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Авиационный английский язык Методические указания и контрольные задания №5. Для студентов ЗФ. Направление подготовки Аэронавигация. Профиль подготовки Организация бизнес-процессов на воздушном транспорте. (ОБПрВТ)

333.65 Кб


Вариант 5

1. Read and translate the text.

Lack of airport capacity

Airports worldwide must be ready to handle current and future demand. The implementation of new airport projects is becoming more and more difficult despite the fact that lack of airport capacity is now identified as main obstacle to future air transport growth. This is mainly because of growing opposition from local residents surrounding airports, as well as pressure groups that force governments to introduce complex approval procedures. As a result, air transport capacity lags behind demand, thereby it increases congestion and delays, energy use and costs. Conflicting situations when developing an airport are quite often the consequence of a lack of proper land-use planning and management. Government and local municipalities have the responsibility to prevent residential areas from being around airports to avoid future problems. A delicate balance must be found between interests. These interests should be connected with the related effects on the environment, benefits that an airport brings to a region in terms of economic wealth and employment. Long-term planning, management and careful advocacy are required by airports to ensure that they are able to secure capacity and meet demand through safe and sustainable growth. Furthermore, airports should be prepared to work in partnership with other shareholders to find solutions to the unavoidable environmental constrains they face.

2. Match the words written below with their definitions.

Boundary, congestion, lack, benefit, shareholder, costs

a helpful or good effect, helpful service given to passengers, employees;

a situation in which a place is crowded with people or vehicles;


a person such as an employee, customer or citizen who is involved with an organization, society;

a real or imagined line that marks the edge or limit of something;

the fact that something is not available or that there is not enough of it;

amount of money; damage or loss.

3. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words.











1.Because of poor weather conditions in Malaga airport, the check-in agents informed us about _________.

2.Our airport is going to __________ 10.000 passengers per month.

3.The economic growth of the air __________ is rapidly getting higher every year.

4.Government has the ______________ to support airports with new planning and management.

5.The increasing of traffic in summer time will bring a big ____________

for the airport and its services.

4.Translate the following sentences into English.

1.Когда новый аэропорт планируется, важно соблюсти его границы.

2.Жители, живущие рядом с аэропортом, жалуются на шум и загрязнение.

3.Когда развивается аэропорт, часто случаются конфликтные ситуации.

4.В аэропорту пассажиры могут долго ждать свой рейс.

5.Когда мы должны подписать контракт о строительстве нового терминала?

6.Увеличение рейсов дает большое преимущество для нового аэропорта.


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