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Княжева Е. А., Яковлева И. Н.. Практикум по переводу информативного текста

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all over the world was not

удивлен тем, что общественность

clamouring to know how fast we

во всем мире не хочет знать,

were using up the oxygen


















Pointing out that eight tonnes of

Обращая внимание, что 8 тонн

oxygen are used up for every three

кислорода расходуется на сжигание

tonnes of coal, oil or gas burned,

трех тонн угля, нефти или газа,

Professor Dyson called on the





international scientific community to





begin a programme of accurately





measuring the depletion rate of











истощения кислорода




Professor Dyson said that the biggest

Профессор Дайсон сказал, что

effects of oxygen depletion were





likely to be found in the oceans

истощение кислорода, вероятно,

because there was a much smaller

может быть обнаружен в океане,

amount than in the atmosphere and

потому что там намного меньше





количества кислорода, чем в








may come to parts of the ocean long





before the oxygen reservoir is

«Катастрофа может обрушиться на

exhausted. The Pacific Ocean is

океан задолго до того как запас








contains 50 percent of the Planet's

океан уже серьезно истощен. Он

water but only 40 percent of the

содержит 50 % воды на планете, но

dissolved oxygen»


















«So long as we are not measuring

«Так что пока мы не контролируем

the rate of depletion year by year, we

коэффициент истощения из года в

have no basis for guessing how soon

год, у нас нет основополагающего

the asphyxiation of large parts of the

принципа для предположения, как

Pacific Ocean might begin. For this





reason a programme of measurement

огромных частей Тихого Океана.

of the oceanic oxygen fluxes is

По этой



urgently necessary»












океанического кислорода

















Майкл Маккартни, обозреватель по






окружающей среде






Задание 7. Переведите следующие предложения, используя соответствующие сложные синтаксические структуры русского языка

инеобходимые средства логической организации.

1.In some cases, the theoretician may argue that premature application of theory to real world problems may be detrimental for both parties of the science making and consumption relationship, because of potential unforeseen consequences.

2.This approach rejects the criterion for quality in translation that is still usual in university departments, including translator training institutes, that the translation should ‘preserve as much of the original as possible’ – the classical tenet of equivalence and the main reason why skeptics like Ortega y Gasset declared that translation was an impossible undertaking.

3.It is important to stress again that the analysis is not concerned with isolating phenomena or items to study them in depth, but with tracing a web of relationships, the importance of individual items being determined by their relevance and function in the text.

4.The difference between sociolinguistics and the sociology of language is very much one of emphasis to whether the investigator is more interested in language or society, and also according to whether they have more skill in analyzing linguistic or social structures.

Задание 8. Переведите следующий текст, используя стратегию коммуникативно-равноценного перевода.

Thinking Critically to Evaluate Research

We live in a research-oriented society. From the pioneering breakthroughs on the cutting edge of medical science to the semi-annual choices network executives agonize over regarding what television programs to air, research is a fact of modern life. We rely on it, and with this reliance comes an inherent danger, for research findings can be easily misused, distorted, or taken out of context to say something other than what they are meant to.

Thinking critically goes hand in hand with developing an appreciation of the enormous benefits, and inherent dangers, of scientific research. Research is a double-edged sword; when misapplied, its ability to obscure knowledge is as great as its ability to illuminate. Research that is soundly conducted can answer difficult questions with more certainty and objectivity than any other method of inquiry, but the casual reporting of research can be fraught with distortions that, intentionally or unintentionally, mislead an unsuspecting public. Studies may be poorly designed or conducted, findings can be taken out of context and


misapplied, and «results» can be carefully worded so as to subtly, but wrongly, imply the truthfulness of a dubious claim.

As we've already mentioned, the field of psychology has as one of its cornerstones a commitment to empiricism, or the research-based validation of its concepts. As such, the study of psychology is a particularly helpful context in which to hone your skills of assessing and evaluating the merits of research.

Psychologists say many things about human nature, based on the research they conduct. However, rather than believing something simply because a psychologist says it (beware the method of authority), critical thinkers carefully scrutinize research to determine, for themselves, how sound it is.

Задание 9. Проанализируйте содержание данных текстовых фрагментов и установите русскоязычные соответствия названиям организаций.

1.With funding from the National Science Foundation, NEON program managers plan to collect and archive data online for at least 30 years. The information can be used by scientists to conduct studies, by policymakers to make science-related decisions, and by educators to teach students about the environment.

2.Doctor Aleida Guevara was recently in London, invited by the Cuban Solidarity Campaign to speak at the European Social Forum. In Cuba, she works as a doctor, specialising in allergies. She is firmly Cuban in every respect, except for the fact that she can’t stand coffee.

3.Xerox Corporation funded the initial research on personal computers in their Palo Alto laboratory in California. However, the company failed to capitalize on this work, and the ideas that they put together went into the operating system developed for Apple’s computers.

4.On the environment, The International Forum on Globalization argues that conservation is the key to sustainable development, and that capitalistoriented globalisation is resulting in its destruction. IFG opposes the emergence of a strong private sector as it undermines the role of government in the protection of human rights, and believes intellectual property rights, and TRIPs, should be reversed to reflect local and domestic interests rather than the interests of transnational corporations.

5.Medecins Sans Frontieres advances the importance of human rights and public health above international trade, intellectual property rights and commercial interests. This is clearly indicated through its ‘Access to Essential


Medicines’ campaign. MSF claims that the poor’s access to medicine is restricted by market-driven prices, and that this is often the result of intellectual property rights protection that favours rich countries.

6.An analysis of the typical shopping basket at eight supermarkets by the British Market Research Bureau found that Sainsbury’s had the highest proportion of packaging that could easily be recycled (66 per cent) while Lidl had the lowest (58 per cent). Waitrose had the heaviest packaging (803g) and Tesco the lightest (646g).

7.The telescope is being run by scientists at the new Space Telescope Science Institute, housed at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Md. The data will be collected by some 380 institute researchers and computer technicians and will be used by scientists all over the world. Over the Hubble’s expected 15-year life-span, teams of astronauts will shuttle to and from the telescope to service and upgrade it.

Задание 10. Выполните сверку текста перевода с исходным текстом и отредактируйте перевод.

Characteristics of Effective

Характеристики эффективного

Language Practice

применения языка на практике






The activity



В первую очередь упражнения должны

learners primarily in the skill or




material it purports to practice.

умения или факты на практике. Этот

This is an obvious principle that is





surprisingly often violated. Many

удивление часто нарушается. Например,

‘speaking’ activities, for example,

многие виды упражнений для развития

have learners listening to the

умения говорить чаще всего являются

teacher more



просто слушанием того, что говорит












Note that ‘validity’ does not

Стоит отметить, что «мотивированность»

necessarily imply

that the

не всегда подразумевает, что язык должен

language should be used for some





kind of replication of real-life



из обычной



жизни. Например, зубрежка правил

drills and vocabulary practice, for



и упражнения


example, may also be valid if they

расширение словарного



in fact serve primarily to rehearse

могут иметь силу, если на самом деле они

and improve the items to be

в первую очередь служат для повторения




и улучшения тренируемого материала














Предобучающая подготовка

The learners should have a good

Обучаемые должны иметь


preliminary grasp of the language

склонность к усвоению языка, который

they are required to practice,

они должны практиковать, несмотря на

though they may only be able to

это, они, скорее всего, смогут медленно

produce or understand it slowly

воспроизводить или понимать сказан-

and after thought. If they are

ное и сделают это только после

required to do a practice activity

обдумывания. Если обучаемых попро-

based on something they have not

сят сделать какие-либо упражнения,

yet begun to learn, they will either

основанные на материале, который они

not be able to do it at all, or will

еще не начали изучать, то все их





сделать упражнения будут

In either case the activity will

безуспешны. В этом случае упражнения

have been fairly useless in

будут бесполезны в условиях обучения:



its main

самым лучшим решением в данной

function, in fact, will have been a

ситуации будет тест на определение

diagnostic test, enabling the

уровня знаний учащегося, который

teacher to identify and (re-)teach

поможет учителю определить и под-

language the learners do not

корректировать то, чего не знает обуча-

know. If, however, they can

емый. Если ученик успешно ответит на




вопросы теста, то у него есть хорошая

they have a firm basis for further

база для



effective practice of the target

изучения планового материала

language material












speaking, the






the learners actually

считается, что чем больше ученик

engage with during the activity,

пользуется языком во время занятий,

the more practice in it the will get.

тем больше у него практики. Если

If the lesson time available for the

рассматривать время урока с точки

activity is seen as a container,

зрения «вместилища», то оно должно

then this should be filled with as




much ‘volume’ of language as

«объемом» языка. Время, когда ученики





не вовлечены в языковую практику (по

learners are not engaging with the

причине того, что ничего от них не



practiced for

требуется в данный момент или потому

whatever reason (because nothing

что они говорят на родном языке или по

is being demanded of them at that

причине каких-либо отвлекающих

moment, or because they are

факторов или отклонений от темы)

using their mother tongue, or

считается потерянным, так как практика

because of some distraction or

языка является важнейшим элементом

digression) is time wasted as far




as the practice activity is


















Задание 11. Определите получателя и цель перевода следующего текста и выполните перевод.

General remarks

The following considerations draw on a functional approach of translation (cf. Nord 1997), based on Skopos theory (cf. Vermeer 1978, Reiss/Vermeer 1984). Skopos is the Greek word for «aim, purpose», and the basic principle of Skopos theory is that the (intended) purpose of the target text determines the choice of method and strategy in the translation process. The target-text purpose is defined by the translation commission, or rather: translation brief. In professional settings, the «brief» is often not sufficiently explicit because commissioners are no translation experts and therefore they are not aware of what kind of information the translator needs to produce a text that fulfils the needs and expectations of the client and/or the prospective target-text audience. Therefore, the first step in the translation process is the «interpretation of the brief», drawing on whatever information there is or can be obtained about the «profile» of the target text the client needs. In routine tasks from well-known clients, for example, the translator may rely on previous experience; in «standard briefs» (like translating a set of operating instructions for a similar audience to achieve the same communicative function as that of the source text), they may simply follow the culture-specific norms for this kind of translation. Any task that is not standard or routine, will have to be specified before the process is initiated, and clients have to be «educated» to provide all sorts of information or indications available. Otherwise they will have to take what they get: a target text that fits many functions but none particularly well – instead of a text that is made to measure for the client's needs.

This does not mean that the client should tell the translator how to go about her or his work – no less than a client tells a mechanic how to fix the broken car or a lawyer how to defend the accused. The methods and strategies to choose from are part and parcel of the translator's professional competence, and this, in turn, is the basis for loyalty and trust between the translator and her/his interaction partners in intercultural mediation, as we will see below.

From “Loyalty and Fidelity in Specialized Translation” by Christiane




Physicists Dive into Oscillation Frequency of Coffee

Scientists puzzle out when and why coffee spills

At a recent math conference, Rouslan Krechetnikov watched his colleagues gingerly carry cups of coffee. Why, he wondered, did the coffee sometimes spill and sometimes not? A research project was born.

Although the problem of why coffee spills might seem trivial, it actually brings together a variety of fundamental scientific issues. These include fluid mechanics, the stability of fluid surfaces, interactions between fluids and structures, and the complex biology of walking, explains Krechetnikov, a fluid dynamicist at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

In experiments, he and a graduate student monitored high-speed video of the complex motions of coffee-filled cups people carried, investigating the effects of walking speed and variability among those individuals. Using a frame-by- frame analysis, the researchers found that after people reached their desired walking speed, motions of the cup consisted of large, regular oscillations caused by walking, as well as smaller, irregular and more frequent motions caused by fluctuations from stride to stride, and environmental factors such as uneven floors and distractions.

Coffee spilling depends in large part on the natural oscillation frequency of the beverage – that is, the rate at which it prefers to oscillate, much as every pendulum swings at a precise frequency given its length and the gravitational pull it experiences. When the frequency of the large, regular motions that a cuppa joe experiences is comparable to this natural oscillation frequency, a state of resonance develops: the oscillations reinforce one another, much as pushing on a playground swing at the right point makes it go higher and higher, and the chances of coffee sloshing its way over the edge rise. The small, irregular movements a cup sees can also amplify liquid motion and thus spilling. These findings were to be detailed at a November meeting of the American Physical Society in Baltimore.

Once the key relations between coffee motion and human behavior are understood, it might be possible to develop strategies to control spilling, “such as using a flexible container to act as a sloshing absorber,” Krechetnikov says. A series of rings arranged up and down the inner wall of a container might also impede the liquid oscillations.


Текст 2 Electron-Atom Collisions

Ian E. McCarthy The Flinders University of South Australia

Eric Weigold Australian National University

The detailed study of the motion of electrons in the field of a nucleus has been made possible by quite recent developments in experimental and calculational techniques. Historically it is one of the newest of sciences. Yet conceptually and logically it is very close to the earliest beginnings of physics. Its fascination lies in the fact that it is possible to probe deeper into the dynamics of this system than of any other because there are no serious difficulties in the observation of sufficiently-resolved quantum states or in the understanding of the elementary two-body interaction.

The utility of the study is two-fold. First the understanding of the collisions of electrons with single-nucleus electronic systems is essential to understanding of many astrophysical and terrestrial systems, among the latter being the upper atmosphere, lasers and plasmas. Perhaps more important is its use for developing and sharpening experimental and calculational techniques which do not require much further development for the study of the electronic properties of multinucleus systems in the fields of molecular chemistry and biology and of condensed-matter physics.

For many years after Galileo’s discovery of the basic kinematic law of conservation of momentum, and his understanding of the interconversion of kinetic and potential energy in some terrestrial systems, there was only one system in which the dynamic details were understood. This was the gravitational two-body system, whose understanding depended on Newton’s discovery of the 1/r law governing the potential energy. By understanding the dynamics we mean keeping track of all relevant energy and momentum changes in the system and being able to predict them accurately.

For the next 250 years Newton’s dynamics of force was applied with incomplete success to many incompletely-observed systems. At the same time an understanding of the relationship of momentum, energy, space and time was developed by Maupertius, Euler and Lagrange. The understanding of process involving the production and absorption of bosons began with Maxwell’s equations, although their significance in this sense was not realized until Einstein’s development of the photon concept. Atomic and nuclear physics were born at the same instant, the discovery of the nucleus by Rutherford (1911).




Seismic Resistance: Model Analyzes Shape-Memory Alloys for Use in Earthquake-Resistant Structures

ScienceDaily (Feb. 9, 2012) – Recent earthquake damage has exposed the vulnerability of existing structures to strong ground movement. At the Georgia Institute of Technology, researchers are analyzing shape-memory alloys for their potential use in constructing seismic-resistant structures.

«Shape-memory alloys exhibit unique characteristics that you would want for earthquake-resistant building and bridge design and retrofit applications: they have the ability to dissipate significant energy without significant degradation or permanent deformation», said Reginald DesRoches, a professor in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Georgia Tech.

Georgia Tech researchers have developed a model that combines thermodynamics and mechanical equations to assess what happens when shapememory alloys are subjected to loading from strong motion. The researchers are using the model to analyze how shape-memory alloys in a variety of components – cables, bars, plates and helical springs – respond to different loading conditions. From that information, they can determine the optimal characteristics of the material for earthquake applications.

The model was developed by DesRoches, School of Mechanical Engineering graduate student Reza Mirzaeifar, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering associate professor Arash Yavari, and School of Mechanical Engineering and School of Materials Science and Engineering professor Ken Gall.

A paper describing the thermo-mechanical model was published online Feb. 3 in the International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics. This research was supported by the Transportation Research Board IDEA program.

To improve the performance of structures during earthquakes, researchers around the world have been investigating the use of «smart» materials, such as shape-memory alloys, which can bounce back after experiencing large loads. The most common shape-memory alloys are made of metal mixtures containing copper-zinc-aluminum-nickel, copper-aluminum-nickel or nickel-titanium. Potential applications of shape-memory alloys in bridge and building structures include their use in bearings, columns and beams, or connecting elements between beams and columns. But before this class of materials can be used, the


effect of extreme and repetitive loads on these materials must be thoroughly examined.

«For standard civil engineering materials, you can use mechanics to look at force and displacement to measure stress and strain, but for this class of shapememory alloys that changes properties when it undergoes loading and unloading, you have to consider thermodynamics and mechanics,» explained Yavari.

The Georgia Tech team found that the generation and absorption of heat during loading and unloading caused a temperature gradient in shape-memory alloys, which caused a non-uniform stress distribution in the material even when the strain was uniform.

«Shape-memory alloys previously examined in detail were really thin wires, which can exchange heat with the ambient environment rapidly and no temperature change is seen», said Mirzaeifar. «When you start to examine alloys in components large enough to be used in civil engineering applications, the internal temperature is no longer uniform and needs to be taken into account.»

Текст 4


It can be regarded as widely known that, from a functionalist point of view (cf. Reiss/Vermeer 1984, Nord 1991), the translator’s decisions in the translation process should be governed by the function or communicative purpose the target text (TT) is intended to fulfil in a particular target-culture situation. This is a normative statement which does not describe an existing state of things (otherwise we would not have to lament the poor quality of so many translations) but rather an aim towards which prospective professional translators should be geared in their training. Functionalist approaches to translation, among them Skopostheorie (cf. Vermeer 1978), have been designed in and for translator training, and this is why they have been criticized by the followers of a descriptive approach who, often drawing on examples taken from literary translation, claim that translation studies ‘should be’ (another normative statement) based on empirical research only.

Referring to several apodictic statements presented by Reiss and Vermeer (for example, “Translators offer just so much information and in just the manner which they consider optimal for the target-text recipient in view of their translation”, Reiss/Vermeer 1984:123), Koller asks the following questions: Do these sentences refer to a given set of translations, say in German, i.e. are they based on empirical investigations which justify results of the type: The analysis of 1000 translations from English into German reveals that in 95% of cases the important factor for the translation/interpretation was the respective translator’s decision as to what and how to translate/interpret? Or is the idea that: For a


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