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книги / Striving For Happiness. I Am a Part of All that I Have Met

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"Immediately all of us were holding out the coins to her.

"She held up the half-crown so that the boys could see it. But none of them moved. She offered the coin to each of the boys, and each of them shook his head and smiled. Then she threw the coin into the sea. With sad faces they watched its silver flight through the air, but not one moved to follow it."

"Don't do it with the sovereign," Dennitson said to her in a low voice.

"But she held up the gold coin before the eyes of the boy who had made the swallow-dive."

"Don't do it," Dennitson said. It's a fortune to him. He may risk his life to get it." "Wouldn't you?" she asked. "Dennitson shook his head. "She was silent for a moment. She had forgotten the boy, and was thinking of Dennitson. "For me?" she said in a low voice. "To save your life - yes. But not to get the coin."

She turned back to the boy. Again she held the coin before his eyes.

"It is difficult to say why she did it. It was unexpected for all of us. Suddenly the gold coin flashed in the sunshine. Before a hand could stop him, the boy was over the rail and making a beautiful swallow-dive after the coin."

In the clear water from the high deck, we saw everything. The shark was very big and in an instant it cut the boy in half. There was a murmur among us and then there was silence. Miss Caruthers was the first to speak. Her face was very white.

"I never thought," she said, and laughed a short, hysterical laugh.

She turned to Dennitson, and then from one to another of us. Her lips were trembling. But nobody moved.

"Mr Dennitson," she said, "please take me to my cabin."

"He did not even change the direction of his look. His face was dark. Captain Bentley made a strange sound in his throat. That was all, that and the silence.

"She turned away and began to walk slowly down the deck."

Treloar had finished his story. He turned his head, looked at the little man and asked coldly. "Well, what can you say to that?" The little man opened his mouth and then closed it.

"I have nothing to say," he said. "Absolutely nothing."

Answer thefollowing questions.

1.What question were the men discussing?

2.How does the narrator describe Miss Caruthers?

3.What could she do?

4.What was Colombo famous for?

5.Who was the best diver? Why was it a pleasure to look at him?

6.Why did the boy give alarm in the middle of the sport?

7.Why did Miss Caruthers ask the sailors for a half-crown and a sovereign?

8.What did she do with the coins?

9.What happened to the boy?

10.Why did he dive for the coin?

11.What do you think of the girl (liking to be the centre of attention, light-headed, too

self-assured, self-conceited, selfish, thick-skinned, indifferent, shallow, cruel)? 12. Does the proverb "Appearances are deceitful" fit the story?


Render thefollowing texts into English.


Четыре правила, чтобы произвести хорошее первое впечатление

1. Ваши первые десять слов должны быть очень важными. Выразите свою ра­ дость от встречи с человеком такими фразами, как «Рад познакомиться», «Рад Вас ви­ деть», или свою благодарность фразами «Спасибо, что пришли», «Спасибо, что на­ шли время для встречи».

2.Обратите внимание на других. Смотрите в глаза. Улыбайтесь. Будьте под­ вижны, энергичны, уверены в себе. И людям это понравится.

3.Обратите внимание на походку. Ходите энергично, живо. Большинству из нас

нравится общество энергичных людей.

4. Обратите внимание на свой внешний вид. Вы должны быть аккуратно приче­ саны, опрятно одеты, Ваша обувь должна быть чистой. Украшения, макияж и стиль Вашей одежды должны соответствовать событию и ситуации.

Девять правил для установления

иподдержания отношений с людьми

1.Умейте установить контакт с помощью взгляда.

Уверенно и прямо смотрите в глаза собеседнику, это поможет создать обстанов­ ку доверия. Смотреть друг другу в глаза - один из самых важных моментов общения между людьми. Поразительно, как много можно узнать о другом человеке, просто глядя ему в глаза. Симпатия, энтузиазм, страх, ожидание, осуждение могут прояв­ ляться, когда мы встречаемся взглядом. Мы все обладаем в той или иной степени ин­ туицией, позволяющей оценить человека, и именно глаза говорят нам больше всего.

2. Будьте хорошим слушателем.

Активное слушание - это самый глубокий знак одобрения. В тот момент, когда вы слушаете другого человека, вы должны дать понять, что он или она являются са­ мыми важными для вас в мире. Но быть хорошим слушателем не так легко. Умение слушать требует много времени, сосредоточенности и заинтересованности. Когда мы используем нашу способность слушать, мы улучшаем взаимопонимание с другими.

3.Задавайте вопросы, которые помогают собеседнику раскрыться.

Восновном, людей не интересует, как много вы знаете. Им важнее то, насколь­ ко они сами интересны вам. Задавая вопросы, мы должны показать людям, что они нам небезразличны и что мы достаточно уважаем их, чтобы выслушать их мнение.

4.Будьте уверены в себе.

Обычно люди хотят общаться и работать с теми, кто уверен в себе. Чем больше вы верите в себя, тем больше другие верят в вас. Уверенность привлекает, воодушев­ ляет и стимулирует окружающих.

5. Проявляйте чувство юмора.

Мы предпочитаем общаться с людьми, обладающими чувством юмора, а не с теми, кто воспринимает все только всерьёз. Юмор помогает создать атмосферу непринужденности, которая так необходима для общения. Когда мы смеёмся вместе

скем-то, мы чувствуем себя свободнее и ближе к ним.

6.Будьте честными и искренними.

Держите слово, приходите вовремя, признавайте свои ошибки. Надо не притво­ ряться, а просто быть самим собой. Для установления доверительных отношений очень важно не скрывать свои слабые стороны или своё «настоящее я».

7. Любите и уважайте людей. Будьте доброжелательны.

Среди всех человеческих достоинств симпатия и уважение к другим людям за­ нимают особое место. Тот, кто живет лишь осуждая других, имеет слабые шансы для установления добрых отношений с людьми.

8. Сохраняйте позитивный настрой.

Не поддавайтесь плохому настроению. Всегда старайтесь думать о чём-то хо­ рошем.

9. Постарайтесь быть привлекательным. Быть привлекательным во всём: внеш­ ности, одежде, причёске, манерах, поведении. Это не значит соответствовать какомулибо стереотипу, эго значит ценить себя по достоинству.

tiny - крошечный

a midget - карлик, лилипут

knee-high to a grasshopper - крошечный (по колено кузнечику)

a pocket-size girl (woman) - очень маленькая девушка (женщина)

III. Built - сложение portly - дородный corpulent - тучный

overweight - с избыточным весом as round as tall —как шарик pot-bellied - пузатый, с брюшком stocky - коренастый

medium-built - среднего сложения well-built - хорошего сложения muscular

narrow-waisted - с тонкой талией skinny - костлявый

all skin and bones - кожа да кости a puny person - пигалица

IV. Bearing, posture - осанка, манера держаться upright - прямой

stooped (with a stoop) - сутулый, согнутый hunch-backed - горбатый

V. F ace -лицо round - круглое oval - овальное square - квадратное long - длинное thin - худое

fleshy - мясистое

1.Forehead ['forid] - лоб high - высокий low - низкий

broad - широкий narrow - узкий domed - выпуклый lined - морщинистый

2.Cheeks - щёки

hollow - впалые plump - пухлые

3.Chin - подбородок double - двойной pointed - острый

4.Nose - нос

straight - прямой tumed-up - вздёрнутый hook(ed) - крючковатый

5. Eyelashes - ресницы long - длинные false

6. Eyebrows - брови

bushy - густые, кустистые pencil-thin - тонкие

7. Eyes - глаза hazel - карие

close-set —близко поставленные wide-set —широко поставленные deep-set - глубоко сидящие bulging —на выкате

warm - тёплые

bloodshot - налитые кровью

discerning - проницательные, понимающие piercing - пронзительные

8. Jaw - челюсть square - квадратная

9. Mouth - рот

large - большой, крупный wide - широкий

thin - тонкий

sensual - чувственный 10. Smile - улыбка

bright —весёлая, сияющая happy - счастливая

sad - печальная ironical

wry - кривая

VI. Hair and Hairstyles - волосы и причёски thick - густые

thin - редкие straight - прямые wavy - волнистые curly - кудрявые curled - завитые

chestnut - каштановые grey - седые

golden - золотистые a hairdo - причёска

a haircutting - стрижка a bun - узел (волос)

a pony-tail - "конский хвост" a fringe - челка

a plait - коса

loose hair - распущенные волосы a wig - парик

VII. Peculiarities, distinctive features - отличительные особенности big-headed - большеголовый

red-faced - краснолицый clean-shaven - гладко выбритый a moustache - усы

PNRPUa beard - борода wrinkles, lines - морщины one-eyed - одноглазый cross-eyed —косоглазый

goggle-eyed - глаза на выкате ox-eyed - глазастый sharp-eyed - зоркий short-sighted - близорукий long-sighted - дальнозоркий

he/she wears glasses - он/она носит очки bags under eyes - мешки под глазами freckles —веснушки

a mole - родинка

a birthmark - родимое пятно a wart - бородавка

a scar - шрам

long-legged (leggy) - длинноногий bow-legged - кривоногий

a stutterer (stammerer) - заика a left-hander - левша


1.Using the wordsfrom the list describe:


b)a member o fyourfamily.

2.Now tell us how you see the appearance of:

a)Jesus Christ;

b)Mother Mary;

c)The Devil;

d)Cinderella and her step-mother;

e)Koshchei the Deathless;

f)a typical Russian;

g)a typical Japanese.


Read thefollowing texts.


How important is your appearance? Although everyone wants to be good-looking, are beautiful people always happier people? For example, it must be a problem to be a really beautiful woman, because some men may be more interested in looking at you than talking to you. They think of you as a picture rather than a person.

On the other hand, no one wants to be really ugly, and have a face that even your mother doesn't want to look at; and no one wants to be plain either - that is, to be neither attractive nor unattractive, and have a face that is easily forgotten.

Being attractive is like being rich - it can help you find happiness, but it doesn't always make you happy. So maybe the best thing is not to worry too much about how you look, but simply try to be an interesting person. For interesting people have interesting faces, and interesting faces are almost always attractive.

Improving Appearance

Most women all over the world are interested in improving their appearance. Here are some passages for those who care and wish to make the best of themselves —of their

features, their skin and their figure.

What you have got to realise, however, is that true beauty is not just a matter of

having a pretty face. It is much more.

Real beauty is the self-awareness that makes you. It is having sparkle, poise, serenity and confidence. It is having an awareness that makes everyone you come in contact with feel that you are a very special and attractive person. It is radiance that comes from good


Beauty is being able to make the best of yourself. Putting it another way —there really are no plain people in this world. Undoubtedly some may have better features than others, but then, very few of us can claim to come up to the current standards of plastic beauty.

Each one of us can, or is, at least, capable of improving oneself, and exuding the radiant glow of an attractive and confident person.

A careless attitude about yourself and an abuse of the body are quickly followed by fading and weakness, whereas careful nurturing will prolong the years of youthfulness, beauty and comfort.

Give proper care to your body, and you can be vitally alive as well as stay attractive all your life.

Remember, nothing you do is going to perform any magical change overnight. Any of the treatments you follow for body care has to be regularly repeated in order to give it a fair chance to work.

Answer thefollowing questions.

1.How do you care for your health and beauty?

2.What do you know about the way film stars and top models care for their appearance?

There is a famous children's story called "The Ugly Duckling". Do you know what happens? The article below has the same title. Can you guess what it is going to be about?

The Ugly Duckling

I realised how cruel life can be for an unattractive child when everybody in my class was invited to a tenth birthday barbecue on the beach. Everybody, that is, except for me. At first I thought there had been a mistake and that my invitation had been lost. But when I made inquiries to the hostess, she didn't beat about the bush: "Sorry, Susie. You're too fat to wear a swimsuit on the beach and you can't see without those horrible glasses anyway."

I went home and cried for hours. My mother was ready with comforting cuddles, yet even she couldn't bring herself to reassure me I was lovely. I used to spend a long time staring at my brother and twin sisters and feeling extremely hard done by.

The chip that was developing on my shoulder became obvious in my aggressive manner. This, of course, only made things worse. Tea invitations stopped, I walked home from school alone and often found drawings that looked like me in the classroom wastepaper bin. I hated everyone because everyone seemed to hate me.

When I was 14, my mother decided that I should go to the church youth club. I stood alone watching the dancing, feeling embarrassed, ugly and awkward. Then a miracle happened.

A skinny boy called Peter, with glasses and spots, asked me to dance. He also had a brace on his teeth. We didn’t talk much but he asked if I would be there the following week. I have to credit Peter with changing my life. He stopped me feeling hideous.

Encouraged, I put myself on a diet, begged my mother for contact lenses and grew my hair. Then another miracle occurred. I grew taller and, as that happened, I started looking slimmer. The brace was finally removed and my teeth were even. I was never going to be a beautiful swan. But I was going to try.

Answer thefollowing questions.

1.Which aspects of her appearance did Susie worry about most of all? What other aspects do teenagers worry about?

2.Do you think that a thin person is always attractive and a heavy one is not?

beat about the bush - waste time before saying something important cuddles - embraces

bring herself - force herself hard done by - unlucky

have a chip on one's shoulder - to have inferiority complex credit smb. with smth. - be grateful to smb. for smth.


I’m a perfectionist. I wanted the perfect body - a skinny one. I began comparing myself to the beautiful thin women's bodies I’d see on TV or in beauty magazines. I felt I wasn't thin enough.

I was thirteen when I became really depressed about it. I began starving myself and making myself sick whenever I felt full.

My boyfriend broke up with me. He couldn't deal with me being so crazy about my weight. I convinced myself it was because I wasn't good enough. I got so depressed that I decided that I was either going to have to stop living or do something about my problem.

So I started eating a little healthier. I joined a gym for exercise. It makes me feel better about myself and keeps me toned.

That was 18 months ago. It's taken all this time to get over my old way of thinking and to come to peace with my body. Now I look back at photos and I see that I wasn't fat at all!

My advice to all you girls and maybe boys reading this is: NEVER compare yourself to other people, it only makes you bitter. EVERYONE is different! Everyone has different body shapes and in a way we are lucky to be unique no matter what we look like.

If you're unhappy with your body then don't change physically, change mentally. Whenever you have a negative thought, make yourself think a positive thought. And when you get down in the dumps at night, don’t do anything drastic - just go to sleep and wake up to a new day.

A Piece Of Advice To Girls

"There is so much pressure on girls to look a certain way, but you know what? The way I see it, the thing that makes girls most attractive is being happy and relaxed with themselves. The secret is to like what you've been given. I think you should stop trying to be like other girls and start appreciating your good points. Try to focus on your good points. Try to value yourself more and the fact that you're unique. The world would be a pretty boring place if we all looked and weighed the same."

perfectionist - перфекционист, человек, добивающийся совершенства во всем skinny - худой, тощий

to make oneself sick - вызывать рвоту to feel full - наедаться, быть сытым

to get to the point - доходить до того, что toned - в тонусе

to get down in the dumps - впадать в депрессию drastic - радикальный, резкий

A Farewell То Dieting!

I'm sure you have known a person who is on diet. I hope it's not one of your friends, 'cos if it is then you're done for. Do you know why I am saying this? Because there was a time, when I was a real fan of dieting. I don't know why, but diets are very popular among some people especially women.

I was at college at the time, and it all started after a visit to a friend of mine. Her name is Jane. We went to the same class, and we used to visit each other quite a lot. That time I was staying over at her place for the weekend. I suggested we go to a restaurant and she agreed. It was the nearest fast-food restaurant. But do you know what happened when I ordered an old-style burger with French fries? She said "Look, I don't want to spoil your enjoyment. You can eat as much fattening junk food as you want, but you should know it's the surest way to an early grave."

Can you beat this "early grave" stuff? I couldn't. So I threw my meal into a bin and ordered what my schoolmate recommended - some salad and a glass of drinking water.

This started a new 'dieting period' in my life. I walked around with calorie charts, counting the calories at every meal. I waged all-out war on fat. But that wasn't enough for me. I began exhausting myself with different exercises. I spent hours on end sweating in saunas. I weighed myself every morning and every night. I was simply obsessed with all that stuff. I behaved like a lunatic.

Anyway, it all turned out quite sad. I won't bore you with the details, but I ended up in hospital with anorexia. My mom and dad both nearly had a stroke when they came to see me. I can imagine how scared they were.

From that time on I became my real self. I lived a normal life. I ate what I wanted and when I wanted. I threw away all my calorie charts, stopped gazing at myself in mirrors and gave away my scales. And do you know what? I became a happy person again.

Couldyou describe the girl as her mom and dad saw her?

Pick up the words concerning food and dieting. What types o f diets do you know and have you everfollowed them?


Healthy Eating Test

Here is your chance to take a look at your eating habits andfind out whether you are on the right track.

1. How often can you eat at McDonald's without damaging your health?

a)once a week

b)once a month

c)once a year