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Epicurus / Important Vocabulary Week 5

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Cultural & Ethical Values: Vocabulary week 6

Word + Part of speech (grammar)


Hedonism (n)

The belief that pleasure or happiness is the highest good.

Hedonist (n)

A person who follows the doctrine of hedonism.

Hedonistic (adj)

The adjective used to describe an action that is follows the doctrine of hedonism (i.e. it produces pleasure or happiness).

Justify (v)

Explaining reasons for something (e.g. He had to justify his actions).

Pleasure (n)

The enjoyment or satisfaction coming from doing what is liked. The state of feeling pleased.

Desires (n)

Something that is wished or wanted.

Eliminate (v)

To remove or get rid of something completely.

A maxim (n)

A principle or rule of conduct (i.e. the way someone should behave).

A doctrine (n)

A particular position, principle, or policy that is taught by a religion or government.

Mortality (n)

The state or condition of being capable of dying. Don’t confuse this word with morality! The opposite is immortality.

Pledge (n or v)

A pledge is a promise or agreement to do (or not do) something. If you pledge something, you are promising to do/not do something.

Reciprocal (adj)

Mutual. Something that is equivalent to something else (e.g. a reciprocal pledge to do something means for both parties to complete the equivalent task).

Incline (v)

To have a mental tendency or preference to do something.

Inclination (n – countable)

Something which a person tends to do (i.e. what they are inclined to do).

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