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Министерство сельского хозяйства Российской Федерации Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение Высшего профессионального образования

«Якутская государственная сельскохозяйственная академия» Октёмский филиал

Тексты для чтения на английском языке

для студентов по специальности 110201 «агрономия»

Учебно-методическая разработка

Октемцы, 2012

УДК 81.111(075.4) ББК 81.2 Англ 39


А.В. Саввинова

Учебно-методическая разработка рассмотрена и одобрена на заседании кафедры общеобразовательных дисциплин 25 декабря 2009 г., протокол №6.

Рекомендовано к изданию УМС Октемского филиала ФГБОУ ВПО «Якутская ГСХА», протокол №3 от 7 декабря 2009г.

УДК 81.111(075.4) ББК 81.2 Англ 39

© А.В. Саввинова, 2010


Настоящее пособие предназначено для студентов сельскохозяйственного профиля по специальности 110201 «агрономия». Наряду с обучающими задачами пособие ставит целью расширить знания студентов по таким темам, как «Природа Британии, США, России», «Сельскохозяйственные районы Британии, России, Якутии», «Виды, свойства и применение почвы в сельскохозяйственных целях», «Основные зерновые культуры», «Овощные культуры» и «Основоположники химической и сельскохозяйственной науки».

Пособие состоит из шести разделов, каждый из которых содержит три тематических текста по специальности. Учебные задачи пособия – выработать навыки чтения оригинальных текстов по специальности, а также усвоить основные грамматические правила. В пособии имеются предтекстовые и послетекстовые задания, с помощью которых можно не только контролировать понимание прочитанного, но и провести дискуссию в аудитории. Для самостоятельной работы студентов предлагается оформить реферативную работу по тематическому разделу.

Пособие представляет собой сборник оригинальных текстов, значительно способствующих не только расширению словарного запаса студентов, но и возможности получить дополнительную интересную информацию по специальности.


1.Прослушайте текст А. В паузах читайте его за диктором, соблюдая членение текста на смысловые группы и обращая внимание на логическое ударение слов в предложении.

Text A Man and plants

Plants –grass, flowers, and trees – grow everywhere: high in the mountains, far out in the ocean and in many deserts and Polar Regions.

There are over 350,000 species of plants. Some are so small, that we see them only with a microscope some are very large, such as

the giant sequoia trees in


they are over 100 meters high

and about nine meters wide. Plans



old living

things. Pine

trees live 300-350 years.






There are platens in the Russian Federation 2000 years old.

Life is impossible

without plants.



the oxygen,

which comes from plants; we eat the food, which also comes from animals that eat plants. Many thousand years ago man built houses and made useful things from timber, which he got from trees. He

made his clothing

from plants too.




beauty. People like to look at flowers, at

fields of grain;

they like

to be in the forest.

Man began to change plants about 10,000 years ago, when he began to grow the first food plants. The first farmers saw that there were good plants and not so good plants. They sowed the seeds of good plants from them. In this way man developed the basic food crops of the world. For example, the Indians developed little ears of wild corn into large ears with many grains, which we use today. When Christopher Columbus came to the New World the new corn grew over large territory there.

2.Найдите в тексте А предложения, где говорится о том, как человек начал возделывать дикорастущие растения.

3.Прочитайте текст В. Ответьте, в каких частях Великобритании наибольшее количество лесных зон?

Text B

Britain’s nature

With its mild climate and different ground Britain has various vegetation. When the islands were first settled, oak forest covered the greater part of the lowland, giving place to pine forests on higher ground and perhaps some open moorland. In the course of the centuries that followed nearly all the forests were cut especially by Anglo-Saxons to make more place for farming. Now about 7 per cent of the territory is in the forest. These are the results of contact of bourgeois civilization with nature.

It seems that the middle part of Britain is covered with forest because of many hedges and individual trees. The greatest number of trees is in the north and east of Scotland, in some parts of south-east England and in Wales. The most often the following trees are met: oak and in Scotland pine and birch. There are different kinds of wild vegetation, such as the natural plants of forest, hills and mountains.

The greater part of Britain is farming land. It is divided into fields by lines of trees or stone walls and is a colourful picture, especially in the mixed farms which cover most of the country.

The mild climate of Britain and enough rain make possible a long growing season. Grassland is green the whole year round and there are many wild flowers.

At many places in that district cows are left in the fields even in winter. Some plants which grow well in the south (wheat, for example), will not grow in northern part.

4.Выпишите из текста предложения, в которых заключена главная информация, а затем предложения, содержащие второстепенную информацию

5.Переведите текст С со словарем.

Text C

Natural vegetation of North America

Two centuries ago the eastern part of North America was thick forest. Today, bourgeois civilization has left less than 25 per cent of the district in the forest. We can still find small districts grown with longleaf pine forest in Florida. One can hardly mistake this tree for any other. For the first six or seven years of its life, the tree hardly grows at all, and its needles are like a little bush of grass. But during this time large roots are growing underground. Afterwards the part of the tree which is over the ground begins to grow. The bright-green needles of a large tree are a foot and a half long. They make this pine one of the most beautiful of all the pines.

Compared with the leaf-bearing forests of Europe, those of North America are richer. There are more kinds of trees. This is especially noticeable in autumn, when the leaves are bright and many-coloured. The main trees are oak and chestnut, but of a different kind than in Europe. The live oak is often two times as wide as it is high. Its oval leaves also are unlike those of most of the northern oaks, and they stay green the whole year. The tree was good for shipbuilding and the greater part of the oak forests was thoughtlessly destroyed. Some of the old oaks are still found in the southern lowlands. There are trees in North America that one cannot find in European forests: tulip-trees and sugar maple.

6.Изложите кратко содержание текста С.

7.Просмотрите тексты А, В, С еще раз и составьте реферат на тему: “Forest”


1.Прослушайте текст А. В паузах читайте его за диктором, соблюдая членение текста на смысловые группы и обращая внимание на логическое ударение слов в предложении.

Text A

A Non-Black Soil Zone in Russian Federation

A Non-Black Soil Zone is in the central and northern regions of the European part of the Russian Federation. In fact, it is the heart of Russia. Besides, the greatest cities of our country – Moscow, Sent Petersburg, Kirov-with a many million population are here. It is also the most industrially developed area of the RF: about half of all the industries of the Russian Federation is also here. Moreover, this zone is the centre of science and culture: the RF Academy of Sciences, the All-Federation Academy of Agricultural Sciences and many scientific institutes are in the Non-Black Soil Zone.

The climatic conditions are not so good here and the non-black soil is not very rich. The harvests are small, less than in the Central Black-Soil Region. There are 50 million hectares of farmland with 32 million hectares of plough land in this zone. Big forests grow in this

region: there are both needleleaf and broadleaf





mixed forests there.







It is in this region that the people actively





reconstruction of farming. Most of the state

and collective farms


economically strong and have funds




addition, the state gives them maximum help. Some collective and state farms combine and form new agro-industrial complexes.

After the realization of the program on the Non-Black Soil Zone collective farmers will live in new modern houses with gas, electricity, etc. Recreation centers, clubs and libraries will function in

new agro-towns. According



plans the

fields will be at long

distances from the agro-towns.

So, the state

will build asphalted

roads that will cross all the


and people

will easily reach the

places to work in.





The main policy in this region is quick modernization of agriculture.

2.Найдите в тексте предложение, в котором объясняется, что представляет собой агропромышленный комплекс.

3.Прочитайте текст В. Определите в каком абзаце сообщается, в какой части страны выращиваются зерновые культуры

Text B

Agricultural areas in Britain

Farming depends on many physical factors, such as relief, climate and soil. Britain can be divided into “highland” and “lowland” by an irregular line running across the country. To the west north of this line lie most of the mountains and hills. To the east and south lies lowland Britain. As the prevailing rain-bearing

winds hit Britain from the

west, it is

easy to






a much higher rainfall than the rest

and thus


be used for



with much


rainfall and altitude are suitable for arable farming and intensive livestock farming. The increasing use of intensive methods of production in agriculture has led to greater specialization. Threefifths of the farms in Britain are devoted mainly to dairying or beef cattle and sheep; one in six is a cropping farm and the remainder specialize in pigs, poultry or horticulture, or are mixed

farms. It follows then that Britain’s

farming is predominantly

based on livestock production.


Dairying occurs widely, but there

are concentrations in the

western parts of the country, where the wetter climate encourages the growth of good grass. About 80% of home-produced milk and 65% of beef production derive from the national dairy herd. Sheep farming is concentrated in the hill and moorland areas of highland Britain. Pig breeding is carried on in most parts of England and in Northern Ireland.

Arable crops grown in Britain include cereals (wheat, barley and oats), potatoes, sugar beet and fodder crops. The total area of fodder crops is expanding annually. Arable crops are generally grown in the eastern part of the country, which is drier and has more sunshine (eastern and southeastern countries of England).

Wheat and barley are the main cereals grown in this area. Horticultural crops (fruit, vegetables and flowers) are largely grown on specialized holdings. Field vegetables are the most important horticultural sector and are widely spread over the country, with the most important fruit crop. Around the city of Perth is the largest concentration of raspberry plantations in the world. There are several tulip-growing regions in England. On the Isles of Scilly the raising of flowers is the main industry, they are grown in the open even in winter.

Tomatoes form the most important glasshouse crop, and, together with lettuce and cucumbers, represent some 95% of the total value of glasshouse vegetable output. Mushrooms are also grown in specially constructed sheds in most parts of Britain, especially in south-eastern and northern England.

4.Выберите предложение, соответствующее содержанию текста В:

A.The increasing use of high methods of production in agriculture has led to lower specialization.

B.Arable crops and livestock breeding are suitable in those areas, where it rains less.

C.Arable crops are grown in wetter areas of Britain which has less sunshine.

D.Farming depends on such factors as geographical position

of the

country, concentration of the population and



5. Переведите текст С со словарем.

Text C

Agriculture in Yakutia

Yakutia is the largest subject of the Russian Federation, occupying the territory of 3 000 000 square kilometers, with 40 percent of it lying within the Arctic Circle. Yakutia had got the most severe climate in the world. It’s the land of extreme conditions, with

the longest and the coldest winter in Russia, and the thickest permafrost in the world. The climate is sharply continental, with

temperature variations


100 degrees

Celsius (from +40 C in

summer down to -60


in winter). The

republic is famous for the

unique natural phenomenon – The Pole of Cold of the northern hemisphere.

Despite extreme climatic, geographic and natural conditions, the republic is developing and ranks among the best by many characteristics in the far-eastern federal district and the Russian Federation on whole. The republic ranks first in the

far-eastern federal district by Gross Regional Product volume.

At present there are two branches of agriculture in our republic. They are animal husbandry and land cultivation. Cattle, horse and reindeer breeding are traditional occupations of Yakut people. Cattle and horse breeding are mostly common in river areas and alases where the grass is good. Reindeer pasture in tundra and hilly areas. Domestic animals as cows, horses, pigs and poultry are bred in our country. They produce milk, meat and eggs. These products are very important for the people’s diet.

Land cultivation is common in the central and southern areas of Yakutia. The farmers grow potatoes, cabbages and other vegetables in a short summer period. Some grain crops as wheat and oat are grown in the southern and central regions.


are also hunting, fur-farming and fishing farms


The productions of hunting, fur-farming and reindeer-breeding


are exported.



6.Изложите кратко по-английски основное содержание текста С.

7.Просмотрите тексты А, В, С еще раз и составьте реферат на тему “Agricultural complexes”.

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