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1. Choose the right definition


  • an example of it which gives an idea of what the whole of it is like - specimen (образец, экземпляр);

  • a small part of anything, intended as representative of the whole – sample (образец, шаблон);

  • something that has many of the typical features of such a class or style, and that you consider clearly represents it – example (пример).

SAMPLE – a small amount of smth bigger, that shows what the rest is like. (Пробники из Летуаль, к примеру – a sample of fabric, shampoo, curtain material, blood, urine, a sample of moon rock – you take a little part of something).

Can also be used in a sense of a small group chosen to be tested in order to get information about the larger group.

Translation – образец, пробник, тестер, проба.

But if you took a whole – it’s a SPECIMEN. A typical representative of a class taken as a whole (butterflies in the Museum; he has a collection of rare insects; can also be used about a small amount of blood, urine, handwriting.

Translation: тип, субъект, персонаж, экземпляр, кадр. (He is a queer specimen – он чудак)

EXAMPLE – illustration, something that is used to explain something, especially in teaching, an abstract notion – sometimes a role model, a typical case, an explanation.


  • the capacity for calmly enduring pain, trying situations, etc – patience (терпение, настойчивость, упорство);

  • the quality of allowing other people to say and do as they like, even if you do not agree or approve of it – tolerance (терпимость, толерантность, переносимость).

2. Choose the right confusable.

  • We based our analysis on a random sample of more than 200 males.

  • Job applicants have to submit a sample/specimen of handwriting.

  • Symphonies 103 and 104 stand as perfect example of early symphonic construction.

  • It was exacting work and required all his patience.

  • We are nudged into an attitude of acceptance and tolerance.

3. You are going to watch Elizabeth Gilbert, the author of the worldwide best-selling book, Eat Pray Love and her latest book, Big Magic, speaking about ‘your elusive creative genius’. Before you watch the video, discuss the points below.

  • What is ‘creativity’? How do you know that a person is creative?

Creativity refers to the ability to produce work in a novel, original and unexpected way in an appropriately useful manner. It explores how the constraints can be overcome and value to the society. Creativity is a synonym to idea, invention, or breakthrough. Well, to my mind, a person is undoubtedly creative if he or she creates something new, as well connected to some abstract notions and hobbies such as painting, writing, composing etc. However, a person can be creative even without being a person of art, this notion concerns the way a person is thinking, finding new, unexpected solutions to problems.

  • What is ‘genius’? How do you know that a person possesses genius?

Genius – is an incredible natural talent, that a person has. A person has to be creative, has to think out of the box, he or she should reject routine and take risks.

  • Do you think creativity and genius go together? Are they interdependent?


  • What does the word ‘elusive’ stand for? Why does she use this adjective in reference to creative genius?

Elusive - hard to express or define; as I think, it means that it is hard to get, like “easy come, easy go’’.

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