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English guide for IT specialists (110

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14.‘Next time we could take Andy with us,’ said Steve. offered

Steve …………………………………………… Mary’s younger brother with them next time.

15.‘Perhaps it would be better to go out in the afternoons,’ said Mary’s father.


Mary’s father ………………………………… in the afternoons.

10.Rewrite the following sentences in the passive.

1.Elen will take the children to school.

The children will be taken to school by Elen…….

2.They cut the grass with the new lawnmower yesterday.


3.Did they show the fire on the news?


4.Ann is showing them the photographs.


5.When did the wind blow down the tree?


6.Who has to sign these papers?


7.Amalia hates people staring at her.


8.She expects her boss to offer her a promotion.


9.He has to tidy his bedroom.


10.Will you have completed the task by Friday evening?


11.David offered her a lift to work.


12.Who teaches traditional dance at this school?


13.People often stuff turkeys with chestnut stuffing.


14.They awarded him a prize for his competition entry.


15.Will they play the tennis match on an indoor court?


16.Tim doesn’t like people asking him personal questions.


17.Everyone must learn the poem by heart.



18.Laura hadn’t cleaned the house by the time her husband arrived.


19.Who is going to welcome the guests?


20.We cook all the meals.


21.Grandmother takes care of the children.


22.Karoline is choosing a new carpet at the moment.


23.Had Steve washed the car before he went to the cinema?


24.Pete gave Jane a letter.


25.Who made all these cakes?

11. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Some verbs are passive. More than one answer may be possible.

Last month I 1)_____ (attend) a reunion of students who 2)______ (be) on the same course as me at university ten years earlier. When I left university, I 3)

_____ (not keep) touch with many people – just my closest friends and one or two of the lecturers – so I 4)______ (not know) who or what to expect.

When I arrived at the hotel where the reunion 5)______ (hold), most of the guests 6)______ already_____(arrive). They 7)______ (chat) in small groups, or in the queue for food, or at the bar. Everyone seemed to have someone to talk to except me.

I 8) ________ (make) my way to the bar and 9)________ (stand) patiently waiting for the barman to notice me. After what seemed an age, I 10) _______

(tap) on the shoulder and someone shouted, “I 11) _________ (not believe) it. You, at the university reunion!”

I turned round quickly and 12) ______ (face) with a man of about my age that 13) ________ (not recognize) at all. He seemed to know me though, and continued, “How are you? What 14) _____ you _______(do) since we left?”

Instead of 15) ________ (explain) that I didn’t know him, I found myself replying. “I’m fine. I, erm, I work in computing now, but I 16) ______ (spend) five years abroad working as a voluntary teacher.” For the next hour, this man 17) ________ (tell) me his whole life story while I 18) _________ desperately

___________ (search) for someone that I knew. I 19) _________ (manage) to talk to a couple of my old lecturers, but my strongest memory of the evening was that I 20) __________ (have) a reunion with someone that I didn’t even know!


Appendix A: Formation Rules

I. Tenses

Present Simple





I/you/we/they work.

He/she/it works.

Do I/you/we/they work?

Does he/she/it work?

I/you/we/they don’t work.

He/she/it doesn’t work.

Present Continuous




I am working.

You/we/they are working.

He/she/it is working.

Are you/we/they working?

Is he/she/it working?

I am not working.

You/we/they are not (aren’t) working.

He/she/it is not (isn’t) working.




Present Perfect





I/you/we/they have done.

He/she/it has done.

Have I/you/we/they done?

Has he/she/it done?

I/you/we/they have not (haven’t) done.

He/she/it has not (hasn’t) done.

Present Perfect Continuous




I/you/we/they have been waiting.


He/she/it has been waiting.

Have I/you/we/they been waiting?


Has he/she/it been waiting?

I/you/we/they have not (haven’t) been waiting.

He/she/it has not (hasn’t) been waiting.

Past Simple

I/you/we/they/he/she/it worked. (regular verbs)

Did I/you/we/they/he/she/it work?

I/you/we/they/he/she/it did not (didn’t) work.

I/you/we/they/he/she/it left. (irregular verbs)

Did I/you/we/they/he/she/it leave?

I/you/we/they/he/she/it did not (didn’t) leave.

Past Continuous


I/he/she/it was working.

You/we/they were working.

Were you/we/they working?

Was I/he/she/it working?

You/we/they were not (weren’t) working.

I/he/she/it was not (wasn’t) working.

Past Perfect

I/you/we/they/ he/she/it had left. Had I/you/we/they/he/she/it left?


I/you/we/they/he/she/it had not (hadn’t) left.

Past Perfect Continuous

I/you/we/they/he/she/it had been waiting. Had I/you/we/they/he/she/it been waiting?

I/you/we/they/he/she/it had not (hadn’t) been waiting.

Future Simple

I/you/we/they/he/she/it will go.

Will I/you/we/they/he/she/it go?

I/you/we/they/he/she/it will not (won’t) go.

Future Continuous

I/you/we/they/he/she/it will be flying. Will I/you/we/they/he/she/it be flying?

I/you/we/they/he/she/it will not (won’t) be flying.

Future Perfect

I/you/we/they/he/she/it will have finished. Will I/you/we/they/he/she/it have finished?

I/you/we/they/he/she/it will not (won’t) have finished.

Future Perfect Continuous

I/you/we/they/he/she/it will have been working. Will I/you/we/they/he/she/it have been working?

I/you/we/they/he/she/it will not (won’t) have been working.


II. Passive Tenses



He asks.

He is asked.

He is asking.

He is being asked.

He has asked.

He has been asked.

He asked.

He was asked.

He was asking.

He was being asked.

He had asked.

He had been asked.

He will ask.

He will be asked.

He will have asked.

He will have been asked.


Appendix B: 50 common interview questions

1.Why did you choose to study your degree subject?

2.What did you most/least enjoy about your time at university?

3.What skills did you develop at university?

4.What was the most challenging aspect of your degree course?

5.How will your degree help you in this position?

6.Tell us something about yourself.

7.What do you like doing in your spare time?

8.Why do you want this job?

9.Why should we hire you?

10.What can you bring to this position?

11.What do you consider to be the key skills necessary for this position?

12.What will you do if you don't get this job?

13.What are your strengths/weaknesses?

14.What is your biggest achievement?

15.What do you know about our company?

16.What attracted you to our company?

17.What do you think of our website?

18.Who would you consider to be our main competitors?

19.What trends are likely to affect our industry over the next few years?

20.How do you typically approach new projects?

21.Describe your management style.

22.What sorts of things do you like to delegate?

23.What qualities do you look for in a manager?

24.How do you handle stress?

25.Tell me about your ability to work under pressure.

26.In what environment do you work best?

27.What motivates you in terms of work?

28.What interests you most/least in your current work?

29.What would you change about your current job if you could?

30.Why are you considering leaving your current job?

31.Why did you leave your last job?

32.What are you looking for in a job?

33.What do you think will be the most challenging aspect of this role?

34.What kinds of decisions do you find difficult to make?

35.Tell us about a time when you demonstrated good customer service / leadership skills etc.

36.Tell us about a time when you have been innovative at work.

37.Tell us about a time you encountered a problem and how you resolved It.

38.Tell us about a time when you had to make a difficult decision.

39.Tell us about a time when you successfully managed a difficult situation at work.


40.Describe a situation in which you took a risk. What were the results?

41.How do you work in a team?

42.How would your colleagues describe you?

43.How would your manager describe your work?

44.When were you happiest at work?

45.You seem not to have too much experience in X. Do you think this would be a problem?

46.Do you think you are overqualified for this position?

47.How have you changed over the last five years?

48.Where do you see yourself in five years' time?

49.How do you hope to develop your career further?

50.Do you have any questions you would like to ask us?


Библиографический список

1.Downes С. Cambridge English for Job-hunting / C. Downes, Series Editor:

J.Day. – Cambridge University Press, 2008. – 112p.

2.Armer T. Cambridge English for Scientists / T. Armer ; Series Editor: J. Day. – Cambridge University Press, 2011. – 128p.

3.Dooley J. Grammarway, Student’s Book / J. Dooley, V. Evans. – Express Publishing, 2008. – 216p.

4.Powell M. In Company, Student’s Book, Intermediate / M. Powell Mark Powell. – Macmillan, 2005. – 142 p.

5.Vince M. Intermediate Language Practice with key, English Grammar and Vocabulary / M. Vince, P. Emmerson. – Macmillan, 2003. – 296 p.

6.Smith D. G. English for Telephoning, Express Series / D. G. Smith. – Oxford University Press, 2011. – 64 p.

7.Ashley A. Oxford handbook of Commercial Correspondence, Intermediate to Advanced / A. Ashley. – Oxford University Press, 2011. – 304 p.

8.Stroustrup B. The C++ Programming Language, third Edition / B. Stroustrup.

– Addison Wesley Longmam, Inc., 2013. – 804 p.

9.Jazar R. N. Theory of Applied Robotics, Kinematics, Dynamics and Control, second edition / R. N. Jazar. – Springer, 2010. – 873p.

10.Fowler C. The Passionate Programmer, Creating a Remarkable Career in Software Development / C. Fowler. – Pragmatic Bookshelf, USA, 2009. – 211p.




Unit I. Correspondence .........................................................................................


Unit II. Telephoning............................................................................................


Unit III. Job-hunting............................................................................................


Unit IV. Having an interview..............................................................................


Unit V. Participating in a conference..................................................................


Unit VI. Reading and Speaking ..........................................................................


Unit VII. Doing grammar and vocabulary exercises ..........................................


Appendix A: Formation Rules ............................................................................


Appendix B: 50 Common interview questions...................................................


Библиографический список .............................................................................



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