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Scientific Newsletter of Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

comparison with the previous editions which corpus was provided by the base from 400 thousand to 1 million word usage that qualitatively changes the dictionary. Therefore, further study of corpus linguistics is quite fruitful.

Today, quite often in lexicography automated systems are used, in order to create dictionaries. Such systems include software and reference database required in a lexicographic text processing. Here belong:

-projects of monitoring spelling and marking of the input word,

-projects of segmentation of words in phrases, combinations of words, instructions and notes of the vocabulary;

-tracking projects and statistics dictate the frequency of certain word usages,

-projects of download, search and correction of data.

Introduced in a software database texts and the dictionaries are marked by various indexes and lexicographical notes. The system of the built-in search will help to find examples of the use of vocabulary items in context. Total automation of lexicographic text in such computer systems become frequency dictionaries, often in the form of automated concordances (word indication with contexts), also automated monolingual and multilingual dictionaries, moved to the database with their further use in the automated system for direct appointment and as a reference material for processing the new data [12, p. 16]. For this reason, such systems will undoubtedly have future prospects. The range of application of automated systems is extensive: systems of automatic translation, and information systems, and systems of computer communication in the original language, and reference material for the formation, updating of dictionaries, grammatical information and clarification of the system, etc.

The automated system of linguistic replenishment has to pass 3 stages of automatic text processing. Stage 1 is the index of the input texts and documents, stage 2 is the organization of the search data in the text and stage 3 is automated maintaining dictionaries in the system. The basis of the automated linguistic information supply of systems is made by information retrieval thesauruses where the corresponding terminology is indexed by input of texts in the system and the request for their search is formed. To consolidate by word or text a specific search index an "image" will be formed, which reflect the text meanings or the relationship between them. The same way the requests in the system are organized. By comparing of means of required search with a search image in system there is a selection of texts of necessary topics. There is a row of the systems without thesaurus in which the search happens according to any phrases which are found in texts. These types of systems without thesaurus require a word pointer to input texts [12, p. 27].

The machine translation – the automated giving of lexical databases in the sphere of translated lexicography is of special importance now. Completely automated system of selection of an equivalent for the translation frees a lexicographer-translator from routine mechanical work, also it frees up time for creative participation process of the birth a new dictionary.

Summing up the results, it is possible to consider the purpose and tasks of article executed. Because the use of electronic dictionaries can really optimize and intensify the educational process, motivate students, to improve the quality of classroom and independent work, directed on acquisition of new knowledge, abilities and skills in linguistic disciplines.

Making a hypothesis of effective use of computer technologies in the sphere of lexicography, theory and practice of translation, methods of teaching foreign languages, we open a way for a new research. Improvement of process of formation of the multilingual competence of students, intensification of interest studying and teaching of native and foreign languages using electronic multilingual dictionary is a prospect of our further research.


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches»

Issue № 1 (12), 2016

Bibliographic list

1.Fomina Z.E. Sovremennye processy globalizacii v sfere jazyka, kul'tury i obrazovanija v kontekste vzgljadov nemeckih myslitelej i teorii V.I. Vernadskogo o vzaimodejstvii kul'tur i civilizacij/ Z.E. Fomina// Nauchnyj Vestnik Voronezh. gos. arh.- stroit. un-ta. Serija: Sovremennye lingvisticheskie i metodiko-didakticheskie issledovanija. – 2006. – vyp. 6141-153.

2.Alekseeva E.M. Aktual'nye voprosy i perspektivy izuchenija bilingvizma / E.M. Alekseeva // Nauchnyj Vestnik Voronezh. gos. arh.-stroit. un-ta. Serija: Sovremennye lingvisticheskie i metodiko-didakticheskie issledovanija. – 2014. – vyp. 1 (21). – S. 94-105.

3.Karaseva E.V. Predmetno-chuvstvennyj komponent znachenija slova kak zhivogo znanija: Avtoref. dis., kand. filol. nauk. – Tver', 2007. – 15 s.

4.Alekseeva I.S. Professional'nyj trening perevodchika: ucheb. posobie po ust. i pis'm. perevodu dlja perevodchikov i prepodavatelej. SPb: Perspektiva, 2008. – 288 s.

5.Gerd A. S., Butorova U. V., Zaharov V. P., Purickaja E. V. Strukturnaja tipologija slovarnyh statej v slovarnyh statej v slovarjah russkogo jazyka raznyh tipov i sposoby ih formal'nogo predstavlenija.// Nauchnotehnicheskaja informacija, 2016 g. ser. 2, № 2.

6.Apresjan Ju.D. Predislovie // Novyj bol'shoj anglo-russkij slovar': V 3 t. / Pod obshh. ruk. Ju.D. Apresjana, Je.M. Mednikovoj, A.V. Petrovoj. M., 2001.

7.Shul'deshova N.V. Komp'juterizacija sovremennoj leksikografii pri sozdanii terminologicheskih slovarej // Nauchnye issledovanija studentov i molodyh uchenyh dlja celej stanovlenija i razvitija innovacionnyh tehnologicheskih platform: Materialy vserossijskoj nauchnoprakticheskoj konferencii studentov i molodyh uchenyh. – Moskva:Delo i Servis, 2014. – S. 1518.

8.Rubleva O.S. Slovo v jelektronnom slovare: dis., kand. filol. nauk. – M., 2010. –

160 s.

9.Tabanakova V.D. S chego nachinaetsja perevod termina v special'nom tekste? /V.D. Tabanakova // Nauchnyj Vestnik Voronezh. gos. arh.-stroit. un-ta. Serija: Sovremennye lingvisticheskie i metodiko-didakticheskie issledovanija. – 2014. – vyp. 4 (24). –S. 164-175.

10.Apresjan Ju.D. O proekte aktivnogo slovarja (AS) russkogo jazyka // Komp'juternaja lingvistika i intellektual'nye tehnologii: Po materialam ezhegodnoj Mezhdunarodnoj konferencii «Dialog» (Bekasovo, 4-8 ijunja 2008 g.). Vyp. 7 (14). -M.: RGGU, 2008. S.23-31.

11.Gerd A. S. Jelektronnye resursy dlja leksikologii i leksikografii i zadachi sostavlenija slovarja russkogo jazyka pervoj poloviny dvadcatogo veka ( sovmestno s A. A. Burykinym) // Trudy mezhdunarodnoj konferencii "Korpusnaja lingvistika - 2015". SPB 2015. SS. 146-153.

12.Shul'deshova N.V. Status leksikograficheskoj terminologii russkogo, anglijskogo i nemeckogo jazykov na fone istoricheskogo razvitija leksikografii i vnedrenija slovarej raznyh tipov. – Orel: FGBOU VPO «Gosuniversitet – uchebno-nauchno-proizvodstvennyj kompleks»,

2014. – 107 s.

Analyzed sources

1* ABBYY Lingvo. URL: http://www.lingvo.ru/ (vremya obrascheniya – 13.01.2016) 2*. Lingvo Universal, URL: http://lingvolive.ru/translate/en-ru /accumulation ?section

=premium (vremya obrascheniya – 13.01.2016)

3*. British National Corpus. URL: http://sara.natcorp.ox.ac.uk(vremyaobrascheniya – 13.01.2016)


Scientific Newsletter of Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

4*. Natsionalnyiy korpus russkogo yazyika.URL: http://ruscorpora.ru(vremya obrascheniya – 13.01.2016)


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches»

Issue № 1 (12), 2016

UDC 811.133.1'253

Voronezh State University Post-graduate Student

of the Department of French Philology Jessine Mohammed Tayavi

e-mail: yss200723@yahoo.com

Y.M. Tayavi


The article discusses the specific features the French tourism terminology translation into Russian. The author concludes that most of the French tourism terms have Russian correspondences formed by transcription or calques. The French terms which do not have Russian equivalents are presented in the dictionaries and reference books in form of short or detailed explanations revealing the meaning of the corresponding lexical units. Such explanations allow to speak about lexical gaps in Russian tourism terminology. They are filled by the information that can be viewed as a cognitive basis of a pre-term. The priority in the process of choice of tourism terminology renomination type – transcription, calque, explanation – is determined by a significant number of realia in tourismrelated texts as well as by the "hybrid" nature of these texts, which integrate the elements of such genres as information text and advertising text.

The study was performed on the material of the bilingual French-Russian dictionary, French explanatory dictionary of tourism vocabulary, as well as the

French tourist guide «Le petit futé» and its Russian version using the method of comparative analysis of the vocabulary in the original text and translation.

Keywords: tourism terminology, formal correspondence, text equivalent, transcription, calque, explanatory translation.

Analysis of terms from the point of translation can be regarded as a specific area of research. We define translation as a public function of "communicative mediation between people using different language systems" [1, p. 214]. Translation is a "transition from one semiotic system to another in the purpose of equivalent, that is, as full as possible, but in fact always partial transfer of meanings contained in the original message "[ibid]. Problems of translation of terms (including their translation from Russian into French and vice versa) have been analyzed both in fundamental works on translation theory and studies on translation of texts related to a specific area (for instance [1; 2; 3; 4; 5]. Issues of terminological vocabulary translation are as well studied by the French specialists in translation studies (see.: [6]). It should, however, be stated that the process of translation of French tourism terms into Russian has not yet been the subject of specifically aimed and systematic review which increases the relevance of this study.

The aim of this article is to highlight the ways of translating French tourism terms into Russian. This goal has been achieved by step-by-step resolving of a number of tasks. They included revealing the presence or absence of the French term dictionary correspondences in the Russian language, as well as defining the specifics of these correspondences' use and, in case of their absence, the use of a text equivalent, created by the translator.

During the analysis, we considered a number of linguistic and extra-linguistic factors which are of fundamental importance in the study of our material.


© Tayavi Y.M., 2016


Scientific Newsletter of Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Firstly, due to the historical and social reasons the tourism sector is the field where two opposite trends interactthe internationalisation of tourism activities and their nationalisation. These trends are directly reflected in the tourism vocabulary. For instance, the internationalisation of tourism results in an increasing number of English loan-words, used in the French tourism terminology. Some of them have French equivalents (motor-home, campingcar – autocaravane), others have none (single, barmen, rafting) [4⃰], despite the official recommendations which regulate the French language policy [7].

The degree of assimilation of the loan words can be very high, which is proved by their derivatives, for example,

handicap – hindrance, obstruction;

handicaper – put a person at a disadvantage; handicape, -e m, f – a person with physical (mental) disabilities. [1*].

The national specificity of the French tourism industry is determined by its own language resources: its terminology includes lexical units (hereinafter LU) formed according to the active word-formation models of modern French language, for example,

by suffixation (voyageur – traveller, caravanier – a tourist traveling by car with a trailer),

prefixation (hyperbas – ultralow, ultramoderne – ultramodern),

compounding (agence de voyage – tourist agency, tarif aérien – air fares),

telescoping (noctambus – a bus for night tourist trips, éductour – guided informative or educational tour). [2*].

Significant place in the tourism-related texts (guides, reference books, booklets, brochures) is occupied by the vocabulary, reflecting the French tourism realia: tourisme des handicapés (tourism connected with the organisation of travel and providing services for people with disabilities); hôtel de charme (small private hotel of 5-10 rooms), as well as the so-called cultural realia, that is nominations of cultural referents (natural phenomena, culture specific objects, culture specific concepts) [8, p. 22].

Secondly, the uneven development of the tourism industry in France and Russia had a direct impact on the formation of the corresponding terminology in French and Russian. It is well known that tourism in France has developed long ago and has a long history while nowadays it successfully combines both traditional and modern trends. On the other hand tourism in Russia began to actively develop only in recent decades. As a result, it is largely oriented on the international experience and, therefore, the vocabulary borrowed from other languages, particularly English and French is widely used in its terminology. Despite the unevenness of development, French and Russian tourism terminology are constantly replenished, as proved by the regularly updated lists of special international terms, which fix the new terminological units in the vocabulary of tourism [9].

Thirdly, analyzing the tourism terminology in the aspect of translation, it is necessary to take into account its specific character, which reflects the close connection of this type of service to others, closely related human activities. As a result, it is difficult to define the boundaries that separate tourism terminology, that is terminology directly related to the services in the domain of tourism (réception, all inclusive, hôtel trois étoiles – three star hotel), from the terminology related to other areas of human activity:

economy (budget – budget, débit – discharge, charges –expenses),

geography (paysage, plage – a beach, colline – a hill, vallée – a valley),

marketing (taxe-free, action, publicité – advertisment),


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches»

Issue № 1 (12), 2016

cooking (grilles – grilled foods, produits frais maison – homemade products),

sports and entertainment (animation, golf, alpinisme),

modes of transport (camping-car, bateau-mouche – pleasure boat) and others.

The so-called cross-sectoral terms (dépliant – a brochure, E-réservation – reservation via Internet, prix courant – price list) [2*] can as well be attributed to the tourism terminology. So it is not by chance, that in lexicographical sources and scientific works on the French tourism vocabulary several sections such as géotourisme (geographic tourism), tourisme fluvial (river tourism), oenotourisme («wine» tourism), etc. are specifically marked [10].

Finally, when considering the issues of translation we should also take into account a number of features related to the semantic and functional specificity of tourism terms, in particular, the existence of synonymous, polysemous and homonymous terms. Often synonyms are represented by two words of different origins; one of them has French origins, the other one is a loan word, mainly borrowed from English, for ex.:

vol affrété and vol charter (charter flights); bon d'échange and voucher (voucher); voyagiste and tour operateur (tour operator).

Examples of homonyms among the tourism terms are salon - living room, lounge, living room furniture, shop, workshop; terme – end, limit, boundary; terms, conditions (pl). The situation is even more complicated in Russian tourism terminology which contains an extensive number of synonyms, numerous loan words and words which has not yet acquired the status of a term (so called pre-terms, quasi-terms, pseudo-terms), which gives rise to some linguists to say that "Russian terminology of international tourism is on the prescientific stage of its development" [12 , p. 25].

Our analysis of the French tourism terms and their Russian equivalents [See. Sources of examples in References] allowed to identify the following ways of translation.

Transcription is the most accurate way to render the word’s pronunciation using the alphabet of the target language:

maître d'hôtel – мэтрдотель ← (mjetrdotel');

fourchette – фуршет ← (furshet).

This type of translation is widely used in rendering the terms borrowed from French. Some of these terms are fully assimilated in Russian (турист, туризм ← turist, turizm), others maintain a low degree of assimilation (табльдот, соммелье ← tabl'dot, sommel'e). Such terms are perceived both in form and in meaning as exotic [11, p. 18]. Transcription is used as well to render the terms borrowed from English:

time share (m) – тайм-шер ← (tajm-sher); check-in – чек-ин ← (chek-in);

сheck-out чек-аут ← (chek-aut); full-house – фул-хаус ← (ful-haus).

The terms created by transcription are complete (absolute) correspondences in the target language, which results in the complete coincidence of their semantic and informative components. Transcription is regularly used to transfer the contents of the corresponding


Scientific Newsletter of Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

units of the source language [13, p. 73], but, along with it the term of the source language or a word combination which makes explicit its meaning are sometimes used, for example,

réception – ресепшен/рецепция, ← (resepshen/recepcija), стойка администратора

(stojka administratora);

аnimation – анимация ← (animacija), организация досуга в отелях ←

(organizacija dosuga v oteljah).

However, since the meaning of the transcribed LU may not be well-known or be littleknown to the target language users, in the tourism-related texts these words are usually accompanied by a brief or long explanations:

time share – тайм-шер(tajm-sher) (purchase of the right to use a hotel room for one or two weeks in the same place over a long period);

full house - фул-хауз(ful-haus) (when all the rooms of a hotel are fully occupied).

Calque is a way to create new words, phrases and compound words to convey the meaning of lexical units, which have no correspondence in the target language [13, p. 73]:

haute saison – высокий сезон ← (vysokij sezon), basse saison низкий сезон ← (nizkij sezon),

industrie touristique – туристическая индустрия ← (turisticheskaja industrija).

This translation method is used when rendering monosemantic and polysemantic terms. When rendering the terms consisting of a single word calques are used to render its components (morphemes): oenologie the science of winemaking; oenologiste specialist in winemaking. Calques may not necessarily reproduce all of the parts of the foreign word but only one of its parts. For example, in the word surréservation the calque is used to render only one part of the derivative word (réservation – booking), while the meaning of the prefix is rendered by explanation: booking more rooms than you need.

When calques are used to render the term consisting of a word combination, its components are replaced by their direct correspondences which are then combined together:

promotion d’un produit touristique – продвижение туристического продукта

←(prodvizhenie turisticheskogo produkta) (promotion of a tourist product); carte de route – путевая карта ←(putevaja karta)(roadmap).

The formation of new words and expressions is carried out according the lexical, phraseological and syntactic models of the target language, for ex.:

agence de voyage туристическое агентство ← (turisticheskoe agentstvo) (tourist agency),

E-billet электронный билет ← ( jelektronnyj bilet) (electronic ticket),

E-réservation – бронирование (туристических услуг) через Интернет ←

(bronirovanie (turisticheskih uslug) cherez Internet) (reservation via Internet).

The components of a foreign term can be represented by adjectives, participles (single participles or participial constructions), as well as by a noun with preposition or without preposition as apposition. French relational adjectives are most often translated using adjectives, participles and participial constructions:


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches»

Issue № 1 (12), 2016

vol affrété чартерный рейс ← (charternyj rejs) (charter);

vol régulier регулярный рейс← (reguljarnyj rejs) (regular flight).

Moreover, the adjective-substantive model is, according to the researchers, the most common among two-component compound Russian terms related to international tourism [12, p. 13].

If in the Russian language there is no equivalent adjective, the source language term can be translated by a word combination with or without a preposition:

tourisme evenementiel – туристическая поездка, связанная с каким-либо куль-

турным или спортивным событием← (turisticheskaja poezdka, svjazannaja s kakim-libo kul'turnym ili sportivnym sobytiem) (a trip related to any cultural or sports event).

Due to the fact that French is an analytical language, the attribute which is a part of the term is often composed by a noun with a preposition ("de", "en", "a", "par"). In Russian these attributes are usually rendered by an adjective:

voyage de noce свадебное путешествие ← (svadebnoe puteshestvie) (honeymoon trip);

voyage d’études научная (учебная) поездка ← (nauchnaja (uchebnaja) poezdka) (research (educational) trip).

If there is no equivalent adjective in the Russian language, the term, which includes the attribute, is rendered in the target language by word combination with a preposition or without it:

Service de fax услуга пользования факсом ← (usluga pol'zovanija faksom) (service of using fax);

Vente à tempérament продажа в рассрочку ← (prodazha v rassrochku) (installment sale).

In French language the so-called appositive structure which appears as "a new hybrid bilingual lexical unit with an English word as its first or second component" is widely-used [14, p. 131]:

Wagon-lit спальный вагон ← (spal'nyj vagon) (sleeping car);

Week-end shopping шоппинг-тур на выходные ← (shopping-tur na vyhodnye);

les efforts marketing маркетинговые мероприятия ← (marketingovye meroprijatija) (marketing events).

The phrases of this type express a variety of relationships between the noun and its apposition – a type of human activity, the destination of the resort or a vehicle, etc. – and are rendered either by an adjective or a phrase:

bateau-mouche речной трамвай, прогулочный катер ← (rechnoj tramvaj, progulochnyj kater) (pleasure boat);

bateau-promenade прогулочная лодка ← (progulochnaja lodka) (pleasure boat);

café-couchette марка гостиниц «постель и завтрак» ← (marka gostinic «postel' i zavtrak») (hotels providing bed and breakfast);


Scientific Newsletter of Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

carte-cadeau подарочный сертификат ← (podarochnyj sertifikat) (gift certificate).

French tourism terms which have regular lexical correspondences in Russian (transcription and calques), do not cause significant difficulties in translation. However, in their use a number of factors associated with the genre and stylistic specifics of tourism-related texts, which are of special, "hybrid" nature, should be taken into account [15, p. 133-135]. Unlike other special texts, tourism-related texts (guides, reference books, booklets, brochures) are not designed for professionals but for the general public, so, along with terminological LU, they contain a lot everyday spoken language components. Key features of texts on international tourism – conveying information to draw attention to the historical and cultural sights and monuments, the promotion of tourism product – make these texts polyvalent, combining the characteristics of both informative genres and advertising. That is why the texts of the tourist guides are not translated in a literal sense, but are rather interpreted, adapted to the target culture. They differ in terms of volume and format of information in which "the emphasis shifts from the language to the cultural component" [16, p. 17]. This is evidenced by numerous differences in the choice of cultural monuments in the French and Russian versions of the guide in France, as well as in use of the brief or detailed explanations accompanying transcribed LU in the Russian text, for example:

Амбуаз – Amboise. Королевский замок Амбуаза ← (Korolevskij zamok Ambuaza) (Chateau royal d’Amboise) – чудо ренессансной и готической архитектуры ←

(chudo renessansnoj i goticheskoj arhitektury) (The royal palace Amboise is a marvel of the Renaiscance and gothic architecture).

Ноле – Nolay. Город в Бургундии. Граница между «лесной» и «виноградной» частями Бургундии ← (Gorod v Burgundii. Granica mezhdu «lesnoj» i «vinogradnoj» chastjami Burgundii) (a town in Burgundy. Boundary between the forest and wine parts of Burgundy) [3*].

In such cases, we can observe additions and omissions in translation.

In general, the French text is mainly informative, while the Russian one is chiefly emotional and evaluative, cf. for example, stylistically neutral French subheadings of articles and the corresponding Russian equivalents:

«Les vins de Bourgogne» (Burgundy wines) and « Doroga burgundskih vin » (The road of Burgundy Wines);

«Les Champs-Elysees» and « Vokrug Elisejskih polej » («Around Les ChampsElysees»).

«Les vins» (Wines;«Vinodelie vo Francii » («Wine-producing in France»).

In the Russian text the greater number of epithets, superlatives, emotive sentences, that is, linguistic resources, which create a positive and attractive image of France, are more extensively used than in the French text: «Париж, безусловно, один из самых блистатель-

ных и интересных городов мира» (Paris is certainly one of the most brilliant and interesting cities in the world), «Каждый уголок этой прекрасной страны дышит стариной и величием прошлых эпох» (Every corner of this beautiful country breathes antiquity and grandeur of past eras) «Это рай для любителей этого вида спорта» (It is a paradise for those who love this sport)».

Explanatory translation is a clarification, explanation, clear verbal expression of the semantic components of the source language word. This method of translation is mainly used to render the culture-specific terms, reflecting the realia of a given country. The expla-


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches»

Issue № 1 (12), 2016

nation is required, in particular, in case of the tourism terms, which nominate any phenomenon existing in one culture and absent in the other, the so-called lingvo-cultural realia (see: [8, p. 9-23]). For example:

auberge (oral.: victualling-house, inn) – сельский дом, где можно снять жилье и получить питание ←( sel'skij dom, gde mozhno snjat' zhil'e i poluchit' pitanie) (a country house where one can rent a room and get provisions). In order to preserve the national specificity of the realiae and the national color of the text in the Russian version of the guide its

French nomination is retained. For example, in the section "Accommodation and food» («Le gite et le couvert») [4*] the names of hotels and restaurants listed are in French (Au SaintYves, Les feux des iles, Hotel central, Restaurant de la duchesse Anne). When rendering the places’ names both transcribed / transliterated form and the corresponding French nomination placed in brackets are used, for example:

Бульвар Монмартр ← ( Bul'var Monmartr) (Boulevard Montmartre) Шательро ← ( Shatel'ro) (Chatellerault),

Квартал Марэ ← ( Kvartal Marje) (Le Marais),

Площадь Бастилии ← ( Ploshhad' Bastilii) (La Bastille) [3*]. This way to present information is due to the pragmatic function of the guide to help tourists navigate in a foreign country.

The explanatory translation is also used to render French terms with the suffix -tée, with a collective meaning:

nuitée плата за ночь, проведенную в гостинице←(plata za noch', provedennuju v gostinice) (fee for a night spent in a hotel). These French words are traditionally defined as lexical gaps in relation to the Russian language [2*]. Words or phrases designating the concept with general meaning are as well considered as lacunae which require different kinds of both intra-text explanations and footnotes [17], for example:

fromageries – специальные сырные магазины ← (special'nye syrnye magaziny)

(special cheese shops);

fotfait touristique – комплекс услуг по размещению, перевозке, питанию туристов, экскурсионные услуги, а также услуги гидов-переводчиков и другие услуги, предоставляемые в зависимости от цели путешествия ← (kompleks uslug po razmeshheniju, perevozke, pitaniju turistov, jekskursionnye uslugi, a takzhe uslugi gidov-perevodchikov i drugie uslugi, predostavljaemye v zavisimosti ot celi puteshestvija) (services of providing accommodation, transport, food excursions and guides, interpreters and other services depending on the purpose of travel);

carnet de voyage – документы, выдаваемые туристам обслуживающей их туристической фирмой в обмен на ваучер в первом пункте обслуживания (гостини-

ца, талоны на питание и др.) ← (dokumenty, vydavaemye turistam obsluzhivajushhej ih turisticheskoj firmoj v obmen na vaucher v pervom punkte obsluzhivanija (gostinica, talony na pitanie i dr.) (documents issued by travel company in exchange for a voucher at the first point of service (hotel, food stamps, etc.).

Such explanations can be viewed as text equivalents that are created in the process of translation for naming new concepts in those cases when the term has no correspondence in the dictionary and the translator can not find an equivalent term. They represent nominative word combinations – descriptive phrases used to name the corresponding concept. They can be characterised as temporary, unstable forms, which do not comply with the requirements of brevity, conventionality, stylistical neutrality. As they do not meet the basic requirements