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There is a special case that students have to do in small groups (4-5 students) and make a powerpoint presentation within 15 weeks. This presentation is part of examination process (2 credits).

Within the first week they will receive their brand and a group-number. Each group will present the results of their study during 15 minutes, everyone in group needs to contribute to the oral presentation.

Proctor & Gamble, together with Unilever, mars, Philip Morris and Nestlé, are one of the big players on the global consumer market. P&G offer a wide scale of food and non-food products. Some brands of P&G’s assortment are sold world wide, while other brands are only sold on local markets. P & G ask a consultancy agency (a group of students) to give a go/no go advice regarding the introduction of a new brand on the Russian market. This brand is already offered on markets outside the Russia.

In order to be able to prepare this advice, the consultancy agency has to follow the following steps:

orientation (not in figures) on the client (i.e. P&G)

-what type of company is P&G?

-what is the position of P&G on the national (i.e. Russian) and international


-what product groups are being offered by P&G?

-how developed P&G itself over the past?

information gathering

-provide a description and an assessment of the market for the new brand

-describe the changing needs of the Russian market in respect of the new


-describe and analyse the competitors on the Russian market information processing

-analyse all information gathered


- formulate a go/no go advise on the basis of all data gathered and processed.

P & G report (with accepting of the teacher could be the other company and other brand)

The requirements you have to meet are stringent and therefore you have to pay particular attention to the points mentioned below.

Summary (at least ½ page)

1.The summary should be a story in its own right and be read as a short story. Do not refer to the chapters (e.g. in chapter 1 we did …, chapter 2 focuses on …, etc.) but e.g. “a feasibility study was carried out into the possible introduction of Product X ….. The result was ………..”.

2.Do not forget why you as a consultancy have chosen the Go or No-go advice.

Introduction/Preface (at least ½ page)

1.Introduce the report to the reader.

2.Include the company’s name that gave you the assignment.

3.Clearly define the scope of your research (your feasibility study only applies to the Russian market).

Chapter 1: Your consultancy (1-2 pages)

1.Consultancy’s name and your specialization.

2.Consultancy’s history (e.g. established in … , your purpose … , members and their position, etc.). Try to sell yourself to the reader.

3.What is your approach regarding assignments?

Chapter 2: P & G (3 -4 pages)

1.P & G’s history (do not copy it literally but rewrite the most important information).

2.P & G’s international and national activities.

3.Short description of the main competitors.

4.P & G’s product portfolio.


Chapter 3: The Russian market (5 – 7 pages)

1.Description of the brand to be introduced.

2.Economic/demographic characteristics (population, number of households, age structure, disposable income, employment).

3.Segmentation of the Russian market and argumentation.

4.Competitors and substitute products.

5.Positioning of the brand to be introduced.

Chapter 4: Go/no-go advice (at least 1 page)

1.You should supply the P & G company with a well-founded report informing them on a possible introduction of their particular product on the Russian market. Your advice (whether it is go or no-go) should never come as a surprise to the reader and must thus be in line with all the previous chapters.


All graphs, surveys, financial data/specifications, etc. should only be attached to the

end of your report.


1. Program of test (offset, examination)

The study of discipline comes to an end by examination. The examination is spent in the writing form under the tickets during 80 min. On examination the theoretical questions on all investigated themes are taken out.

2. Set of the tasks of test

On examination the following questions are taken out:

1.What is marketing. Basic terms of marketing.

2.Basic kinds of demand and it’s tasks.

3.Marketing concepts according to Kotler. Comparative evaluation of their concepts.

4.Marketing macroenvironment.

5.Marketing microenvironment.

6.Marketing strategy development.

7.Market segmentation and market targeting.

8.What is strategic marketing planning.

9.Developing growth strategies as a part of a strategic planning.

10.BCG matrix and product life-cycle.

11.Marketing information systems and marketing research overview. Tasks solving by MIS.

12.The marketing research process.

13.Consumer behaviour. Models of this behaviour.

14.Business markets and business buying behaviour.

15.Competitors analysis based on industry and market point of view.

16.Positioning of market. Explain what does it mean.

17.What is a product ? Product classifications.

18.Brand and packaging decisions. Labeling decisions.

19.Marketing services.

20.Naming the price. Internal and external factors affecting pricing decisions.


21.General pricing approaches: cost-based pricing, value-based pricing, competi- tion-based pricing.

22.Price strategies.

23.Promotion. Steps in developing effective communication.

24.Advertising, sales promotion and public relations.

25.Reasons for growth of sales promotion. Purpose of sales promotion.

26.Important public relations tools. Main public relations decisions.

27.What is distribution. Distribution channels and logistics management.

28.Channel design decisions and channel management decisions.

29.Retailing and wholesaling.

30.The importance of internationalization.

31.Risks in international marketing.


Цветкова Наталия Борисовна

Tsvetkova Nataliya

Маркетинг. Часть 1 – Основы маркетинга. Методические указания для студентов направления подготовки 080200.62 «Менеджмент» профиль «Международный менеджмент»

Curriculum for subject “Marketing” Part 1. Basics of marketing

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