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Токарева_English for Foresters

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objective. A publicity campaign consists of some measures whose objective is to convince the public of something, e.g. that they should vote for a certain politician or that they should come to a particular celebration or exhibition.

You are to plan a publicity campaign, dealing with forest protection. Divide into groups of 3-4 and choose the subject from the list below.

Your task is to convince the public that they should:

Stop forest pollution!, or

Prevent forest fires!, or

Stop making damage to trees!, or

Stop cruelty to wild animals!

Each group:

Choose the role. The group may be a town council, a political party executive, a student council, a government commission, or any body which seems appropriate to the subject of the campaign. Each student may invent a specific role within this body (the chairman, the secretary, the treasurer, etc.).

Brainstorm all sorts of measures that might be taken to publicize your case (television programmes, radio interviews, lectures, newspaper articles, leaflets, slogans, posters, films, rallies, demonstrations, advertisements, "happenings", etc.).

Plan your campaign in detail (what television programmes it will consist of, what you will put in the newspaper article, what slogans will be used and how they will be publicized, etc.).

Prepare all the necessary visual aids (design your posters, paint slogans, write articles, prepare role-play and interviews).

Display your campaign.


14.1. Прочитайте интернациональные слова и определите их значение:

degrade, aesthetics, stability, microbe, pesticide, exotic, genetically, innovative, coordination, communication

14.2. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Principles of Sustainable Forestry

The Sustainable Forestry Partnership integrates ecological, social, and


economic principles to conserve forests and maintain their productivity now and into the future without degrading the environment. Sustainable forestry will change the face of forestry through its research, education and outreach programmes that emphasize: (1) new ways of collaboration among all forestry stakeholders, (2) protection of forest ecosystems at all time and space scales, and (3) viable long-term forest products and equitable outcomes.

Ecological principle of sustainable forestry means that foresters must protect, maintain and, when necessary, restore the aesthetics, vitality, structure and functions of the natural processes of the forest ecosystem and its components at all landscape and time scales. This includes a holistic approach to research and management planning with long-term objectives, such as:

to protect or restore surface and groundwater quality and quantity, including aquatic and riparian habitats

to maintain or improve natural processes of soil fertility, productivity and stability

to keep balance and diversity of native species and their gene pools, including flora, fauna, fungi, and microbes

to safeguard rare, threatened, and endangered species and habitat

to preserve ancient forests

to assess, reduce and eliminate adverse environmental impacts of forest management, such as from the use of artificial chemicals and pesticides, exotic species, and genetically engineered organisms.

Social principle of sustainable forestry means that foresters must develop and use innovative links among managers, scientists, decisionmakers and the various public stakeholders about the values and the impacts of their activities to determine appropriate and acceptable forest management practices. These links should be:

Participatory (high degree of power sharing among those involved)

Collaborative (building in coordination and communication)

Educational (collective learning)

Economic principle of sustainable forestry means that foresters must recognize and work towards viable, long-term markets and other outcomes for timber and other forest products.

Comparing current forestry and sustainable forestry it is important to emphasize that there exist certain distinctions:





Current Forestry

Sustainable Forestry



Biological and human environ-ments

Biological and human environments are seen

are seen as separate spheres of inter-

as one sphere of interest. Biological and so-

est. Biological and social compo-

cial components are studied as parts

nents are studied separately. Human

of one complex ecological system. Activities

centered view of the world.

are consistent with a bio-centered view of the





Complex systems are too difficult to

Complex systems must be studied as wholes

be studied as wholes and can be un-

and cannot be fully understood through a

derstood through a study of the parts.

study of separate parts. Approaches need to


be holistic, generalist, and rely on synthesis.



Research is based on a project driven

Ecological system (biological and human)

analytical process. Forest plans and

viability driven analytical process. Research

environmental impact statements are

is driven by need to understand how systems

the projects.

change in order to remain viable.



Low priority is given to understand-

A conscious attempt is made to understand

ing of the role of external forces and

the role of external ecological and social

influences on forest management.

forces on forest management decisions. Im-

Management is seen as localized and

pacts of local, regional, national, global deci-

influenced by local systems.

sions and events on forests are to be studied.


Recognition of interactive effects is vital.



Impact assessments are local in na-

A conscious attempt is made to understand

ture. Environmental and social im-

the impacts of forest management decisions

pact statements refer only to geo-

on external biological and social systems

graphically local areas.

(local, regional, national, global). Recog-


nition of cumulative impacts is vital.



Environmental resources are infinite

Environmental resources are finite. Limits of

and renewable. Research directed at

systems must be understood.

understanding "wise use" and sus-


tained yields.




A relatively short-term (10 years)

A relatively long time frame is necessary for

planning frame is most practical.

understanding of generational and cumula-


tive effects.



Planning is based on a slow rate of

Faster rates of change in forest technology,

change in forest technology and de-

demand for forest products and services, and

mand for forest products and ser-

ecological changes must be taken into ac-





Professionalism often leads to re-

Recognition that more decisions about for-

sistance to changing public demands

ests are being made in public arenas. Increas-

and professional primacy in decision

ingly lower forest-professional primacy in

making arena.

decision-making. Professional













responsiveness to







changing societal demands and expectations.

Values implicit, seen as givens.


Values explicit and conscious.





Commodity orientation to manage-


Asks if nature should be treated as a com-



modity or resource.


Research is mostly intradiscipli-nary;


Research focuses on interconnections, is

unit of analysis is discipline specific.

interdisciplinary; unit of analysis is the sys-







14.3. Запомните слова и выражения:





to conserve a forest


сберечь, сохранить лес









outreach programme


программа помощи


long-term objective


долгосрочная цель


equitable outcome


результат, отвечающий интересам всех






holistic approach


целостный подход




подземные воды


aquatic habitat


водная среда


riparian habitat


прибрежная среда


soil fertility


плодородие почвы


gene pool










to assess


оценивать, определять

to eliminate adverse impacts



неблагоприятное воздей-






to rely on


полагаться, опираться на

external force


внешняя сила


сumulative impact


совокупное, кумулятивное воздей-








ограниченный, имеющий предел

to take into account


принимать во внимание

resistance to


противодействие, сопротивление ч.-л.







управление, руководство




не выраженный





















предмет потребления, товар


intradisciplinary research


внутридисциплинарное изучение

interdisciplinary research


междисциплинарное изучение

14.4. Переведите словосочетания, опираясь на содержание тек-

ста (упр. 14.2):

surface and groundwater quality and quantity, genetically engineered organisms, appropriate and acceptable forest management practices, project driven analytical process, ecological system viability driven analytical process, forest management decisions, impact assessments

14.5. Подберите к русским словосочетаниям (a) английские эквиваленты (b):








долгосрочная цель

A) holistic approach





неблагоприятное воздействие

B) long-term objective





жизнеспособный рынок

C) aquatic habitat





отдельная часть

D) ancient forest





целостный подход

E) adverse impact





внешняя сила

F) exotic species





древний лес

G) viable market





водная среда обитания

H) separate part





сознательная попытка

I) external force



10) экзотический вид

J) conscious attempt




14.6. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в необходимой форме страдательного залога:

1.Many trees provide a major source of lumber, other trees (to use) to make paper.

2.The trees of tropical Burma (to accompany) often by lianas, the intervals between the trees (to fill) with a tall bamboo thicket.

3.Horsetails (to give) their name because circles of branches around the main stem resembled a horse's tail.

4.A system of protected natural areas encompassing all natural zones and principal mountain massifs (to develop) in Russia over the past 80 years.

5.Many internationally accepted requirements in the field of sustainable forest management (not to reflect) in Russian legislation.


6.The main tasks of forest management (to formulate) with sufficient clarity in the new Forest Code by 2010.

7.Before the Civil War began in the United States much of the forested lands (to clear) for agriculture.

8.The science of forestry (to establish) in the United States at the turn of the century, at a time when vast areas of forests (to cut) down with little thought of the future.

9.In the future the priority (to give) to natural regeneration as compared to artificial regeneration in all forest plantations nearby.

10.A secondary forest sprung up on those lands; some of this growth (to harvest) and (to replace) by a tertiary forest.

11.Geological and literary evidence suggests that Greece (to cover) by forests for thousands of years after the last ice age ended.

14.7. Вставьте частицу to перед инфинитивом, где это необходимо:

1.In some areas successful fire-prevention programmes have allowed certain insect populations … grow unchecked and ravage trees as never before.

2.Some plant genera failed … colonize Britain after the last ice age before it became an island.

3.It has been found that when a forest is clear-cut, birds and mammals that fed or nested in the canopy must immediately … migrate to a new area, and species such as deer, rabbits, quail and turkeys may … prosper when the trees are gone.

4.The wild animals that benefit from the sudden growth of ground plants after removal of the forest like … stay close to the cover while feeding.

5.In past times, loggers would … cut the tops off the trees and harvest only the lower, limbless portions of the trunks.

6.We need … identify and quantify the world's forest resources, … assess their condition and … make our findings widely known.

7.The phrase "multiple use" describes the expectation that forests should … provide profits from timber, fuel and pulp, safe habitats for wildlife and recreation areas for people.

8.Small needlelike leaves are characteristics that enable conifers … withstand dry conditions.

9.The disappearance of some bird species may allow harmful insects

gain the upper hand, or a slight change in regional rainfall may … lead to the destruction of a tree species that has dominated a forest for centuries.


10. The commercial demands on the forest will surely … increase in the future, and there is no certainty that any combination of applied technology, silviculture and forest management will be able … boost productivity at the same rate.

14.8. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на инфинитив в функции обстоятельства цели:

1.To water the tree properly, the gardener should drench the ground beyond the tree's outermost branches.

2.Root systems of trees must spread over large areas to obtain the huge amount of water the trees need.

3.An entomologist wanted to crossbreed the gypsy moth with silkworms to create a new silk-producing species.

4.To fight the gypsy moth scientists breed and release wasps that prey upon the gypsy moth caterpillar.

5.Foresters need a profound understanding of the characteristics and dynamics of a wide variety of forests to provide effective forest management.

6.To grow and reproduce successfully in a given ecosystem, a plant must flower at a time long enough before the end of the growing season.

7.Fire is used by man to modify vegetation, but also fires occur quite naturally in many ecosystems.

8.Plant breeders cross-pollinate nursery-raised seedlings to produce offspring that combine desirable traits of both parents.

9.To get longer and more valuable logs from smaller trees, the tops are retained and machines strip the trunks of all their limbs.

14.9. Заполните пропуски в предложениях, пользуясь информацией текста (упр. 14.2):

1.Protecting … and … habitats is one of the long-term objectives of sustainable forestry as far as surface and groundwater quality and quantity is concerned.

2.The diversity of native species and their … is presented by flora, fauna, …, and microbes.

3.Adverse environmental … of forest management result in the extinction of rare, threatened, and endangered species.

4.According to the social principle of forestry innovative links should be used about the … and the impacts of people's activity.

5.Foresters must work towards viable, long-term markets and other

for timber and other forest products.


6.Approaches to complex systems studying need to be … and gener-


7.Environmental resources are considered to be … in sustainable forestry whereas current forestry regards them as infinite and … .

8.Current forestry recognizes professional … in decision-making.

14.10. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту (упр. 14.2):

1.What principles does the Sustainable Forestry Partnership inte-


2.What do outreach programmes within the Sustainable Forestry Partnership emphasize?

3.What does the ecological principle of Sustainable Forestry mean?

4.What components of the forest ecosystem must be protected?

5.How can appropriate forest management practices be determined?

6.What kinds of innovative links must be developed according to the social principle of Sustainable Forestry?

7.What does the economic principle of Sustainable Forestry mean?

14.11. Укажите, являются ли данные утверждения истинными или ложными в соответствии с содержанием текста (упр. 14.2):

1.Sustainable forestry will change the face of forestry through its research, education and outreach programmes.

2.Ecological principle of sustainable forestry implies the work towards viable, long-term markets and other outcomes for timber and other forest products.

3.Social principle of sustainable forestry requires participatory, collaborative and educational links among different groups of people.

4.Sustainable forestry studies complex systems as wholes which cannot be fully understood through a study of separate parts.

5.Current forestry considers management as localized and influenced by local systems.

6.In sustainable forestry biological and human environment are seen as separate spheres of interest.

7.In current forestry environmental and social impact statements refer only to geographically local areas.

8.Current forestry research is interdisciplinary.

14.12. Сравните обычное и устойчивое лесоводство. Обсудите в парах существующие между ними различия по следующему плану:

1.Consideration of biological and human environments

2.Complex systems study

3.Research conduct


4.Impact assessment

5.Treatment of environmental resources

6.Time frame

7.Rate of change in forest technology



10.Attitude to nature

11.Type of analysis

14.13.Подготовьте краткий пересказ текста (упр. 14.2).

14.14.Обсудите в группах:


A survey is conducted by questioning people selected at random or by quota. Consumer surveys, for example, are designed to help companies understand the wants and needs of consumers. This helps companies to provide goods and services that consumers will buy. Survey design is important: a well designed and well executed survey can produce interesting and useful results.

Imagine that you work for a nature research organization. Together with your colleagues, design a survey to find out the information about the way people spend their free time staying close to nature.

Divide into groups of 3-4. You need to:

Decide ten popular activities relating to nature as your research


Favour a method based on indicating how often in the past 12 months the respondent has participated in a particular activity.

Offer a selection of possible answers, such as: never, 0-3 times, 4-6 times, 7-9 times, 10 or more times.

Favour a question asking about holiday choices as well, as this is a significant indicator.

Reach an agreement within your group on the design of the questionnaire. Here is an example of part of the questionnaire:

Say how often you have participated in the following activities relating to nature in the past 12 months.





7-9 times

10 or more











7-9 times

10 or more







Picnics in the




7-9 times

10 or more








Actually draft the questionnaire, practise it on each other and im-

prove it.

Interview other students.

Compute the results and agree upon the conclusions.

Make a brief oral report of your findings to the whole class.


15.1. Прочитайте интернациональные слова и определите их значение:

operational, demonstration, project, strategy, indicator, sociological, anthropogenic, standardization, consensus, format, surrogate, database, transform, classification, budget, cycling, perforation

15.2. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

What can be done to improve the Understanding of Forest Sustainability?

The Sustainable Forest Data Working Group has selected the following high-priority issues for attention:

Clarify the definitions of forest and rangeland. Currently, definitions of forest and rangeland (figure 3.2) overlap among Federal agencies. Agreement is needed on operational definitions at the boundaries – land with some trees as well as some grasses and shrubs – to compare data and estimates. The Oregon Demonstration Project found a difference of 10 to 15 percent in the areas of rangelands and forests using the varying definitions that exist among Federal agencies.

Define taxonomy, measures, and values for nontimber forest products and services. Examples of nontimber products include berries, worms, mushrooms, cedar bark, flowers, grasses, seeds, tubers, and herbs. Hunting, fishing, other recreational pursuits, and mining in the Nation's forests are highly profiled and valued activities. In most cases, data regarding the types, quantities, and market values of nontimber products removed from the various forests are either highly sporadic or nonexistent. Accurate forest inventories should include the resources being used or removed, the rate of removal, and the quantity being removed. More precise accounting of these types of information is essential, in many cases, to evaluate forest sustainability.

Figure 3.2. Forest rangeland


Develop a national strategy for monitoring human community and economic indicators relating to the social, economic, and cultural impacts of forests and forest management on regions and communities.

The cultures and economies of many communities are closely linked to the forests that surround them, and they need to be considered as part of sustainability. Information about the cultural and spiritual significance of American forests to various groups is available, but only in a qualitative format. Social scientists have developed techniques through which the value people place on the recreational and aesthetic benefits of forests can be

qualitatively estimated. No one has found a way, however, to assign a quantitative weight to cultural and spiritual values.

Define forest fragmentation indicator composition.

Currently, at least three different approaches to understanding fragmentation need to be recognized. The first, the landscape pattern approach, measures average patch size

and interpatch distance, edge amount and distribution, size and prevalence of perforations in overstory canopy, and landscape mosaic. The second approach, parcelization, measures parcel size and distribution. This approach also has sociological implications for human populations. The last, the wildlife habitat approach, considers individual species habitat needs for successful reproduction and maintenance of population levels and genetic diversity.

Considerable concern exists about the fragmentation of forest ownership through parcelization and its effects on forest management operational efficiency, as well as about increasing road densities and their impact on forest ecosystems. Road density is also a good surrogate for anthropogenic influences.

Resolve database management, consistency, and integration. Little has been done nationally to ensure standardization of databases. In addition, critical resource information, such as metadata, is often lacking. Finally, format structures remain nonstandardized. Incompatibilities make it impossible to combine and transform data without introducing considerable uncertainty into results.

Improve measurement of biological diversity. Current monitoring


emphasizes trees and birds because they are interesting and easy to monitor. Monitoring programmes should be expanded to survey important taxa that are not currently monitored and should include rare species and specialized habitats that are often missed.

Implement the National Vegetation Classification (NVC) and convert existing systems. NVC is the Federal standard for vegetation classification, but agencies have not yet fully implemented it. Using the same classification system is essential for sharing data. Agencies and organizations are strongly encouraged to adapt NVC as soon as possible and to crosswalk their current information into the NVC system. Where problems exist with the NVC, efforts should continue to reach consensus on improvements.

Implement Forest Health Monitoring (FHM) and Gap Analysis Program (GAP) nationally. FHM is a national program designed to determine annually the status of, changes in, and trends in indicators of forest condition. FHM has been implemented in 34 States and should be expanded to include all States and all the planned indicators implemented.

An illustration of FHM implementation is Longview Fibre Company

Figure 3.3. Longview Fibre Company timberlands

that has long practiced sustained-yield forestry on the company timberlands (figure 3.3). Longview Fibre Company believes in and meets the requirements of the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) programme developed nationwide by the American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA).

GAP is a scientific means for assessing to what extent native animal and


plant species are being protected. The goal of GAP is to keep common species common by identifying those species and plant communities that are not adequately represented in existing conservation lands.

Improve measurements of carbon budgets. Two critical reasons for carbon management are maintenance of forest health and strategies to mitigate climate change. The importance of carbon – carbon storage, carbon sequestration, carbon cycling and turnover – in ecosystems is beyond question. Total carbon is not currently measured directly, so it is estimated, using proxy variables and models. Measurements and models need to be improved and expanded.

15.3. Запомните слова и выражения:


проблема, предмет спора, разно-



to clarify the definition

уточнить определение







to overlap

частично совпадать









to compare data

сравнивать данные


таксономия, систематика







recreational pursuit

вид отдыха




разработка месторождений

to remove



единичный, случайный

to develop techniques

разрабатывать методы




верхний ярус


участок земли, лесосека

taxon (pl. taxa)

сообщество (растений или живот-





to expand

расширять(ся), развивать(ся)

to mitigate

смягчать, уменьшать

carbon cycling and turnover

круговорот углерода

proxy variable

замещающая переменная




15.4. Переведите словосочетания, опираясь на содержание тек-

ста (упр. 15.2):

Sustainable Forest Data Working Group, nontimber forest products and services, forest fragmentation indicator composition, landscape pattern approach, interpatch distance, edge amount and distribution, wildlife habitat approach, individual species habitat needs, forest management operational efficiency

15.5. Объясните значение следующих понятий:

rangeland, boundary, hunting, mining, inventory, technique, fragmentation, parcelization, consistency, carbon

15.6. Заполните пропуски в предложениях, пользуясь информацией текста (упр. 15.2):

1.A boundary is a land where some grasses, … and trees grow.

2.Forests are good for hunting, fishing and other ….

3.People go to forests to gather …, …, … and other … products.

4.Beside economic value, forests have cultural and … significance.

5.The … approach measures average patch size and interpatch dis-


6.Forest condition in the US is … annually by means of FHM pro-


7.Monitoring programmes including rare species and specialized habitats should be … .

8.… is the Federal standard for vegetation classification but it has not been fully implemented yet.

9.GAP is a scientific … for assessing to what extent native species are protected.

10.… cycling and turnover is important for forest health.

15.7. Заполните пропуски в предложениях инфинитивами to affect, to clarify, to share, to improve, to evaluate, to estimate, выполня-

ющими функцию обстоятельства цели. Переведите полученные предложения:

1.Several measures must be taken … the understanding of Forest


2.… the definitions of forest and rangeland an agreement is needed on operational definitions at the boundaries.

3.… forest sustainability more precise information on nontimber forest products and services is necessary.


4.… the cultures of human communities dependent on forests three approaches to forest fragmentation must be recognized.

5.Agencies and organizations should adapt NVC … the data.

6.… total carbon proxy models should be used.

15.8. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на инфинитив в функции определения:

1.Their task was to produce timber as efficiently and economically as possible.

2.The foremost issue is to determine how we can conserve, enhance and manage our forest heritage to ensure sustainable development in the future.

3.The lichen's strong resistance to its hostile environment and its ability to live in harmony with such environments is one example that humanity should consider it trying to solve their own problems.

4.Forests have many secrets to be discovered yet.

5.The forest ecosystem is so complex that sometimes efforts to prevent one type of calamity trigger another.

6.The most obvious effect of acid rain is its ability to kill fish in lakes and streams.

15.9. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на значение слова one:

1.Some plants produce new ones from underground stems.

2.Onion bulbs produce new ones at the bases of fleshy leaves.

3.Spruce pine has the smallest cones of any of the eastern pines, they measure from one and a half to two inches long.

4.The soft, slender, dark green needles, from one and a half to three inches long, occur two to a bundle.

5.One might think that this would be a natural forest.

6.One should not overlook or underestimate the role of the private sector in forestry development.

7.The private sector is one of the most important sources of financial cooperation.

8.The use of tropical rainforests is one of the most controversial issues of our day.


15.10. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту (упр. 15.2):

1.Why is it important to clarify the definitions of forest and range-


2.What should accurate forest inventories include?

3.Is the information about the cultural and spiritual significance of American forests available to various groups?

4.What approaches to understanding forest fragmentation need to be recognized? What does each of them consider?

5.Why is it necessary to ensure standardization of databases?

6.How should monitoring programmes be developed?

7.Why are agencies and organizations encouraged to adapt NVC?

8.What are FHM and GAP used for?

9.Why is it important to improve measurements of carbon budgets?

15.11. Закончите предложения, пользуясь информацией текста

(упр. 15.2):

1.Different definitions of rangelands and forests are used among ….

2.The highly profiled and valued activities practiced in the Nation's forests are ….

3.The cultures and economies of many communities are closely linked to ….

4.Considerable concern exists about the impact of road densities on


5.Current monitoring emphasizes trees and birds because ….

6.Agencies and organizations are encouraged to adapt NVC and ….

7.FHM determines ….

8.By means of GAP those species and plant communities can be identified that ….

15.12.Подготовьте краткий пересказ текста (упр. 15.2).

15.13.Обсудите в группах:


What makes a successful business?

Is it simply a question of making large profits? Or is it to do with the quality of its products or services; or its ability to define and follow a longterm strategy; or is it a mixture of all these things?

Imagine that you are going to set up a business with certain given resources – say, a specific sum of money.


Divide into groups of 3-4 and choose one of the possible businesses:

an eco-tourist agency

an environmental protection organization

a reforestation enterprise

a forestry company

Each Student: Within your group, invent and give some information about your individual role. Here are some that might be useful:

a middle-aged man with some business experience and a little capital, but with no particular talents

a young forest engineer just out of university without a job

a forest worker of some experience, has a "knack" with machines, very hard-working and reliable

an out-of-work science teacher, fed up with teaching, wants to make some money

If necessary think of some other roles.

Discuss the following things in groups:

geographical position and layout (Where will your business be located? How will things be arranged?)

financing (What sources of financing will the business have?)

size (How large will it be? What areas will its activities extend


staffing (What people will be employed? What functions will they perform?)

organization and administration (What way will it be managed?) Make notes of all decisions you have made. Prepare the "blueprint" for

the projected business. Use sketches, diagrams and maps where relevant. Each group: Present your business.


16.1. Прочитайте интернациональные слова и определите их значение:

certification, perspective, boycott, option, industrial, sponsor, inspector, fund, tropical, producer, association, alternative

16.2. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Forest Certification and the Role it plays in Sustainability

Certification is a set of activities performed to certify the correspond-


ence of forest management and forest products to the established requirements. Forest certification, or green certification, is an attempt to identify forestland that is well managed toward a goal of sustainability.

Certification of public and private forests is an issue that goes beyond the local forests and even beyond the confines of the United States. It's a major topic of discussion worldwide, and everyone has his or her own perspective on it. Environmental groups see it as a way to verify a landowner's or firm's commitment to sustainable forestry. Industrial forest companies and some government agencies hope to use their certification to get credit with the public for conservation efforts. Wood products companies hope to capture new mar-

kets and gain market advantage by showing eco-labels to their customers as proof of good environmental performance.

Certifying a forest as well managed has been practiced in the United States since 1941 when the American Tree Farm System was created. Tree Farm, now sponsored by the American Forest Foundation (AFF), was not created in response to market pressures − as some current systems have been. Membership has always been limited to properties that have passed inspection by a tree farm inspector appointed by AFF.

Since the early 1990s, new certification systems have appeared. The Worldwide Fund for Nature and other environmental groups created the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) with its international certification system in 1993. The intent was to protect tropical forests and to help tropical timber producers avoid boycotts of their products in Europe's environmentally sensitive

wood products markets.

The United-States-based American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA), an industry trade group, has developed a system called the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI). Although directed primarily at its member companies, the system is expanding to include other private and public ownerships.

Nonindustrial private forest owners in the United States have additional options. A few are opting for the FSC system. Most, however, remain undecided. Tree Farm was reworked to more closely reflect a modern forest certification system. The National Forestry Association (NFA) has developed a new system, called Green Tag, for woodland owners.

Forest owners in Europe have created an alternative to the FSC. This


system, Pan European Forest Certification (PEFC), currently has efforts in 17 European countries and has 25,000,000 acres certified. This system includes chain of custody and an eco-label. Some woodland and landowner organizations in the United States are actively discussing, aligning

with the PEFC system.

Russian national framework principles and criteria of FSC certification were formally approved at the session of Coordination Council of the National workgroup on voluntary forest certification held in the beginning of November 2002. The framework criteria for Russia were developed by the National workgroup and have passed the approbation on the basis of Klin forestry enterprise (Moscow region) and "Terneyles" timber

enterprise with the participation of the auditing service company GFA Terra Systems.

After the amendments are introduced the certification standards will be submitted for approval to the headquarters of FSC in Oahaka (Mexico). During the approval the text of the standards can be elaborated on the basis of bilateral consultation with FSC. The important place in the discussion will be given to the questions of conservation of the forests of high environmental value in the context of certification.

According to the information of FSC in October 2002 the area of 246,185 ha was certificated in Russia. The certificates were given to a few forestry enterprises and companies in Altai, Novgorod, Archangelsk and Nizhniy Novgorod region. Some other enterprises in Komi Republic, as well as in Archangelsk, Krasnoyarsk and Primorski region are at different stages of certification now.

16.3. Запомните слова и выражения:

set of activities

совокупность видов деятельности

to certify the correspondence

подтверждать соответствие

to go beyond the confines

выходить за пределы

to verify a commitment to






industrial forest company

лесопромышленная компания

to get credit with

завоевать чье.-л. доверие

wood products company

деревообрабатывающая компа-ния

to gain market advantage

добиться преимущества на рын-ке
















тельство об экологичности


tree farm


лесная ферма



to pass inspection


пройти освидетельствование

Forest Stewardship Council


Лесной попечительский совет

to avoid boycotts of products


избегать бойкотирования







to opt for


выбирать, предпочитать ч.-л.

chain of custody


производственная цепочка


to align with


присоединяться к ч.-л., действо-



вать заодно



auditing service company


ревизионная компания


to introduce amendments


внести поправки



to submit for approval


представить на утверждение

to elaborate


детально разрабатывать, прида-



вать законченный вид


bilateral consultation


двусторонняя консультация


16.4. Образуйте новые глаголы с помощью префикса re- в значении снова, заново, еще раз и переведите их:

Образец: build (строить) – rebuild (перестроить, построить заново) work, write, produce, make, generate, construct, distribute, form, issue,

join, move, name, open, pay, place, plant, store

16.5.Переведите слова и словосочетания на английский язык

(a)и заполните ими пропуски в предложениях (b):

(a) экологический ярлык, первоначально направлена, отражать, лесная сертификация, избегать бойкотирования, производственная цепочка, дополнительный выбор


1.… has been discussed worldwide and everyone has his own perspective on it.

2.Having an … is one of the main criteria of a certified product.

3.Due to the criteria of the FSC international certification system in

1993 tropical timber producers managed to … of their products in Europe.

4.The Sustainable Forestry Initiative was … at its member compa-


5.Beside an eco-label Pan European Forest Certification includes ….

6.The American Tree Farm System created in 1941 was modified to

a modern certification system.