is it necessary to read law in American law


2.Is the period of time for earning a bachelor degree in GB and the USA the same?

3.What agency should American law schools be accredited by?

4.What compulsory courses do American law students study?

5.What degree do American law students receive?

6.What does a typical state bar exam involve?

7.What is the role of electives within the syllabus of American law schools?

8.What requirements should the prospective American law school candidates satisfy?

9.Where may attorneys work?

2.3. Выразите согласие или несогласие со следующими утверждениями, используя фразы для ведения дискуссии (Приложение 1):

1.A person wishing to become a solicitor must join one of the Inns of Court.

2.A solicitor usually receives a brief from a barrister in order to settle a client’s case out of court.

3.If a person in Great Britain has received a bachelor degree in law he is either a solicitor or barrister.

4.State bar examinations in America are unified throughout the country as far as they are conducted by the American Bar Association.

5.The Bar Professional Training Course is mandatory for all law students.

6.The LPC should be taken only in a full-time format.

7.Trainee solicitors must pay for apprenticeship.

2.4. Ключевые слова.

1)Просмотрите ключевые слова по теме «Legal Education».

2)Употребите 7 из них в самостоятельно составленных предложениях, используя материал тематического блока.

3)Будьте готовы прочитать свои предложения студентам группы так, чтобы они смогли на слух перевести их на русский язык.


legal subjects



bachelor degree in law



part-time course


character trait

code of professional ethics electives

full-time course Inns of Court law firm

law school law student lawyer

legal education legal profession

puppilage solicitor

state bar examination to be called to the Bar to draft legal documents to give legal advice

to graduate

to pass an examination to represent a client to specialize in trainee solicitor

2.5. Передайте основное содержание текстов на тему «Legal Education», используя типовые фразы из Приложения 2 и опираясь на следующие пункты плана:

types of lawyers in England and Wales;

stages of education and training of barristers and solicitors;

legal education in the USA;

legal education in GB and the USA;

licensing of attorneys in the USA.

Unit 3. Law and Its Sources. – Право и его источники

3.1. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Sources of Law in Russia

1.Law is a body of official rules and regulations, generally found in constitutions, treaties, acts of parliament, ordinances, executive orders, enforced customs, court decisions, that are used to govern a society and to control the behaviour of its members.

2.Being a complex body of rules, law serves a variety of functions. For instance, it can serve to (1) keep the peace, (2) promote social justice, (3) maintain the status quo, (4) preserve individual rights,

(5)protect minority groups, and (6) provide for orderly social change.

source of law – источник права

ordinance – указ, распоряжение, декрет, приказ, предписание, постановление executive order – правительственное постановление

enforced custom – обычай, обеспеченный правовой санкцией behaviour – образ действий, поведение


3. To be capable of performing the function of guiding behavior, a system of rules must satisfy the following principles:

the rules must be expressed in general and understandable terms;

the rules must be prospective in effect;

the rules must be publicly promulgated;

the rules must be consistent with one another;

the rules must not be changed too frequently so that the subject can rely on them; and

the rules must be administered in a manner consistent with their wording.

4. “Source of law” is a legal term that refers to the authorities by which law is made. There are a number of different sources that are used to define the creation and force of law in different legal systems. Russia belongs to the continental legal system, and written law is the main legal source there. About 10,000 laws, regulations, and other legal acts are passed in Russia annually.

The chart «Classification of the Areas of Law in Russia»

Leading Branch


Constitutional Law




Substantive and Procedural Parts

Branches of Law

Civil Law

Administrative Law

Criminal Law


Land Law, Family Law, Labour Law, Contract Law,

Branches of Law

Company Law, Financial Law, Law of Torts, etc.

Combined Branches

Business Law, Environmental Law, Maritime Law,

of Law

Immigration Law, Law of Social Security, Sports Law, Law of



Conflict of Laws, etc.


5.The constitution of the Russian Federation is the highest law of the land. Drafted more than twenty years ago, this document sets forth the basic framework of our government. It also lists the government’s powers, the limits on those powers, and the people’s freedoms that cannot be taken away by the government. This implies that no law or governmental regulation can contradict the federal constitution.

6.The current constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted by national referendum on December 12, 1993. The Constitution declares Russia to be a democratic, federative, rule-of-law state with a republican form of government. State power is divided among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches.

7.The freedom of conscience is sanctioned, and a state or compul-

sory ideology may not be adopted. The right to a multiparty political


system is upheld. The content of laws must be made public before they take effect, and they must be formulated in accordance with international law. Russian is proclaimed the national language, although the republics of the federation are allowed to establish their own official languages for use alongside with Russian.

8. The main rights and freedoms, guaranteed to the citizens by the Russian Constitution, are:

right to life;

right to equal protection of the law;

right to freedom of residence;

right to sanctity of the home;

right to property;

right to education;

right to labour;

right to freedom of speech;

right to peaceful meetings, demonstrations and processions;

right to freedom of religion;

right to personal privacy;

right to secrecy of correspondence, telephone conversations, mail and other forms of communication;

right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty;

right to qualified legal assistance.

be capable of performing the function – быть в состоянии выполнять функции prospective – относящийся к будущему

publicly promulgated – опубликованный, всенародно объявленный consistent – согласующийся

administer – применять (нормы права), исполнять wording – формулировка, словесное выражение written law – писаное право, статутное право contradict – вступать в противоречие, противоречить referendum – референдум, всенародный опрос

freedom of conscience – свобода совести, свобода вероисповедания sanction – санкционировать, разрешать, одобрять

compulsory – принудительный, обязательный uphold – поддерживать, защищать

content – содержание, суть, существо, сущность; значение, смысл make public – делать общеизвестным

take effect – вступить в силу; возыметь действие alongside with – наряду с

sanctity – неприкосновенность, святость

personal privacy – неприкосновенность личной жизни legal assistance – правовая защита


9.The federal constitutional laws are unique in that they come into force only if they have been approved by at least three-quarters of the total number of the Federation Council (upper chamber) and by at least two-thirds of the total number of the State Duma (lower chamber of the legislature). The issues covered by federal constitutional laws include the state of emergency, change of the status of a constituent component of the federation, constitutional amendments, national referendum, any structural changes of the judiciary. The Russian president may not veto federal constitutional laws.

10.Federal laws are also passed exclusively by the Federal As-

sembly. Russian laws can be adopted in the form of a code of laws. A code is a complete collection of rules in an entire subject area such as: civil code, criminal code, administrative code or labor code.

11.Decrees and executive regulations. Decrees and directives of the Russian President establish a separate category of legal acts. Another large group of legal instruments is composed of regulations and instructions issued by the federal government, ministries and other federal agencies.

12.Judicial Decisions. According to the Russian legal doctrine,

judges are supposed to use only written law contained in codes, statutes, or regulations while deciding a case; however, a decision of the Constitutional Court to vacate a particular legal act and to rule it unconstitutional proves to be a source of law, and shall be followed as stare decisis. Thus, we may say that the Constitutional Court of the

Russian Federation may act as “a negative legislator”.

13. Universal principles and standards of international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation form a stand-alone source of Russia’s legal system.

entire subject area – предметная область, взятая в целом vacate – аннулировать, отменить

stare decisis [,stα:reı dı'sı:sıs] – лат. "стоять на решённом", обязывающая сила прецедентов (основополагающий принцип прецедентного права, согласно которому предыдущие судебные решения являются обязательными для аналогичных последующих судебных дел)

stand-alone – независимый, самостоятельный, отдельный

3.1.2.Найдите в тексте ответы на следующие вопросы:

1.How does the law influence the society?

2.How many years ago was the current constitution of the Russian Federation adopted?

3.What are the main functions of law?


4.What authority in our country acts as a negative legislator?

5.What basic rights and freedoms are guaranteed by the Russian Constitution?

6.What does the phrase “source of law” mean?

7.What does the word “law” as a legal term mean?

8.What general principles should legal rules satisfy in order to be effectively applied?

9.What is the difference between federal laws and federal constitutional laws in Russia?

10.What organs are authorized to make decrees and executive regulations?

11.What serves as the highest law in Russia? What does it mean?

3.2.Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Sources of English Law

1. The main sources of law in the United Kingdom are: (i) legislation of the European Union (EU); (ii) legislation by Parliament and subordinate (or delegated) legislation; (iii) case law from cases decided by judges in English, Scottish or Northern Irish courts.

2.Since Britain's accession to European Community, legislation of the EU forms an independent source of English law. Community law has not been incorporated or made identical with domestic law but operates as a separate system side by side with that law. In case of conflict Community law prevails over domestic law. Legislation of the European Union or Community Law consists of primary legislation and secondary legislation.

3.Primary EU legislation consists of a number of treaties, protocols, council decisions, which founded the European Economic Community. This legislation can be directly enforced through the courts of

Member States if the state’s domestic legislation does not give the

legislation – законодательство; законодательный акт; закон; законодательная

деятельность, нормотворческая деятельность subordinate – вспомогательный, второстепенный case law – прецедентное право

accession – вступление incorporated – введённый в состав

identical – тождественно равный, идентичный prevail – иметь преимущественную силу

protocol – протокол; дополнительное международное соглашение directly enforced – применяемый напрямую, непосредственно


rights which the European legislation contains. Legislation which may be directly enforced against the State is said to have a ‘vertical effect’. Legislation which may be directly enforced against individuals (here we include legal individuals such as limited liability companies) is said to have a ‘horizontal effect’.

4.Secondary EU legislation may be made under the authority of Article 189 of the Treaty of Rome in the form of: (a) regulations; (b) directives; and (c) decisions.

5.EC regulations are directly applicable, both vertically and horizontally. EC directives are said to be solely ‘vertical’ in effect, in that they are addressed to the Member States and the state must give legislative effect to them before they become law.

6.Decisions of the Commission may be addressed to a Member State, to a number of Member States, or to an individual. The decision is binding on those to whom it is addressed. A decision may be appealed against in the European Court of Justice.

7.Decisions of the European Court of Justice are also of great importance. Any national court or tribunal dealing with a case which raises issues of Union legislation may refer the matter to the Euro-

pean Court of Justice (ECJ), for a ruling regarding the interpretation

of the legislation.

8. Legislation by Parliament or enacted law consists of laws made by or under the authority of Parliament and may be:

Statutes or Acts of Parliament;

Orders in Council made by the Queen in Privy Council (in practice, a Minister drafts and makes them in the name of the Queen);

rules and regulations made by Ministers, but they must be submitted to Parliament for approval;

bylaws made by local authorities, they require the approval of

the appropriate Minister before they have legislative force.

9. In England the decisions of courts are treated with respect, and they are regarded as «precedents». The feature of their national system is the hierarchical authority of the courts: an inferior court is obliged to follow a court of superior authority if decides upon facts similar to facts already tried by the superior court. The precedents

formed by decided cases are thus the «anchors of the laws».

10. Customs are social habits of behaviour, which all societies seem to evolve without express formulation or conscious creation. Customs, prevailing among particular groups of people living in particular localities, are sometimes recognized by the courts as capable of creating a special law for the locality. But recognition will only be accorded


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