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16.Российский экономический журнал (Государственный университет управления, Москва).

17.Российский экономический интернет-журнал (Академия труда и социальных отношений, Москва).

18.Экономист (Москва).

10.Федерализм (Институт экономики РАН, Москва)

11.Raumforschung und Raumplanung (Springer)

12.Jahrbuch für Regionalwissenschaft (Springer)

13.Regional Studies (Regional Studies Association, London)

14.Papers in Regional Science (Regional Sciences Association International,


15.Journal of Regional Science (Wiley online library)

V.Useful internet addresses

10.Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy of the EU – http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy

11.European Regional Science Assoziation – http://www.ersa.org.

12.Regional Science Association International -


13.Institute for Problems of Regional Economics, St. Petersburg, Russian Academy of Sciences - http://iresras.ru

14.Institute of Economy, Moscow, Russian Academy of Sciences – http://inecon.ru.

15.Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk – http://econom.nsc.ri/ieie.

16.Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation - http://www.economy.gov.ru.

17.Council for the Study of Productive Forces, Moscow – http://www.sops.ru.

18.Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation - http://www.gks.ru.

10.Living Planet Report - http://www.wwf.ru/resources/publ/book/584

11.Global Footprint Network - http://www.footprintnetwork.org

12.UNEP Report" Towards a Green Economy: Pathways to Sustainable Development and Poverty Eradication” - http://www.unep.org/roe/Portals/139/Moscow/UNEP_Green_EconomyReport_Final_ May2012_Rus.pdf

VI. Knowledge control and exam

Checking the students’ knowledge includes:

entrance and current control;


final exam on the subject


Entrance control is held in the form of test. Examples of questions of the test:

1 . What does the region economics study? (multiple answers are possible): А) Economy and space interaction

B)Empirical regularities of regional development

C)The description of placement of branches of specialization in the territory of the country

D)Influence of tactical cycles on growth and employment

E)Theoretical bases of regional economic policy

2 . Is it a region? (multiple answers are possible): А) Volga region federal district

B)Nizhny Novgorod Region

C)City Nizhny Novgorod

D)Arzamas raion of the Nizhny Novgorod Region

Explain your choice.

3 . Give an example of:

A)The international

B)The interregional

C)The intra regional

D)The local

territorial division of labour.

The current control is held in the form of the tasks solution and tests. Examples of tasks:

1 . Proceeding from the provided statistical data calculate coefficients of specialization in the volume of release and on number taken in leading sectors of economy of the Nizhny Novgorod Region. Compare the received indicators among themselves. Draw the corresponding conclusions.

2 . According to the information provided in addition calculate the Index of development of human capacity of regions (IDHC) of the Volga federal district. Compare the received results among themselves and to the Russian IDHC. Draw the corresponding conclusions.

3 . Define a budget deficit in the expected period and its level, if in the basic period of VRP = 33 billion rubles, the income of the regional budget = 6,6 billion rubles, including tax revenues = 6 billion rubles, expenses = 7,1 billion rubles. In the expected period the budget expenses supposes to grow by 20%, growth rate of VRP = 106,7%, the VRP index deflator = 116%, decrease in tax loading = 3%.


Examples of questions of the test:

1.The generalizing points of economic capacity of the region are (multiple answers are possible):

A)National wealth

B)Income and budget expenses

C)Hidden unemployment

D)Level of a reuse of raw materials and recourses

E)Gross domestic product per capita

2.What isn’t the tool of regional policy from listed below ?

A)Information and consulting service

B)Financial incentives and privileges

C)Rational use of natural resources

D)Infrastructure development

E)Administrative actions

3 . If consider the organization of technology park in the Nizhny Novgorod Region as the tool of regional innovative policy, then the comparison of innovative development of the Nizhny Novgorod region and the region of the Russian Federation without technology park is:

A)Control of achievement of the objectives

B)Execution control

C)Influence control

D)There is no right answer

The presentation is self-evident (see previous 3), and is a necessary requirement for the admission to total examination.

Primary and secondary statistics information should be used in the presentation. Duration is approximately10-12 minutes.

A final exam is held in oral form, and estimated according to the following scale:







Verbal estimation





Exam questions

1.Region economics as science. Subject and object of studying.

2.Public and territorial division of labour.

3.Concept "region" and signs of allocation of regions.

4.Forms of the territorial organization and types of territorial structures.

5.Factors and criteria of placement of productive forces.

6.Theories of placement and location analysis.


7.Theories of mobility of factors of production, goods and services.

8.Theories of regional growth.

9.Concepts of sustainable regional development.

10.Definition and methodical bases of the empirical regional analysis and regional diagnostics.

11.Main methods of the regional analysis.

12.Definition of level of social and economic development and living standards in the region.

13.Analysis and assessment of competitiveness of the region.

14.Analysis and assessment of investment attractiveness of the region.

15.Purposes, tasks and tools of regional policy.

16.Regional economic policy on federal and actually region levels.

17.Functions and structure of governing bodies of the region.

18.Strategic management of region development

19.Regional stimulation of economy

20.Essence, contents and logic of regional planning and forecasting.

21.Technique and order of development of planned and expected documents.

22.Application of a balance method of regional planning and forecasting in practice.

23.Application of a program and target method of regional planning and forecasting in practice.

24.Organization of finance of the region.

25.The general scheme of the regional budget and its role in region development.

26.Marketing of regions as a part of regional economic policy.

27.Main sections and actions of the marketing plan of the region.

28.Regional aspects of policy of a sustainable development

29.Indicators and measurement of a sustainable development of the region.

30.Regional programs of a sustainable development in Russia and abroad.

31.Regional and political mechanisms abroad.


Игорь Валентинович Арженовский Манфред Кий

Методические указания, учебный план и программа курса "Региональная экономика"

Подписано к печати .2013. Формат 60х90 1/16. Печать офсетная. Уч. изд. л. ___. Уч. печ. л. ___. Тираж 100 экз. Заказ №

Нижегородский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет 603950, Нижний Новгород, ул. Ильинская, 65.

Полиграфический центр ННГАСУ 603950, Нижний Новгород, ул. Ильинская, 65.

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