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Цывкунова Интернатионал Лаw Учебно-методическое пособие 2010

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Exhibit 4

(Государственный герб Российской Федерации)



Ваше Превосходительство, мною принято решение дать иное назначение гражданину Ва-

диму Борисовичу Лукову, отозвав его с поста Чрезвычайного и Полномочного Посла Российской Федерации в ЮжноАфриканской Республике.

В уверенности, что гражданин Вадим Борисович Луков неизменно способствовал сохранению дружественных отношений между Российской Федерацией и Южно-Африканской Республикой, прошу Вас, Ваше Превосходительство, принять его отзывные грамоты.

В. Путин

Москва, Кремль

" " 2000 года

Скрепил И. Иванов Министр иностранных дел Российской Федерации


Task 2. Complete the text about diplomatic documents using the words from the box. Explain the difference between verbal and personal notes.

memoranda, entry visas, a mastic official seal, stationery, F.D. Roosevelt, diplomatic missions, condolences, in the third person, the exchange of personal notes.

The generally accepted forms of diplomatic documents often used in correspondence between ____________________, as well as in contacts with the Foreign Ministry of the receiving state, are notes,

_______________ , communiqués, aides-mémoires and personal letters.

There are mainly two kinds of diplomatic notes: verbal notes (or notes verbale, or notes) and personal notes. They differ in their form. Verbal notes have a number; they are written _______________ (singular or plural) and, as a rule, are unsigned although each verbal note has at its end the seal of the issuing office and, in many states, has the sender’s initials.

The verbal note is a rather popular and common form of diplomatic documents. As any other document it may pertain to a serious question or refer to everyday routine matters – informing the Foreign Ministry of the receiving state about the arrival of a new staff-member of the mission or a delegation, asking for _______________, etc.

The personal note may also refer both to a very important matter of principle and to a relatively minor problem, or simply contain a piece of information. For example, it is a fact that diplomatic relations between the Soviet Union and the United States of America were established through ___________________ between the President of the United States ___________________ and the USSR People’s Commissar for Foreign Affairs, M.M. Litvinov.


At the same time, the personal note can be sent, for instance, by the ambassador to the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the receiving state, informing him that the ambassador is leaving the country for vacation. Personal notes are sent by ambassadors to their colleagues, the heads of other diplomatic missions. They may convey congratulations on the appointment or election to an important state post, express

___________________, etc.

Both personal and verbal notes are typed on special ________________. The form always carries a painted, printed, or engraved national emblem and the name of the sender (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, mission, etc).

The verbal note has _____________, while the personal note has none; the verbal note bears the number, and sometimes the index attributed to it by the sender, while the personal note has none. The personal note must be signed by the sender.

Task 3. Translate the following notes into Russian. Find in the documents the English equivalents for the complimentary beginning and the complimentary closing:

пользуется случаем, чтобы возобновить… уверения в своем весьма высоком уважении;

свидетельствует свое уважение;

имеет честь сообщить.

Verbal Notes

Exhibit 1

(State Emblem of Sweden)



No …

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs presents its compliments to the Embassy of the Russian Federation and with reference to article 10 of


the Agreement between the Kingdom of Sweden and the Russian Federation on Fisheries, signed at Stockholm on 11 December 1992, has the honor to inform the Embassy that the Swedish constitutional requirements for the entry into force of that Agreement have been complied with.

The Ministry would appreciate information about the fulfillment of the constitutional requirements of the Russian Federation for the coming into force of the Agreement.

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Embassy of the Russian Federation the assurances of its highest consideration.

Stockholm, 15 July, 19….

(Seal of the Ministry)

Ryska Federationens Ambassad



Personal Notes

Exhibit 2

New Zealand Embassy




9 October, 19…


I have the honor to inform you that I am leaving Moscow today upon the termination of my mission as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of New Zealand to the Russian Federation.

Until the arrival of my successor, Mr Trevor Hughes, Counsellor, will be in charge of the Embassy in the capacity of Chargé d’Affaires a.i.

I should like to take this opportunity to express to Your Excellency my sincere appreciation of the friendly relations, both official and personal, which exist between our two countries and missions.

Please accept, Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration.

(Signed) Gerald McGhie



The Chargé d’Affaires a.i.

Embassy of Bulgaria


Exhibit 3



4 June, 19…


I have the honor to inform that I shall be leaving the Russian Federation on Sunday 8 June, 19…, and shall return to the Russian Federation on Wednesday 18 June, 19 … .

During my absence from the Russian Federation, the Embassy will be in charge of Mr. (Name), Counsellor, in the capacity of Chargé d’Affaires a.i.

Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.



His Excellency Mr. …

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation


Task 4. Translate the following communiqué into Russian. Comment on its lexical and stylistic peculiarities.

Communiqué is a specific form of a diplomatic document. This is a French term which is used to indicate an official announcement by two or more sides.


Colombian Mission to the United Nations 140 East 5-7th Street

New York, N.Y. 10022


The Government of the Republic of Colombia and the Government of Fiji, desirous of promoting a spirit of mutual understanding and of developing bonds of friendship and cooperation between the peoples of the two countries, have decided to establish diplomatic relations at Ambassadorial level as of 10 September, 19… .

The Governments of both countries are confident that such agreement will contribute to the further reciprocal development of commercial, economic, cultural and other ties, aimed at strengthening international peace and cooperation and promoting the principles of international law in the relations between States.

New York, 10 September, 19….

(Signed) Carlos Alban Holguin


(Signed) Winston Thompson


Ambassador Extraordinary


Ambassador Extraordinary






Permanent Representative of


Permanent Representative of


Republic of Colombia to the

to the United Nations


United Nations





Famous quotations

Diplomats write Notes, because they wouldn’t have the nerve to tell the same thing to each other’s face.

(William Penn Adair, 1879-1935, an American political satirist.)

Unit V. Section 3

The Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations

Task 1. Read the text about the VCDR. Give Russian equivalents for the words and word combinations in bold type.

From the earliest times international society has recognized the need to protect diplomatic agents so as to enable diplomatic exchange. The rules of international law which govern the establishment and maintenance of such diplomatic relations are now codified in the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. With over 180 parties, the VCDR is amongst the most widely ratified of all international conventions. The VCDR has thus been extraordinarily successful in its aim to create a comprehensive legal framework for the conduct of diplomatic relations.

The VCDR seeks to establish a proper balance of the rights of sending and receiving States. The founding principle set out in Article 2 is that diplomatic relations take place by mutual consent. Article 3 then sets out the primary functions of a diplomatic mission:

(a)to represent the sending State;

(b)to protect the interests of the sending State and its nationals;

(c)to negotiate with the government of the receiving State;


(d)to ascertain and report to the government of the sending State the conditions and developments within the receiving State;

(e)to promote friendly relations between the sending State and the receiving State, and to develop their relations in economic, cultural and scientific fields.

The next part of the Convention (Articles 4-19) deals with various procedural questions in relation to the establishment of diplomatic relations, and in particular the appointment and accreditation of diplomatic agents. The consent of the receiving State is required in the form of a prior agrément for the appointment of the head of mission.

Article 4

1.The sending State must make certain that the agrément of the receiving State has been given for the person it proposes to accredit as head of the mission to that State.

2.The receiving State is not obliged to give reasons to the sending State for a refusal of agrément.

In relation to other diplomatic agents (except defense attachés) the sending State does not have to obtain the prior consent of the receiving State (Article 7). Nevertheless the sending State must provide notification (and as far as possible prior notification) to the receiving State of the arrival and final departure (or termination of the functions) of all members of missions (Article 10).

Article 7

Subject to the provisions of articles 5, 8, 9 and 11, the sending State may freely appoint the members of the staff of the mission. In the case of military, naval or air attachés, the receiving State may require their names to be submitted beforehand, for its approval.

Furthermore, the receiving State is at any time (including before their arrival in the receiving State), entitled to inform the sending State that the head of the mission or any other member of a mission is persona


non grata, or unacceptable, without giving reasons for doing so (Article 9). In such cases the sending State must recall the person or terminate his functions. If the sending State fails to respond the receiving State may after a 'reasonable period' treat the person as no longer enjoying diplomatic privileges and immunities.

Task 2. Complete the following statements:

The establishment of diplomatic relations осуществляется по ….

The functions of a diplomatic mission consist, inter alia, in ……..

The agrément means …..

The names of defence attachés are ……

If a diplomatic agent is declared persona non grata , he …

Task 3. Analyze Articles 20-28 which concern the privileges and facilities which the sending State must grant to the mission itself.

a)Outline the privileges enjoyed by the mission itself.

b)Find the English equivalents for the following words and word combinations:

средства передвижения главы представительства;

оказывать содействие в приобретении помещений для представительства;

помещения представительства неприкосновенны;

вторжение; вторгаться;

нарушение спокойствия представительства; оскорбление его достоинства;

пользоваться иммунитетом от обыска, реквизиции, ареста и исполнительных действий;

освобождаться от государственных, районных и муниципальных налогов;

архивы представительства неприкосновенны;

предоставлять возможности для выполнения функций;


свобода передвижения;

консульства аккредитующего государства;

закодированные или зашифрованные сообщения (депеши);

дипломатическая почта не подлежит ни вскрытию, ни задержанию;

пользоваться личной неприкосновенностью;

дипломатический курьер не подлежит аресту или задержанию в какой бы то ни было форме;

назначать специальных дипломатических курьеров;

иммунитеты прекращаются;

вознаграждения и сборы, взимаемые представительством при выполнении своих официальных обязанностей, освобождаются от всех налогов, сборов и пошлин.

Article 20

The mission and its head shall have the right to use the flag and emblem of the sending State on the premises of the mission, including the residence of the head of the mission, and on his means of transport.

Article 21

1.The receiving State shall either facilitate the acquisition on its territory, in accordance with its laws, by the sending State of premises necessary for its mission or assist the latter in obtaining accommodation in some other way.

2.It shall also, where necessary, assist missions in obtaining suitable accommodation for their members.

Article 22

1.The premises of the mission shall be inviolable. The agents of the receiving State may not enter them, except with the consent of the head of the mission.

2.The receiving State is under a special duty to take all appropriate steps to protect the premises of the mission against any intrusion or damage and to prevent any disturbance of the peace of the mission or impairment of its dignity.