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книги / How to Write a Research Paper

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We thank [Name Surname, title] for assistance with [particular technique, methodology], and [Name Surname, position, institution name] for comments that greatly improved the paper.

We would also like to show our gratitude to the [Name Surname, title, institution] for working with us during the course of this research, and we thank the reviewers for their insights. We are also grateful to [List names and positions] for their comments.

6. Read and translate more phrases for writing acknowledgements:

This work was performed within the framework of an EU project and was partly sponsored by ...

This research was made possible by a grant from...

Support was given by …, who funded the work.

We would like to thank the following people for their support, without whose help this work would never have been possible:

We thank / gratefully acknowledge Dr. … for his/her help / valuable advice/ suggestions and discussions.

We also thank Prof. … for his/her ongoing collaboration with our department / technical assistance in all our experimental work.

7. Add an acknowledgement to your research paper if appropriate.



Writing an Abstract

“It is my ambition to say in ten sentences what others say in a whole book.” Friedrich Nietzsche

1.Arrange the parts of the definition abstract logically:

An abstract is......................................................................

1.at the beginning of the document;


3.a short, accurate presentation;

4.of the contents;

5.of a document

2.Read about the structure of a typical abstract and decipher the IMRAD abbreviation:


Author of the abstract

Keywords: …

I1–2 introduction sentences that explain the topic, purpose, and research questions.


1–2 sentences describing research methods.


1–2 sentences describing the results and findings.

and D

1–2 sentences containing conclusions

and recommendations (discussion).



3. Reading and translating

As you read the text…

Divide the abstract into parts according to the IMRAD structure:

The Fragmentation of Theoretical Contributions

in ERP Research: An Exploratory Study

S. Assar

Keywords: theory building, information software, ERP research, theoretical contribution, replication


Theorizing is an essential endeavor in IS research, and top-ranked journals require their publications to include substantial theoretical contribution. In this paper, we seek to analyze and understand whether ERP research has been successful in building theory and developing a cumulative tradition. Our working hypothesis is that the profusion of theoretical contributions is hindering the cumulative construction of knowledge, and is impeding the emergence of robust theories in certain IS domains. Furthermore, we believe that replication is rarely considered when research is designed and published, thus indirectly contributing to the publication of yet more theoretical proposals. To explore and test this hypothesis, we develop an analysis framework and apply it in the ERP research field to a set of papers published in two leading European IS journals. Our findings confirm our hypothesis and show that it is difficult to build stable theories in ERP research as the theoretical corpus is fragmented, researchers tend to propose new theoretical contributions rather than test and confirm existing theories. We discuss the possible reasons behind this state of affairs and make a series of recommendations. This paper contributes to a better understanding of the theorizing process in ERP research and is of interest for researchers engaged in theory building.

After you read the text…

Write out the phrases for writing abstracts.

Translate the text into Russian.


4. Reading and translating

As you read the text…

Fill in the gaps with appropriate keywords:

Writing Good Software Engineering Research Papers

Mary Shaw

Keywords: .......................................................................................................




Software engineering researchers solve problems of several different kinds. To do so, they produce several different kinds of results, and they should develop appropriate evidence to validate these results. They often report their research in conference papers. We analyzed the abstracts of research papers submitted to ICSE 2002 in order to identify the types of research reported in the submitted and accepted papers, and we observed the program committee discussions about which papers to accept. This report presents the research paradigms of the papers, common concerns of the program committee, and statistics on success rates. This information should help researchers design better research projects and write papers that present their results to best advantage.

After you read the text…

Compare your keywords with the original ones: research design, research paradigms, validation, software profession, technical writing

Translate the text into Russian.

5. Read and translate more phrases for writing abstracts:

Establishing the importance of your research topic

Xs are a common / useful / critical part of...

X is increasingly becoming a vital factor in ...

Xs are attracting considerable / increasing interest due to...

X has many uses / roles / applications in the field of...

X accounts for …


Outlining the history of the study of the topic (no direct references to the literature)

The first studies of X considered it to be…

Until now / For many years / Since 1993 Xs have been considered as... by…

X has received much attention in the last two years / over the last two decades ...

For the past five years / Since 2011 there has been a rapid rise in the use of Xs.

Recent developments in / findings regarding…

Stating the aim of your research paper and its contribution

This paper outlines / proposes / describes / presents a new approach to...

This paper investigates how to solve...

This paper is an overview of / a review of / a report on / a preliminary attempt to...

The present paper aims to validate / refute findings regarding / broaden current knowledge of...

Our knowledge of X is largely based on very limited data. The aim of the research was therefore to evaluate / analyze / calculate / formulate...

Within the framework of these criteria / In this context we tried to...

We believe that we have developed / designed an innovative solution to...

6. Write an abstract for your research paper.



Checking Yourself

“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” Albert Einstein

Following the style guide for authors

Remember to follow the stylistic, formatting, and citing requirements of the journal you intend to submit your paper to (for example, the guide for authors).

Evaluating the abstract

Does the abstract follow the IMRAD structure? Are the keywords relevant? Is the abstract placed at the beginning of your paper?

Evaluating the research significance and general problem statement

Is this topic important? Is it significant to society? Is it personally relevant?

Evaluating the literature review

Do the dates indicate attention to both older publications and more recent work?

Do you punctuate quotations correctly?

Evaluating research objectives/questions

Are the research objectives/questions well aligned with the problem statement? Are they attainable and measurable?

Evaluating methods

Do they really help to achieve the specified goals and objectives?

Evaluating results

Is the scientific and practical significance of the results clearly stated?

Do you use visual aids such as charts, tables, graphs to illustrate the results?

Evaluating the conclusion

Is the conclusion well aligned with the previous parts of the research?

Are limitations of the research stated?

Are further implications/directions for the research mentioned?



1.Acknowledgement Sample [Electronic resource].

URL: acknowledgementsample.com/acknowledgement-sample-for-a- research-paper / (accessed 26 February 2017).

2.Avanade [Electronic resource]. URL: www.avanade.com/en (accessed 26 February 2017).

3.Easy BI [Electronic resource].

URL: eazybi.com/blog/data_visualization_and_chart_types/ (accessed 26 February 2017).

4.Essay UK [Electronic resource]. URL: www.essay.uk.com/free-essays/ management/role-of-erp-in-hr-module.php (accessed 26 February 2017).

5.Hutchins, J. From Text Linguistics to a Human Linguistics of Texts: the Scientific Paper as a Case Study [Electronic resource].

URL: www.hutchinsweb.me.uk/ HSL-2002.pdf (accessed 26 February 2017).

6.IEEEXplore Digital Library [Electronic resource].

URL: ieeexplore.ieee.org/Xplore/login.jsp?url=http%3A%2F%2Fieeexplore. ieee.org%2Fiel7%2F7426593%2F7427173%2F07427770.pdf&authDecision =-203 (accessed 26 February 2017).

7.Journal of International Information Management [Electronic resource]. URL: scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1069& context=jiim (accessed 26 February 2017).

8.Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Software Engineering, IEEE Computer Society, 2003 [Electronic resource]. URL: www.cs.cmu.edu/ ~Compose/shaw-icse03.pdf (accessed 26 February 2017).

9.Science Direct – Engineering Collection [Electronic resource]. URL: www. sciencedirect.com (accessed 26 February 2017).

10.Springer [Electronic resource]. URL: link.springer.com/ (accessed 26 February 2017).

11.Transportation Research Board [Electronic resource].

URL: apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3526 (accessed 26 February 2017).


12.University of Queensland [Electronic resource].

URL: www.uq.edu.au/student-services/learning/lit-review-ex-1 (accessed 26 February 2017).

13.University of Twente [Electronic resource]. URL: http://essay.utwente.nl/ (accessed 26 February 2017).

14.Wallwork A. English for Writing Research Papers [Electronic resource]. URL: library.ddn.upes.ac.in:8081/upeslib/upeslib/links/ebooks/ research_paper.pdf (accessed 26 February 2017).

15.WritePass Journal [Electronic resource].

URL: writepass.com/journal/2013/06/writing-your-phd-thesis-conclusion/ (accessed 26 February 2017).


Учебное издание

СОКОЛОВА Наталья Владимировна




Учебно-методическое пособие

Технический редактор И.Н. Жеганина

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