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Aquinas / Aquinas - Tutorial Preparation Sheet

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L ecture 5 – Aquinas

  1. Background questions:

Describe the following:

Eternal law:

Natural law:

Divine law:

Positive law:

Natural Inclinations:

Are guides given by God by which we can recognise the Natural Law. In general, we are inclined to “desire the good and avoid evil”. Aquinas lists 5 specific inclinations. They are to seek:






Just War

Describe the following:

1. Jus ad bellum:

2. Jus in bello:

3. Jus post bellum:

  1. Tutorial discussion questions:

  1. Aquinas says that we can use reason and our Natural Inclinations to discover the Natural Law. Suppose that the lecturer has left the answers to the next test in the lecture hall (again.) How would you use the idea of Natural Inclinations to decide whether or not to take those test answers?

  1. Describe the Doctrine of Double Effect and give an example other than what was mentioned in the lecture.

  1. Aquinas seems to think that the intentions of a person are all that matter when we are making a moral judgement of that person. Why do you think that is? And do you agree with him on that?

  1. Is it ever possible to fight a Just War? Why/why not? Note that it is usually assumed that, at most, one side in a war could be described as waging a Just War. Do you think that’s right? Could both sides in a war be fighting a Just War?

  1. We’ve seen conditions for Jus ad bellum. What sorts of conditions might need to be met for jus in bello, or jus post bellum?

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