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Анатомия бега (2010,иностр

7.47 Mб


1.Start in a prone position, arms bent, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, but in a straight line with the outsides of the shoulders.

2.Push away from the floor in a single, controlled movement, keeping your body in one slight upward plane (from feet to head) until your arms are fully extended. Exhale while performing the push-up.

3.Lower your body slowly by bending at the elbows until the chest is parallel and touching or near touching the floor. Inhale during this phase of the exercise.

Muscles Involved

Primary: pectoralis major, triceps, anterior deltoid

Secondary: biceps, latissimus dorsi, rectus abdominis

Running Focus

The push-up is the purest strength exercise. No machines. No weights (other than your own body weight). One fluid movement. It is not complicated unless you add variations (incline push-up and push-up on physioball), but it is a highly effective exercise for developing upperbody strength.

Push-ups benefit a runner by strengthening the upper body and abdominals, ensuring proper posture. The technique involved in completing a push-up is similar to the position of the upper body during running, so the exercise reinforces correct posture.

Multiple sets of push-ups can be done, but like any strength-training activity, push-ups should not be done daily, but following a rest period that allows for the mending of the muscle fibers used during the push-up session.


Incline Push-Up

Incline push-ups shift the emphasis of the exercise to the upper chest and the muscles of the shoulders. A greater number of push-ups can be performed, so incline push-ups are a good exercise to begin with if regular push-ups are difficult. Because the exercise is easier, you may be tempted to accelerate the motion, but resist this temptation. The rotator cuff is more involved in incline push-ups, and accelerating the motion could lead to a shoulder injury.

Push-Up on Physioball

Decline push-ups shift some of the emphasis to the upper back. Using a physioball while performing this exercise requires core stabilization, so this exercise aggressively targets secondary muscle groups. Try to keep your hips from sinking toward the ground during the execution of the push-up. Maintain a rigid posture. If this is difficult, use a smaller physioball, which makes the exercise easier.




1.Use an overhand (palms forward) grip and hang from the pull-up bar, getting a full stretch.

2.Pull your body weight upward using a fluid motion.

3.When the chin reaches bar height, lower your body in a controlled movement back to almost full extension of the arms. Feet should not touch the floor during repetitions.

Muscles Involved

Primary: latissimus dorsi, teres major, rhomboid

Secondary: biceps, pectoralis major

Running Focus

The pull-up is the yin to the push-up’s yang. It is simply performed, but powerful in providing strength benefits. It helps strengthen the upper back, and as distance runners can attest, a strong upper back makes for better running posture during the later stages of a training run or long race.

The U.S. Marine Corps and other branches of the military use the pull-up (and push-up) to measure the fitness of their soldiers. A perfect score is 20 pull-ups in one minute.

Pull-ups are a difficult exercise. To aid in starting the exercise, stand on a box to begin the first rep. Do only the amount of pull-ups that can be done with a fluid, controlled movement. Do not wriggle or bounce.

Often pull-ups are called chin-ups. Some trainers distinguish between pull-ups and chin-ups based on the grip (palms outward or inward), but for others the difference is simply semantic.


Reverse-Grip Pull-Up

Use an underhand (palms facing toward you), shoulder-width grip. Hang from the pull-up bar, getting a full stretch. Pull your body weight upward using a fluid motion. When the chin reaches bar height, lower your body in a controlled movement back to almost full extension of the arms. Feet should not touch the floor during repetitions.

The reverse-grip pull-up involves the biceps more than the overhand-grip pull-up. Given the relatively small size of the biceps, performing this exercise is more difficult than with the overhand grip because the biceps can fatigue quickly.

The two pull-up exercises can be alternated during a strenuous upper back workout, or they can be done on different days as part of a general workout.


Machine Lat Pull-Down


1.Using a weight machine, face the bar with your legs under the pads and grip the bar using a wide grip. Arms are fully extended. Palms face away from the body. Your upper body is slightly rotated (shoulders back) to accommodate the exercise motion.

2.In one continuous motion, pull the bar down, with elbows back and chest out until the bar reaches the upper chest.

3.Gradually allow the arms to return to full extension while resisting the weight during the negative phase of the exercise.

Muscles Involved

Primary: latissimus dorsi, teres major

Secondary: triceps, deltoid


The lat pull-down will cause significant muscle mass to develop in the upper back if heavy weight is used as resistance. It is recommended to perform the exercise with lighter weight than the maximum and to complete multiple sets of higher repetitions.