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Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue № 3 (18), 2017 ISSN 2587-8093

in the scientific literature. Further, L.V. Kuncevič, investigating dynamics of appearance and development of pseudo-Anglicisms in German, notes, that new pseudo-Anglicisms are actively formed in the last time [7].

The formation of pseudo-Anglicisms should be considered as part of the word formation, that is denoted in the German philology with the term «Fremdwortbildung» «foreign wordformation»1. This is the name of one of the paragraphs in a chapter of the DUDEN Grammar, that is devoted to the word formation. Its author I. Barz indicates two possibilities of appearance of foreign words in German: they are either borrowed from other languages, as, for example, the word Entertainer, or are formed in German from foreign elements, as Showmaster, Discounter, Beamer. In the first case we are talking about the borrowing of foreign words, in the second case – about their formation from foreign elements, i.е. about the word formation: «Fremdwörter können auf zwei Wegen ins Deutsche kommen. Sie werden entweder als ganze

Wörter aus einer fremden Sprache übernommen (Entertainer) oder sie werden aus fremden Bestandteilen im Deutschen gebildet (Showmaster, Discounter, Beamer). Im ersten Fall spricht man von Entlehnung, im zweiten von Fremdwortbildung» [8, p. 643].

I. Barz draws attention to the fact, that the etymology makes it possible in some cases in order to understand, if one or another foreign word is borrowed or formed from foreign elements. So, German words Originalität, Sentimentalität, Solidarität and Stupidität are borrowed from French, while the formal similar words Polarität, Radikalität, Regionalität and Totalität are formed in German (i.е. are pseudo-Gallisms – our comment, L.N.). However, this сan not always be uniquely determined: «So eindeutig wie bei diesen Beispielen lässt sich die Grenze zwischen Fremdwortbildung und Entlehnung allerdings nicht immer ziehen» [ibid.]. Therefore foreign words with transparent structure are considered by German linguists as words, formed in German, and they are undergone a word formation analysis in contrast to «intransparent» words: «Dabei werden alle transparenten Fremdwörter unabhängig vom „Ort“ ihrer Entstehung als Wortbildungen des Deutschen angesehen und in die Analyse einbezogen, nicht transparente wie Pietät hingegen nicht» [ibid., p. 644].

The main criterion for distinguishing between loan Anglicisms and Pseudo-Anglicisms is the fact of existence in English of words with the same meaning.

Pseudo-Anglicisms became very actively used recently in Russian to, what we paid attention to [9], but the ways of pseudo-Anglicisms formation in Russian and their word formation activity did not become the subject of a separate study.

Further we note that the comparison of pseudo-Anglicisms in several languages with the highlighting among them of international words is represented in the monograph of М. Pöllmann [10] (the linguist considers pseudo-Anglicisms in German, French, Italian and Russian). However the description of ways of pseudo-Anglicisms formation in German and Russian in the context of clarification of problems of foreign words formation in these languages [11] is carried out by us for the first time, which resulted in the scientific novelty of this study.

The goal of the report is to compare the ways of the pseudo-Anglicisms formation in German and Russian, to reveal common patterns of the word-formation from English elements in the context of globalization and cultural integration of countries and peoples.

Methodology. Object of our research are pseudo-Anglicisms, i.е. words, not borrowed from English, but formed in German and Russian from English elements. Subject of the research are ways of the formation of such «pseudo-English» words. The material of the study was the dictionary of pseudo-Anglicisms of German by R. Knapp «Robb: Erfundene englische

1 The foreign word is in the German philology not only a word, borrowed from another language, but also a word, formed from words or elements of an another language: «Fremdwort, das: aus einer fremden Sprache übernommenes oder in der übernehmenden Sprache mit Wörtern oder Wortteilen aus einer fremden Sprache gebildetes Wort» [1**].


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue № 3 (18), 2017 ISSN 2587-8093

Wörter im Deutschen» «Invented English words in German» [http:// humanlanguages .com/ rlerfeng.htm], vocabularies of pseudo-Anglicisms of German and Russian on the website [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudo-anglicism#Russian] (52 pseudo-Anglicisms in German and 23 pseudo-Anglicisms in Russian) vocabularies of pseudo-Anglicisms of German and Russian, compiled by М. Pöllmann (90 pseudo-Anglicisms in German and 36 pseudo-Anglicisms in Russian)2. The basic methods of the research are the description method, the method of analysis of dictionary definitions, and also the method of analysis of morphological structure of words.

The relevance of this study is that firstly the formation of foreign words is considered on material of the words, consisting from English elements and secondly on material of the words, denominating modern concepts and using very actively nowadays by speakers of German and Russian.

Results. We note at once the fact that German is more susceptible to the English influence than Russian. That could not to have no impact on the vocabulary of modern German. According to results of our study, the modern Germans use much more pseudo-Anglicisms, than Russian speakers.

The total number of all considered pseudo-Anglicisms in German amounted 143 units, in Russian – 59 units. But only a part of pseudo-Anglicisms can be observed as formed pseudoAnglicisms, another pseudo-Anglicisms differ from equivalent words of English in their meaning. In German the formed pseudo-Anglicisms constitute about 60 per cent of all pseudoAnglicisms, in Russian two third of all present pseudo-Anglicisms are formed words (about 70 per cent of the total number).

1 . B a s i c w a y s o f p s e u d o - A n g l i c i s m s f o r m a t i o n i n G e r m a n

М. Pöllmann refers to the basic ways of pseudo-Anglicisms formation in German composition from a few English elements (Komposition aus mehreren englischen Elementen), hybrid composition (Hybridbildung) and word formation by analogy (Analogiebildung) [10, p. 63]. Hybrid words, formed from English and German elements, we don’t consider as pseudoAnglicisms, while it is manifestly, that they are not borrowed from English, but are formed in German, сf. example Blueboxverfahren – an electronic device that simulates an operator by generating the same tones employed by a telephone operator’s dialing console to (the word

Verfahren is a native German word). The words, formed by analogy, for example, Showmaster, Longseller, to our mind, can be referred to composite words, i.е. to the way of word formation by means of composition. On the other hand, pseudo-Anglicisms, formed by shortening, conversion, lexicalisation, М. Pöllmann doesn’t refer to word formation of pseudo-Anglicisms, although shortening and conversion are conventionally considered as ways of word formation in the German philology.

We will describe further the formation of pseudo-Anglicisms in German, revealed and described by L.V. Kuncevič in the article of 2013 (we will present them briefly in the order, in which they are considered by the author):

replacement of one of the elements of a composite word (Ego-Shooter from First-

Person-Shooter; Beautyfarm from Schönheitsfarm);

reduсing of one of the elements of a composite word (Basecap from baseball cap;

Smoking from smoking suit; Twen from twenty);

addition of two English morphemes (Bodybag = body + bag; Funsport = fun + sport);

2 We note, that М. Pöllmann has revealed 90 international pseudo-Anglicisms in German and has concluded, that 36 appearance also in Russian. With this formulation of the problem 23 pseudo-Anglicisms from Wikipedia weren’t on the list of Russian pseudo-Anglicisms using only in Russian. On another hand, pseudo-Anglicisms in Russian, according to the scientist, are such words that are not known by most Russian speakers. On the list of pseudo-Anglicisms in German 11 pseudo-Anglicisms from the dictionary by R. Knapp and 42 pseudo-Anglicisms, that are present on the Wikipedia site, are absent.


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue № 3 (18), 2017 ISSN 2587-8093

composition by using of postconfix -seller (Longseller, Steadyseller);

composition by using of postconfix -master (Funeralmaster, Showmaster and


derivation by using of the suffix -er (Beamer = to beam + suffix -er; Flipper = to flip + suffix -er);

derivation by using of the suffix -ing (Fotoshooting. Foto-Shooting = word combination photo shoot + suffix -ing; Air-Conditioning = air-condition + suffix -ing);

derivation by using of the suffix -y: Handy = hand + suffix -y; Punky = punk + suffix -


derivation by using of the suffix -al: Logical = Logic + suffix -al;

reverse word formation: Happyend = elimination of the suffix -ing in the second word of the English word combination happy ending;

shortening of a word FOC (Factoryoutletcenter).

The constitutive parts of the German word Fabrikverkaufszentrum were replaced by English equivalents. So the word Factoryoutletcenter was created, while in English the word combination Factory Outlet is used, but it is not founded in the short form in the English speaking space.

– conversion (the pseudo-Anglicism Slip is formed from an English verb to slip as a result of word proceeding from the class of verbs to the class of the nouns [6].

We mean, it would be more logical to underscore basic ways of word formation from English words or elements in German. As is well known, two basic ways of word formation in German belong following ways: composition (Zusammensetzung, Komposition), derivation (Ableitung, Derivation), shortening of words and phrases (Kurzwortbildung) and conversion (Konversion) [8, p. 668]. E. Donalies does not underline the conversion as a separate way of the word formation, but add to composition, derivation and shortening of words even such ways, as new word motivation and wordplay (Neumotivierung und Wortspiel) [12].

How our analysis showed, the basic ways of pseudo-Anglicisms formation as well as of autochthonous words in German are c o m p o s i t i o n , d e r i v a t i o n a n d s h o r t e n i n g o f w o r d s a n d p h r a s e s .

The most number of pseudo-Anglicisms is formed by c o m p o s i t i o n . Word formation elements are whole words, for example, n o u n s :

Dressman = dress + man;

Kickboard = to kick + board;

Sunnyboy = sunny + boy;

a d j e c t i v e s topfit = top + fit.

Examples of the use of the pseudo-Anglicism Dressman in the modern German print media (direct and indirect meanings) are following sentences:

Der Mann heißt Sascha Rinne, sieht aus wie ein D r e s s m a n , und seine prominentesten Kunden sind Oliver Pocher und Cindy aus Marzahn (Die Zeit (Online-Ausgabe), 30.01.2014; Über Boris); Ausgerechnet er, der ehemalige D r e s s m a n der deutschen Politik (Der Spiegel, 11.04.2015, S. 16; Dr. Dotcom).

Special word formation elements, typical for the formation of composite words from borrowed elements are c o n f i x e s : the units, having a lexical meaning, but are used only as bonded morphemes: Konfixe sind bedeutungstragende Einheiten, die nur gebunden vorkommen, wie b i o - , - t h e r m - , - d r o m [8, p. 665]. Depending on the position in the word they can be preconfixes and postconfixes.


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue № 3 (18), 2017 ISSN 2587-8093

In the formation of composite words, which are pseudo-Anglicisms, take part the postconfixes -s e l l e r (Longseller, Steadyseller) and -m a s t e r (Showmaster and Talkmaster):

Der andere Ersatztorhüter der 96er, Oliver Kahn, machte später eine große Karriere als

S h o w m a s t e r im ZDF (Süddeutsche Zeitung, 25.06.2016, S. 39; Weißbier-Schorle in Hollywood);

Der Bündner liebt die Debatte. Im letzten Februar war er Gast in Victor Giacobbos Late- Night-Sendung, in der er dem T a l k m a s t e r locker und unverfroren Paroli bot (St. Galler Tagblatt, 01.02.2016, S. 14; Der Frontmann der Tunnelgegner).

Further we note such way of p s e u d o - A n g l i c i s m f o r m a t i o n a s d e r i v a t i o n . Only the explicit derivation is common, it is in fact suffixation. The suffixes, by means of which the derivate words are formed, are

-er (Inliner 1) roller skate 2) a person who skates = in-line + -er; Popper = Pop (PopMusik) + -er);

-ing (Lifting = to lift + -ing; Peeling = to peel + -ing);

-y (Handy = hand + -y; Messie a person who suffers from pathological hoarding = mess +

-ie, it sounds as the suffix -y [i], but has the typical for German spelling),

-al (Logical = Logic + -al).

Examples of the use of derivated pseudo-Anglicisms in the German print media are the following sentences:

Deswegen wohnt sie … bei ihrer Oma in einer Eineinhalb-Zimmer-Wohnung. Für einen Schreibtisch reicht die Rente ihrer Oma nicht. Deswegen muss die Siebenjährige auf dem

Tisch im Wohnzimmer arbeiten. Auch ihr Roller und ihre Inliner werden bald nicht mehr passen (Süddeutsche Zeitung, 24.12.2015, S. 43; Bitte immer zusammenbleiben); Dort trafen die Mods auf andere Jugendkulturen wie Punks, Skins, und Popper (die tageszeitung, 22.01.2016, S. 16; Glückliche Esel in England).

In the derivation there is also a special way of word-formation, that we denominate «substitutive derivation», constituting replacement of one of the elements of a composite word. It usually results to the emerge of an occasional nomination and it can be considered as a wordplay [13, p. 95]. This method is quite common by the formation of pseudo-Anglicisms (Songtext from Liedtext; Fitnessstudio from Sportstudio; Zelt-Air from Open-Air):

Den Songtext schrieb er auf einen Papierbogen mit dem Briefkopf der Handwerkerfirma

(Der Spiegel, 29.10.2016, S. 142; Das Ohrwürmchen);

Wer ins Fitnessstudio geht, betreibt Bodyund Imagebuilding zugleich (FOCUS, 24.09.2016, S. 78-84; TITEL).

We can also note that the replacements can be carried out in accordance to two models. In the first model the component of an English composite word is replaced by another English element, for example, by the word with an opposite meaning, as in the word Pullunder from pullover: over → under.

In the second model the component of an English composite word is replaced by another component, a German word, as in the example Open-Air Zelt-Air.

By replacement we observe a phenomenon that we described as reverse word formation in contrast to loan translation of Anglicisms [14]. In a usual German composite word one of the components, being a native German or a borrowed, already assimilated word, is replaced by an


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue № 3 (18), 2017 ISSN 2587-8093

Anglicism. And such examples become even more in German: Sportstudio Fitnessstudio, Liedtext Songtext, Schönheitsfarm Beautyfarm. The composite words with Anglicisms sound more fashionable, prestigious, than composite words with usual German words (сf. Fitness and Sport): Beautyfarm in der Seestraße wird am Donnerstag zwangsversteigert (Burgenländische Volkszeitung, 11.06.2015; Versteigerung steht an).

T h e t h i r d w a y o f t h e f o r m a t i o n o f p s e u d o - A n g l i c i s m s is shortening of words and phrases. We differentiate reducing of words (das unisegmental gekürzte Kurzwort), for example, Twen a young man, girl from 20 till 30 formed from twenty and reducing of one of the elements of a composite word (das multisegmental gekürzte Kurzwort), for example, Trench formed from trench coat.

Such examples, as Basecap and Sidebag we consider as examples for combination of ways of word formation. By the formation of the word Basecap from base cap the component ball is eliminated and the rest components are added (reducing + composition). The word Sidebag is formed from the word Seitenairbag by eliminating of the component air and replacement of a German component Seite by the English component Side (reducing + substitutive derivation). The pseudo-Anglicism Happyend is an example for the combination of reverse word formation and composition: in the English word combination happy ending the suffix -ing in the second word is reduced, and the words are added (reverse word formation + composition): Gestern wollte sich Frank Schleck für das Pech revanchieren, das Happyend aber blieb aus (Luxemburger Tageblatt, 17.03.2014; „Habe bis 200 m vor dem Ziel fest dran geglaubt“).

A peculiarity of modern German is the n e w p s e u d o - A n g l i c i s m s f o r m a t i o n f r o m p s e u d o - A n g l i c i s m s . So, from the pseudo-Anglicism Twen is formed the composite word Twenboy (Twen Twenboy), and from the pseudo-Anglicism Beamer is formed the composite word Videobeamer (Beamer Videobeamer):

Eine Spielkonsole, Videobeamer, coole Spiele und eine Menge Spaß bietet am Freitag, 10. April, ab 17 Uhr das H2 SchülerInnenzentrum bei „Let‘s play“ (Niederösterreichische Nachrichten, 09.04.2015; SCHULNOTIZEN).

Therefore, summarized all we said above, we can conclude that pseudo-Anglicisms are formed in German according to patterns of the German word formation. The basic way of the formation of pseudo-Anglicisms is composition (composite words amount 65 per cent of all formed pseudo-Anglicisms). The important ways are also derivation (20 per cent) and shortening of words and phrases (15 per cent).

diagram 1

shortening of words and phrases



2 . B a s i c w a y s o f p s e u d o - A n g l i c i s m s f o r m a t i o n i n R u s s i a n


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue № 3 (18), 2017 ISSN 2587-8093

In Russian there are such pseudo-Anglicisms, as in German, for example, the word смокинг (smoking) (reducing of the word combination smoking suit) with the meaning evening black jacket, opened and with long silk-lined lapels; the word боди (bodi) (reducing of the word bodysuit) – a one-piece form-fitting garment that covers the torso and the crotch. But the most pseudo-Anglicisms in Russian have not analogies in German. Functionality of their use in Russian is very doubtful; questions arise about their relevance in the speech, about relationships with native lexis, about assessment of such words.

The pseudo-Anglicisms of Russian are created, as in German, by way of composition. A person who shoots marketing videos and music clips leads the actions of a creative team: script writers, cameramen, stylists, makeup artists, dressers, props men, is called in Russian клипмейкер (clipmeyker) (it is a literal translation from English a person who makes a clip) = клип (clip) + мейкер (meyker). In English there is no word сlipmaker, a relevant denomination there is the word combination music video director.

Another example is the word фейсконтроль (feyskontrol’) (face + control, i.е. screening of persons) restriction on entrance, selective conscientious to serve of visitors (clients), not satisfied certain criteria, in Russian night clubs. In English the word combination face control does not use. The phenomenon, typical for Russia, is denominated with a pseudo-English word, that is actually an example of composition from English words in Russian.

At that an example of a «pseudo-English» composite word in Russian is a word шоп-тур

(šop-tur) a journey, the main goal of which is buying. The word шуб-тур is formed later from this word: a journey to buy fur coats, the Anglicism шоп (šop) is replaced by a paronym, close in sound to the Russian word шуб (šub) (шуба - fur coat), that is an example for a wordplay with a pseudo-Anglicism in Russian. The word combination «шоп и шуб туры» (šop i šub tury), which combines two words, can be considered as manifestation of language creativity.

The composite word бизнес-ланч (biznes-lanč) has two meanings: business meeting with a lunch in a restaurant and a not expensive meal. It is also a pseudo-Anglicism in Russian. His equivalent in English is the from French loan word combination table d'hôte.

A peculiarity of pseudo-Anglicisms formation in Russian is the formation of composite words without a connecting vowel.

One of the ways of the formation of pseudo-Anglicisms in Russian, which is more common, as in German, is shortening of words and phrases. Adhesive tape is called in Russian скотч (skoč). (Adhesive tape is its denomination in English. Scotch tape is a trade mark of the heat-set web adhesive tape of the corporation 3M). In German there are two denominations for such tape – Klebeband and Tesafilm.

An equipped summer camp for auto tourists is called in Russian кемпинг (kemping). It is in English campsite or camping pitch (аn area suitable or used for camping, also RV park and trailer park). The relevant denomination in German is Campingplatz, i.е. a place for rest in the nature (Kampieren). Therefore the word кемпинг can be considered as a shortening word in Russian. At the words автокемпинг (avtokemping) and велокемпинг (velokemping) we can observe, that in Russian so as in German new words are formed from pseudo-Anglicisms.

The word паркинг (parking) means a place for car parking in Russian. Such a place is called in English parking lot (car park). Паркинг is a shortening word in Russian too. From the word паркинг, as from the word кемпинг, new words are formed, for example мини-паркинг (mini-parking) and макси-паркинг (maksi-parking) (as a variant the word мини-парковка is using).

The pseudo-Anglicisms брейк (breyk) ‘a dance’ (from breakdance), кросс (kross) ‘crosscountry running’ (from cross-country race), финиш (finiš) (from finish line), старт (start) (from starting line) belong also to shortening words. Being shortening words in Russian, these words concur in their form with the words, using in English in another meaning.

In Russian there are also words, ending with -ing, which are pseudo-Anglicisms. Their formation should be considered as derivation by the using of the suffix -ing. Rent of bank cells,


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue № 3 (18), 2017 ISSN 2587-8093

storage of valuables in bank deposit boxes is called in English providing safe deposit boxes. This service has in Russian a denomination сейфинг (seyfing). On the websites of Russian banks thematic pages are often called сейфинг, for example: Преимущества сейфинга в Банке «Санкт-Петербург» [https://www.bspb.ru/business/safes/]. It is evident, that the word сейфинг is a derivated word, formed from the motivating word, the verb to safe through the suffix -ing.

The new word эксперт-сейфинг (ekspert-serfing) ‘bank cell lease for real estate purchase and sale transactions’ is formed from the word сейфинг by the way of composition.

And further we note that derivated words are formed also from pseudo-Anglicisms according to rules of Russian. Through the suffix -ов- the adjectives are formed from nouns, for example: сейфинговый центр (seyfingovyi centr), паркинговый/ая/ое (parkingovyi/aya/oye) (считыватель, компания, зона, решетка, страница, место, оборудование, устройство и т.д.), кемпинговый/ая/ое (kempingovyi/aya/oye) (стол, фонарь, мебель, палатка, кухня, оборудование, снаряжение, кресло и т.д.).

The derivated adjectives from the pseudo-Anglicism клипмейкер (klipmeyker) have two forms: клипмейкерский/ая/ое (klipmeykerskiy/aya/oye) (коллектив, дебют, комплимент, студия, вечеринка, агентство), and (клипмейкеровский/ая/ое) (klimeykerovskiy/aya/oye) (стиль, подход, манера, режиссура, прошлое).

The derivated adjectiv фейсконтрольный/ая (feyskontrol’nyi/aya/oye) is formed from the pseudo-Anglicism фейсконтроль through the suffix -н-, for example: фейсконтроль-

ный/ая (клуб, союз, беспредел, скандал, выстрел, служба, проверка, система).

The pseudo-Anglicism formation is not an active process in Russian, but individual examples show that there are word formation sockets with a pseudo-Anglicism, for example:

паркинг (parking) → паркинговый (parkingovyi) → садово-паркинговое (sadovoparkingovoye) (хозяйство).

Summarizing the description of the ways of pseudo-Anglicism formation in Russian we note that, as in German, the pseudo-Anglicisms are formed according to the rules of the word formation. The basic ways of the formation of pseudo-Anglicisms in Russian are e q u a l l y s h o r t e n i n g o f w o r d s a n d p h r a s e s a n d c o m p o s i t i o n ( p e r 4 8 p e r c e n t ) , t h e e x a m p l e s o f d e r i v a t i o n a r e r a r e ( 4 per cent).

diagram 2

shortening of words and phrases



Conclusion. The formation of pseudo-Anglicisms in German and Russian occurs in accordance with the rules of the word formation, according to that autochtone language units are formed. The basic ways of pseudo-Anglicisms formation are universal: there are composition, derivation and shortening of words and phrases. Composition predominates in German and in Russian it is shortening of words and phrases.


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue № 3 (18), 2017 ISSN 2587-8093

Despite the availability of the similar pseudo-Anglicisms in German and Russian, which can be consider as cross-language units, internationalisms, there are in each language pseudoAnglicisms, «inventions» of their speakers. The words, creating in Russian from English vocabulary, are used for denomination of phenomena and concepts, common in Russia and characteristic for it. Furthermore, with the «English words » the Russian realities are denominated, as in the case of words фейсконтроль (feyskontrol’) and шоп-тур (šop-tur).

The pseudo-Anglicisms, as Anglicisms at all, give German and Russian, one side, a modern sound, reflect integrative processes in the modern world. The pseudo-Anglicisms, created from the lexemes of English, and borrowed Anglicisms put together the languages and reflect the aspiration of modern man to the convergence of cultures, to the culture integration of different native speakers and thereby to creating of culture constants, fixed stable elements, being in a more or less unchanging form in all cultures.

On the other hand, the danger of damage to the cultural originality of languages, identity of German and Russian cultures is probable. But, as the leading specialist in research of foreign vocabulary in Russian L.P. Krysin notes: «... не нужно забывать, что язык представляет со-

бой саморазвивающийся механизм, действие которого регулируется определенными закономерностями. В частности, язык умеет самоочищаться, избавляться от функционально излишнего, ненужного. Это происходит и с иноязычными словами» [15] (“... do not forget that the language is a self-developing mechanism, the action of that is regulated by certain patterns. In particular, the language can self-clearance, get rid of the functionally superfluous, unnecessary. This also happens with foreign words”, our translation – L.N.).

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Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue № 3 (18), 2017 ISSN 2587-8093

UDC 801.314:81`37:004



M.R. Miloud


Algiers University 2 named after Abu Elkassem Saad Allah, Doctor of Philology, Teacher of Turkish and Russian languages Department

Miloud Mohamed Rachid e-mail: pawug2007@mail.ru


Statement of the problem. The article is devoted to the study of semantic processes in computer terminology. Terminologists of different terminological schools around the world have not reached a consensus on this issue until today, that is, some are convinced of the availability of these processes, others reject them or consider them not to meet the basic requirements for terms (unambiguity). The article analyzes the problem of the admissibility or inadmissibility of semantic processes, such as polysemy, homonymy and synonymy in modern computer terminology.

Results. The definitions of the concepts of polysemy, homonymy, synonymy and antonymy in terminology are presented. Theoretical questions connected with the problem of demarcation of the phenomena of homonymy and polysemy and the types of development of the meanings of terms — expansion and narrowing in terminology are described. The main features of the semantic processes in computer terminology are analyzed and the inevitability of the existence of those semantic processes characteristic of the general literary language in terminology is proved.

Conclusions. The practice of terminology proves the inevitability of the existence of those language processes that are characteristic of the lexical system of general literary language. The requirement of uniqueness for a term is violated in some cases, while several scientific concepts are expressed in one term. This creates the possibility of forming various semantic processes in the terminological system, including in computer terminology based on a semantic base such as polysemy, homonymy, synonymy and antonymy, which become part of the development of any terminology system.

Keywords: term, terminology, semantic processes, synonymy, homonymy, antonymy, polysemy, expansion and contraction values.

Introduction. Computerization of all spheres of science and technology is one of the directions of scientific and technological progress. The expansion of the role of computer technology and the Internet in everyday life causes the mutual influence of the general literary language and the LSP (language for special purposes). The LSP in the field of computers and the Internet received a significant part of its lexical composition from the general literary language. At the same time, through the computer language, there is a transition of special vocabulary to the social sphere. At present, it is obvious that the world computer network contributes to the general literary language, replenishing it with new concepts and concepts that uniquely change our speech.

In this paper, we consider semantic processes in computer terminology. We analyze the problem of admissibility or inadmissibility of semantic processes, namely, polysemy, homonymy, synonymy in modern computer terminology.


© Miloud M.R.., 2017