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Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches» Issue № 4 (15), 2016

Definition Dictionary. Device word stock is replenished in the "User Dictionary". Advanced features are: alarm clock, telephone / address book, notepad, diary reminders, 12-digit calculator, clock, currency converter, world time, translation systems of weights and measures, and even one game. All data can be protected by a personal password to prevent unauthorized access to the information. Words can be added to your favorites and you can easily return to them, and remove them from the list of bookmarks [9].

According to the conducted researches the following conclusions can be made:

a question mark - to replace a single letter in the search, i.e., the dictionary will give all the words that have the structure imposed by the morphical with a variation of the missing letters;

asterisk - to replace a number of letters, i.e., the dictionary will give all the words that have entered the morphical structure with variation of one or more missing letters. So we can find, for example, the root word;

the function “Spellings variants” is the automatic correction of spelling mistakes;

to memorize words MultiLex offers to the user the right to add the word in the card, and then to train them by clicking “Start Test”;

it is proposed to refresh memory about the word translation. Then its translation shows in the program, and you choose, depending on your guesses if your answer was correct or not;

in the section “Dictionaries”, subsection “Dictionary Management” you can find the available dictionaries in the directory that have been downloaded to your device. Here you can add new dictionaries;

there is an extended version with 28 dictionaries in different categories in the general catalog, as well as another 5 dictionaries to translate languages;

the Deluxe MultiLex collected dictionaries from the leading philologists and linguists, academicians of Russian Academy of Sciences, which are recommended to the learners of foreign languages and to the professional translators;

in the settings you can also choose the interface language, the startup program when you start the system and the application icon appearance in the taskbar notification area. In the

“Help” menu, you can find the information regarding the right holder website, the installed dictionaries (and the number of words in the dictionary), and information about the program, which includes two links to the website and the support, if there is a sign “site is down” it refers to Abbyy Lingvo dictionary;

you can find the word forms in the Anglo-Russian and Russian-English dictionary in the upper right corner. You can search for the words throughout the whole article by writing in the top line on the right - an example – conjunction, first mark green, then - yellow.

In the late 1990s, the Russian company “MediaLingua” released the electronic dictionary “MultiLex”, English module which is a digital version of the famous three-volume “New big English-Russian Dictionary” (NBERD). Last released version contained NBERD – “MultiLex NBERD 3.5 (2000)”[10].

The Polyglossum dictionary also attracted our attention. It is an indispensable work tool for the professional technical translator, engineer, and scientist. Electronic dictionary ETS is absolute leader in the number, variety and precision of industrial and technical dictionaries. The total number of its dictionary database, today, is more than a hundred, including more than 50 English-language dictionaries.

As a result of studying this dictionary the following criteria have been revealed: Dictionary completeness: general and specialized dictionaries.

When you type a word, the program automatically shows and scrolls a list of words that can be found in the active dictionary. If alphabetical list of active dictionary is not the desired word, you can switch the dictionary or ask the program to search for the entered word in all


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches» Issue № 4 (15), 2016

available dictionaries. The highlighted text in the search results can be copied to the clipboard for transfer to another preposition.

In addition to the "read-only" dictionaries, the program has a "User Dictionary", in which you can add words and edit it directly in the process of dictionaries reviewing.

The positive characteristics of the dictionary are:

shortened entry is making it convenient for those who have enough knowledge about the approximate or most common word meaning. Immediately shows the search results from all the entries. The translation pair changes when you switch the keyboard. It contains a lot of phraseological units, formulas and simple phrases. The modern vocabulary is taken into consideration.

The negative characteristics of the dictionary are:

wry stripped-down entry: it happens that the listed meanings have only the number 1, and there isn’t the number 2; and there is often a semicolon after the last word. The word should be typed in the form in which it is in the dictionary. Linguistic information is minimal: there are forms for irregular verbs, and gender for the nouns (not in all the words). There are no transcriptions, status labels and word belonging to the individual terms. Ability to work simultaneously with only one dictionary.

Besides the machine translation systems and electronic dictionaries, there is also a technical translator reference.

For the 2016 reference contains:

The number of card-files exceeds 400,000, and it works with six languages. Number of terms for every language considerably varies. For example:

English terms - 439,619;

German terms - 28,129;

French terms - 28 223,

Italian and Spanish terms - only 18.

The reference developers explain this by saying that they don’t complete translation of technical texts into Spanish and Italian, and vice versa.

The number of subjects - 766 (subjects constitutes the three-level - sometimes two-level - hierarchical structure)

Some cards are illustrated and reinforced by documents, from which you can see the context where one or the other term is used - (images - 5 698, indexed document - 4412).

It does not have a computer, phone or tablet version, this is just a website. This reference is absolutely free, and developers haven’t any plans to change it.

It should be noted that you can search for some information via some different ways – glossary mode and reference mode.

G l o s s a r y m o d e search is a common glossary (it means that we type a word, select the translation pair and immediately see the translation of the word and translation of terms, where we can find the correct word). This is the most convenient, fast, and familiar way of search for terms translation.

R e f e r e n c e m o d e search is as follows: it’s clear from the name that this is a technical reference, in which you can find a term and its definition. The reference contains the Russian technical language part, based on the Russian regulatory documents – it means that the system searches for the term not only in directory-based, but also in the governing documents, so we can see the term in the context.

If you tick the “description”, the search will be carried out in the cards description. With active switch “technical data”, we will only receive the cards, the terms in which are technical characteristics – the other things will be filtered out.

We would like to say a couple of words about the cards. The information in the knowledge database is in the form of cards. Each card is assigned to a Russian term – i.e., Rus-


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches» Issue № 4 (15), 2016

sian term - is the only required piece of information. All the other elements are optional. Each definition is accompanied by a reference to the exact place where it was taken. Depending on the degree of filling of the card you can find foreign equivalents of the term, foreign definitions, synonyms, themes, unacceptable and inadvisable terms, umbrella and similar terms (umbrella terms –specified terms which are collective for the term of the card, similar terms – terms which are similar in meaning, but are not synonymous with the terms of this card). However, in a certain context, they can be used as a synonym, action, illustrations, and even parallel texts (ie, the context, the foreign text and its translation into Russian).

Here is an example of a completed card.

We single out the positive characteristics of the dictionary:

Good support for translators and editors.

The ability to search the term through the illustrations – it means if we don’t know the name of any detail, but we can determine it by looking at the illustration, we can easily find the required term.

Ability to create your own cards.

User-friendly design - as for me, there is nothing more that could interfere the working process.

IntentRunner – is a small and very easy program to search terms quickly, it was created by the reference developers. The program integrates into your computer’s taskbar and works as follows - for example, reading on the Internet some article, we highlight a word or phrase and copy it to the clipboard, and then press the set hot key and watch the search results according to the glossary. The program searches in this reference, in the Multitran dictionary, in the Academic dictionaries and encyclopedias, in Yandex, Google, in Electropedia (The World’s Online Electrotechnical Vocabulary) and in the other bases.

Note the negative characteristics of the dictionary:

Different degrees of cards filling - sometimes there is nothing more in the card except the Russian term and its definition.

A small number of cards for the French, German, Spanish and Italian – so sometimes you should use the other dictionaries.

To fill the cards it requires from you a lot of time and hard work than the same work in the Multitran dictionary.

There is only online version – it means that you cannot use this reference without access to the Internet.

In addition to the software developed in order to help translator, there are special online resources, without the need to download and install any software: FinereaderOnline - convenient online service that recognizes your images and converts them to desired formats with search capability. ABBY Alinger online version program is designed for parallel texts alignment and for creating Translation Memory databases. There is a service “Transfer call”, it is a teleconference, involving the remote interpreter, your partner and you. Next we should pay our attention to the Urban Dictionary - online database is designed to familiarize users with the ev- er-changing and rapidly renewing sphere of English slang phrases, with figurative meaning phrases and with colloquial expressions[11].

In conclusion the author would like to point out that using information technologies the students master the technique of a text analysis promoting exact perception of the initial expression and determination of potential difficulties and as well as the methodology for the im-


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches» Issue № 4 (15), 2016

plementation of the translation, including information search by means of electronic resources. It is important that students receive installation on search of the creative solution of cognitive tasks, skills of independent work on the further development and improvement of the general knowledge and skills and motivation to constant self-development, enhance their qualification and skills.

In this connection the electronic dictionaries and programs engaged in machine translation are a very convenient way to save time and optimize the process of understanding a foreign language information. Besides, now there are translation programs which can make more or less adequate translation of foreign language texts and can be a basis in operation of experts of different profiles.

Given the importance of acquiring knowledge and skills graduates of higher educational institutions in the field of information technologies, it seems, there is a need to expand general education course of “Computer science” study of specialized computer application programs, including the modern translation programs of texts in higher education institutions of Pridnestrovye.

Bibliographic list

1.Usacheva A.N.Innovacionnye tehnologii v professional'nom perevode/A.N. Usacheva//Kommunikativnye aspekty sovremennoj lingvistiki i lingvodidaktiki: materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoj konferencii-2008.-S.81-87.

2.Neljubin L.L.Komp'juternaja lingvistika i komp'juternyj perevod / L. L. Neljubin// VCP. -1991.-S.151.

3.Semenova A.L.Sovremenny informacionnye tehnologii v perevode/ A. L. Semenov// Akademija. -2008.-S.224.

4.Marchuk Ju.N. Modeli perevoda/ Ju.N. Marchuk// Akademija.-2010.-S.50.

5.Shuldeshova N.V. Electronic dictionary as a Means of Formation the multilingual Com-petence / N.V. Shuldeshova // Nauchnyj vestnik Voronezhskogo gosudarstvennogo arhitek-turno-stroitel'nogo universiteta. - 2016.-Vyp. 1(12). -S.125-137.

6.Selegej V. Jelektronnyj slovar' i komp'juternaja leksikografija. - www.lingvoda.ru/transforam/articles/selegey_al.asp (data obrashhenija: 28.02.2014).

7.Shevchuk V.N. Jelektronnye resursy perevodchika/ V.N. Shevchuk// Librajt. -2010.-


8.Marchuk Ju.N. Komp'juternaja lingvistika./ Ju.N. Marchuk// Vostok-Zapad.-2007.- S.155-200.

9.Potapova P.K. Novye informacionnye tehnologii i lingvistika/P.K. Potapo- va//Librokom.-2014.-S.200-250.

10.Matjushina N.V. Lingvisticheskaja interferencija na razlichnyh jazykovyh urovnjah/N.V. Matjushina// Nauchnyj vestnik Voronezhskogo gosudarstvennogo arhitekturnostroitel'nogo universiteta. - 2015.-Vyp. 2(26). -S.159-169.

11.Zubov A.V.Zubova I.I. Informacionnye tehnologii v lingvistike/A.V. Zubov, I.I. Zubova // Akademija.-2004.-S 50.

Analyzed sources

1*. Vikipedija -- URLhttp://ru.wikipedia.org (data obrashhenija: 10 maja 2016).

2*. Lingvo - URL - http://lingvo.abbyyonline.com/ru (data obrashhenija: 12 aprelja 2016).

3*. Prompt - URL - http://translate.promt.by (data obrashhenija: 20 marta 2016).

4*. UrbanDictionary – URL - http:/www.urbandictionary.com/ (data obrashhenija: 12 mar-ta 2016).


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches» Issue № 4 (15), 2016

5*. Multitran - URL - http://www.multitran.ru/c/m.exe?a=1&SHL=2 (data obrashhenija:

12 aprelja 2016).

6*. Multilex - URL - http://www.ex.ua/77157095(data obrashhenija: 12 aprelja 2016). 7*. Spravochnik tehnicheskogo perevodchika - URL -http://intent.gigatran.com/( data ob-

rashhenija: 5 avgusta 2016).

8* . Polyglossum-URL - http://www.ets.ru/udict-r.htm(data obrashhenija: 5 avgusta 2016).


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches» Issue № 4 (15), 2016


Z.Ye. Fomina

O n t h e R e s u l t s o f t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n g r e s s " E u r o p e a n - T r a n s - E u r o p e a n : N i e t z s c h e ` s V i e w f r o m A f a r " (Germany, Naumburg, 22.09 -25.09, 2016.), organized by the Society and Fund of F. Nietzsche (Europäisch – Übereuropäisch. Nietzsches Blick aus der Fern. European – Supra-European. Nietzsche’s View from Afar. 27. Internationaler Kongress der Nietzsche-Gesellschaft und der Friedrich-Nietzsche-Stiftung)

From 22 to 25 September, 2016 the 27th International Congress was held under the motto: "European - Trans-European: Nietzsche's View from Afar", organized by the Fund named after Friedrich Nietzsche in Germany, as well as by the Society named after Friedrich Nietzsche.

The Congress was held in Naumburg/Saale in the Documentation Centre named after Friedrich Nietzsche. The leaders of the work of the Congress were: Professor Marco Bruzotti (Lecce, Italy/Berlin, Germany), Herman Siemens (Leiden, the Netherlands). This year the Congress was held in collaboration with the Society named after Friedrich Nietzsche in the UK.

The working languages of the Congress: German, English.

The Congress was attended by scientists from different countries of the world (Germany, Austria, Italy, UK, USA, Holland, Russia, Norway and many others).

C o n g r e s s C o v e r a g e i n t h e G e r m a n P r e s s . The Congress, dedicated to the study of Fr. Nietzsche`s heritage, was widely commented in the German press. For example, the newspaper "Naumburger Tagesblatt" ( «Naumburg diary») dated September 21, 2016 (p. 12) published the article under the title: "Nietzsche's View on Europe from Afar. Four-day Congress with International Guests" ("Nietzsche's Blick auf Europa aus der Ferne Viertägiger Kongress mit internationalen Gästen." The newspaper «Welt N24 Sachsen-Anhalt» also presented the information about the Congress as an important and significant event: «The Congress, dedicated to Nietzsche, starts in Naumburg, with the participation of scientists from 18 countries of the world») (Nietzsche-Kongress in Naumburg beginnt mit 18 Nationen - WELT (see.: https://www.welt.de> ...> Sachsen-Anhalt), etc.

A b o u t t h e D o c u m e n t a t i o n C e n t r e N a m e d a f t e r F r . N i e t z s c h e . Initially, Friedrich Nietzsche`s large archives were created by his sister Teresa E.A. Förster-Nietzsche in 1894 and placed in the house in which the German philosopher lived with his mother, sisters, grandmother, two unmarried aunts and the nurse, that has been called by him as "Naumburg Female House Management." Later, the Archives were moved to

Weimar. However, in 1956 the Archives were closed, as in the German Democratic Republic (GDR) Nietzsche belonged to banned authors. Since 2003, in the House of Nietzsche there had been the Society named after Fr. Nietzsche, and on the 15th of October 2010 (next to the House of Nietzsche) there was opened the Documentation Center named after Fr. Nietzsche. The sponsor of the Centre is the fund named after Friedrich Nietzsche. The main purpose of the Documentation Centre is to preserve, to promote and to systematize Nietzsche`s huge heritage and to prepare it for future researches. The Director of the Documentation center is Dr. Ralph Ayhberg.

O n t h e S u b j e c t o f t h e C o n g r e s s . The most important task of the Congress was to conduct a large-scale discussion devoted to the g e n e a l o g y o f t h e E u r o p e a n c u l - t u r e f r o m t h e s t a n d p o i n t o f i t s u n d e r s t a n d i n g b y t h e G e r m a n p h i l o s - o p h e r N i e t z s c h e , as well as to his thoughts about the organization (Konstitution) of Europe in the West sense. Nietzsche says about "good Europeans" that they should think not only "trans-nationally", i.e. beyond the national worldview, but mainly also trans-Europeanly". Un-


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches» Issue № 4 (15), 2016

der this thinking, Nietzsche understood the global view of the world, excluding its perception only in the context of Europe. In Nietzsche's opinion, these "free", "very free" thinkers should "leave Europe behind them" and see what is beyond the horizon of the Western culture. The discussion of this problem was the purpose and the subject of the Congress.

Dr. Rainer Hazeljoff, M i n i s t e r - P r e s i d e n t o f t h e S a x o n y - A n h a l t L a n d ; B e r v a r d C y u p e r , C h i e f B u r g o m a s t e r of Naumburg; Andreas Urs Sommer (director of Nietzsche`s Fund, Freiburg/Graysgau; Prof. Marco Bruzotti (Chairman of Nietzsche`s Society, responsible for the organization of the Congress (Lecce, Italy/Berlin, Germany); Herman Siemens (Leiden, the Netherlands, Chairman of the Nietzsche Society, responsible for the organization of the Congress) t o o k p a r t a t t h e o p e n i n g o f t h e c o n g r e s s .

As Minister-President Rainer Hazeljoff pointed out in his speech, "Nietzsche understood Europe as a spiritual reality and a specific task."

P l e n a r y r e p o r t s were made by leading German and foreign scientists (philosophers, historians, art critics, linguists, psychologists and others), who for many years conducted research of the great philosophical heritage of Nietzsche, including, in particular, his writings on aesthetics, music, poetics , art and others. So, of great interest was the report by Dr. Patslya Bishop (Glasgow, Great Britain); the report by Prof. Johann Figl (Vienna, Austria); the report by Prof. Michael Neil Forster (Bonn, Germany/Chicago, USA); the report by Prof. David Farrell Krall (De Paul, USA); the report by Dr. Andrea Orsuchchi (Cagliari, Italy); the report by Associate Professor Ekaterina Polyakova (Greifswald, Germany); by Prof. Renate Shlezir (Berlin, Germany); the report by Dr. Gary Shapiro (Richmond, USA), and others.

The Congress began with an urgent and deeply meaningful report of P r o f e s s o r J o - h a n n F i g l ( Vienna, Austria).The subject of his report was: «Nietzsche's "Trans-European" Thinking - Bibliographic and Cultural Contexts». The Austrian scientist comprehensively analyzed the most important stages in the life of Nietzsche, that later on found the reflection in his philosophical investigations. Prof. J. Figl once again stressed the fact that Nietzsche had intimate knowledge in many scientific fields of philology, philosophy, aesthetics, psychology, anthropology, and others.

Nietzsche's acquaintance with the ancient monuments of writing, with the ancient texts in Sanskrit, with the teachings of Zarathustra, with the philosophy of Buddhism, his profound knowledge of ancient Indian literature, interest in Egyptian literature and culture, passion for ancient literature and culture predetermined the formation of his "super-European" views on the world.

As Professor J. Figl noted, Nietzsche constantly focused on the fact that at the heart of the European culture there were not only Greek roots, by which he never ceased to admire, but there were also P r e - G r e e k , P r e - G e r m a n , P r e - S l a v o n i c and other cultures, which had played an important role in the creation and development of the world culture as a whole. Nietzsche spoke about the importance of the knowledge on the existence of "P r e - G r e e k s ", having absorbed, in their turn, even more ancient cultures, and, accordingly, about the interrelation of all the cultures of the world and, especially, of European ones.

Professor of Vienna University showed the dynamics of forming Nietzsche`s culture, that, ultimately, contributed to the formation of the notion "Super-European" View on Culture from Time Immemorial. From such an understanding of the genealogy of culture, there arises Nietzsche's idea of the need for eliminating the political and cultural boundaries among the peoples of Europe, the idea of the need for skills and ability to think "trans-nationally" and "supra-nationally", not focusing only on the boundaries of their own culture, overcoming ethnic boundaries and discovering something in common, which unites rather than divides. Today these thoughts of Nietzsche are especially timely.

5 s e c t i o n s ( s e c t i o n s A - E ) worked at the Congress. Even the problems of the sections demonstrate the relevance, importance and global nature of the issues considered:

A. Europe as a Philosophical Problem. "Good Europeans" according to Nietzsche. 160

Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches» Issue № 4 (15), 2016

B.On the Other Side of Europe.

C.Political Pathologies in Europe: Problems of Politics, Culture, Ethics.

D.Free Spirit and the Question of the Future of Europe.

E.Trans-European Perspectives and the Problem on Identity.

As noted above, the plenary and section reports discussed, on the one hand, t h e g e n e - a l o g y o f t h e E u r o p e a n c u l t u r e i n i t s u n d e r s t a n d i n g b y t h e G e r m a n p h i l o s o p h e r N i e t z s c h e , and on the other hand, - his thoughts about the organization (Konstitution) of Europe in the West sense. In this context, the subject of the discussions were problems concerning topical essential notions of nations and peoples, values and arts, knowledge and religion, etc. which were analyzed by Fr. Nietzsche in his philosophical writings and treatises.

The section reports analyzed N i e t z s c h e ' s i d e a s a b o u t t h e f a t e o f E u r o p e , crises (nihilism, decadence), which constantly were in the focus of Nietzsche`s attention, as well as the normative categories that form the basis of its diagnostic prediction concerning Europe and the world as a whole.

The problems of o v e r c o m i n g t h e b o u n d a r i e s , mentioned by Nietzsche, also received primary emphasis in the reports of the speakers. In this regard, particular attention was paid to the so-called "traps" arising between the Inter-European borders. Lively discussions were devoted to the problem of overcoming national and other restrictions, to the perspectives of "trans-European" view on Europe, etc. The speakers stressed a great potential of syncretism of the Greek antiquity and its great importance for the future of the European culture.

A separate block of presentations was the fundamental question: t o w h a t e x t e n t N i e t z s c h e ' s p h i l o s o p h y i s o f a d i a g n o s t i c n a t u r e and represents a critical potential to pressing European challenges?

Dr. Andreas Orsuchchi (Cagliari, Italy) focused on the interrelationship of the theory of Nietzsche`s moral and Feuerbach`s legacy: "In the Era of Comparison: Nietzsche on the Problem of Moral Values and Feuerbach`s Legacy." The report of Professor Elke Vahendorf was devoted to the creation of the first Society named after Fr. Nietzsche in 1919. In his report on the theme "A Good European from a Dissident Group: Comments to Weimar`s Essay (homoedition 1985)", Dr. Matthias Steinbach spoke about a long-term silencing of Nietzsche's philosophical views and merits in the intellectual circles of Germany, that was considered seditious and unacceptable in the context of the existence of the post-war German society. He stressed that up to now, there is no monument devoted to Nietzsche in Weimar.

The report of Professor Claus Velner on the theme: "Nietzsche, the State and the Future of Supranational Organizations - or the Future of the EU and the World Government - Philosophical Experience" arose considerable interest. The speaker showed the interrelation of ideas, expressed by Nietzsche, about the future state system in the countries of Europe, about the role of supranational organizations and their current relevance and significance for the future of the European Union. The theme of the report by Babette Babih was rather critical that is shown in its title: "European People and the Annihilation of Nations."

Dr. Sarah Bianhi considered the problem of overcoming the boundaries between countries and nations, about which Nietzsche had constantly spoken. The author named the problem as follows: "Are the European, Trans-European Views - Human? On Overcoming the Boundaries in the Aspect of Understanding Humanism by Nietzsche". The speaker drew inference about the discussion and the ambiguous nature of the question: whether the "overcoming" (liquidation) of boundaries was the panacea from National Resistance?

Speakers Dagmar Kizel and Kleofeya Ferrrari considered the problem of the West and the East, which had been investigated by Nietzsche: «"Among the Daughters of the Desert". Islamic Sensuality and Sexual Christian Hostility according to Nietzsche».

The Congress actively discussed the topic concerning the phenomenon "Culture" from the point of Nietzsche`s philosophical views. Dr. Roberto A.P. de Barros analyzed in his report


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches» Issue № 4 (15), 2016

the interpretation of culture in Nietzsche`s later thoughts and demonstrated the dynamics of understanding culture according to Nietzsche, beginning from its art (original) interpretation up to the physiological-and-psychological one.

Of great interest was the plenary report of the Russian colleague Ekaterina Polyakova, (Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow), who works at the Institute of Philosophy of Greifswald University in Germany. Associate Professor E. Polyakova spoke on the problem:

«Non-European or Supra-European View? On the Old Question, "whether Russia Is Able to Promise Anything Else" (Nietzsche)». Ekaterina Polyakova`s informative and meaningful report was devoted to the global problem " N i e t z s c h e a n d R u s s i a ". In this connection, the author mentioned the writings of Ms. Bernice Rosenthal, American historian-specialist in Russian philology, ("Nietzsche in Russia" (Princeton, 1986) and "Nietzsche and Soviet Culture: Ally and Adversary" (Cambridge, 1994), «New Myth, New World : from Nietzsche to Stalinism - University Park (Pennsylvania): The Pennsylvania State University Press, 2002» , etc.).

At the beginning of her report, the author dwelt on the problem about the attitude of Russian philosophers and writers to Nietzsche, in particular, about N.A. Berdyaev`s and V.P. Preobrazhensky`s attitudes to Nietzsche. She mentioned V.P. Preobrazhensky`s essay "Friedrich Nietzsche, Critique of the Moral of Altruism," which initiated the beginning of the discussion on Nietzsche's philosophy, spread in Russia in the late 19th century.

E. Polyakova focused on the problem concerning F.M. Dostoevsky and his enormous influence on Nietzsche. The speaker stressed that Friedrich Nietzsche deeply respected and honored F.M. Dostoevsky and considered him to be his teacher. At the same time, if Dostoevsky appears as a Christian, as a supporter of Christian values, then Nietzsche emerges as antiChristian (Anti-Christ).

Associate Professor E. Polyakova also touched upon the problem c o n c e r n i n g N i e - t z s c h e ` s a t t i t u d e t o R u s s i a n m u s i c , t o f o l k other than classical one. The author noted Nietzsche`s special reverence to Russian folk music. In Nietzsche's opinion, Russian music is not a German one, not an European music - it is "an alternative, it is the power that lies dormant, the force that is waiting". Ekaterina Polyakova said that, according to Nietzsche, the Russian have a unique ability to unusually deeply and subtly express sorrow and to be able to grieve in their songs. In conclusion, E. Polyakova emphasized that Nietzsche`s predictions for Russia ("Russia is still able to promise something") can be regarded as quite encouraging.

I n S e c t i o n A " N i e t z s c h e ` s E u r o p e " , in which I participated, 6 reports were presented. Professor Christian Niemeyer considered the problem: "Nietzsche's Metaphor on "Good European", Read as "Superman". Experience". Special emphasis was made on the fact that until 1945 (at least in German-speaking countries) much less attention was given to Nietzsche's phenomenon "good European" than to the image "Superman", which had catastrophic consequences and for the personality of Nietzsche himself, both in the days of nationalism, and for the post-war period (after 1945), right up to the present day.

The report of Magister Armin Thomas Muller highlighted the problem posed by Nietzsche: "Free Society" - is it "wooden iron"? A.T. Muller considered this problem in the context of the European perspectives of Nietzsche`s "The Gay Science" (in the unit of book, p. 356) and identified two Nietzsche`s models of organizing Society: 1) the aristocratic ( "Art") Society, created by intellectuals ( "actors") in which all "the roles" were initially assigned, that does not lead to progress; 2) the democratic (free) Society, which is directed towards the future.

My paper on the subject «"Good Europeans" by Nietzsche as Legacy of Millennial European Spirit» was based on the analysis of Fr. Nietzsche's book "Gay Science» ("Die Fröhliche

Wissenschaft"). Here, we deal with Nietzsche`s attempts to reveal the origins (roots) of the European spirit and to reconstruct the genealogy of the European culture. In Nietzsche's opinion, the genealogy of the European culture is not derived from the absolute values, but it is "something that has been formed throughout the European history". As Nietzsche pointed out, a special role in the formation of the genealogical tree of the European culture is given to numerous


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches» Issue № 4 (15), 2016

European and Eastern cultures and, above all, to cultures of India, Byzantium, Greece, the Roman Empire, Egypt, China and many others. Nietzsche emphasized: «We [...] - good Europeans, the successors of Europe, rich, overburdened, but also burdened with excessive debt, successors of millenniums of the European spirit ...» ( "Gay Science", p. 377).

My report also touched the question concerning the attitude of N i e t z s c h e t o R u s - s i a . One of the German researchers of Nietzsche, in particular, Hans Joachim Schoeps notes that Nietzsche draws a parallel between Russia and the Roman Empire: "I see much greater attraction to the great in the feelings of Russian nihilists than in the feelings of English utilitari-

ans". R u s s i a

- i s

" t h e o n l y

f o r c e

t h a t

n o w h a s l o n g l i f e p e r s p e c t i v e s

w h i c h c a n

w a i t ,

w h i c h i s

s t i l l

a b l e

t o p r o m i s e s o m e t h i n g . " Nietzsche

sees need for "Obligatory cooperation with Russia with a new common program ... and no American future!" [See: Hans Joachim Schoeps Was ist der Mensch Philosophische Anthropologie als Geistesgeschichte der neuesten Zeit Musterschmidt-Verlag Göttingen 1960 (Kapitel IV, S. 97 ff.) Friedrich Nietzsche oder das Ringen um eine neue Welt (Friedrich Nietzsche oder das Ringen um eine neue Welt // www.f-nietzsche.de / schoeps.htm].

The problems of other section reports were the following: Nietzsche`s Europe (Dr. Stefan Ditssh); Nietzsche's inter-cultural and anthropological perspectives of Classical German Philosophy (Dr. Alexei Zhavoronkov); European problem according to Nietzsche: Does European political integration require recognition of cultural identity and, if so, then of what one? (Dr. Andrea S. Bertino).

N i e t z e s h e a n a was held, in which the report by Prof. Beatrice Himelmann (Thomso, Norway) was presented on the subject: "Honor and Dignity of Nietzsche's Ethics of Force".

During the work of the Congress, round tables discussing topical subjects related to Nietzsche's activity were organized, the latest publications from different countries of the world which reflected the results of the study of Nietzsche's legacy were presented, informative and interesting discussions which in many respects supplemented, concretized and refined the information given in the reports were held.

O n t h e O p e n i n g D a y . Since September 22, 2016 the exhibition «"Friedrich Nietzsche`s Scrolls": Serious and cheerful life of the genius of Nietzsche has been opened". The exhibition provided an opportunity to become acquainted with paintings, original installation and drawing of artist T h o m a s Z i e g l e r , who showed Nietzsche, the German philosopher, not in the classical (traditional) painting genre, but presented the German thinker in an ironic genre that allowed the artist to speak about Nietzsche as a living person, with all his ups and downs, joys and sorrows, disappointments and dreams.

T r i p t o R ё k e n ( R ö c k e n ) - t o N i e t z s c h e ` s S m a l l H o m e . On September 25, 2016 there was an interesting trip to Nietzsche`s small home in Reken., The house (Geburtshaus), in which Nietzsche lived with his parents and relatives. exists up to this day. It is of interest that this house has been recently purchased by a young family, who live today in this house. Visitors of Nietzsche`s museum-country estate were warmly welcomed by the young mother with a six-week baby in her arms. This fact is highly significant and symbolic, confirming an eternal course of life («Semper in motu» (always in motion) or «Omnibus - aeternae cursum rerum» ("an eternal circulation of events") and, who knows, maybe this little baby will become a new philosopher, a philosopher of the future world, who will see, as we would like to hope, not just Nietzsche's "good E u r o p e a n s " but the new "good c o m p a t r i - o t s . "

The participants got acquainted with the native school (Heimatschule), where Nietzsche studied. Until now, the church is preserved, in which Nietzsche was baptized (Taufkirche). Nietzsche`s father –Charles L. Nietzsche served as a priest in the same Lutheran church. Through the service, Friedrich Nietzsche's father used to stand at the pulpit (the highest place in the altar between the throne and the eastern wall). Therefore, four-year Nietzsche, who sat at the bottom,


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