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Exercise 2.

Translate the following sentences taken from the newspapers:

1.With the Government doing its utmost to keep wages down, and with price increases due to Market membership coming on top of price increases arising from Government policy, the standard of living in this country would be given an extremely serious setback.

2.With unemployment being now a crisis issue in many areas, the Labour movement is stepping up “right to work” campaign.

3.Tory policy was also resulting in continuously rising prices, the reduction in the food subsidies in particular having caused a sharp rises in the price of food.

4.Almost all councils are putting up their rents, the reason being the heavy burden of interests for housing.

5.Estimated unemployment figures at the end of January were 416,000, some 66,000 more than at the same date last year, according to Ministry of Labour figures issued yesterday.

6.Korea with a new law intended to choke off Kim Jong Un’s nuclear and missile programmes, and to punish those who assist them.

7.A man convicted of murder after egging on a friend to stab a former policeman this week launched a Supreme Court challenge to the controversial law of “joint enterprise”.

Exercise 3.

Study the idioms in bold and translate the following sentences:

1.Every country must know as a rule of thumb that negotiations is a beeline to peace.

2.The President’s statement was an eye opener for everyone.

3.Whenever he delivers a speech everybody thinks that he has a foot in his mouth.

4.If the politicians consider this problem a piece of cake they will soon have to face the music.

5.The problem was discussed many times and in the long run the agreement was signed.

6.This candidate is evidently on a roll, but let’s wait a bit.

7.It is not wise to use a hit-or-miss approach to this problem as it’s about the victim’s life.


8.The government is ready to spend its bottom dollar for military needs.

9.No one can go to pieces during talks, no matter how difficult it is.

10.The gang fled from the scene of the crime with the police in hot pursuit.

Exercise 4.

Translate the following sentences from Russian into English:

1.Российские и международные новости и события в сфере политики, экономики, науки и техники, культуры и спорта освещаются в каждом номере газеты «Аргументы и факты».

2.Доказательства – это любые фактические данные по уголовному делу, на основе которых в определенном законом порядке суд устанавливает было ли совершено преступление.

3.Возможно ли почерпнуть данную информацию о государственном устройстве США из источников, указанных в перечне?

4.Масс-медиа часто оказывает давление на подозреваемого еще до того, как его признают виновным.

5.Моя зарплата достаточно высокая, но, поскольку существует закон о налогообложении физических лиц, я теряю некоторый процент прибыли.

6.Полиция прибыла на место преступления достаточно быстро, но поймать преступника по горячим следам ей не удалось.

Exercise 5.

Read the following article and answer the questions:


The Russian Federation and the Republic of India aware of their responsibility for the promotion of international peace and noting with concern the deterioration of the present-day international situation, reiterating their common commitment to the development of cooperation between nations in accordance with the principles of peaceful coexistence, determined to carry on persistent struggle for peace and international security, national independence of peoples, against all manifestations of neo-colonialism and racism, and for lofty ideals of mankind recorded in the Charter of the United Nations, declare their firm intention in accordance with the Treaty of Peace, Friendship and Cooperation between Russia and India, to continue strengthening and deepening Russian-Indian friendly and mutually beneficial cooperation in the interests of the peoples of the two countries and the cause of international peace and security.


The Russian Federation and India note with profound satisfaction that the relations between them which have been fruitfully developing for decades in the atmosphere of friendship and trust, provide an eloquent example of practical implementation of the principles of peaceful coexistence between states. These relations are developing to the mutual benefit of the peoples of both countries on the basis of equality and mutual respect, strict observance of sovereignty and noninterference in each other’s affairs.

The Russian Federation and India recognize that their relations of mutual understanding, confidence and all-round cooperation are of major significance for peace and stability in Asia and in the world. They reaffirm their determination to continue developing these relations and thus to effectively promote the improvement of the international situation.

Russia and India firmly believe that the most important objective facing mankind is the strengthening of peace and the prevention of a new world war and they will do their utmost in contributing towards the lofty end.

Russia and India reaffirmed their conviction that inter-state relations should develop on the basis of the fundamental and universally recognized principles such as renunciation of the threat or use of force, respect for sovereignty, equality, territorial integrity, inviolability of borders and non-interference in each other’s internal affairs.

1.What’s the main topic of the mentioned declaration?

2.What are the basic terms of the relations between Russia and India according to the text?

3.What is the most important objective of the designed document?

4.What is the basis for inter-state relations according to the Russian-Indian joint declaration?

Exercise 6.

Translate the following sentences paying attention to the “false interpreters’ friends”:

1.The draft resolution was sponsored in the General Assembly by the Afro-Asian nations.

2.Russian – Bulgarian commercial relations are promoted through a regular exchange of industrial goods.

3.According to UNESCO data, there are over 800 million people in the world who cannot read or write.

4.The discussion of measures for stopping the spread of nuclear weapons will take place early next week.

5.Scientists can make a valuable contribution to solving the problems of world disarmament.

6.During the first decade of independent development, the Nigerian people concentrated mostly on strengthening political stability in the country.

7.The small nations demanded that the world conference be held next year.


Exercise 7.

Translate these article abstracts in writing.

1) MI5 officer: I will expose torture secrets

Former spy to give evidence to MPs

Camp X-Ray at Guantanamo Bay: allegations that torture was ‘witnessed’ (Reuters)

A former MI5 intelligence officer is to break ranks with the agency to present explosive new evidence the security service knew inmates at the Guantanamo Bay detention centre were being tortured. The former senior officer is seeking to give evidence to a parliamentary inquiry about how MI5 officials witnessed detainees being tortured at Camp X-Ray and Camp Delta — two of the Guantanamo prisons

— in December 2002. Even though the former officer is trying to get official permission to give evidence, it is thought to be unprecedented for a former member of staff to defy the agency in this way. Senior security sources have told The Sunday Times that the testimony will prove for the first time that MI5 was fully aware detainees at Guantanamo were systematically abused and tortured.


2) New ‘problem-solving’ courts will cut costs

Judge Judy Sheindlin presides over a case as her bailiff Petri Hawkins Byrd listens on the set of her syndicated American show, Judge Judy. Problemsolving courts, set up in Miami in 1989, were designed to stop the revolving door between reoffending and prison.

American-style “problem-solving” courts could be extended nationwide after a study found that they save taxpayers thousands of pounds per case. Research suggests that each case using the pioneering method — in which judges and magistrates hold special sessions to advise offenders on how to beat drug or alcohol addictions — would save £2.30 for every £1 spent. The report by the Centre for

Justice Innovation will be welcomed by ministers who are keen to promote the courts across the justice system if a financial case can be made to the Treasury.



Lead in

Before reading the text please answer the following questions:

1.What is a portfolio?

2.What kinds of portfolio do you know?

3.Have you ever made up your own portfolio?

4.What documents should a young lawyer include in his portfolio when applying for a job?


Among the modern popular educational methods of the higher education system, the method of portfolio takes its own respective place.

The portfolio method is a set of techniques and ways of learning, where a central part is given to the creative work of students.

Longman Dictionary of contemporary English gives several definitions of portfolio: 1) a large flat case used especially for carrying pictures, documents etc.; 2) a set of pictures or other pieces of work that an artist, photographer etc. has done: “You'll need to prepare a portfolio of your work.”; 3) a group of stocks owned by a particular person or company: “an investment portfolio”; 4) BritEng: the work that a particular government official is responsible for: “the foreign affairs portfolio”. Today “portfolio” has also come to denote personal achievements filed in a single document.

The main objective of forming a portfolio is to accumulate and keep documentary evidence of students’ achievements in their study process. Portfolio is not only a modern and efficient way of self-evaluation of the student’s study activity. It also helps to monitor and count his individual achievements, work out skills to assess objectively the level of his own professional competence and gain the experience of business competition. The main tasks here are: forming and training the student's ability to perceive and process information, to set goals, to plan and organize his own activity.

The portfolio of students’ achievements is a single document which represents a file folder with pads, consisting of the following sections:

1.The general data of the individual student.

2.Working portfolio.

3.Display portfolio.

The general data of the individual student includes title page, selfpresentation (CV, cover letter, autobiography and an essay upon the student’s choice), presentation of the graduation University (Kutafin Moscow State Law University), plan of individual educational and career prospects (summary of the motives of choice of the legal profession and further career possibilities).


CV is a summary document containing information on the professional merits, qualifications, work experience and personal qualities of the applicant.

Essays about individual prospects for education and careers motivate students to a brief exposition of the aspects of the future profession, personal assessment of all its positive and negative sides.

Working portfolio (portfolio of process and development) includes student’s work and projects that demonstrate his progress in the formation of his legal competence through the study of the English language: reports, essays, articles with abstracts, legal research projects (conventions, laws, codes), etc. set out in English and also reports on his clinical training written in English.

Working portfolio may also contain materials in the form of timesheets, tables and profiles:

-timesheets of the elective courses passed, with the name of the course, its term, form of study, study area (a branch of law), recommendations and reviews of the teacher;

-table of attended sections, studios, elective governmental activities, supplementary education system with the name of the institution of supplementary education, term of study or employment and the results with the documentary confirmation.

In a display portfolio (portfolio of achievements) student demonstrates different forms of creative activity:

-membership in the Student Council; -work in the legal clinic;

-membership in the editorial board of the student newspaper; -participation in holiday student events;

-demonstration of Sports achievements;

-participation in scientific student conferences, competitions, etc.

Such tables reflect the student’s creative activity, indicating the name of the educational field, the name of the document, the level of participation, result scores. Certificates and diplomas can become a demonstration of the results of highefficiency in a particular area of student’s activity. Some creative achievements and success not only in the educational but also life activity may be expressed as an essay.

Curriculum vitae vs resume

Please be aware that the name “CV” is common for the UK whereas in the USA the summary of your achievements is called Resume or Résumé. So make up the document depending on the nationality of the target company.

Some other distinctions between British and American resume versions can be helpful, for example:

1)According to the latest US rules of political correctness the resume is to contain a minimum of personal data not to tempt a potential employer to


discriminate against you on some grounds. The less personal details you indicate in your resume for an American company the better. Do not mention even the date of birth. The number of children, sisters, brothers, wives is in any case entirely superfluous. Your postal address, e-mail and phone number will be sufficient to invite you for an interview.

2)British variant may not include the “Objective” section. It’s typical for the


3)American resume should fit on one page. Two-page resume is a sort of ignorance risk, as American labour market is overloaded by specialists and the competition is incredibly high. You have to show the wonders of brevity skills and put all the important information about yourself on a single page. The margins on the left must be large enough so that the HR manager could safely file your resume in a lever arch folder and read it without removing.

4)Besides be aware and do not forget that when you write a resume for US employers the font size shouldn’t be less than 12 points. It’s all very formal.

5)Some differences in the degree names certainly exist in all countries, but this does not make the translation impossible. So please note that the Russian collocation «диплом с отличием» («красный диплом») correspond to “Diploma with honors” (AmE) / Diploma with honours”

(BrE). You can also use the expression graduated with honors in ...”

(AmE) or “graduated with an honours degree in…” (BrE). Latin formulation “summa cum laude” is not as common as the previous one.

6)British CV is characterized with indicating a kind of school and sometimes graduation marks.


Exercise 1.

Take a look into two CV samples and define the nationality of the target company. Give your grounds.




email: crown@reinсаrnate.com

304 Park Avenue South,

telephone: +7 962 998 1979

11th Floor, New York, NY 10132


Objective: To obtain a position of Senior Advisor on International Humanitarian Law issues in International Committee of the Red Cross African Department



2010-2013 Specialist, Institute of Jurisprudence, Private International Law, Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)

2007-2010 International Law Faculty, Ural State Law Academy

Work Experience

2014-2018 Legal Advisor, Committee on the Rights of the Child, UN 2013-2014 Lawyer Assistant, Moscow Legal Research Center


Russian (native), English (fluent), French (intermediate)

Personal Interests include language study, playing the piano, the guitar and the saxophone, snowboarding


Available upon request

CURRICULUM VITAE Name: Kamenetskaya Yana D.

Date of birth: 30.11.1992

Address: 4, Moskvorechye st., 294, Moscow, Russia Phone number: 8- 499-725-2640

Mobile number: 8-905-505-5575 E-mail: kamyana@mail.ru


2010-2015 Kutafin Moscow State Law University, Moscow, Russia Graduated with honours, qualified as «Lawyer» (Diploma № ACF 001258965, reg. № 55896, 25.06.2015).

Majors: Civil Law, Criminal Law, Administrative Law, Criminal and Civil Procedure, Economics, Tax Law, Philosophy, International Law, Labour Law, Land Law.

Course papers: «Political rights of Russian citizens», «Legal regulation of natural monopolies».

Graduation paper – «Legal support of small and medium businesses».

1999-2010 Gymnasium № 1579, Moscow, Russia

History (A), Maths (A), English (A), Biology (A), Chemistry (B), Literature (A), Geography (A), Business English (A), Physics (A), Russian (A), Economics (A).


Summer 2015 Training course at Moscow Business Management University. Drafting legal documents, agreements according to INCOTERMS.

Summer 2014 Training course at School of Management.



Drafting contracts and appendixes according to INCOTERMS,


operating “Consultant Plus” and “Garant” search systems.

Summer 2013

Perovskiy district court, Moscow, Russia


Drafting legal documents, assisting with trial preparation.

Summer 2012

Procurator’s Office, Moscow, Russia


Drafting legal documents, liaison with citizens.





MS Office, Windows XP, Word, Excel, Access, Adobe


Photoshop, Power Point, Internet, Consultant +, Garant.


Native Russian speaker, fluent English, German – Elementary





Cambridge First Certificate in English


Cambridge Certificate in Advanced Language



Learning foreign languages


Sports (tennis and football)





Available upon request

Exercise 2.

Cover letter or Covering letter is an e-mail text you send applying to the HR manager and making him or her consider your CV. Read this sample and appreciate the Applicant’s chance to be invited to the interview. Give your grounds.


Dear Mr. Mosby,

In response to your advertisement that I have just seen in “The Times” I am applying for the position of a legal counsel. As requested, I am enclosing my CV, job application form and three references.

I know that Stetson Company is one of Chicago’s premier law firms with nationally acclaimed expertise in management strategies, corporate and security transactions, acquisitions of real estate, human resources and employee benefits, marketing and intellectual property. I am also informed that your company deals with different types of contracts, transactions, etc. It examines cases in the spheres of civil law, corporate law, tax law, commercial law, copyright law and patent law.

Being a highly qualified specialist I believe I meet the requirements of your company. More than that, as you will see from my CV, I have some relevant