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О. В. Коваленко, Е. В. Киселёва, И. И. Тушева


Учебно-методическое пособие

Нижний Новгород


Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования

«Нижегородский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет»

О. В. Коваленко, Е. В. Киселёва, И. И. Тушева


Утверждено редакционно-издательским советом университета в качестве учебно-методического пособия

Нижний Новгород ННГАСУ


ББК 81.2Англ УДК 42:69(075)


Е.Е. Сергиенко – доцент кафедры восточных и европейских языков НГЛУ им. Н.А. Добролюбова

Л.Г. Орлова – кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков и кон венционной подготовки ВГУВТ

Коваленко О.В. HIGHRISE CONSTRUCTION [Текст]: учебно-метод. пособие / О. В. Коваленко, Е. В. Киселёва, И. И. Тушева; Нижегор. гос. архитектур. – строит. ун-т. – Н. Новгород:

ННГАСУ, 2017. – 48 с. ISBN 978-5-528-00217-0

Целью данного пособия является развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции студентов в сфере будущей профессиональной деятельности. Система заданий и упражнений направлена на развитие умений в различных видах речевой деятельности на основе профес- сионально-ориентированных тем по специальности 08.05.01 «Строительство уникальных зданий и сооружений», специализации «Строительство высотных и большепролетных зданий и сооружений». Учебное пособие составлено на материале аудентичных текстов на английском языке.

ББК 81.2Англ

ISBN 978-5-528-00217-0


О.В. Коваленко, Е.В. Киселёва,



И.И. Тушева, 2017



ННГАСУ, 2017


Unit 1

The profession of civil engineers

Lead-in Your future profession is civil engineering. What do you know about it? What do civil engineers do?

Do the quiz and see how much you know about this profession. Then compare your results with the keys which you can find here http://www.engineergirl.org/GetThere/QuizzesAndPolls/22730. aspx

1. What is an engineer?

a.Engineers are math-whizzes who do one particular thing really well and they are often called on to solve really difficult math problems.

b.Engineers drive trains.

c.Engineers are professional problem-solvers that look for practical solutions that will benefit people or society. They design, create, build, improve and invent all sorts of things.

d.Engineers are people with limited social skills who would rather be with a computer than with people.

2. How long do engineers have to go to school?

a.You don’t need more than a high school degree to be an engineer as long as you are really good with computers.

b.You need to have at least a master’s degree (about 6 years of college)

c.Most engineers start out with a 4-year college degree in engineering.

d.You can start working as a professional engineer with a 2-year associate’s


e. All of the above.

f. None of the above.


3. Where do engineers work?

a.Engineers work from home on the computer.

b.Engineers are self-employed and work where-ever the job site is.

c.Engineers work in small engineering firms and government jobs.

d.Engineers have “regular” business offices in different companies.

e.Engineers work in manufacturing plants and large corporations.

f.Engineers work in hospitals and research labs.

g.Engineers can travel a lot and many work abroad.

h.All of the above.

4. Can you do anything else with an engineering degree? *

a.Yes, an engineering degree is good preparation for many different careers - especially ones that require problem-solving skills like medicine, finance, law, and business. A BS in engineering can be a stepping stone into graduate school in any of those fields.

b.Yes, an engineering degree can be a good starting point, but if you want to do anything other than engineering you will need to get a higher degree, because most employers won’t want to hire you.

c.No. Engineering degrees are very specialized so it is very important to know exactly what you want to work on before you start.

d.You can, but an engineering degree is about the same as a liberal arts degree. It doesn’t really set you apart.

5. What is the difference between engineering and science? *

a.Scientists “explore what is”; engineers “create what never has been.”

b.Engineers are usually concerned with the design and production of goods and services to meet the needs of society while scientists are interested primarily in understanding.

c.There is a certain amount of cross-over between engineering and science, and some engineers work on scientific research, but the training is different.

d.Engineers are trained to solve problems while scientists are trained to explore nature.

e. All of the above.

6. True or False: All professional engineers were math and science whizzes in high school. *

a.False. You don’t need math or science to be an engineer.

b.False. Even without being a math or science star you can learn the material and use it in an engineering career.

c.True. Math and science are all you need to be a good engineer.


d. True. You can’t get into an engineering program without straight A’s in all math and science classes.

What are your results? How many correct answers did you give?

If not many you must learn more about this profession to be prepared for it.

Activity 1 1. Read the first part of the text below and underline what engineers do.

What is civil engineering?

Part I

Civil engineering is all about helping people and shaping the world. It’s the work that civil engineers do to make our lives much easier. They keep us switched on and powered up by supplying electricity and gas to our homes. They give us clean water and purify it so we can use it again. They build all sorts of things so we can get around, from roads and bridges to railways and airports. Civil engineers also do lots of other things like finding clever ways of recycling our waste, and finding solutions to problems like pollution. Civil engineers are creative people who solve problems. They come up with lots of ideas and then turn them into real things for people around the world to use. They design the transport systems to keep big cities on the move. They create easy-to-build schools so children in faraway places have somewhere to learn. They use the sun and wind's energy to make electricity for our homes. Engineers are vital in ensuring the appearance and safety of the built environment, and are responsible for the design and durability of its structures.

How can you comment on the phrase in italics?

2. Read the second part, match English with Russian equivalents and fill in the gaps with the words from the box.


1)permanent settlements

a) оросительные канавы



2) hostile neighbor





строительном участке



3) reliable sources of clean water

c) постоянные поселения


4) a completed bridge

d) утилизировать отходы


5) well

e) законченный мост



6) irrigation ditches

f) колодец



7) site preparation activities

g) враждебный сосед







8) long-term durability

h) долговечность

9) dispose of waste

i)надёжные источники чистой воды

Part II

Civil engineers usually work in teams and are often involved in projects in many parts of the world. This means that languages, teamwork and communication skills will also come in useful.

Civil engineering is an exciting profession because at the end of the day you can see the results of your work, whether this is ___________, a high-rise building, a subway station, or a hydroelectric dam.

Civil engineering is the design and construction of public works, such as dams, bridges and other large infrastructure projects. It is one of the oldest branches of engineering, dating back to when people first started living in ___________ and began shaping their environments to suit their needs.

Early engineers built walls, roads, bridges, dams and levees; they dug

_________, ________ and trenches. As larger groups of people began living together in towns and cities, these populations needed ____________, the means ___________, a network of streets and roadways for commerce and trade, and a way to defend themselves against ___________.

Engineers may also handle ___________________, such as excavation, earth moving and grading for large construction projects. Additionally, civil engineers may conduct or write the specifications for destructive or nondestructive testing of the performance, reliability and ________________ of materials and structures.

Activity 2 1.To study engineering is not easy.

The following quiz will help to find out if civil engineering career is for you.

1.Are you always accurate?

2.Are you able to recognize a problem easily?

3.Do you like using scientific principles and methods to solve problems?


4.Are you good at putting together seemingly unrelated facts to form conclusions?

5.Do you get good grades in math and science?

6.Do you enjoy knowing how things work?

7.Do you ever think of new or better ways to do things?

8.Do you like to play with computers and play video games?

9.Do you manage to take sound decisions and make people trust your


10.Can you say that you have an inquisitive cast of mind?

If you answered ‘Yes’ to most of the questions, you have many of the characteristics needed to work in this field, but probably not all of them. Before you go further, you will need to do some more research.

2.Read the sentences below and fill in the gaps using the words and expressions from the box and then match the explanations to the corresponding questions to the quiz.

putting things together

to form a conclusion


math and science

computers and video games

ideas and decisions


to recognize a problem

how it works


technologists and technicians





1.________________ are basic tools in engineering.

2._______________ helps you to examine the relationship between one thing and another.

3.Engineers work ______________. They must be able to work with people who have different backgrounds and special interests.

4.After the analysis of the situation you are expected _______________.


5.Wanting to know how things work is something that drives all engineers. This

_____________ encourages engineers to break complex problems into simple ones that will be easier to handle.

6.Wanting to know ________ is essential to finding better ways to design things.

7.Engineers must be able to explain ___________ to all audiences.

8.____________ provide an introduction to working with graphics as well as to problem-solving.

9.The first step in solving a problem is _____________ that it does exist.

10. Follow these steps to ensure _______________ and reliable measurements.

Activity 3 1.To prepare yourself for a career in civil engineering you should know the tasks you will have to perform in your future job. This is a list of the most important tasks in the field of civil engineering. Match English and Russian equivalents.

1)survey report


3)aerial photography

4)traffic pattern

5)environmental condition


7)construction activities


9)project feasibility

10)project site


12)labor (Am) = labour (Br)

13)safety and sanitation standards

14)hydraulic systems and structures

a)почва, грунт

b)оборудование, оснащение

c)гидротехнические сооружения

d)условия окружающей среды

e)схема движения


g)предел прочности фундамента


i)труд, рабочая сила

j)влияние, воздействие

k)производственный персонал


m)акт осмотра и экспертизы n)бетон


p) модификация, видоизменение





15) modifications

q) строительство

16) soil

r) правила техники безопасности

s) осуществимость проекта


17) strength of foundations

t) строительная площадка

18) concrete


19) asphalt


20) industrial personnel




Activity 4 1.Fill in the gaps using the words in the box.

safety and sanitation standards, construction, hydraulic systems, program modifications, soil, aerial photography, labour, environmental conditions equipment, blueprints

Occupation Specific Tasks:

-Analyze survey reports, maps, drawings, ________, _______ and other topographical or geological data to plan projects.

-Conduct studies of traffic patterns or________ to identify engineering problems and assess the potential impact of projects.

-Estimate quantities and cost of materials _________ and ________ to determine project feasibility.

-Inspect project sites to monitor progress and design __________. -Plan and design transportation or __________ and structures, following construction and government standards.

-Provide technical advice regarding design, construction, or __________ to industrial and managerial personnel.

-Direct _________ activities at project site.

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