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Дроздова.English Grammar

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work. 5. She had to take this group of children round the picture gallery. 6. We had to start early. 7 .1must do the shopping today. 8.1must explain it all to you.

Ex. 3. (В, C) Use the following word combinations to compose sentences expressing order or prohibition. Translate your sentences.

Model: □ to do something exactly the way you are told,

order - You must do it exactly...

not to get one’s feet wet.

prohibition - You mustn’tget your feet wet.

1.not to do anything in a hurry;

2.not to breathe a word about something;

3.to give a faithful account of something;

4.to be reasonable about something;

5.not to cry and bother people;

6.not to worry about something;

7.to take every precaution;

8.not to drink with your meals.

Ex. 4. (A, B) Replace the infinitives in brackets by “must”, “have + infinitive” ifthe action is only necessary; by “be + infinitive” if it is expected.

1. This is Dora. She (share) your room. 2.1must leave you now. I (do) the cooking. 3. Who (meet) you there? 4. My feet are wet. I (change) my stockings. 5. I’m afraid you (go) there alone, darling. I’ve such a headache! 6. When the lecture (begin)? 7. Two more apartment houses (be built) here. 8. Well, children, who (do) the dishes to-night? 9. Sorry, I’ve got to rush. I (meet) mother at the metro station at 6 sharp. 10. You (leave) at six to catch the train. 11.1 (write) a letter to my sister. I am worried about her. 12. She (wear) glasses as her eyesight is veryweak. 13. Itis raining. You (put on) your raincoat. 14. Itwas planned thatwe should wait for them after the performance. We (wait) for them at the entrance.

Ex. 5. (В, C) Analyse the meaning of the verb “to have”.

1. King Lear had three daughters. 2. Have a look at the picture. I think it is a Magritte. 3.1have to answer many letters. 4.1have some information to pass on to you. 5. During our trip we had an accident in which I had my leg badly hurt. 6. He has just come from abroad. 7. You will have to leave at six to catch the train. 8 .1have never made a speech in my life.

Ex. 6. (A, B) Change the following into the interrogative and negative.

1. Mother has to cook dinner after work, 2. He had to sit up late with this work. 3. You will have to get up very early to-morrow. 4. The girl had to take care of her younger sister and brothers. 5. She will have to do it once over again. 6. These documents have to be filed. 7. They had to cover the whole distance on foot. 8. We will have to speak to him about it.

Ex. 7. Translate the sentences showing the absence of necessity.

1. Ему не надо приходить сюда каждый день. 2. Мне не нужно будет сдавать этот экзамен. 3. Мне не надо было поливать цветы, потому что ночью прошел дождь и


земля была еще мокрая. 4. Тебе нечего торопиться. Она только что позвонила и сказала, что выезжает. 5. Я хорошо отдохнула в воскресенье, так как мне не надо было заниматься. 6. Мне не надо вставать рано сегодня. У меня сегодня выходной день (day off).

Ex. 8. Translate the words in brackets.

1. He (пришлось) take the documents to the police station. 2. You (должны) tryto find the mistake and correct it. 3. Ifyou want to become a good football player you (должны) be an all round athlete. 4. I (вынужден был) read the letter twice before I understood it.

5.When (должны) they dock? Have they written? 6. You (должны) think of others.

7.The lecture (должна) begin at 8 o’clock. 8. It has been arranged that she (должна) come and help the old lady. 9. Itis necessary that you should do it. You simply (должны) do it. 10. Ifyou (должен) meet Mother at six, you must hurry.

Ex. 9. (В, C) Translate the sentences into English.

1.Мне надо видеть его сегодня же. 2. Мне пришлось идти туда самому. 3. Вам придется немного подождать. 4. Когда же он должен прийти? 5. Сейчас же отдай ей мяч. 6. Не смей с ней играть. 7. Вы должны вставать рано каждый день? 8. Мы должны были встретиться втеатре. 9. Мне не пришлосьждать его долго. 10. Вам придется поговорить

сней. 11. Им пришлось оченьдолго идти пешком. 12. Ему надо переписать сочинение.

13.Когда вы должны быть в институте завтра? 14. Мне надо идти туда сейчас?


1. Он должен был стать музыкантом. Это было решено еще до его рождения. 2. Вам придется написать ему еще раз. 3. Им пришлось долго ждать автобуса. 4. Я должен был окончить работу вчера, но не смог этого сделать. 5. Чья очередь? Кто должен идти за водой? 6. Тебе придется взять пальто. Становится холоднее. 7. Я должен отвезти брату его вещи. Так мы договорились, когда он уходил. 8. Было уже поздно, и нам пришлось поехать на метро. 9. Подожди немного, я должна дочитать главу до конца. 10. Мне пришлось оставить все и поехать в больницу. 11. Вам придется зайти позже. Ее еще нет. 12. Тебе обязательно надо ехать сегодня? 13. Когда он должен приехать? Мы договорились встретиться в восемь. 14. Отец не разрешает ей приходить домой поздно, она должна быть дома к девяти часам каждый вечер. 15.Вчера вечером автобус был полупустой (half empty), и мне не пришлось стоять.

In its second meaning "must”denotes probability or supposition bordering on assurance, almost a conviction. Inthis meaning it is used in affirmative sentences only.

Должно быть,


do it


He must + inf


have done —




— Past



have been doing




He must be at home at this hour.

He must be writing about his travels.

He must have taken a lot of photos while he was on the islands.


In negative sentences and sentences referring to the future supposition is expressed by means of the modal words “evidently”, “probably” :

Evidently, she didn’t know my address.

She will probably come tomorrow.

She is not likely to come so late.







Must wait

Must be waiting


Должен ждать

Должно быть, ждет

Must know

Must know



Должен знать

Должно быть, знает


Had to wait

Must + have been waiting


Должен был ждать

Должно быть, ждал


Пришлось ждать

Must + have waited

Had to know

Должно быть, подождал



Должен был знать

Must have known


Надо было знать

Должно быть, знал


Shall/will have to wait




Shall/will have to know






Ex. 10. (A, B) In the following statements of near certainty change the form of the infinitive to refer to the past. Add appropriate time references.



□ They must know him.

_к They must have known him, then.

Должно быть, они его знают.

Должно быть, они его знали.

□ They must be waiting for you.

They must have been waiting for you yesterday.

Должно быть, они ждут вас.

Должно быть, они ждали вас вчера.

1.It must be raining. 2. She must be pleased about it. 3. She must be really fond of you.

4.They must be always trying to help him. 5. She must know nothing about it. 6. She must be out shopping. 7. This must be the prettiest garden in the village. 8. She must be the youngest child in her class. 9. Somebody must be trying to get you on the phone. 10. The children must be at school now.

Ex. 11. (В, C) Paraphrase the following sentences using “must + infinitive”to express near certainty. Use the indefinite infinitive when speaking about the present, the perfect infinitive when speaking about the past.

Model: □ Of course, he is somewhere here. - He must be somewhere here.

Certainly, she knew that something was wrong. - She must have known that something was wrong.


I. I am sure the information was wrong. 2. She was obviously upset by something. 3. Probably, he recognized you by your photo in the papers. 4. He is sure to be in at this time. 5. Of course, she is trying to help you. 6. She is certain to be waiting for you at home.

7.Probably, the play is over by now. 8. There is little doubt that the first experiment failed.

9.No doubt, she knew what she was about to do. 10. I’m sure she is very fond of the child. II. They are sure to have taken the wrong turning. 12. Probably, the dog was hungry.

Ex. 12. (В, C) Open the brackets using the correct form of the infinitive. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. George must (be) pleased that he has passed his examination. 2.1found this baby bird at the foot of the tree. It must (fall) out from a nest. 3. During the storm, the captain was on the bridge the whole time. He must (be) exhausted afterwards. 4. If Fred left here at four o’clock, he must (be) home by now. 5. Look, there’s a tree right across the road! So there is. It must (be) blown down by the gale last night. 6 .1sat on a seat in the park and now my coat is covered with green stripes. The paint must (be) wet. 7. As soon as I switched on my new electric cooker there was an explosion. There must (be) something wrong with it. 8 .1 don’t know at what time I went to bed last night, but it was late. It must (be) after midnight. 9. Look, the streets are wet; it must (rain) now. 10. He promised to come at six, but he didn’t. He must (forget) his promise. 11.1 didn’t hear the telephone. I must (be) asleep. 12.He must (be) very careless if he makes such mistakes. 13. The baby woke up when she went into the bedroom. She must (make) noise. 14. The taxi-driver got to the airport in half an hour. He must (drive) very fast. 15. He never got the Fetter. It must (send) to the wrong address.

Ex. 13. (В, C) Translate the following negative sentences into English.

Model 1: □ Она, должно быть, не дала ему возможности возразить.

She must have given him no opportunity to object.

1.Должно быть, он не сделал ошибки. 2. Должно быть, они не обедали. 3. Должно быть, она не имела опыта. 4. Должно быть, он недал ответа. 5. Должно быть, они не принимают мер. 6. Должно быть, она не обращает внимания на это. 7. Должно быть, у них нет книг.

8.Он, должно быть, не получил ответа. 9. Должно быть, денег за работуони не получили.

10.Она, должно быть, не старалась (take the trouble) сделать это правильно.

Model 2: Должно быть, он об этом не знал. Evidently, he didn’t know about it.

□ Он, вероятно, не знает. He probably doesn’t know.

1. Должно быть, они еще не пришли. 2. Вероятно, они этого не знают. 3. По-видимому, это не было сделано вовремя. 4. Вероятно, это не здесь. 5. Это, должно быть, не заняло много времени. 6. Должно быть, он придет завтра.

Ex. 14. Translate the sentences.

1. Должно быть, он хорошо знает язык. 2. Должно быть, он еще здесь. 3. По-видимому, он унес бумаги с собой. 4. Очевидно, здесь уже кто-то был. 5. Вероятно, они над нами смеются. 6. Должно быть, они тогда жили здесь. 7. Должно быть, идет дождь. 8. Вероятно, дождь уже прекратился. 9. Должно быть, он как раз чинил пробки (fuse).


Ex. 15. (В, С) Translate into English usingtheverb “to have” in itsmodal meaning.

1.Мне сейчас приходится много работать, так как я болела и отстала от группы.

2.Вам придется поговорить с ним лично.

3.Нам пришлось переждать дождь на станции.

4.Я вынужден был извиниться, хотя мне это и было неприятно.

5.Книгу необходимо переплести, иначе некоторые страницы могут потеряться.

6.Вам приходится очень рано вставать, не так ли?


Ex. 16. (В, С) Paraphrase the sentence using the verb “must”.

1. Probably that building in the distance is the station. 2. The boy was evidently reading something funny. He was smiling all the time. 3. They have most likely not realized what opportunity they were losing. 4.1shan’t bother you any longer; no doubt you are tired of my talking. 5 .1see something is eating him. He looks worried. 6. It was clear the family were expecting some guests: mother was bustling about the house tidying up the rooms. 7. He surely did not find out the real reason for their silence. 8.1am sure he has got all he needed.

Ex. 17. (В, C) Combine the verb “must”with the proper form of the infinitive in brackets.

1.1feel I must (to do) something before it is too late. 2. You must (tofollow) myadvice. There is no otherway outfor you. 3. He saw an old woman sleeping soundly in Green Park. A shower was falling all the time, she must (to get) drenched to the skin. 4. “The hotels must (to do) a tremendous business,” old Jolyon thought. “A few years ago there had been none ofthese big hotels.”Then he thought of his son. “... IfJo were onlywith him. The boy must (to be) forty by now.” 5. She must (to be) angry with you. She does not even look in your direction. 6. She must (to get) angry with me. She left without saying good-bye. 7. Mary must (to be) ill, otherwise she would have come. 8. She turned pale. She must (get frightened).

Ex. 18. (В, C) Translate into English.

1. Я должна прочесть эту книгу. 2. Она, должно быть, читает эту книгу. 3. Мама была больна, и мне пришлось готовить обед. 4. Должно быть, она готовила обед, когда пришел брат. 5. Ядолжен был зайти вдеканат. 6. Должно быть, он заходил вдеканат. 7. Вы должны поговорить с ней. 8. Должно быть, он сейчас разговаривает поанглийски. 9. Мне пришлось написать об этом сестре. 10. Она, должно быть, написалэ сестре. 11. Она, должно быть, писала сестре, когда вы ее увидели.

Ex. 19. (С) Translate the following sentences into English.

1.Она, должно быть, ждет нас в институте. 2. Она должна ждать нас в институте.

3.Доктор сказал, что он должен жить на юге. 4. Он, должно быть, живет на юге. 5. Он должен много читать вслух, чтобы исправить свое произношение. 6. Он, должно быть, много читает вслух; у него хорошее произношение. 7. Я должен оставаться здесь до зимы. 8. Она, должно быть, гостит у своих друзей, так как она писала, что проведет отпуск у них. 9. Они, должно быть, ждут меня, а я никак не могу дать им знать о себе.


10.Книга распродана; надо ее поискать в букинистических магазинах. 11. Он, по всей вероятности, забыл, что обещал прийти. 12. Они, наверно, пишут сочинение уже около двух часов и скоро должны закончить.

Ex. 20. (С) Тranslate into English using the verbs “must”, “to be (to)”, “to have (to)”. (Dictation-translation).

1. Сказал ли преподаватель, что мы должны выучить этот текст наизусть? 2. Я не знал, что этот текст не надо учить наизусть. 3. Не шумите: дети, должно быть, спят. 4. Никто, наверно, не сказал ему об этом. 5. Они должны были прийти в 5, а уже 6 часов. 6. Они, наверно, забыли, что должны были прийти в 5 часов. 7. Надеюсь, вам не пришлось долго ждать, да? 8. Надеюсь, нам не придется ждать.

Ex. 21. (В, С) Translate into English.

1. Спектакль должен был начаться в шесть часов, но его пришлось отложить, так как один актер заболел. 2. Мне надо было (пришлось) остаться дома вчера, так каку меня было оченьмного работы. 3. Выдолжны вставать рано каждый день? 4. Мыдоговорились встретиться в театре. Он должен был приехать к половине восьмого и ждать меня у входа. 5. Он вчера был дома, так как ему не нужно было идти в институт. 6. Я вернулся домой раньше обычного, так как мои друзья должны были зайти ко мне в семь часов. 7. Я должен был закончить эту работу вчера, но не смог этого сделать. Мне придётся закончить её сегодня. 8. В котором часу вы должны быть в институте завтра? 9. Вам долго пришлось ждать его? - Мне пришлось ждать его недолго. 10. Директор ещё не пришёл. Он должен быть здесь в 11 часов. Вам придётся подождать немного. 11. Ей пришлось перепечатывать письмо несколько раз. Она, должно быть, устала и сделала много ошибок. 12. Это, должно быть, магазин, там много людей. 13. Вы бледны, вы, вероятно, устали. 14. Вода холодная, озеро, должно быть, очень глубокое. 15. Мне придется выучить это стихотворение к среде. 16. Выхода не было, и ему пришлось заплатить штраф.


There is hardly any difference between these verbs, very often they are interchangeable. There is a difference in construction: ought is always followed by the to-infinitive. Moral obligation or duty is more often expressed by ought to. It is a little stronger than should.





1. moral obligation

A man should help his parents when they become old.

2. advice

You should be more careful.

3. disapproval

You shouldn’t treat me like this.




4. criticism of the past action,

She was feeling unwell yesterday, she shouldn’t have


доле to her office.

5. reproach

You can’t rememberwhat I said, you should have


listened more carefully.

6. regret

Itwas his birthday yesterday. I should have sent him


a birthday card.


The policeman said to Tom,

“You should be more careful when crossing the street.”

The teacher told Jack,“You ought to help the old.”


The policeman told Tom that he should be more careful when crossing the street.

The teacher told Jack that he ought to help the old.


Ex. 1. (В)Analysethemeaning ofthemodalverb “should”andtranslatethesentencesintoRussian.

1. He looked more than ever out of place; he should have stayed at home. 2. The children were out dancing when they should have been learning their lessons. 3. “It is very wicked of you,” she said. “You ought to be ashamed of yourself.” 4. “I am having trouble with myleg.” - “I see. Well, I thinkyou should go andsee the doctor I know.” 5. ΙΊΙsee and speak to Maurice. He should not behave like that. 6. He came out of the water, smiling. “You shouldhave come earlier,”he said. 7. You shouldhave chosen a more suitable time to tell me that dreadful news.

Ex. 2. (A, B) Put “should”or “shouldn’t”in the spaces. Translate the sentences into Russian. Watch the meaning of “should”/ ”shouldn’t”.

1. You____ work more; you_____ miss the lessons. 2. Mothers_____ look after their children. 3. What are you doing here? You____ be in bed. It is very late. 4. That hat doesn’t suit you; you_____buy another. 5. There are too many accidents. Everyone

____ be much more careful. 6. You_____ have followed the instructions of your coach. Then you would have won the game. 7. Tom was often late and his father told him that he

____ wake up earlier. 8. She told her children that they_____ always say “Please” and “Thank you”. 9. It is dark in the room, you_____switch on the light.

Ex. 3. (B) Make remarks according to the model.

Model: A.\ I only told Peter.

B.: You shouldn’t have told anyone.

1.1only asked Mike. 2 .1only invited Jack. 3 .1only argued with Tom. 4 .1only discussed it with Alec. 5.1onlytalked about itwith Arthur. 6.1onlywrote to Bill. 7.1only complained about Mark. 8.1onlywoke George.


Ex. 4. (В, С) Open the brackets using the correctform ofthe infinitive. Translatethesentences intoRussian.

1.1don’t feel well now. I should (remember) to take the medicine yesterday. 2. Children should (obey) their parents. 3. It’s three o’clock and I’mfeeling very hungry; I should (eat) more for lunch. 4. The little boy was playing with his father’s typewriter and of course he broke it; he shouldn’t (allow) him to play with it. 5. You have a weak heart. You shouldn’t (run). 6.1was very tired last summer and I should (take) a holiday, but there was too much work to do. 7. When he went for a walk he should (take) his umbrella, it looked like rain (but he didn’t). 8. The workmen are very slow; the job should (finish) a week ago. 9. You shouldn’t (eat) so much bread, now you’ve gained weight. 10. You shouldn’t (go) out yesterday without a coat. No wonder you caught cold. 11. You should (cross) the road by the subway (but you didn’t). 12. He should (check) that his brakes were working properly (but he didn’t). 13. You should (warn) him that the ice was dangerous (but you didn’t). 14. Tom’s had another accident. It sounds like Tom’s fault. He should (wait) till the main road was clear.

Ex. 5. (C) Fill in the blanks with “must”, “should” or “ought (to)”. Use the correct form of the infinitive.

1. Your questions surprise me, you____ (know) this. 2. You_____ (to be) absent for such a long time. Everyone forgot you. 3. Though it is a very unpleasant mission, I feel I____

(tell) you the truth. 4. We had a wonderful time at that party. You____ (to be) there. 5. Let’s tell him all as it is. He____(understand). 6. You_____ (apologize) when you saw that his feelings were hurt. 7. She is a very experienced doctor. You _________ (to consult) her. 8. She_____ (not to say) such things in the child’s presence. Now you see the results. 9 .1_____ (know) that it might come to that. 10. If they had been warned in time, they____ (be) there by now. 11. He gave you just the feeling of assurance, of confidence that a doctor____ (to give).

Ex. 6. (C) Fill in the blanks with “ought”, “to be (to)”, “to have (to)”.

1. Don’t contradict her, you_____ to respect her age. 2. She is not a bad sort, if some­ what capricious; so you sometimes_____ to put up with her whims. 3. The situation grew awkward. He felt that something_____ to be done, or else the party would break up.

Ex. 7. (C) Fill in the blanks with either "should”or “must”.Translate into Russian.

1.a) You look fresh! You_____ have had a good sleep at night.

b)You look tired! You ____have a good sleep at night.

2.a) They_____ have studied the subject more thoroughly; they will regret it later on.

b)They______have studied the subject thoroughly; they answered every question.

3.a) You____________have ignored the traffic regulations. That’s why you were fined.

b)You_____ have followed the traffic regulations, then you would not have been fined.

4.a) He_____be working at his problem now.

b)He_____work at the problem, it hasn’t been solved yet.

5.a) I_____ have taken Grandfather’s spectacles. I cannot see anything through them.

b)I______________________ have taken my opera-glasses. I don’t see anything.


Ex. 8. (С) Use “should” or “had (to)’’ withthe correct form of infinitive in brackets.

1. I____ (to send) a telegram because it was too late to send a letter. You_____ (to remind) me to do it earlier. 2 .1____ not (to tell) him the news; he was so much upset, but I really_____ (to do) so, for the circumstances demanded it. 3. The agreement was that if Johny White could not repay the money he had borrowed, then Luke Flint____ (to have) the right to sell the land. 4. It was very hard work but we_____ (to do) it. 5. She_____

(not to let) it pass like that, she_____ (to explain) to him that he was wrong. 6. Although it was unpleasant to her, she____ (to tell) him that he was wrong.

Ex. 9. (C) Translate into English using “must”, “to be (to)”, “have (to)”, or “should”, “can”.

1. Ты, должно быть, пропустил его. Ты должен был быть более внимательным. 2. Вы, должно быть, с ним уже поговорили. Я вижу, вы все знаете. 3. Он не должен был так грубо разговаривать. Это могло обидеть его. 4. Она не должна была закрывать окно так быстро, надо было проветрить комнату получше. 5. Это должно было случиться.

Всем известна его рассеянность. 6. Тебе надо было прочесть свое сочинение еще раз, там, должно быть, есть ошибки. 7. Нам не пришлось тащить вещи на себе: нам попалась попутная машина. 8. Вы не должны так расстраиваться по пустякам. Надо держать себя в руках. 9. Простите, что я опоздал. Вам долго пришлось ждать меня? 10. Надеюсь, ты не должна теперь так рано вставать; ты ведь теперь работаешь в десяти минутах ходьбы от дома. 11. Она, очевидно, была очень приятной женщиной. Все говорят о ней с такой любовью. 12. Я никуда не выходил в тот вечер, так как после работы ко мне должен был зайти Джордж. 13. Это лекарство можно получить только по рецепту врача. 14. Там, наверно, идет дождь: смотри, какое темное небо. 15. Тебе не надо сегодня готовить обед, так как мы обедаем в гостях. 16. Они, вероятно, что-то горячо обсуждали; они даже не заметили, как мы вошли. 17. Вам следовало бы найти специалиста, который мог бы дать вам хороший совет.


Need expresses necessity. It is mostly used in negative and interrogative sentences.







She needn’t get up early.

don’t have to ...


The lessons begin at ten.

She doesn’t have to do it.


(Можно не ...)


something that

The water was clean.

Didn’t have to is no longer an

has been done,

You needn’t have boiled it.

equivalent. Itdenotes the absence

mis unnecessary

(Можно было и не ... ;

of necessity without implying that


зря; напрасно)

the action was performed.



1.When “need”is used inthe meaning “tobe inwantofsomething”itistreated asa normalverb:

He needs a pair of shoes.

2.“Need” as a modal verb has only one tense form - the Present.


Needn’t (the meaning: absence of necessity)

with a non-perfect infinitive

1.He needn’t get up early. His work begins at nine.

(He нужно ...)

2 .1needn’t go to the shops today. There is plenty of food in the house.

with a perfect infinitive

1.He must be in his office at nine o’clock, but he got up yesterday at six.

He needn’t have got up so early.

(He надо было ...)

2.The water was clean and fit to drink;

it needn’t have been boiled.


Ex. 1. (A, B) Practise the following according to the model.

Model: A.: You took the lift, I suppose? (walk up the stairs)

B.: No, I walked up the stairs.

C.: You needn’t have walked up the stairs. You could have taken the lift.

1. You went by bus, I suppose? (walk) 2. You borrowed the books, I suppose? (buy) 3. You phoned him, I suppose? (write) 4. You went by taxi, I suppose? (take a bus) 5. You went second class, I suppose? (go first class) 6. You left your heavy case at the station, I suppose? (take it with me) 7. You sent the sheets to the laundry, I suppose? (wash them myself)

Ex. 2. (В, C) Open the brackets using the correct form of the infinitive. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. You needn’t (send) the car for us, we could have walked. 2. She washed up all the plates, she needn’t (wash) them up, because they had a dishwasher. 3. Why do you want to press the skirt? It is not creased at all. You needn’t (press) it at all. 4. I knew I had to be at the office on Saturday; I needn’t (remind). 5. You needn’t (help) him. (You helped him but he didn’t need your help.) 6. He was wide awake when his mother called him at seven o’clock this morning; she needn’t (call).

Ex. 3. (В, C) Paraphrase the following using the modal verb “need”.

Model: Was it quite necessary for you to do the work instead of him? Need you do the work instead of him?

1. It is not necessary to copy the composition. I can read it as it is. 2. Itwas not necessary for her to carry the bags all by herself: there were porters at the station. 3. Why do you want to buy a new bag? I could have lend you mine. 4. There is no use worrying about her;