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ИздательствоВоронежский государственный университетГод2016Страниц26Уровень образованияБакалавриат. В мире искусства. Часть I

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IV. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

1.What representatives of Italian Renaissance do you know?

2.What is the period of Renaissance famous for?

3.When and where was Michelangelo born?

4.What field of art did Michelangelo dominate in?

5.What were the benefits of Michelangelo`s staying under patronage of Florence ruler?

6.What sculpture made Michelangelo famous?

7.Was it a difficult task for Michelangelo to cover the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel with frescoes? Why?

8.In what fields of art was Michelangelo involved in his later years?

9.Where was the famous sculptor and artist buried?

V. Истинно или ложно?

1.Most of all Michelangelo dominated in painting.

2.Florence produced the best sculptors and painters in Europe.

3.Michelangelo created the Medici art collection.

4.Michelangelo made a statue of David, the figure of a young man holding a slingshot.

5.It was Goliath who killed a king of ancient Israel.

6.Working at his frescoes in the Sistine Chapel Michelangelo most of all lay on his stomach.

7.After finishing the ceiling frescoes Michelangelo continued to work on the tomb for Julius II.

8.Moses is Michelangelo`s marble statue of the Hebrew prophet.

VI. ВыберитеизображениеодногоизтворенийМикеланджелоиопишите его подробно.

Part II. Leonardo da Vinci

A man far ahead of his time, Leonardo da Vinci excelled as a painter, sculptor, architect, and engineer. His paintings of the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper won him everlasting fame. Leonardo is equally known for his serious scientific studies. More than 300 years before flying machines were perfected, Leonardo developed plans for an airplane and a helicopter.

Leonardo da Vinci was bom in 1452, in Vinci, in what is now Italy. He received the basic education of his time: reading, writing, and arithmetic. When he was about 15, his father put him under the guidance of the artist Andrea del Verrocchio, who had a famous workshop in Florence. Under Verrocchio Leonardo received an all-round training in painting, sculpture, and the design, construction, and use of mechanical devices.


In 1482 Leonardo entered the service of the Duke of Milan, Ludovico Sforza. Leonardo was listed in the register of the royal household as “painter and engineer of the duke”. He stayed in Milan, in northwest Italy, for 17 years, until Ludovico’s fall from power in 1499.

The Milan years were some of Leonardo’s most creative. Although he completed only six works in 17 years, these finished works include The Last Supper, an immense wall painting in the dining hall of the monastery of Santa Maria delleGrazie, and the The Virgin of the Rocks. These paintings are widely acknowledged to be artistic masterpieces.

While at Milan, Leonardo also became deeply interested in scientific study and observation. Leonardo thought that a painter should have the power to see things in a fine and detailed way, and also the skill to portray what was seen in an original manner.

He thought this could be achieved by observing all visible objects and using pictures to describe them exactly as they were. The result of this plan was what we know today as Leonardo’s notebooks. The notebooks began as loose sheets on tiny paper pads Leonardo kept in his belt. Four major themes interested him: painting, architecture, human anatomy, and the elements of mechanics.

In 1503 Leonardo returned to Florence. There he carried on with his intensive scientific study in Florence. He dissected corpses at the hospital of Santa Maria Nuova, made observations on the flight of birds, and continued studies of the properties of water and its currents. He also worked on the science of flight.

Between the years 1500 and 1506, he worked on four masterpieces, which confirmed and heightened his fame. The Virgin and Child with St. Anne, which even as a preliminary drawing called forth admiration for the finesse of its composition; Mona Lisa, a portrait; the Battle of Anghiari, planned as a huge mural; and Leda, a painting. Only the Mona Lisa was ever completed. It is probably Leonardo’s most famous work, and is today displayed in the Louvre, Paris.

In 1516 Leonardo decided to accept the invitation of the young French king, Francis I, to enter his service in France. Leonardo spent the last three years of his life in the small residence of Cloux, near the king’s summer palace. Leonardo did no more painting or, at most, completed the painting of St. John the Baptist. He spent most of his time arranging and editing his scientific studies.

Leonardo died at Cloux on May 2, 1519. He was buried in the palace church of Saint-Florentin. The church, however, was devastated during the French Revolution and completely tom down at the beginning of the 19th century. Leonardo’s grave can no longer be located.


Упражнения к тексту

I. Найдите русские соответствия словам интернационального корня и определите, к какой части речи относятся их английские эквиваленты.

Sculptor, architect, engineer, serious, machine, plan, airplane, basic, arithmetic, artist, design, construction, mechanical, register, creative, finish, monastery, observation, detailed, original, manner, objects, result, human, anatomy, elements, mechanics, hospital, composition, portrait, display, service, residence, revolution, locate.

II. Найдитевтекстесинонимыкпредставленнымнижесловам: long, airplanes, work out, patronage, great, instruments, finish, estimate, thoroughly, tiny, initial, main, parks, cut, constant, elaborate, supervision, masterwork, preparative, exhibit, ruin, authority, research, invent, topic, body, projects.

III. Эпизодически пользуясь словарем, найдите антонимы к нижес-

ледующим лексемам: ill-famed, uncreative, behind, lose, trifle, uncover, unknown, after, destruction, death, large, start, fully, short-lived, refuse, least, exclude, rise, superficial, disgust, refute, unscientific.

IV. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

1.Why was Leonardo da Vinci a man far ahead of his time?

2.Can we name Leonardo a man of universal abilities? Why?

3.What paintings made Leonardo famous?

4.Why is Leonardo considered to be a gifted engineer?

5.What kind of training did Leonardo get under the guidance of his teacher

in art?

6.What does Leonardo`s wall painting “Last Supper” speak about?

7.What were four major themes that interested Leonardo?

8.What picture of the great master is displayed in Louvre?

9.Is it possible to play a tribute to Leonardo by visiting his grave? Why not?

V. Истинно или ложно?

1.A great Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci is well-known for his scientific stud-


2.Leonardo invented a helicopter to equip the Italian armed forces?

3.Leonardo`s father was very poor that is why the boy didn`t get any educa-


4.Paintings of Leonardo are widely acknowledged as artistic masterpieces.

5.Leonardo performed medical operations and saved the life of many people.

6.Leonardo kept his notebooks in tiny paper pads fixed to his belt.

7.Leonardo studied water and its currents.

8.Leonardo`s grave can no longer be located.

VI. Докажите, что Италия была родиной многих выдающихся художников эпохи Возрождения.


Part III. History of Visual Arts

Прочитайте текст и дополните его деталями, почерпнутыми из текстов о двух великих мастерах Ренессанса.

In art of the Middle Ages, the dominance of the church insisted on the expression of biblical and not material truths. The Renaissance saw the return to valuation of the material world, and this shift is reflected in art forms, which show the corporeality of the human body, and the three-dimensional reality of landscape.


ЗАДАНИЕ ДЛЯ САМОСТОЯТЕЛЬНОЙ РАБОТЫ Выберите понравившееся вам высказывание и напишите эссе, про-

комментировав его.

Paradoxically though it may seem, it is none the less true that life imitates art far more than art imitates life.

Oscar Wilde

Actors are the only honest hypocrites.

William Hazlitt

He does it with a better grace, but I do it more natural.

William Shakespeare

Every man`s work, whether it be literature or music or pictures or architecture or anything else, is always a portrait of himself.

Samuel Butler

The art of creation is older than the art of killing

Andrei Voznesensky

Art is a selective re-creation of reality according to an artist’s metaphysical value-judgments. An artist recreates those aspects of reality which represent his fundamental view of man’s nature.

Ayn Rand

Art is not a study of positive reality, it is the seeking for ideal truth

George Sand


1.О Британии вкратце / сост. В. В. Ощепкова, И. И. Шустилова. – М. : Просвещение, 1993. – 157 с.

2.The Hamlyn Junior Encyclopedia in Colour. New Indian Edition. – Delhi : Hamling Publishing, 2006. – 528 р.

Электронные ресурсы

1.http://www.aphorism4all.com (дата обращения: 08.09.2016).

2.https://arthistory4kids.wordpress.com (дата обращения: 08.09.2016).

3.http://www.biography.com (дата обращения: 08.09.2016).

4.http://www.britainexpress.com (дата обращения: 08.09.2016).

5.http://www.literaturepage.com (дата обращения: 08.09.2016).

6.http://www.quotationspage.com (дата обращения: 08.09.2016).

7.http://www.ranez.ru (дата обращения: 08.09.2016).

8.http://www.teacher-and-english.ru (дата обращения: 08.09.2016).


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