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Data Structures and Algorithms: CHAPTER 5: Advanced Set Representation Methods

Advanced Set

Representation Methods

This chapter introduces data structures for sets that permit more efficient implementation of common collections of set operations than those of the previous chapter. These structures, however, are more complex and are often only appropriate for large sets. All are based on various kinds of trees, such as binary search trees, tries, and balanced trees.

5.1 Binary Search Trees

We shall begin with binary search trees, a basic data structure for representing sets whose elements are ordered by some linear order. We shall, as usual, denote that order by <. This structure is useful when we have a set of elements from a universe so large that it is impractical to use the elements of the set themselves as indices into arrays. An example of such a universe would be the set of possible identifiers in a Pascal program. A binary search tree can support the set operations INSERT, DELETE, MEMBER, and MIN, taking O(logn) steps per operation on the average for a set of n elements.

A binary search tree is a binary tree in which the nodes are labeled with elements of a set. The important property of a binary search tree is that all elements stored in the left subtree of any node x are all less than the element stored at x, and all elements stored in the right subtree of x are greater than the element stored at x. This condition, called the binary search tree property, holds for every node of a binary search tree, including the root.

Figure 5.1 shows two binary search trees representing the same set of integers. Note the interesting property that if we list the nodes of a binary search tree in inorder, then the elements stored at those nodes are listed in sorted order.

Suppose a binary search tree is used to represent a set. The binary search tree property makes testing for membership in the set simple. To determine whether x is a member of the set, first compare x with the element r at the root of the tree. If x = r we are done and the answer to the membership query is "true." If x < r, then by the binary search tree property, x can only

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Data Structures and Algorithms: CHAPTER 5: Advanced Set Representation Methods

Fig. 5.1. Two binary search trees.

be a descendant of the left child of the root, if x is present at all.Similarly, if x > r, then x could only be at a descendant of the right child of the root.

We shall write a simple recursive function MEMBER(x, A) to implement this membership test. We assume the elements of the set are of an unspecified type that will be called elementtype. For convenience, we assume elementtype is a type for which < and = are defined. If not, we must define functions LT(a, b) and EQ(a, b), where a and b are of type elementtype, such that LT(a, b) is true if and only if a is "less than" b, and EQ(a, b) is true if and only if a and b are the same.

The type for nodes consists of an element and two pointers to other nodes:


nodetype = record element: elementtype;

leftchild, rightchild: − nodetype end;

Then we can define the type SET as a pointer to a node, which we take to be the root of the binary search tree representing the set. That is:


SET = − nodetype;

Now we can specify fully the function MEMBER, in Fig. 5.2. Notice that since SET and "pointer to nodetype" are synonymous, MEMBER can call itself on subtrees as if those subtrees represented sets. In effect, the set can be subdivided into the subset of members less than x and the subset of members greater than x.

function MEMBER ( x: elementtype; A: SET ): boolean, { returns true if x is in A, false otherwise }


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Data Structures and Algorithms: CHAPTER 5: Advanced Set Representation Methods

if A = nil then

return (false) { x is never in Ø } else if x = A −.element then

return (true)

else if x < A −.element then

return (MEMBER(x, A −.leftchild ) ) else { x > A −.element }

return (MEMBER(x, A −.rightchild ) ) end; { MEMBER }

Fig. 5.2. Testing membership in a binary search tree.

The procedure INSERT(x, A), which adds element x to set A, is also easy to write. The first action INSERT must do is test whether A = nil, that is, whether the set is empty. If so, we create a new node to hold x and make A point to it. If the set is not empty, we search for x more or less as MEMBER does, but when we find a nil pointer during our search, we replace it by a pointer to a new node holding x. Then x will be in the right place, namely, the place where the function MEMBER will find it. The code for INSERT is shown in Fig. 5.3.

Deletion presents some problems. First, we must locate the element x to be deleted in the tree. If x is at a leaf, we can delete that leaf and be done. However, x may be at an interior node inode, and if we simply deleted inode, we would disconnect the tree.

If inode has only one child, as the node numbered 14 in Fig. 5.1(b), we can replace inode by that child, and we shall be left with the appropriate binary search tree. If inode has two children, as the node numbered 10 in Fig. 5.1(a), then we must find the lowest-valued element among the descendants of the right child.For example, in the case the element 10 is deleted from Fig. 5.1(a), we must replace it by 12, the minimum-valued descendant of

procedure INSERT ( x: elementtype; var A: SET ); { add x to set A }


if A = nil then begin new (A);

A − .element: = x; A − .leftchild := nil;

A − .rightchild: = nil end

else if x < A −.element

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Data Structures and Algorithms: CHAPTER 5: Advanced Set Representation Methods


INSERT(x, A −.leftchild) else if x > A −.element


INSERT (x, A −.rightchild) { if x = A −.element, we do

nothing; x is already in the set } end; { INSERT }

Fig. 5.3. Inserting an element into a binary search tree.

the right child of 10.

To write DELETE, it is useful to have a function DELETEMIN(A) that removes the smallest element from a nonempty tree and returns the value of the element removed. The code for DELETEMIN is shown in Fig. 5.4. The code for DELETE uses DELETEMIN and is shown in Fig. 5.5.

function DELETEMIN ( var A: SET ): elementtype;

{ returns and removes the smallest element from set A } begin

if A −.leftchild = nil then


{ A points to the smallest element } DELETEMIN := A −.element;

A := A −.rightchild

{ replace the node pointed to by A by its right child }


else { the node pointed to by A has a left child } DELETEMIN := DELETEMIN(A −.leftchild)

end; { DELETEMIN }

Fig. 5.4. Deleting the smallest element.

Example 5.1. Suppose we try to delete 10 from Fig. 5.1(a). Then, in the last statement of DELETE we call DELETEMIN with argument a pointer to node 14. That pointer is the rightchild field in the root. That call results in another call to DELETEMIN. The argument is then a pointer to node 12; this pointer is found in the leftchild field of node 14. We find that 12 has no

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