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Issue № 4 (40), 2018

ISSN 2542-0526

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15.Nosov S. V. Vybor funktsii vliyaniya pri issledovanii reologicheskikh svoystv opor-nogo osnovaniya [Choice of the influence function in the study of rheological properties of the support base]. Traktory i sel'skokhozyaystvennye mashiny, 2006, no. 10, pp. 19––21.

16.Nosov S. V. Matematicheskoe modelirovanie dinamiki nazemnykh transportno-tekhnologicheskikh sredstv pri vzaimodeystvii s deformiruemym opornym osnovaniem [Mathematical modeling of the dynamics of ground transportation and technological means in interaction with the deformable support base]. Lipetsk, Izd-vo Lipetskogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta, 2016. 164 p.


Russian Journal of Building Construction and Architecture

17.Nosov S. V., Nosov V. V. Dinamicheskaya model' vibratsionnogo katka s vakuumnym ust-roystvom [A dynamic model of the compactor with the vacuum device]. Izvestiya vuzov. Stroitel'stvo i arkhitektura. Novosibirsk, 1991, no. 7, pp. 101––107.

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Issue № 4 (40), 2018

ISSN 2542-0526

UDC 625.7/.8 : 621.78

V. P. Podol'skii1, M. X. Al-Addess2,S. V. Nosov3



Voronezh State Technical University

Russia, Voronezh

1D. Sc. in Engineering, Prof., Head of the Dept. of Construction and Operation of Highways, tel.: +7-980-555-02-85, e-mail: ecodor@bk.ru

2PhD student of the Dept. of Construction and Operation of Highways, tel.: +7-951-864-83-91, e-mail: aladdess@yandex.ru

Lipetsk State Technical University

Russia, Lipetsk

3D. Sc. in Engineering, Prof. of the Dept. of Building Materials Science and Road Technologies, tel.: 8-903-699-3180, e-mail: nosovsegej@mail.ru

Statement of the problem. In recent years, thin surface pavement layers have been very important for providing the required roughness and protect the upper layers from negative natural effects and operational factors. These layers are commonly made of emulsion-mineral mixtures using recycling machines.

Results. According to the goals of recycling and a type of a machine, which is used to distribute a bitumen binder, machines might vary considerably. During the reconstruction of the Najaf-Karbala road in the Republic of Iraq asphalt granulate milled from a pavement surface for the preparation of the asphalt-gravel concrete mixture was used.

Conclusions. During the study an analytical method of identifying the amount of new road metal was suggested depending on the residual bitumen in the asphalt granulate. Another use of the asphalt granulate with a complex addition of cement and bitumen emulsion saves energy and material resources and can be used for the installation of the lower pavement layer. An increase in the strength of the emulsion mineral mixtures with the addition of fiber fillers allows one to obtain dispersed reinforced materials with high crack resistance at high temperatures and deformation stability.

Keywords: cation-active emulsion, recycler, recycling, asphalt-granulate, granulate, recycled materials, wear and tear layer.

Introduction. Recently there have been a lot of thin wear-and-tear layers to provide a required level of roughness and protect surfaces from the negative impact of natural and operational factors. They are commonly designed using emulsion and mineral mixes.

© Podol'skiiV. P., Al-Adddess M. X.,NosovS. V., 2018


Russian Journal of Building Construction and Architecture

According to the recycling technology, the transportational and operational properties of the upper layers of road surfaces. Lower construction layers are protected from corrosion and moisture and there is a wear-and-tear resistance layer on the surface. A new skeleton material, i.e. a cation-active emulsion, as well as cement is introduced according to a recipe of choice. The major advantages of these layers are as follows:

––A high elasticity and increase in the dynamic load resistance due to polymer modifiers [1];

––a high cohesion coefficient;

––temperature resistance;

––active adhesion to a surface;

––no emission of stone material;

––a low energy capacity of a production process;

––a low environmental impact;

––durability of a layer (3—5 years);

––a low noise level in a surfacing;

––a small weight of a surfacing and a high water resistance;

––aesthetics of an even surface of a surfacing;

––no need to relay a curbing enclosure.

1. The recycling technology using emulsion and mineral materials. An alternative method is cold recycling for part of production. Throughtout its history recyclers started being produced as specialized machinery in place of modified road cutters and soil stabilizers. They are employed particularly for recycling road surfacing materials in large depth in one go and are thus large-sized superpower caterpillar or wheeled machinery.

For cold recycling a set of machines with particular functions is used. In the start period a special machine distributes a bit of a binder or a mineral mix with a binder of a surface. A digital control system manages the geometric parameters of the layer followed by two machines, the first one with water and the second one with bitumen. A powerful cutter-rotor drum grinds an asphalt surfacing into small fragments. Preliminarily put onto a road surface, a mix of a binder is mixed with an asphalt concrete crumb and is moisturized with sprays fit in the first sector of a mixing chamber. The bitumen emulsion from the second machine is supplied with a special setup and sprayed from the second ramp. In order to activate the cut material of the road surfacing, the recycling equipment has been modernized to increase the number of rotations of the drum from 16 to 240 m/seс. In the upper area of the mixing chamber there is an activator that is a smaller cutting drum with a linear rate of the activator teeth of


Issue № 4 (40), 2018

ISSN 2542-0526

50 m/seс (Fig. 1). Some of the material ground with the teeth of the cutting drum comes in contact with the activator teeth moving towards it and receives an extra impulse and some particles hit the chamber walls and are thrown back to the activator. In this case the particles hit the activator, one another and the walls of the cutting drum chamber for multiple times. Due to counter-acceleration of the particles, activation takes place at the rates of 290 m/sec [10, 11].

Fig. 1. Teeth of a cutting drum

Depending on the purposes of recycling and type of a used binder, a set of employed machines might vary considerably. In each case a recycler is a leading machine and skids or pushes the machines chained with it on its own.

If a bitumen emulsion or foamed bitumen is used in a combination with a cement water suspension, the same group of machines is employed. A bitumen mobile tank is pushed prior to setting up a cement water suspension. If cement is used as a powder (it is evenly distributed along the road surface), the mobile tank with water is pushed in front of the recycler. If the recycler has a caterpillar undercarriage and is fitted with a compacting operating body, a surface profiling grader is not used.

The use of recyclers in road works provides restoration of worn-out road surfaces at a minimum cost hence production of a new mix is becoming common. Growing intensity of a flow and more vehicles causes degradation of roads that might be more costly to maintain than to build new ones. Therefore it is cold recycling that is increasingly popular around the world. Particularly, it was employed for the reconstruction of the Najaf-Karbala road (Fig. 2) using an asphalt granulate and a complex binder.


Russian Journal of Building Construction and Architecture

Fig. 2. Geographic scheme

The Najaf-Karbala road is in the South-West of Iraq and has a strategic purpose since in every city crossed by the road there are religious sanctuaries and an airport in Najaf. The main parameters of a transverse profile of roads is presented in Tables 1 and 2.


Таble 1




80 km



Number of traffic lanes




Width of traffic lanes, m

3.75 m



Width of a traffic lane, m




Width of curbs, m

3 м



Smallest width of a reinforced lane of a curb, m

0.75 m



Smallest width of a traffic lane between different traffic directions, m

10 m



Smallest width of a reinforced lane at a traffic lane, m

< 1 m




Таble 2



Traffic intensity, reduced to units/day

Number of days in a year




















Issue № 4 (40), 2018

ISSN 2542-0526

The traffic intensity category of the Najaf-Karbala is I-b. In order to develop the road, two lanes should be added, reinforced using emulsion-mineral materials as well as covered with a protective layer (a wear-and-tear layer) with the thickness of 3 cm [4, 11, 17].

The first protective layer can be made of an emulsion-mineral mix with the fraction 5—10 or the slurry seal technology. The next layer with the surfacing thickness of 5 сm can be designed based on the technology shown in Fig. 3.

Fig 3. Detail of a transverse profile of a road

Upper layer


Asphalt concrete



from a limestone mix

Lower layer


bitum BND 70-90

Limestone and sand mix

Fig. 4. Construction layer of an old traffic lane

Following the cutting of the layer of the asphalt concrete surfacing using the recycler (RM-300) or a road milling machine (WIRTGEN-2000), an asphalt concrete granulate is formed. Using thr asphalt concrete granulate with a mineral binder, bitumen emulsion or bitumen emulsion in combination with cement or, if necessary, new skeleton material (mainly limestone), an asphalt granule concrete mix is formed. After it is distributed and compacted in a construction layer, it is turned into a composite (Fig. 5) [1, 10, 11].

The first type (Fig. 5А) of the asphalt granular concrete mix can be prepared using the method of mixing “on site”, the second type (Fig. 5B) of a new traffic lane from the asphalt granular concrete mix can be made on a stationary setup.


Russian Journal of Building Construction and Architecture

Based on the experiments at a road laboratory of Voronezh State Technical University, an anamnestic method of determing the number of added materials when an asphalt granulate is used is suggested.





Wear-and-tear layer

Upper layer Asphalt granulate

Lower layer (Asphalt granulate from a limestone mix, bitumen BND 60-90)

A limestone and sand mix


Wear-and-tear layer

Upper layer

Lower layer

Asphalt granulate

Lower layer


A limestone and sand mix


Fig. 5. The road following the reconstruction:

a)construction layers of the old traffic lane following the repairs adding a wear-and-tear layer;

b)construction layers of the new traffic lane based on the emulsion mineral mix


Issue № 4 (40), 2018

ISSN 2542-0526

The calculation of the amount of a new limestone in the asphalt granular concrete mix depends on the proportion of bitumen in the asphalt granulate (Table 3—4) [8]:

М Z N;


X 7 Er ;




100 %.







Мr М:





P M G S Er ;


Mr M P;


Gr G P.





Таble 3















Cation-active bitumen emulsion




















Mineral material




















The composition of the mix is as follows:





W Er

S Gr Mr .


E.g., the percentage of a new limestone needs to be found if there is 4% of emulsion in the mix and 4 % of bitumen in the asphalt granulate.

The solution is as follows:

Х7 Еr 7 4 3 %;

Мxz 34 0.75 100 75 %;

the percentage of the new limestone is

G 100 М 100 75 25 %;

the composition of the mix: P = (100) – 5 − 4 = 91 %, Mr = 75 × 91 = 68.25 %, Gr = 25 × 91 = 22.77 % is the new limestone; the total volume of a surfacing = 8000×1.8= 14400 m3.


Russian Journal of Building Construction and Architecture

Таble 4

Amount of the materials for recycling 80 km of a roadway



Cation-active bitumen emulsion, m3


Cement, tons


New limestone, m3


Asphalt granulate, m3


Water, m3


2. Use of cation-active bitumen emulsions with additives. A technological process of preparing emulsion mineral materials using asphalt concrete waste and granulate is given in Fig. 6.

Asphalt granulate


Asphalt granulate +




Bitumen emulsion



+ new limestone

















Emulsion mineral mix

Fig. 6. Scheme of a construction layer from recycled materials with a bitumen emulsion

Regeneration of old asphalt concrete at an asphalt concrete plant allows the material milled from the road. Regeneration should be introduced to obtain a mix with specified properties of an additive of stone materials, bitumen and plastifiers and added to a road surfacing in parts of a road with corresponding traffic intensity. Recurrent use of the materials enables one to save economic and material resources for laying construction layers of road surfacing.

The main stage proceeding the recycling of old asphalt concrete is selecting a recipe for a regenerated mix.

During recycling asphalt concrete waste from limestone or sandy mixes supplied from a road and stored separately in accordance with the types and piles. It is used as pieces with no additional mineral inclusions of over 3 % (according to the mass) of sandy and sabulous impurities and no more than 0.5 % (according to the mass) of clay impurities.