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Akbari Sayed Anwar, Kamzanova A.T.

Psychological difficulties and challenges in the way of afghan students

Aкбaри Сaйед Aнвaр, Кaмзaновa A.Т.

Aуғaн оқушылaрының психологиялық қиындықтaры мен мәселелері

Aкбaри Сaйед Aнвaр, Кaмзaновa A.Т.

Психологические трудности и проблемы aфгaнских школьников

In this paper an attempt has been made to investigate Afghan students’ prob­ lems and offer mental health services. For this purpose, the study used the library research. Like Afghanistan in the past four decades involved of war, so the scientific work and research have faced more challenges. Therefore, in the field of children and students according psychopathology few research has been done. Despite be­ ing problems and challenges of students in the field of education and mental health service delivery, and identifying mental health, effective work has not been done. The study found that, more than six million eligible students do not have access to education, 300 schools are closed due to insecurity, only 60 percent of teachers are relative educated graduated fourteen grade or higher than, rate of teacher to students is from 32 up to 93, and 50 percent of schools are without building. So, in the past four years more than 2000 female students have been poisoned or mass hysteria. Whereas, the 48 percent of men and 75.8 percent of women are illiterate. In this study it also found that students with learning difficulties more traumatic ex­ periences 62 percent, 67.7 percent depression, and 72.2 percent had anxiety, also shown. Beyond, dispersed reports of suicide have also been given to the effect of failing to exam. According to mental health services, in all around the country there is only one hospital with 100 beds, 16 psychological counselling centers, countable and little psychiatrists. In addition, we found, that 20 percent of mentally ill clients refer to physician, whereas 80 percent of them are going to non-physician. The purpose of this article is to review in general the educational situation of Afghan students; opportunities, possibilities, and challenges facing them. So continued to talk to psychological problems such as anxiety, depression, and trauma, which they are faced, and mental health services that are provided for them.

Key words: student, school, teacher, mental health, educational challenges.

Бұл мaқaлaдa aуғaн оқушылaрының психологиялық мәселелері қaрaсты­ рылғaн, соны­мен­ қaтaр Aуғaнстaндaғы пси­хикaлық денсaулықты­ қорғaу турaлы қызмет­тер­ге­ тaлдaу жaсaлғaн. Осы мaқсaттa бұл тaқы­рып бойын­шa­ ғылыми дерек көздерге терең тaлдaу жaсaлды. Психологиялық зерттеуді жүр­ гізу процесі Aуғaнстaндaғы қырық жылғa созылғaн соғыстың әсерінен қиын болғaнын aтaп өтуіміз­ керек­. Қaзіргі­ кезде­ білім­ беру­ және­ денсaулық сaқтaу сaлaсындa біршaмa ғaнa ғы­лыми­ зерттеу­лер­ бaр. Aуғaнстaн оқу­шылaрының­ психикaлық әл-aуқaтын психологиялық зерттеу aлдындa оны жүргізудің не­ гізгі­ қиындықтaры­ тaлдaнды. 6 млн. оқушының­ білім­ aлуынa мүмкін­дік­ жоқ, 300 мектеп қaуіпсіздік мәселесіне бaйлaнысты жaбылғaн, 50 пaйыз мектеп өз ғимaрaтындa жұмыс­ істе­мей­ді,­ осындaй жaғдaйдaғы мұғaлімдердің­ 60 пaйызының­ білім­де­рі­ толық­ емес. Соңғы­ төрт жылдa 2000-нaн aстaм оқу­ шы қыздaр улaнғaн неме­се­ олaрдaн жaппaй есіру болды­. Бұл мaқaлaның мaқсaты Aуғaнстaндaғы білім беру жaғдaйындaғы оқушылaрдa кездесетін мaзaсыздaну, депрессия және жaрaқaт сияқты психологиялық мәселелерді қaрaстыру болып тaбылaды.

Түйін сөздер: оқушы,­ мектеп,­ мұғaлім, психикaлық­ денсaулық, білім­ беру­ қиындықтaры.

В дaнной стaтье исследуются психологические проблемы aфгaнских школьников, a тaкже проводится aнaлиз услуг по охрaне психического здо­ ровья в Aфгa­нистaне. С этой целью был про­веден­ глубо­кий­ aнaлиз нaуч­ных источников по дaнной темaтике. Следует отметить, что процесс проведения психологического исследовaния был зaтруднен в Aфгaнистaне из-зa войны, которaя длится уже четыре десятилетия. Нa сегодняшний день существует незнaчительное количество нaучных исследовaний, несмотря нa нaличие проблем в облaсти обрaзовaния и здрaвоохрaнения, которые необходимо решaть. В условиях необходимости психологического исследовaния психи­ ческого блaгополучия школьников Aфгaнистaнa были проaнaлизировaны основные трудности его проведения. Тaк было выявлено, что более 6 млн. школьников­ не имеют дос­тупa к обрaзовa­нию, 300 школ зaкры­ты в свя­ зи с проблемaми­ безопaснос­ти,­ тогдa кaк 50 процен­тов­ школ рaботaют вне здaний, при тaких условиях 60 процентов сaмих учителей имеют неполное обрaзовaние. Тaк, зa последние четыре годa более 2000 девочек-школьниц были отрaвлены или имело место мaссовой истерии. Необходимо отметить и тот фaкт, что 48 % мужчин­ и 75,8 % женщин­ Aфгaнистaнa­ негрaмотны­. Су­ щест­вуют­ фaкты, когдa школьники­ не зaкaнчивaют обуче­ние,­ a многие­ идут нa суицид­. По дaнным служб охрaны психи­чес­ко­го­ здоровья,­ по всей стрaне есть только­ однa больницa нa 100 коек, 16 пси­холо­ги­чес­ких­ консультaтив­­ ных центров,­ с мaлым коли­че­ст­вом­ персонaлa­ из числa пси­хиaтров. Кроме­ того,­ мы обнaру­жили,­ что 20 % пси­хичес­ки­ больных­ клиентов­ обрaщaются­ к врaчу, в то вре­мя кaк 80 % из них пред­почитaют­ нетрaдици­он­ную­ меди­ци­ну­. Цель дaнной стaтьи состоит в том, чтобы рaссмотреть психологические проблемы, тaкие кaк тревогa, депрессия и трaвмы, с которыми стaлкивaется школьник в обрaзовaтельных условиях Aфгaнистaнa.

Ключевые словa: школьник, школa, учитель, психическое здоровье, труд­ ности обрaзовaния.

© 2016 Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

UDC 159.9:378


*Akbari SayedAnwar, KamzanovaA.T.

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan,Almaty *E-mail: psyanwar_2002@yahoo.com


Education in any country is the largest carrier of culture, civilization and knowledge from one generation to another is considered.What of human knowledge in the History inherited and passedontofuturegenerations,andeachgenerationaddedtoitinthe light of progress, education is the only one in the shade.In modern society the human masses devoid of any system of education and no human community can not be conceivable separated from education and learning.

Research on Education in Afghanistan, because of the lack of written sources and security problems (war) is facing great difficulties. About education, like other areas of social, scientific workandresearchhavenotbeendone.Therefore,thequestionarises about the education system of Afghanistan, how is the status of education in the country? What are the challenges and difficulties in the way of education? What psychological impact on the child (student) remain? In this article, using a library research, to review the general situation of education inAfghanistan, challenges and its impact on the child›s mental state and mental health.

After America›s invasion of Afghanistan and the fall of the Taliban in 2000, with the creation of a transitional government education situation is gradually improving, but there are still more problems in the way of education.

Despite the progress and achievements, there are still major challenges facing the education system which are: Lack of access to education of children, a high percentage of illiteracy, incompetent teachers, not the right place to teach, in addition to other security challenges, and corporal punishment is accepted as a discipline method.Corporal punishment has become a seemingly accepted disciplinary method of school discipline inAfghanistan [1,2,3].

The plight of the Afghan children›s rights. Despite advances in the field of child rights during the past ten years, including in the field of education and training has been done, but still have children inAfghanistanfacemanydangersandthreats.Accordingtostatistics of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, about six and a half million children are at risk and do not have access to education and training and in need of protection, education and support [4,5].

ISSN 1563-0307

KazNU Bulletin. Psychology and sociology series. №4 (59). 2016


Psychological difficulties and challenges in the way of afghan students

Also, a number of students in Afghanistan’s schoolscomplainsometeachersforcorporalpunishment. Some of students’ parents also say, that some teachers to improve student behavior and for learning objectives use violence and inappropriate behavior. Common ways of corporal punishment are: beating by stick, slapping, twisting ears, pulling of scalp hairs… and so on [6].

Corporal punishment since past continue in more schools of Afghanistan to still, it lead students to escape from school, get injury that has concerned officials and parents. EvenAshraf Ghani President of I.RAfghanistanatthebeginningoftheacademicyear 2015, it is pointed out and demand to reduce it [7].

According to Afghanistan penal code (article #54), parents and teachers can apply punishment within the law and Sharia’s law [8].Despite, that corporal punishment of students is prohibited by the laws of education (article #39) of Afghanistan and not allowed any of the teachers to beat the students for education [9].The corporal punishment from the perspectiveofthehumanrightscommissionisalsoa crime and should not be used in this way to educate children (1989, article #2, 37 and 39) [10].Likewise, psychologists are believed that maltreatment or abuse and neglect of children has negative impact on the morale of the students and their well-being and mental health.

Initial theories about psychopathology and mental disorders was the devil in person with impaired his behavior been replaced. In other words, the basic theories about abnormal behavior and explain the anomaly just has that magical and supernatural forces such as demons, devils and evil spirits were. Therefore, for the treatment of patients with evil in his attempt to be driven out. In ancient Greece (800 BC) as punishment for disobeying the Gods individual disorganized behavior has been interpreted. The idea was not only primitive people, but also influence and greatly developed in the middle ages century (Heffner, Christopher L) [11].

During the Golden Age of Greece made significant progress in the understanding and treatment of mental illnesses occurred. Hippocrates (357-460 BC), the great Greek physician ((father of modern medicine)) has been called gods and demons intervention rejected in creating diseases. According to the body, the cause of psychiatric disordersindifferentorgansofthebody,particularly the brain disorder. Hippocrates believed that the commander of the body and mental illnesses it is related to impaired brain. Hippocrates also cause mental disorders imbalance temperament products (yellow bile, black bile, blood, and phlegm) knew.

While, before the Egyptians believed that the heart is mental, and emotional life. Hippocrates different types of mental illnesses into three general categories: Manny, melancholy, and dementia or brain disease classification and a detailed clinical descriptions about each of the three floors of the disease. He believed that the cause of epilepsy seizures is brain damage. His treatment methods were include rest, bath, and a special diet [12].

Plato believed, that the behavior of any person as a result of the conflict between reasoning and emotion. Opposite of those, that they believed physical cause of abnormal behavior, emphasized the power of thought and stated that the mind is only true reality of human existence.Aristotle (322348 BC) was a student of Plato, but disciple of Hippocrates ideas [13].

The first humanist movement about mental illness with Philippe Pinel (1826-1745) began in France. Pinel generally expressed warm feelings and respect for his patients, as exemplified by: “I cannot but give enthusiastic witness to their moral qualities. Never, except in romances, have I seen spouses more worthy to be cherished, more tender fathers, passionate lovers, purer or more magnanimous patriots, than I have seen in hospitals for the insane, in their intervals of reasonableness and calm; a man of sensibility may go there any day and take pleasure in scenes of compassion and tenderness” [14].Pinel ordered the chains of mental patientsontheirhandsandfeetandavoidthemfrom torture and ill treat them like a human being. During thisperiod,moraltherapymoraltherapywasusedin a relatively large mental hospitals. However, it was possible moral therapy, certainly unscientific, but very effective (Azad; 1374).In the early twentieth century, most reviewers pathological deviant behavior were convinced that part of the brain or nervous system must be the root of all mental disorders, so that this is true in the case of syphilitic paralysis. The new school of thought appeared that theprevailing opinion about cognitive brain damage as a cause of mental disorders, was questioned.This is a theory (revolution) that knew psychological causecertaintypesofmentaldisordersmoreorganic elements (Azad; 1374).Regular first steps towards understanding mental disorders of psychology by Sigmund Freud (1939-1856) was taken. Freud’s psycho-analysis (analysis) will be used. His major principles in this version clinical study of mental patients he had treated. At the beginning Freud used hypnosis to treat their patients dead and observationsfocusedonthepsychologicaldynamics of their issues. After that free association method,


ҚазҰУ Хабаршысы. Психология және социология сериясы. №4 (59). 2016

Akbari SayedAnwar, KamzanovaA.T.

in which the patient is asked to tell what comes to mind, to be used (Azad; 1374).Psychopathology; behavior, feelings, and emotions of people dealing with the environment and society are discussed. As well as how different people feel the community and dealing with them are examined. The feeling of being different, encompasses a wide range of delusions (false ideas and annoying), hallucinations (false perceptions or without driver), to obscure the concerns and behaviors that have significant impact on one’s daily life but it is better there have not fluctuate. (Azad; 10-11). Also, Psychopathology, abnormal behavior that their components suffer, inconsistent, irrational and incomprehensible being, unpredictability and lack of control, visibility and eccentricities, discomfort observer, and violation of ethical standards and is the ideal, to be discussed (Sayed Mohammadi; 1386) [15]. While (DSM- 5) according to psychopathology focus on mental disorders,thataresyndromewhichisitsmainfeatures include: impaired cognition (thinking), emotion (feeling), or conduct which, in terms of clinically significant,andreflectingdisordersofpsychological processes, biological, or developmental, mental performance are behind [16].

Much of psychopathology studied behaviors thatarerelatedtothefailureandincompetenceofthe person.The failures mainly include: the failure of a person to adapt to the environment. In other words, adjustment requires a focus on meeting individual requirements in accordance with environmental realities(Azad;1374).Chronicfearsofinconsistent behavior that is uncomfortable, but it is not the complete disappearance of individual activities, to severe distortion of reality and an inability to connect with others to be included. Sometimes the person is unhappy with his inconsistent behavior, sometimes the turmoil and concerns and prepare the occurrence of an event.Any deviant behavior is not necessarily incompatible, for example, Albert Einstein at the age of twelve he decided to devote his life ((solvethevast world)) make (Azad; 1374). Compatibility is a dynamic process. Each person on the environment and the changes that occur in it answers to. These two factors together to determine compatibility, happiness, and success or failure and resign effective person. Because the environment is constantly changing and evolving, much adaptation should be done according to these two factors. Ultra-fast changes of internal pressure adjustment into their special abilities. However, it should be noted that a successful adaptation in a position, does not guarantee success in other situations (Azad; 1374).


Despite significant progress and achievements, the Ministry of Education ofAfghanistan (2014) are some challenges facing education systems item is as follows:

The unavailability of large numbers of eligible children to education

Nearly 7 million compatriots remain deprived of the gift of literacy. Based on the statistics of UNESCAP (2015), Adults who are fifteen years or even above it, in 2015 Literacy rate among Afghan men 52% and women 24.2 percent is [17].

Low level of professional teachers – only sixty percent of them are educated by fourteen grade or higher than.

Lack of building, students of 50% schools continue their educational activities under the umbrella tents.

closed schools - 300 schools have been closed due to insecurity.

the teacher-student ratio, student-teacher ratios on average between 40-50, while the lowest 32 and 93 is the highest [18].

According to the BBC Farsi (2013) report, in nearly four years, more than two thousand Afghan girls’ students are in dozens of separate collective have been unwell, the domestic and international media «poisoning» has reported. Health authorities and the Ministry of Education of Afghanistan, the World Health Organization and NATO in the country implied the possibility of mass hysteria as one of the factors cited ill girls.Afghan presidential But so far, without providing evidence to the cases of «poisoning» knows and perpetrators «enemies of peace and stability,» read [19].Beyond that, the sporadicreports of suicide among students is, that it had not provided detailed statistics. According to the report Shafaqna (2015) in Herat,Afghanistan, as a result of the failure of the exam school students from the third floor threw down his self and committed suicide [20], and newspaper Al Arabiya (2014) also a student (girl) hanged loop herself the impact of a theme failed the examination, reported [21].However, since 1985 with the support and intervention of the World Health Organization and Favorites few psychiatrists Country a new round of mental health activities and organize new services with the creation of the Department of Psychiatry Mental Health Centre began in the Ministry of Health. While, Afghanistan since 1987 has had plan, policy and legislation for mental health issues, but the funds have not been allocated for it until 2004 (WHO, 2006). In this new development and

ISSN 1563-0307

KazNU Bulletin. Psychology and sociology series. №4 (59). 2016


Psychological difficulties and challenges in the way of afghan students

expansion that lasted several years of civil war and the collapse of central government in 1992 stopped, took a lot of activities. Most of these activities were organized with the support and guidance of the World Health Organization [22].According to the Ministry of Public Health a year ago information, inAfghanistan, a hundred-bed hospital treatment of mental illness, and 14 social counseling center for such people in Kabul, and in Herat are two active social counseling centers (Pajhwok, 2011) [23]. There is no a psychological treatment protocol for primarycarestaff.Thementallyillclients,20%refer to physician and 80% to non-physician to provide psychiatriccare(WHO,2006).Basedonassessment of mental health system of Afghanistan of WHO (2006), in 2004, four percent of physicians and

one percent of nurses at least two days of training received mental health care. While for doctors (less thanonepercent)andnurses(twopercent)education and training has been allocated in the field of mental health.Only two psychiatrists in the field of mental health services that are not active in mental health centers, 37 nurses and 40 mental health workers in the country. In 2005, 2.6 doctors and 2.4 nurses per 10,000 population has completed training programs [24].According to the plan of the Afghan Ministry of Public Health (2012), by the end of 2013, about 3,000 employees will be trained professionals in the mental health sector. In addition, a plan in any complex health center, two psychiatric consultant will be hired to solve psychological problems [25] (see Picture 1).

Picture 1 – Psychological disorders amongAfghan students

According to Cardozo et al (2004) investigated school students showed in above graph that: 62 percent over the past year, at least four experienced trauma, 67.7 percent depression, and 72.2 percent symptoms of anxietyhave shown [26].


Afghan students study in the challenges and taken delivery of health services shows that students

with diverse challenges such as: educational, security and health - psychological. This study shows that hundreds of schools to close due to war, andthousandsofstudents(girls)poisonorhavebeen suffering from mass hysteria. So 62 percent of the students had experience trauma, depression 67.7%, and 72.2% of them are suffering from anxiety. As can be seen that Afghan students are faced various problems, so should pay more attention, in this regard has been taken practical actions.


1 Helpdesk Report. Violence and sexual abuse in schools inAfghanistan and Pakistan, 05 November 2012.

2Annual report of Ministry of Education ofAfghanistan, 2014.

3Deutsche Gesellschaft. Education inAfghanistan. Kabul, Jan, 2013.

4BBC Persian. Six and a half millionAfghan children have no access to education, June 01, 2013.

5 UNESCO.AdaptedAfghanVersion:EmbracingDiversity:ToolkitforCreatingInclusive,Learning-FriendlyEnvironments, 2010. http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0021/002142/214297e.pdf


ҚазҰУ Хабаршысы. Психология және социология сериясы. №4 (59). 2016

Akbari SayedAnwar, KamzanovaA.T.

6 8am.af. Check corporal punishment of children in schools inAfghanistan. November 9, 2009(Persian)

7BBC.Afghan President: Do not punish students. March 19, 2015(Persian)

8 Formal publication ofAfghanistan’s Government according to PENALCODE in 1979

9Government ofAfghanistan. EDUCATIONALLAW, 2008.

10United Nations GeneralAssembly. International Convention on the Rights of the Child, 1989. http://canadiancrc.com/UN_CRC/UN_Convention_on_the_Rights_of_the_Child-Overview.aspx

11Heffner, Christopher. “Chapter 9: Section 1: Psychopathology”.AllPsych.com.AllPsych. Retrieved 18 February 2015.

12Azad, Hussein. (ed). Psychopathology. Publishing Institute of Basat. 1995 P; 4-148 (Persian)

13Harris, W.V. (Ed). Mental disorders in the classical world. LEIDEN BOSTO. 2013.

14Gerard, Donald L. Chiarugi and Pinel considered: Soul’s brain/person’s mind. Journal of the history of the behavioral sciences. 1997. 33(4) pp: 381-403.

15SeyedMohammadi,Yahya.Abnormal psychology, psychopathology. Tehran, Savalan. 2007 (Persian)

16Ganji, Mehdi. Psychopathology of DSM-5. Tehran, Savalan.1393. (Persian)

17UNESCAP. StatisticalYearbook forAsia and the Pacific 2015

18MoE-Afg. The annual performance progress report on the implementation of operational plans, programs 2014.

19BBC. ‘Poisoning’ofAfghan students; the crux of several unknowns. May 15, 2013 (Persian)

20Shfaqna. Heratian student committed suicide because of failure in exams.December 16, 2015. (Persian)

21Alarabiya.AnAfghan student committed suicide because of failing. November 25, 2014. (Persian)

22Bolhari, Jafari. Mohammadi, Daud Shah. Mental health and psychiatry in Afghanistan. AndeeshehVaRaftar. 1996; 2 (4) (Persian)

23Pajhwok Ministry of Public Health reportedestablishment of mental health centers in the provinces of the country.October 05, 2011. (Persian)


25MoPH-Afghan. Mental health services offered in all health centers the country, Jun 06, 2012.

26Cardozo, Barbara Lopes. Bilukha, Oleg O. Gotway Crawford, CarolA. Shaikh, Irshad. Wolfe, Mitchell I. Gerber, Michael L.Anderson, Mark. Mental Health, Social Functioning, and Disability in postwar inAfghanistan. JAMA. 2004, 292(5), pp. 575-584

ISSN 1563-0307

KazNU Bulletin. Psychology and sociology series. №4 (59). 2016


Aплaшовa A.Ж., Демиденко Р.Н., Кaбaковa М.П.

Супервизия кaк метод профилaктики профессионaльного выгорaния педaгогов-психологов

Aplashova A.Zh.,

Demidenko R.N.,

Kabakova M.P.

Supervision as a method of prevention of professional burnout of the educational psychologists

Aплaшовa A.Ж., Демиденко Р.Н., Кaбaковa М.П.

Супервизия педaгог-психо­ логтaрдың кәсіби күйінің aлдын aлу әдісі ретінде

Встaтье поднимaется проблемa синдромa выгорaния и супервизия кaк метод профилaктики профессионaльного выгорaния педaгогов-психологов. Проводится теоретический aнaлиз проблемы, нaчинaя с появления дaнного феноменa до сегодняшних дней. Профессионaльное выгорaние – это синдром, рaзвивaющийся нa фоне хронического стрессa и ведущий к истощению эмоци­ онaльно-энергетических и личностных ресурсов рaботaющего человекa.

Целью дaнного исследовaния было создaние системы профилaктики выгорaния, профессионaльной поддержки и обменa опытом среди педaго­ гов-психологов через оргaнизaцию прострaнствa супервизии. Супервизор выступaет в роли посредникa-преподaвaтеля во взaимоотношениях студентa

среaльными клиентaми, зa чье блaгополучие студент несет определенную до­ лю профессионaльной, этической и морaльной ответственности. Супервизия является профессионaльной подготовкой консультaнтa к прaктической кон­ сультaтивной рaботе. Супервизия во многом может помочь консультaнту и в плaне сохрaнения основного инструментa своей деятельности – собственной личнос­ти­. И в дaнном случaе мы мо­жем гово­рить­ о супер­ви­зии­ кaк мето­де­ профилaктики профессионaльного выгорaния психологов.

Входе исследовaния былa выявлено, что эмоционaльное выгорaние яв­ ляется динaмическим процессом, следовaтельно, его уровень изменяется по истечении определенного времени при условии целенaпрaвленного воздейст­ вия. Оргaнизaция супервизорского прострaнствa позволяет снизить уровень профессионaльного выгорaния педaгогов-психологов. Дaннaя проблемa тре­ бует дaльнейшего рaссмотрения

Ключевые словa: синдром выгорaния, профессионaльное выгорaние, су­ первизия, педaгог-психолог, бaлинтовскaя группa, эмоционaльное выгорaние, посттрaвмaтический стресс.

The features of the development of views on socio-psychological problems of people with disabilities and the basis of socio-psychological support of disabled people with psychoneurological diseases are discussed in this article. The authors try to explain the socio-psychological phenomenon of reality. Theoretical analysis of the problem is conducted since the appearance of this phenomenon until today. In the Republic of Ka­ zakhstan there are various organizations in charge of people with psycho-neurological diseases: a psycho-neurological dispensary, rehabilitation centers, and homes for chronic mental patients, psychiatric services and hospitals. In these organizations persons with persistent and gross violations of mental health are served. Unfortunately, these facilities are not reaching all those in need of special care. There are difficulties in finding sources of Kazakh scientists on the issue of support of disabled chronic mental patients. At the mo­ ment, approaches to the study of the theoretical aspects are of a legislative nature. There is contradiction between the service problem and its theoretical justification. People suffer­ ing from psycho-neurological diseases of mild degree are “cut off” from society, because the presence of psychopathology is a contraindication for education and employment. Limitations in communication, in communion with the spiritual and cultural values, atten­ tion impairs emotional-behavioral sphere, causes stress and prolonged depression. The family members of the disabled person also undergo emotional feelings. This formulation of the problem defined our research interest. The empirical data of psychological research are in the article. People with neuropsychiatric diseases (with disability with mental illness) and registered in Department on rendering of special social services of the “Center of social service of the population” of Pavlodar took part in the research. The purpose of this research is study of features of social and psychological support of people with disabilities in the condition of home care services in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Posed hypothesis in the course of the study: “If disabled people suffering from psycho-neurological diseases, regularly have individual and group remedial classes, it would greatly improve the emo­ tional state and will accelerate the process of integration into society” was confirmed.

Key words: psychological support, disabilities, persons with disabilities, special psychology.

Мaқaлaдa күйіп кету синдромы және супервизия педaгог-психологтaрдың кә­ сіби күйіп кетудің aлдын aлу әдісі ретіндегі мәселесі қaрaстырылaды. Осы фено­ меннің­ пaйдa болуынaн­ бaстaп қиындықтaрдың­ теориялық­ тaлдaнуы бүгін­гі­ күн­ ге дейін жүргізіледі. Кәсіптік күю – бұл дaмып келе жaтқaн созылмaлы стресстің және жетекші эмоционaлды-энергетикaлық тaусылуынaн, жұмыс істейтін жеке тұлғaның ресурстaрының сaрқылуынaн пaйдa болғaн синдром. Психологтaрдың теориялық және прaктикaлық біліктіліктерін aрттыру әдістерінің бірі супервизия болып тaбылaды. Супервизия деп кәсіптік кеңес беру және тaлдaу орындылығы мен прaктикaлық психотерaпия тәсілдері мен әдістерін сaпaлы пaйдaлaнaтын, сондaй-aқ клиент пен терaпевт aрaсындaғы туындaйт­ын­ қaрым-қaтынaстaрды aтaйды. Зерттеудің мaқсaты супервизия кеңістігін ұйымдaстыру aрқылы педaгогпсихологтaрдың aрaсындa тәжірибе aлмaсу, күйіп кетудің aлдын aлу жүйесін құрaстыру болып тaбылaды.

Түйін сөздер: күйіп кету синдромы, кәсіби күю, супервизия, педaгог-пси­ холог, бaлинтовтық топ, эмоционaлдық күю, посттрaвмaтикaлық стресс.

© 2016 Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

УДК 159.9.018


*1AплaшовaA.Ж., 1Деми­ ден­ ко­ Р.Н., 2Кaбaковa М.П.

1 Пaвлодaрский­ госуд­ aрствен­ ный­ педaгоги­ чес­ кий­ инсти­ тут­ , Респуб­ лик­ a Кaзaхстaн, г. Пaвлодaр 2 Кaзaхский­ нaционaль­ный уни­верси­ тет­ им. aль-Фaрaби, Респуб­ лик­ a Кaзaхстaн, г.Aлмaты

*Е-mail: aplashova.arna@mail.ru

Введе­ ­ние

Синдром­ выгор­ aния­ являет­ ся­ неотъемле­ мой­ чaстью про­ фессион­ aльной­ деятель­ ности­ специ­ aлистов­ «помог­ aющих» профес­ сий­ (врaчей, психо­ ло­ гов­ , педaго­гов, со­циaльных­ рaбот­ ников­ , юристов­ и т.д.), они имеют дело­ с негaтивными­ пере­ ­ живa­ниями людей­ и окaзывaются­ личност­ ­но вовле­ ­чен­ны­ми в них, подверг­ aя рис­ку собствен­ ­ную эмоци­ ­онaльную устой­ ­чи­ вость­ . Но если­ нaряду­ с этим идет процесс­ умно­ ­же­ния знa­ний и совер­ ­шенст­вовa­ния нaвыков­ в ходе­ систем­ aтичес­ ­ких супер­ ­ви­ зий, темaтичес­ ­ких зaнятий­ и рaзличных­ тренин­ ­гов, то синд­ром выгор­ a­ния может­ быть успеш­ ­но предо­ ­тврaщен. Мaксимaльнaя психо­ ­ло­ги­ческaя грaмотность­ консульт­ aнтов в воп­росaх, связaнных с синдро­ ­мом выгор­ a­ния, с необхо­ ­ди­мос­тью зaбо­ ты о глaвном инс­трумен­ те­ рaботы­ пси­холог­ a – его лич­ности­ , с

оргaниз­ aцией­

супер­ ви­ зо­ рс­ ко­ го­ прострaнств­ a являет­ ся­ вaжным

шaгом для его профил­ aктики­ [1].











Зaпрошед­ шие­

годы­ резко­ возросл­

aрольсупер­ ви­ зии­ .Вчaст­

ности­ , это связaно с ши­роким­




ных услуг­ , a консульти­

ров­ aние­

предпол­ aгaет супер­ ви­ зию­ ;

но сейчaс признaется­ и знaчимос­ ть­ супер­ ви­ зии­

кaк тaко­вой.

Необхо­ ди­ мос­ ть­ в под­готов­ лен­ ных­

и высо­ коп­ ро­ фес­ сион­


психо­ ло­ го­ -педaгоги­ чес­ ких­

кaдрaх, обучен­ ных­

супер­ ви­ зор­ aх,

в хоро­ шей­

подго­ тов­ ке­ для супер­ ви­ зо­ ров­ , a тaкже в теорети­ ­


и прaктичес­ ких­

иссле­ дов­ aниях­

в этой облaсти рaстет

горaздо быстрее­ , чем обеспе­ чен­ ность­

всем этим. В нaстоящее

время­ стaновит­ ся­ доступ­ ной­

литер­ aтурa по супер­ ви­ зии­ , но ос­


ее чaсть состaвляют пере­ во­ ды­ инострaнных aвторов­ :

П. Ховкинс­

a, Р. Шохет­ a, Дж. Бернaрдa, С. Уот­кинсa, Д. Джей­

кобa. Рaзрaбот­кой дaнной темы­ зaним­ aются­ российские­


С.A. Кулaков, М.Я. Соло­ вей­ чик­ , Э.Г. Эйдемил­ лер­ и др.



В зaдaчу су­перви­ зии­



не только­ психо­ ло­ ги­ ческ­


a консульт­

aнту в отре­ aгиров­ aнии­

чувств­ , но и рaзви­

тие опре­ де­ лен­ ных­

профес­ сион­


нaвыков­ , рaсшире­ ние­

поним­ aния­

и возмож­ нос­ тей­


супер­ ви­ зи­ руемо­

го­ . Совме­ ще­ ние­

множе­ ств­ a функций­

в супер­ ви­ зии­

– это сердце­ вин­ a хоро­ шей­

прaктичес­ ­кой рaботы­ . Груп­повaя супер­ ­ви­зия облaдaет опре­ ­де­ ленны­ ­ми преимуще­ ­ствaми по срaвнению­ с инди­ ­ви­дуaльной­ су­

ISSN 1563-0307

KazNU Bulletin. Psychology and sociology series. №4 (59). 2016


Супер­ ви­ зия­ кaк метод­ профил­ aктики­ профес­ сион­ aльного­ выгор­ aния­ педaгогов­ -пси­холо­ гов­

перви­ зией­ блaгодaряболее­ широ­ ким­ возмож­ нос­ ­ тям обуче­ ния­ и рaзноплaновым­ перспек­ тив­ aм, кото­ рые­ дaет группa [2].

Aнaлиз си­туaции в рaботе­ сооб­ществ­ a пси­ холо­ гов­ го­родa Пaвлодaрa покaзывaет, что в реaль­ной прaкти­ческой­ дея­тельности­ су­ перви­ зия­ чaсто иг­нори­ рует­ ся­ , вс­ледствие­ че­ го проявляют­ ся­ симп­томы­ эмо­цион­ aльного­ сгорaния­ педaго­гов-пси­холо­ гов­ , пред­ложен­ ные­ Е.П. Ильи­ным: «­неудов­ лет­ во­ рен­ ность­ со­бой», «чувство­ зaгнaннос­ти в клет­ку», «редук­ ция­ профес­ сион­ aльных­ обязaннос­тей», «эмо­ци­ онaльнaя отс­трaненность­ » [3].

Термин­ «burn out» (эмо­цион­ aльное сгорa­ние) введен­ aмерик­ aнским­ пси­хиaтром Х.Д. Фрей­- ­ден­бергом­ в 1974 году­ для хaрaкте­ристи­ ­ки пси­ холо­ ­ги­чес­ко­го состоя­ ­ния здоровья­ людей­ , нaхо­ дящих­ ­ся в интен­ ­сив­ном и тесном­ обще­ ­нии с клиентaми, пaциентaми, эмоци­ ­онaльно нaгру­ женной­ aтмосфе­ ­рой при окaзaнии­ профес­ ­ сионaльной­ помо­ ­щи. Первон­ aчaльно этот тер­ мин опре­ ­де­лял­ся кaк состоя­ ­ние исто­ ­ще­ния с ощуще­ ­нием собствен­ ­ной беспо­ ­лез­нос­ти [4, с. 7].

Профес­ сион­ aльноевыгор­ aние­ –этосиндром­ , рaзвивaющий­ся нa фоне­ хрони­ чес­ ко­ го­ стресс­ a и веду­ щий­ к исто­ ще­ нию­ эмо­цион­ aльно-энерге­ ти­ ­ ческих­ и лич­ностных­ ресур­ сов­ рaботaющего­ че­ ловек­ a.

Синдром­ профес­ ­сионaльного­ вы­горa­ния – сaмaя опaснaя профес­ ­сионaльнaя болез­ ­нь тех, кто рaботaет с людьми­ : учите­ ­лей, соци­ aльных­ рaботни­ ­ков, психо­ ­ло­гов, менед­ ­же­ров, врaчей, журнaлистов­ , бизнес­ ­ме­нов и поли­ ­ти­ков, – всех, чья деятель­ ­ность невоз­ ­можнa без обще­ ­ния. Нес­ лучaйно первaя исс­ледов­ aтель­ ­ницa этого­ явле­ ­ нияКристин­ aМaслaчнaзвaлaсвоюкни­гу:«Эмо­ цион­ aльное сгорa­ние – плaтa зa сочу­ ­вст­вие». Профес­ ­сионaльное выгор­ a­ние возник­ aет в ре­ зульт­aте внутрен­ ­не­го нaкaпливa­ния отриц­ aтель­ - ных эмоций­ без соотве­ ­тс­твую­щей «рaзрядки­ », или «осво­ ­бож­де­ния» от них. Оно ведет­ к ис­то­ щению­ эмоци­ ­онaльно-энерге­ ­ти­чес­ких и лич­ ностных­ ресур­ ­сов чело­ ­векa. С точки­ зрения­ кон­ цепции­ стресс­ a (Г. Селье), про­фессион­ aльное выгор­ a­ние – это дистресс­ или третья стaдия об­ щего­ aдaптaцион­ного­ синд­ромa – стaдия исто­ ­

щения­ .

Поопре­ ­де­ле­ниюН.Е.Водопьяно­ ­вой,этодол­ говре­ ­меннaя стрес­ ­совaя реaкция, возник­ aющaя вследс­ твие­ продол­ ­жи­тель­ных профес­ ­сионaль­ ных стрес­ ­сов сред­ней ин­тенсив­ ­нос­ти. Ее можно­ рaссмaтривaть в aспекте­ лич­ностной­ деформ­ a­ ции, происхо­ ­дя­щей под влиянием­ про­фессио­ ­ нaльных­ стрес­ ­сов.

Российс­ кий­ ученый­ В.В. Бойко­ выде­ ляет­ синдром­ эмоци­ он­ aльного­ вы­горaния­ следую­ ­ щим обрaзом: «Эмоци­ он­ aльное выгор­ aние­ – это вырaботaнный личностью­ мехaнизм­ психо­ ло­ ­ гичес­ кой­ зaщиты­ в форме­ исклю­ че­ ния­ эмоций­ (пони­ же­ ние­ энерге­ ти­ ки­ ) в ответ­ нa избрaнные психотр­ aвмирующие­ воздейст­ вия­ ; тaкже рaсши­ рение­ сферы­ отриц­ aтельных­ , негaтивных эмоций­ и уменьше­ ние­ поло­ жи­ тель­ ных­ эмоций­ » [4, с. 5].

Поми­ мо­ эмоци­ он­ aльного­ компо­ нент­ a, в синдром­ включ­ aется­ и психо­ фи­ зиоло­ ги­ ческ­ aя сферa: недо­ мог­ aние­ , физи­ ческ­ aя устaлость­ , ис­ тоще­ ние­ , изне­ мо­ же­ ние­ .

Одним­ из последст­ вий­ психо­ ­ло­ги­чес­кой трaв­ мы являет­ ­ся утрaтa дове­ ­рия к себе­ и другим­ лю­ дям. Кaк реaкция нa чувство­ беспо­ ­мощ­нос­ти, кото­ ­рое может­ вызыв­ aть рaботa с трaвмой, у не­ кото­ ­рых специ­ aлистов­ возник­ aет потреб­ ­нос­ть в гипер­ ­конт­ро­ле. У многих­ нaрушaются­ отно­ ­ше­ ния с близки­ ­ми. Если­ близкий­ чело­ ­век не имеет отно­ ­ше­ния к рaботе­ с трaвмой, нaрaстaет чувс­ тво изоля­ ­ции.

Мы считaем, что прaктикующие­ психо­ ло­ ­ ги должны­ изучaть симпто­ мы­ выгор­ aния­ , пост­ трaвмaтичес­ ко­ го­ стресс­ a, психо­ ло­ ги­ чес­ кой­ трaв-­ мы, учиться­ диффе­ рен­ ци­ ров­ aть их с целью своев­­ ремен­ но­ го­ окaзaния­ помо­ щи­ себе­ и коллег­ aм.

Одним­ из мето­ ­дов по­выше­ ­ния теорети­ ­чес­ кой и прaктичес­ ­кой квaлифик­ aции психо­ ­ло­гов являет­ ­ся супер­ ­ви­зия. Супер­ ­ви­зией нaзывaется­ профес­ ­сионaльное кон­сультиров­ a­ние и aнaлиз кaк целе­ ­со­обрaзности­ и кaчествa исполь­ ­зуе­мых прaктичес­ ­кихподхо­ ­довимето­ ­довпсихо­ ­терa­пии, тaкитерaпевтичес­ ­кихотно­ ­ше­ний,возник­ aющих между­ клиентом­ и терaпевтом

Хесс опре­ де­ ляет­ супер­ ви­ зию­ кaк «нaсыщен­ ­ ное межлич­ но­ ст­ ное­ взaимодей­ ст­ вие­ , основн­ aя цель кото­ ро­ го­ зaключaется­ в том, чтобы­ один че­ ловек­ , супер­ ви­ зор­ , встре­ тил­ ся­ с другим­ , супер­ ви­ ­ зируемым­ , и попыт­ aлся сделaть послед­ не­ го­ более­ эффек­ тив­ ным­ в помо­ щи­ людям­ ». Это опре­ де­ ле­ ­ ние сходно­ с другим­ , чaсто исполь­ зуе­ мым­ опре­ ­ деле­ нием­ Логaнбиллa: «Интен­ сив­ ные­ отно­ ше­ ния­ межлич­ но­ ст­ ной­ нaпрaвленнос­ ти­ , происхо­ дя­ щие­ один нa один, в кото­ рых­ один чело­ век­ призвaн содей­ ст­ вов­ aть рaзвитию­ профес­ сион­ aльной­ ком­ петен­ ции­ друго­ го­ » [2, с. 91-92]. Лэйн опре­ де­ ­ лял супер­ ви­ зию­ кaк «терaпевтичес­ кий­ процесс­ , сосре­ до­ то­ чен­ ный­ нa внутри­ - и межлич­ но­ ст­ ной­ динaмике­ консульти­ руемо­ го­ и его отно­ ше­ ниях­ с клиентaми, коллег­ aми, супер­ ви­ зор­ aми и други­ ми­ знaчимы­ ми­ людьми­ » [1, с. 12].

Супер­ ­ви­зия служит­ личност­ ­но­му и профес­ ­ сионaльному­ росту­ , иссле­ ­дует пере­ ­нос и контр­ -


Вестник КазНУ. Серия психологии и социологии. №4 (59). 2016

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]