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новый материал / рассказ про масленицу на английском языке

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(1)Maslenitsa / Shrovetide

(2) Maslenitsa is an ancient Slavic holiday. It came to us from a pagan culture. Maslenitsa is the most cheerful and nourishing national holiday. It lasts for a whole week at the end of February. The people loved it and affectionately called it "kasatochka", "sugar lips", "tselovalnitsa", "chestnAya Maslenitsa", "cheerful", "quail", "perebukha", "obedukha", "yasochka".

(3) Maslenitsa was greeted with majestic songs on snow slides On the holiday, the most beautiful harness was put on the horses and sledding was carried out. Guys, who were going to get married, bought sleds especially for this skating. All young couples necessarily participated in the skating. Also on this holiday, young people really like to ride ice slides, jump over a bonfire and takе a snow town.

(4) The symbol of Maslenitsa was an scarecrow made of straw, dressed in women's clothes. People had fun with him all week, and then they had burned the scarecrow along with a pancake, which the scarecrow held in his hand.

All the traditions of Maslenitsa are aimed at driving away winter and waking nature from sleep.

(5) Pancakes are the main treat and symbol of Maslenitsa. They are baked every day. Pancake is a symbol of the pagan sun god - Yarilo.

(6) Pancakes were baked from wheat, buckwheat, oatmeal, corn flour, adding millet or semolina porridge, potatoes, pumpkin, apples, cream to them. In Russia, there was a custom: the first pancake was always for deceased relatives, it was given to beggars to commemorate all the deceased or a pancake was placed on the window. Pancakes were eaten with sour cream, eggs, caviar and other delicious seasonings from morning to evening.

(7) Each day of the holiday week has its own name, which explains what needs to be done on this day:

On the Sunday before Maslenitsa, people visited relatives, friends, neighbors, and also invited guests.

But since it was impossible to eat meat during Maslenichnaya week, the last Sunday before Maslenitsa was called "meat Sunday", on which the father-in-law went to call his son-in-law "to finish the meat".

Monday is the "meeting" of the holiday. On this day, ice slides were arranged and rolled out. The children made a straw scarecrow of Maslenitsa in the morning, dressed it up and drove it along the streets together. Swings and tables with sweets were arranged.

Tuesday is a "game". On this day, fun games begin. In the morning, the girls and young men rode on the icy slides, ate pancakes. Guys were looking for brides, and girls were looking for grooms (but weddings were played only after Easter).

Wednesday is a "treat". In the first place in the row of treats, of course, pancakes.

Thursday — "walk around". On this day, to help the sun drive away winter, people traditionally arrange horseback riding "in the sun" — that is, clockwise around the village. The main thing for the male half on Thursday is the defense or capture of the snowy town.

Friday is the "mother-in-law's evening" when the son-in-law goes "to the mother-in-law for pancakes".

Saturday — "sister-in-law's get-togethers". On this day, they go to visit all relatives and treat themselves to pancakes.

Sunday is the final "forgiven day" when they ask for forgiveness from relatives and friends for insults. After that, they cheerfully sing and dance, seeing off the broad Carnival. On this day, a straw effigy is burned on a huge bonfire, symbolizing the passing winter.

It is installed in the center of the fire pit and they say goodbye to it with jokes, songs, dances. They scold winter for frosts and winter hunger and thank for the fun winter fun. After that, the scarecrow is set on fire to cheers and songs. When winter burns down, the final fun ends the holiday: young people jump over the fire.

(8) With the advent of Christianity, the Maslenitsa holiday remained.

Maslenitsa is a preparatory week for Lent, when meat products are excluded from the diet, when the Divine Liturgy is not celebrated on Wednesday and Friday and the penitential prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian is read.

The special meaning of Maslenitsa at a time when there were no phones or e-mail was that people during the week preceding Lent had time to go and visit their close and distant friends and relatives, ask each other for forgiveness. And having reconciled, having asked for forgiveness, sit down to a feast.

Nowadays, people do not celebrate Maslenitsa so widely and for a whole week. Now this is preparation for fasting, but people bake pancakes on Maslenitsa necessarily.

Тhe difference between блины and pancakes.

  • Выпечка из дрожжевого теста

  • Тесто густое, напоминает сметану

  • Они готовятся по всему диаметру сковороды

  • Густой и пышный

  • Они отличаются кисловатостью во вкусе

  • В тесто добавляют разрыхлитель

  • Яйца взбивают в пену

  • Запеченный на сухой сковороде

  • Лепешки небольшого размера

  • Нежный и воздушный

Maslenitsa is celebrated in 2022 from February 28 to March 6.