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History Of Graphic Design

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01/25/01: Pre-press to Incunabula (3)


from "the book of trades" (1568)

left to right, top to bottom: parchment maker, papermaker, typefounder pouring lead, printer removing sheet and inking, "designer" draws for woodcut or engraving, woodblock cutter, illuminator, bookbinder

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01/25/01: Pre-press to Incunabula (3)

typecasting elements (from early 19th century): punch, matrix, type molds (3)

"gutenberg"/42-line bible, 1450-1455

gothic type sample (as used in gutenberg bible)

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01/25/01: Pre-press to Incunabula (3)

fust: detail of "psalter in latin", 1457

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01/25/01: Pre-press to Incunabula (3)

fust: "rationale divinorum officiorum," 1459

Albrecht Dürer, broadside, woodcut, 1515 (rhino)/type diagrams from Underweisung der Messung, 1525


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01/30/01: Incunabula through Renaissance

Sweynheym & Pannartz, type specimens: top, 1465/bottom, 1467

Type samples--top: Johannes de Spira, 1469/bottom: Nicholas Jenson, 1470

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01/30/01: Incunabula through Renaissance

Giovanni & Alberto Alvise, Ars Moriendi, 1478

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01/30/01: Incunabula through Renaissance

Aldus Manutius (printer)/Griffo (type designer), type sample from De

Aetna, 1495-6

Manutius & Griffo, Hypnerotomachia Poliphili, 1499

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01/30/01: Incunabula through Renaissance

Manutius & Griffo, Hypnerotomachia Poliphili, 1499

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01/30/01: Incunabula through Renaissance

Manutius & Griffo, Hypnerotomachia Poliphili, 1499

http://www.d.umn.edu/~jkmetz/GDH/01-30-01.html (5 of 6) [23/10/2002 22:04:00]

01/30/01: Incunabula through Renaissance

Manutius & Griffo, page from Opera with italic, 1501


http://www.d.umn.edu/~jkmetz/GDH/01-30-01.html (6 of 6) [23/10/2002 22:04:00]

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